Changjun Gao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat From the Janis-Newman-Winicour naked singularities to Einstein-Maxwell phantom wormholes 2024 Changjun Gao
Jianhui Qiu
+ PDF Chat A small cosmological constant from a large number of extra dimensions 2024 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat The Equation of State of Novel Double-Field Pure K-Essence for Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy 2024 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat A novel two-field pure K-essence for inflation, dark matter, dark energy and black holes 2024 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat On black holes with scalar hairs 2022 Changjun Gao
Jianhui Qiu
+ How to accomplish inflation and a constant dark energy density 2022 Changjun Gao
+ The metric of general rotating spacetimes 2022 Changjun Gao
+ A new understanding of Majumdar-Papapetrou and Perj$\grave{\textrm{e}}$s-Israel-Wilson solutions 2021 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Black holes with many horizons in the theories of nonlinear electrodynamics 2021 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Constructing black holes in Einstein–Maxwell-scalar theory 2021 Shuang Yu
Jianhui Qiu
Changjun Gao
+ Extending Bekenstein's theorem in order to search exact solutions of Einstein-Maxwell-conformal-scalar equations 2021 Jianhui Qiu
Changjun Gao
+ New understanding of Majumdar-Papapetrou and Perjés-Israel-Wilson solutions 2021 Changjun Gao
+ On black holes with scalar hairs 2021 Changjun Gao
Jianhui Qiu
+ PDF Chat Nonsingular black holes and nonsingular universes in the regularized Lovelock gravity 2020 Changjun Gao
Shuang Yu
Jianhui Qiu
+ PDF Chat Constructing Higher-Dimensional Exact Black Holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar Theory 2020 Jianhui Qiu
Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat An exact black hole spacetime with scalar field and its shadow together with quasinormal modes 2020 Shuang Yu
Changjun Gao
+ Constructing higher dimensional exact black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar-theory 2020 Jianhui Qiu
Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Exact black hole solutions with nonlinear electrodynamic field 2020 Shuang Yu
Changjun Gao
+ When the regularized Lovelock tensors are kinetically coupled to scalar field 2020 Changjun Gao
Shuang Yu
Jianhui Qiu
+ Gravity, matters and dark energy on the minimal surfaces 2019 Changjun Gao
Shuang Yu
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of static and spherically symmetric black holes with the derivative coupling 2019 Shuang Yu
Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat On static and spherically symmetric solutions of Starobinsky model 2018 Shuang Yu
Changjun Gao
Mingjun Liu
+ PDF Chat Black hole and cosmos with multiple horizons and multiple singularities in vector-tensor theories 2018 Changjun Gao
Youjun Lu
Shuang Yu
You-Gen Shen
+ Extending Horndeski theories into Lovelock gravity 2018 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Pulsation of black holes 2018 Changjun Gao
Youjun Lu
You-Gen Shen
Valerio Faraoni
+ Pulsations of a black hole in loop quantum gravity 2017 Changjun Gao
Youjun Lu
You-Gen Shen
Valerio Faraoni
+ Pulsations of a black hole 2017 Changjun Gao
Youjun Lu
You-Gen Shen
Valerio Faraoni
+ PDF Chat Exact solutions in F(R) theory of gravity 2016 Changjun Gao
You-Gen Shen
+ PDF Chat Accurate and fast fiber transfer delay measurement based on phase discrimination and frequency measurement 2016 Jingwen Dong
Bo Wang
Changjun Gao
L. J. Wang
+ PDF Chat Cosmic Evolution of Scalar Fields with Multiple Vacua: Generalized DBI and Quintessence 2016 Changjun Gao
You-Gen Shen
+ Highly accurate fiber transfer delay measurement with large dynamic range 2016 Jingwen Dong
Bo Wang
Changjun Gao
Yicheng Guo
L. J. Wang
+ PDF Chat Quintessence and phantom emerging from the split-complex field and the split-quaternion field 2015 Changjun Gao
Xuelei Chen
You-Gen Shen
+ PDF Chat Portable microwave frequency dissemination in free space and implications on ground-to-satellite synchronization 2015 Jing Miao
Bo Wang
Yu Bai
Yibo Yuan
Changjun Gao
L. J. Wang
+ Cosmic evolution of scalar fields with multiple vacua: DBI and quintessence 2015 Changjun Gao
You-Gen Shen
+ Quintessence and phantom emerging from the split-complex field, split-quaternion field and split-complex DBI field 2015 You-Gen Shen
Changjun Gao
Xuelei Chen
+ Square Kilometer Array Telescope - Precision Reference Frequency Synchronisation via 1f-2f Dissemination 2015 B. Wang
Xi Zhu
Changjun Gao
Yu Bai
Jingwen Dong
L. J. Wang
+ Fiber-based Radio Frequency Dissemination for Branching Networks with Passive Phase Noise Cancellation 2015 Yu Bai
Bo Wang
Changjun Gao
Jing Miao
Xi Zhu
L. J. Wang
+ Dissemination stability and phase noise specification of fiber-cascaded RF frequency dissemination 2015 Changjun Gao
B. Wang
Xi Zhu
Yibo Yuan
L. J. Wang
+ PDF Chat Cyclic universe due to phantom and quintessence 2014 Changjun Gao
Youjun Lu
You-Gen Shen
+ Cyclic universe from a new chameleon scalar field 2014 Changjun Gao
Youjun Lu
You-Gen Shen
+ PDF Chat Static spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein-aether theory 2013 Changjun Gao
You-Gen Shen
+ PDF Chat Fiber-based multiple-access optical frequency dissemination 2013 Yu Bai
Bo Wang
X. Zhu
Changjun Gao
Jing Miao
L. J. Wang
+ PDF Chat Constraining the lattice fluid dark energy from SNe Ia, BAO and OHD 2013 Xiaoxian Duan
Yichao Li
Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Generalized modified gravity with the second-order acceleration equation 2012 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat A Model of Nonsingular Universe 2012 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Introduction of the generalized Lorentz gauge condition into the vector-tensor theory 2012 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Black holes in the Universe: Generalized Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi solutions 2011 Changjun Gao
Xuelei Chen
You-Gen Shen
Valerio Faraoni
+ PDF Chat Scalar Field, Four Dimensional Spacetime Volume and the Holographic Dark Energy 2011 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Cosmological models with Lagrange multiplier field 2011 Changjun Gao
Yan Gong
Xin Wang
Xuelei Chen
+ Ghosts and Stability of Asymptotically Safe Gravity in the Minkowski Background 2010 Changjun Gao
Anzhong Wang
+ PDF Chat When scalar field is kinetically coupled to the Einstein tensor 2010 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Modified entropic force 2010 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Unified dark energy and dark matter from a scalar field different from quintessence 2010 Changjun Gao
M. Kunz
Andrew R. Liddle
David Parkinson
+ Modified gravity in Arnowitt–Deser–Misner formalism 2010 Changjun Gao
+ Ghosts and Stability of Asymptotical Safe Gravity in the Minkowski Background 2010 Changjun Gao
Anzhong Wang
+ PDF Chat Constraining the dark fluid 2009 M. Kunz
Andrew R. Liddle
David Parkinson
Changjun Gao
+ A Two-Field Dilaton Model of Dark Energy 2009 Nan Liang
Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Holographic dark energy model from Ricci scalar curvature 2009 Changjun Gao
Fengquan Wu
Xuelei Chen
You-Gen Shen
+ What is the fate of a black hole embedded in an expanding universe? 2008 Valerio Faraoni
Changjun Gao
Xuelei Chen
You-Gen Shen
+ PDF Chat Does the mass of a black hole decrease due to the accretion of phantom energy? 2008 Changjun Gao
Xuelei Chen
Valerio Faraoni
You-Gen Shen
+ Black Holes in Brans-Dicke Theory with a Cosmological Constant 2006 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ A Universe Dominated by Dilaton Field 2006 Changjun Gao
S. N. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Higher dimensional Reissner-Nordström-FRW metric 2006 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ Phantom Black Holes 2006 Changjun Gao
S. N. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Dilaton black holes in the de Sitter or anti–de Sitter universe 2004 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Higher-dimensional dilaton black holes with cosmological constant 2004 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary-dimensional Schwarzschild-FRW black holes 2004 Changjun Gao
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary-dimensional Schwarzschild–FRW black holes 2004 Changjun Gao
+ Reissner–Nordström metric in the Friedman–Robertson–Walker universe 2004 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ Gibbons-Maeda-de Sitter Black Holes 2004 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Essentials of<i>k</i>-essence 2001 Cristian Armendariz-Picon
Viatcheslav Mukhanov
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Solution to the Problem of a Small Cosmological Constant and Late-Time Cosmic Acceleration 2000 Cristian Armendariz-Picon
Viatcheslav Mukhanov
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat A phantom menace? Cosmological consequences of a dark energy component with super-negative equation of state 2002 R. R. Caldwell
+ Dark energy constraints from the cosmic age and supernova 2004 Bo Feng
Xiulian Wang
Xinmin Zhang
+ A model of holographic dark energy 2004 Miao Li
+ PDF Chat Friedmann Equations and Thermodynamics of Apparent Horizons 2007 Yungui Gong
Anzhong Wang
J. Dunkley
Michael R. Nolta
C. L. Bennett
B. Gold
G. Hinshaw
N. Jarosik
D. Larson
M. Limon
Lyman A. Page
+ Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant 1998 Adam G. Riess
A. V. Filippenko
P. Challis
A. Clocchiatti
Alan H. Diercks
P. Garnavich
Ron Gilliland
Craig J. Hogan
Saurabh W. Jha
R. Kirshner
+ Cosmological Imprint of an Energy Component with General Equation of State 1998 R. R. Caldwell
R. Dave
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Kinetically driven quintessence 2000 Takeshi Chiba
Takahiro Okabe
Masahide Yamaguchi
+ PDF Chat Holographic tachyon model 2007 Jing-Fei Zhang
Xin Zhang
Hongya Liu
+ PDF Chat Exponential potentials and cosmological scaling solutions 1998 Edmund J. Copeland
Andrew R. Liddle
David Wands
+ PDF Chat Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to Nonlinear Electrodynamics 1998 Eloy Ayón–Beato
Alberto Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes in four and higher dimensions 2004 Vítor Cardoso
José P. S. Lemos
Shijun Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of a black hole surrounded by quintessence 2005 Songbai Chen
Jiliang Jing
+ Possible theoretical limits on holographic quintessence from weak gravity conjecture 2008 Yin-Zhe Ma
Xin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Oscillating quintom and the recurrent universe 2006 Bo Feng
Mingzhe Li
Yun-Song Piao
Xinmin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Measurements of Ω and Λ from 42 High‐Redshift Supernovae 1999 S. Perlmutter
G. Aldering
G. Goldhaber
R. A. Knop
P. Nugent
P. G. Castro
Susana E. Deustua
S. Fabbro
A. Goobar
D. E. Groom
+ PDF Chat Cosmological evolution of a quintom model of dark energy 2005 Zong‐Kuan Guo
Yun-Song Piao
Xinmin Zhang
Yuan‐Zhong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Dirac quasinormal modes of the Reissner-Nordström de Sitter black hole 2004 Jiliang Jing
+ PDF Chat Final state and thermodynamics of a dark energy universe 2004 Shin’ichi Nojiri
Sergei D. Odintsov
+ Quintessence, Cosmic Coincidence, and the Cosmological Constant 1999 I.S. Zlatev
Li-Min Wang
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of self-dual warped<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>AdS</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>black hole in topological massive gravity 2011 Ran Li
Ji-Rong Ren
+ PDF Chat Entropy/area spectra of the charged black hole from quasinormal modes 2010 Shao-Wen Wei
Yu-Xiao Liu
Ke Yang
Yuan Zhong
+ Quasinormal modes in Schwarzschild black holes due to arbitrary spin fields 2005 Fu-Wen Shu
You-Gen Shen
+ PDF Chat Energy Conservation for Dynamical Black Holes 2004 Sean A. Hayward
+ PDF Chat Stability and Quasi Normal Modes of Charged Born–Infeld Black Holes 2006 Sharmanthie Fernando
Chad Holbrook
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal frequencies of self-dual black holes 2016 Victor Santos
R. V. Maluf
C. A. S. Almeida
+ PDF Chat Testing cosmic censorship with black hole collisions 1994 Dieter R. Brill
Gary T. Horowitz
David Kastor
Jennie Traschen
+ PDF Chat Unified first law and the thermodynamics of the apparent horizon in the FRW universe 2007 Rong-Gen Cai
Li-Ming Cao
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of charged squashed Kaluza-Klein black holes in the Gödel universe 2009 Xi He
Bin Wang
Songbai Chen
+ PDF Chat General laws of black-hole dynamics 1994 Sean A. Hayward
+ PDF Chat Black holes with a massive dilaton 1993 Ruth Gregory
Jeffrey A. Harvey
+ PDF Chat Dirac quasinormal frequencies of the Kerr–Newman black hole 2005 Jiliang Jing
Qiyuan Pan
+ PDF Chat Fiber-based multiple-access optical frequency dissemination 2013 Yu Bai
Bo Wang
X. Zhu
Changjun Gao
Jing Miao
L. J. Wang
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of the charged black hole in Gauss-Bonnet gravity 2005 R. A. Konoplya
+ PDF Chat The Bardeen model as a nonlinear magnetic monopole 2000 Eloy Ayón–Beato
Alberto Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal behavior of massless scalar field perturbation in Reissner-Nordström anti-de Sitter spacetimes 2004 Bin Wang
Chi-Yong Lin
C. Molina
+ PDF Chat Eavesdropping time and frequency: phase noise cancellation along a time-varying path, such as an optical fiber 2014 Gesine Grosche
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes for tensor and vector type perturbation of Gauss Bonnet black hole using third order WKB approach 2007 Sayan Chakrabarti
+ Constraints on holographic dark energy from X-ray gas mass fraction of galaxy clusters 2005 Zhe Chang
Fengquan Wu
Xin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Scalar wave propagation in topological black hole backgrounds 2002 Bin Wang
Élcio Abdalla
Robert B. Mann
+ PDF Chat Phantom Energy: Dark Energy with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>w</mml:mi><mml:mo>&lt;</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>Causes a Cosmic Doomsday 2003 R. R. Caldwell
Marc Kamionkowski
Nevin N. Weinberg
+ PDF Chat Constraints on holographic dark energy from type Ia supernova observations 2005 Xin Zhang
Fengquan Wu
+ Reissner–Nordström metric in the Friedman–Robertson–Walker universe 2004 Changjun Gao
Shuang‐Nan Zhang
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordström Anti-de Sitter black holes 2000 Bin Wang
Chi-Yong Lin
Élcio Abdalla
+ PDF Chat Regular magnetic black holes and monopoles from nonlinear electrodynamics 2001 К. А. Бронников
+ PDF Chat Cosmology of brane models with radion stabilization 2000 Csaba Csáki
Michael L. Graesser
Lisa Randall
John Terning
+ PDF Chat Quasi-normal modes of warped black holes and warped AdS/CFT correspondence 2009 Bin Chen
Zhi-bo Xu
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of a black hole in the deformed Hořava–Lifshitz gravity 2010 Songbai Chen
Jiliang Jing