Zhanjun Zhang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ising-type quantum spin liquid state in PrMgAl$_{11}$O$_{19}$ 2024 N. Li
A. Rutherford
Yiyan Wang
Liang Han
Quanjun Li
Zhanjun Zhang
Hui‐Tian Wang
Weiwei Xie
Haidong Zhou
X. F. Sun
+ PDF Chat Single-Qubit Operation Sharing with Bell and W Product States 2013 Qibin Ji
Yimin Liu
Xiansong Liu
Xiaofeng Yin
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Shared quantum control via sharing operation on remote single qutrit 2013 Daochu Liu
Yimin Liu
Chuanmei Xie
Xiaofeng Yin
Xiansong Liu
Zhanjun Zhang
+ Shared quantum control via sharing operation on remote single qutrit 2013 Daochu Liu
Yimin Liu
Xiaofeng Yin
Xiansong Liu
Zhanjun Zhang
+ Single-qubit peration sharing with Bell and W product states 2013 Qibin Jia
Yimin Liub
Xiansong Liua
Xiaofeng Yina
Zhanjun Zhang
+ Two Different Definitions on Genuine Quantum and Classical Correlations in Multipartite Systems Do Not Coincide in General 2012 Zhanjun Zhang
Biao‐Liang Ye
Shao-Ming Fei
+ Correlation additivity relation is superadditive for separable states 2012 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Revised Definitions of Quantum Dissonance and Quantum Discord 2010 Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Criterion for faithful teleportation with an arbitrary multiparticle channel 2009 Chi-Yee Cheung
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication Using a Non-symmetric Quantum Channel with Quantum Superdense Coding 2008 Jun Liu
Yimin Liu
Yan Xia
Zhanjun Zhang
+ Classical Communication and Entanglement Cost in Preparing a Class of Multi-qubit States 2008 Guixia Pan
Yimin Liu
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Minimal classical communication and measurement complexity for quantum information splitting 2007 Zhanjun Zhang
Chi-Yee Cheung
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Quantum direct communication with authentication” 2007 Zhanjun Zhang
Jun Liu
Dong Wang
Shi Shou-Hua
+ Improving security of quantum identity authentication based on ping-pong technique for photons 2007 Zhanjun Zhang
Yimin Liu
Hao Yuan
+ Classical communication and entanglement cost in preparing a class of multi-qubit states 2007 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Faithful Teleportation with Genuine Multipartite Entanglement 2006 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Comment on 'Teleportation of two quNit entanglement: Exploiting local resources' 2006 Jie Yang
Hao Yuan
Zhanjun Zhang
+ Comments on 'Teleportation of two quNit entanglement: Exploiting local resources'and 'Reply to Yang et al.'s comment' 2006 Jie Yang
Hao Yuan
Zhanjun Zhang
+ The security proof of the ping-pong protocol is wrong 2006 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Teleportation of arbitrary $n$-qudit state with multipartite entanglement 2006 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Revisiting controlled quantum secure direct communication using a non-symmetric quantum channel with quantum superdense coding 2006 Jun Liu
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Improving the security of multiparty quantum secret sharing against Trojan horse attack 2005 Fu‐Guo Deng
Xihan Li
Hong-Yu Zhou
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum secret sharing of classical messages based on entanglement swapping 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Improved WĂłjcik's eavesdropping attack on ping-pong protocol without eavesdropping-induced channel loss 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Yong Li
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ PDF Chat Many-agent controlled teleportation of multi-qubit quantum information 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ Quantum teleportation of an arbitrary N-qubit state using and identifying only Bell states 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum secret sharing 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Yong Li
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ Faithful and deterministic teleportation of an arbitrary $N$-qubit state using and identifying only Bell states 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Network for transfer of an arbitrary $n$-qubit atomic state via cavity QED 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Deterministic Secure Direct Bidirectional Communication Protocol 2004 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Comment on 'Eavesdropping on the ping-pong communication protocol' 2004 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Correct mutual information, quantum bit error rate and secure transmission efficiency in Wojcik's eavesdropping scheme on ping-pong protocol 2004 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Less eavesdropping losses induce more eavesdropping information gain 2004 Zhanjun Zhang
Zhong‐Xiao Man
Yong Li
+ Mutual information, bit error rate and security in WĂłjcik's scheme 2004 Zhanjun Zhang
+ Economically Improving Message-Unilaterally-Transmitted Quantum Secure Direct Communication to Realize Two-Way Communication 2004 Zhanjun Zhang
Zhong‐Xiao Man
Yong Li
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum secret sharing 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Yong Li
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ PDF Chat Two-step quantum direct communication protocol using the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pair block 2003 Fu‐Guo Deng
Gui‐Lu Long
Xiao-Shu Liu
+ PDF Chat Quantum secret sharing 1999 Mark Hillery
VladimĂ­r BuĹžek
AndrĂŠ Berthiaume
+ PDF Chat Secure direct communication with a quantum one-time pad 2004 Fu‐Guo Deng
Gui‐Lu Long
+ PDF Chat Tripartite Quantum State Sharing 2004 Andrew M. Lance
Thomas Symul
Warwick P. Bowen
Barry C. Sanders
Ping Koy Lam
+ PDF Chat Theoretically efficient high-capacity quantum-key-distribution scheme 2002 Gui‐Lu Long
X. S. Liu
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Secure Direct Communication Using Entanglement 2002 Kim Joris BostrĂśm
Timo Felbinger
+ PDF Chat How to Share a Quantum Secret 1999 Richard Cleve
Daniel Gottesman
Hoi‐Kwong Lo
+ PDF Chat Teleportation and secret sharing with pure entangled states 2000 Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay
+ PDF Chat Efficient multiparty quantum-secret-sharing schemes 2004 Xiao Li
Gui‐Lu Long
Fu‐Guo Deng
Jian-Wei Pan
+ Secure Communication with a Publicly Known Key 2002 Almut Beige
Berthold‐Georg Englert
Christian Kurtsiefer
Harald Weinfurter
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum secret sharing of classical messages based on entanglement swapping 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ PDF Chat Theory of quantum secret sharing 2000 Daniel Gottesman
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of five-photon entanglement and open-destination teleportation 2004 Zhi Zhao
Yu-Ao Chen
An‐Ning Zhang
Tao Yang
Hans J. Briegel
Jian-Wei Pan
+ PDF Chat Quantum cryptography 2002 Nicolas Gisin
G. Ribordy
Wolfgang Tittel
Hugo Zbinden
+ PDF Chat Entanglement swapping of generalized cat states and secret sharing 2002 Vahid Karimipour
Alireza Bahraminasab
Saber Bagherinezhad
+ PDF Chat Quantum secret sharing based on reusable Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states as secure carriers 2003 Saber Bagherinezhad
Vahid Karimipour
+ PDF Chat Many-agent controlled teleportation of multi-qubit quantum information 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Controlled order rearrangement encryption for quantum key distribution 2003 Fu‐Guo Deng
Gui‐Lu Long
+ PDF Chat Classical-communication cost in distributed quantum-information processing: A generalization of quantum-communication complexity 2000 Hoi-Kwong Lo
+ PDF Chat Eavesdropping on the “Ping-Pong” Quantum Communication Protocol 2003 Antoni Wójcik
+ PDF Chat Multiparty quantum-state sharing of an arbitrary two-particle state with Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs 2005 Fu‐Guo Deng
Xihan Li
Chunyan Li
Ping Zhou
Hong-Yu Zhou
+ PDF Chat Quantum secret sharing without entanglement 2003 Guo‐Ping Guo
Guo‐Ping Guo
+ PDF Chat Improving the security of multiparty quantum secret sharing against Trojan horse attack 2005 Fu‐Guo Deng
Xihan Li
Hong-Yu Zhou
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat Security of quantum key distribution with entangled photons against individual attacks 2002 Edo Waks
Assaf Zeevi
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Quantum teleportation of an arbitrary two-qubit state and its relation to multipartite entanglement 2005 Gustavo Rigolin
+ PDF Chat Faithful remote state preparation using finite classical bits and a nonmaximally entangled state 2004 Ming-Yong Ye
Yong-Sheng Zhang
Guang‐Can Guo
+ PDF Chat Minimum classical bit for remote preparation and measurement of a qubit 2000 Arun Kumar Pati
+ PDF Chat Quantum direct communication with authentication 2006 Hwayean Lee
Jongin Lim
Hyung-Jin Yang
+ PDF Chat Secure key distribution by swapping quantum entanglement 2004 Daegene Song
+ PDF Chat Incoherent and coherent eavesdropping in the six-state protocol of quantum cryptography 1999 H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Key Distribution in the Holevo Limit 2000 AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Improved WĂłjcik's eavesdropping attack on ping-pong protocol without eavesdropping-induced channel loss 2005 Zhanjun Zhang
Yong Li
Zhong‐Xiao Man
+ PDF Chat Remote preparation of a qudit using maximally entangled states of qubits 2006 Chang‐shui Yu
He‐Shan Song
Yahong Wang
+ PDF Chat Remote State Preparation: Arbitrary Remote Control of Photon Polarization 2005 Nicholas A. Peters
Julio T. Barreiro
M. E. Goggin
Tzu-Chieh Wei
Paul G. Kwiat
+ PDF Chat Criterion for faithful teleportation with an arbitrary multiparticle channel 2009 Chi-Yee Cheung
Zhanjun Zhang
+ PDF Chat A scheme for secure direct communication using EPR pairs and teleportation 2004 Fengli Yan
Xiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Perfect teleportation, quantum-state sharing, and superdense coding through a genuinely entangled five-qubit state 2008 Sreraman Muralidharan
Prasanta K. Panigrahi
+ PDF Chat Oblivious Remote State Preparation 2003 Debbie Leung
Peter W. Shor
+ PDF Chat Secure Deterministic Communication without Entanglement 2005 Marco Lucamarini
Stefano Mancini
+ PDF Chat Quantum cryptography using single-particle entanglement 2003 Jae-weon Lee
Eok Kyun Lee
Yong Wook Chung
Hai-Woong Lee
Jaewan Kim
+ PDF Chat Quantum Key Distribution with Two-Qubit Quantum Codes 2004 Xiang‐Bin Wang
+ Continuous variable remote state preparation 2005 Z. Kurucz
P. Ádåm
Z. Kis
JĂłzsef Janszky
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Quantum direct communication with authentication” 2007 Zhanjun Zhang
Jun Liu
Dong Wang
Shi Shou-Hua
+ PDF Chat Remote state preparation without oblivious conditions 2003 A. Hayashi
T. Hashimoto
M. Horibe
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cryptography Based on Orthogonal States 1995 Lior Goldenberg
Lev Vaidman
+ PDF Chat Remote-state preparation in higher dimension and the parallelizable manifold<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">n</mml:mi><mml:mi>−</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2002 Bei Zeng
Peng Zhang
+ PDF Chat General criterion for oblivious remote state preparation 2006 Z. Kurucz
P. Ádåm
JĂłzsef Janszky
+ PDF Chat Generalized remote state preparation: Trading cbits, qubits, and ebits in quantum communication 2003 Anura Abeyesinghe
Patrick Hayden