Atul Sharma


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat No-Boundary State for Klein Space 2024 Walker Melton
Atul Sharma
Andrew Strominger
T. J. Wang
+ PDF Chat A Celestial Dual for MHV Amplitudes 2024 Walker Melton
Atul Sharma
Andrew Strominger
Tianli Wang
+ All-order celestial OPE from on-shell recursion 2023 Lecheng Ren
Anders Schreiber
Atul Sharma
Diandian Wang
+ Burns space and holography 2023 Kevin Costello
Natalie M. Paquette
Atul Sharma
+ Equating Extrapolate Dictionaries for Massless Scattering 2023 Eivind Jørstad
Sabrina Pasterski
Atul Sharma
+ Conformal Correlators on the Lorentzian Torus 2023 Walker Melton
Atul Sharma
Andrew Strominger
+ Celestial Leaf Amplitudes 2023 Walker Melton
Atul Sharma
Andrew Strominger
+ Graviton scattering in self-dual radiative space-times 2022 Tim Adamo
Lionel Mason
Atul Sharma
+ Quantizing the non-linear graviton 2022 Roland Bittleston
Atul Sharma
David B. Skinner
+ Top-down holography in an asymptotically flat spacetime 2022 Kevin Costello
Natalie M. Paquette
Atul Sharma
+ All-order celestial OPE in the MHV sector 2022 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ Celestial amplitudes in an ambidextrous basis 2022 Carmen Jorge-Diaz
Sabrina Pasterski
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Celestial operator products from the worldsheet 2021 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ Twistor sigma models for quaternionic geometry and graviton scattering 2021 Tim Adamo
Lionel Mason
Atul Sharma
+ Celestial double copy from the worldsheet 2020 Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma
+ Gluon scattering on self-dual radiative gauge fields 2020 Tim Adamo
Lionel Mason
Atul Sharma
+ Risk factors for chronic respiratory diseases among rural adults in northwest India. 2019 Atul Sharma
Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Bhavna Langer
+ Performance Based Evaluation of Various Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnosis 2016 Sahil Sharma
Atul Sharma
Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat The Summary Index of Malaria Surveillance (SIMS): a stable index of malaria within India 2010 Alan A. Cohen
Neeraj Dhingra
Raju Jotkar
Peter S. Rodriguez
Atul Sharma
Prabhat Jha
+ Immunofluorescence test in the seroepidemiology of malaria around Delhi. 1987 Ramesh Kumar
Y Bharadwaj
M A Ansari
Rema Razdan
Atul Sharma
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ J-Holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology 2004 Dusa McDuff
Dietmar Salamon
+ Renormalisation and the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism 2007 Kevin J. Costello
+ Quantization of open-closed BCOV theory, I 2015 Kevin Costello
Si Li
+ Twistor Strings for N=8 Supergravity 2013 David B. Skinner
+ Analytic Torsion for Complex Manifolds 1973 Daniel Ray
I. M. Singer
+ Algebraic set-up for the gauge-fixing of BF and super BF systems 1990 Jean-Christophe Wallet
+ PDF Chat Multi-leg one-loop gravity amplitudes from gauge theory 1999 Zvi Bern
Lance J. Dixon
Maxim Perelstein
Joel Rozowsky
+ PDF Chat A new characterization of half-flat solutions to Einstein's equation 1988 Abhay Ashtekar
Ted Jacobson
Lee Smolin
+ PDF Chat Self-dual sector of QCD amplitudes 1996 Gordon Chalmers
Warren Siegel
+ Modified fourth-order Casimir invariants and indices for simple Lie algebras 1982 Susumu Ôkubo
+ PDF Chat Vanishing theorems for the self-dual N = 2 string 1995 Nathan Berkovits
+ PDF Chat One loop multiphoton helicity amplitudes 1994 Gregory Mahlon
+ PDF Chat Self-Dual Yang-Mills Theory, Integrability and Multiparton Amplitudes 1996 William A. Bardeen
+ Einstein-Weyl spaces and SU(∞) Toda fields 1990 R. S. Ward
+ PDF Chat Global Analysis of New Malaria Intrahost Models with a Competitive Exclusion Principle 2006 Abderrahman Iggidr
Jean Claude Kamgang
Gauthier Sallet
Jean Jules Tewa
+ Self-duality in four-dimensional Riemannian geometry 1978 Michael Atiyah
Nigel Hitchin
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Analytic torsion and holomorphic determinant bundles I. Bott-Chern forms and analytic torsion 1988 Jean‐Michel Bismut
Henri Gillet
Christophe Soul�
+ Quartic trace identity for exceptional Lie algebras 1979 Susumu Ôkubo
+ Determinants of Cauchy-Riemann operators over a Riemann surface 1985 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Prospective Study of One Million Deaths in India: Rationale, Design, and Validation Results 2005 Prabhat Jha
Vendhan Gajalakshmi
Prakash C. Gupta
Rajesh Kumar
Prem Mony
Neeraj Dhingra
Richard Peto
+ PDF Chat One-loop n-point helicity amplitudes in (self-dual) gravity 1998 Zvi Bern
Lance J. Dixon
Maxim Perelstein
Joel Rozowsky
+ PDF Chat Some solutions of complex Einstein equations 1975 Jerzy Plebański
+ PDF Chat Twistor Actions for Self-Dual Supergravities 2009 Lionel Mason
Martin Wolf
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of the Master Equation and Topological Quantum Field Theory 1997 Mikhail D. Alexandrov
Albert Schwarz
Oleg Zaboronsky
Maxim Kontsevich
+ PDF Chat Gauge Theory And Integrability, II 2018 Kevin Costello
Edward Witten
Masahito Yamazaki
+ PDF Chat All rational one-loop Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes at four points 2018 Dhritiman Nandan
Jan Plefka
Gabriele Travaglini
+ PDF Chat Positive helicity Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes from the double copy method 2019 Josua Faller
Jan Plefka
+ Integrable lattice models from four-dimensional field theories 2014 Kevin Costello
+ Self-dual Yang-Mills Theory and One-Loop Like-Helicity QCD Multi-gluon Amplitudes 1996 D. Cangemi
+ Twistor actions for non-self-dual fields; a derivation of twistor-string theory 2005 Lionel Mason
+ PDF Chat A Brief Introduction to Modern Amplitude Methods 2015 Lance J. Dixon
+ PDF Chat Renormalization for Holomorphic Field Theories 2020 Brian R. Williams
+ PDF Chat Chern-Simons Origin of Superstring Integrability 2020 Kevin Costello
Bogdan Stefański
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Poisson Field Theories 2021 Brian R. Williams
Chris Elliott
+ PDF Chat Constraints in the BV formalism: Six-dimensional supersymmetry and its twists 2022 Ingmar Saberi
Brian R. Williams
+ PDF Chat Gauge Theory And Integrability, I 2018 Kevin Costello
Edward Witten
Masahito Yamazaki
+ PDF Chat Einstein–Weyl geometry, the dKP equation and twistor theory 2001 Maciej Dunajski
Lionel Mason
Paul Tod
+ PDF Chat Calculation of graviton scattering amplitudes using string-based methods 1995 David C. Dunbar
Paul S. Norridge
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric gauge theories in twistor space 2007 Rutger H. Boels
Lionel Mason
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat All loop N = 2 string amplitudes 1995 Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Perturbative Gauge Theory as a String Theory in Twistor Space 2004 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes 1994 M. Bershadsky
Sergio Cecotti
Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat One-loop finiteness of Chiral Higher Spin Gravity 2020 Evgeny Skvortsov
Tung Tran
+ PDF Chat Explicit formulae for Yang-Mills-Einstein amplitudes from the double copy 2017 Marco Chiodaroli
Murat Günaydin
Henrik Johansson
Radu Roiban
+ PDF Chat Conformal Supergravity in Twistor-String Theory 2004 Nathan Berkovits
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Twistor sigma models for quaternionic geometry and graviton scattering 2023 Tim Adamo
Lionel Mason
Atul Sharma
+ Twistor action for general relativity 2021 Atul Sharma
+ PDF Chat Anomaly cancellation in the topological string 2020 Kevin Costello
Si Li
+ PDF Chat Higher Kac–Moody algebras and symmetries of holomorphic field theories 2021 Owen Gwilliam
Brian R. Williams
+ PDF Chat Celestial operator products from the worldsheet 2022 Tim Adamo
Wei Bu
Eduardo Casali
Atul Sharma