Saptarshi Mandal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Theoretical Analysis of Soft-Label vs Hard-Label Training in Neural Networks 2024 Saptarshi Mandal
Xiaojun Lin
R. Srikant
+ A Provably Improved Algorithm for Crowdsourcing with Hard and Easy Tasks 2023 Seo Taek Kong
Saptarshi Mandal
Dimitrios Katselis
R. Srikant
+ PDF Chat Circuit Complexity in Z2 EEFT 2022 Kiran Adhikari
Sayantan Choudhury
Sourabh Kumar
Saptarshi Mandal
Nilesh Pandey
Abhishek Roy
S. K. Sarkar
Partha Sarathi Sarker
Saadat Salman Shariff
+ Multiple higher-order topological phases with even and odd pairs of zero-energy corner modes in a $C_3$ symmetry broken model 2022 Sudarshan Saha
Tanay Nag
Saptarshi Mandal
+ Circuit Complexity in an interacting quenched Quantum Field Theory 2022 Sayantan Choudhury
Rakshit Mandish Gharat
Saptarshi Mandal
Nilesh Pandey
+ Schwinger-Keldysh path integral formalism for a Quenched Quantum Inverted Oscillator 2022 Sayantan Choudhury
Suman Dey
Rakshit Mandish Gharat
Saptarshi Mandal
Nilesh Pandey
+ Circuit Complexity in $\mathcal{Z}_{2}$ ${\cal EEFT}$ 2021 Kiran Adhikari
Sayantan Choudhury
Sourabh Kumar
Saptarshi Mandal
Nilesh Pandey
Abhishek Roy
Soumya Sarkar
Partha S. Sarker
Saadat Salman Shariff
+ Existence of nodal line semi-metal in a generalized three dimensional Haldane model 2019 Sudarshan Saha
Saptarshi Mandal
+ Interacting fermions in two dimension in simultaneous presence of disorder and magnetic field 2019 Saptarshi Mandal
Sanjay Gupta
+ PDF Chat On the determination of the mutual exclusion statistics parameter 2013 Saptarshi Mandal
+ PDF Chat High temperature expansion, Virial coefficients and Exclusion statistics 2009 Saptarshi Mandal
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Fractional Statistics and Quantum Theory 1998 Avinash Khare
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computation as Geometry 2006 Michael A. Nielsen
Mark R. Dowling
Mile Gu
Andrew C. Doherty
+ PDF Chat Mutual-exclusion statistics in exactly solvable models in one and higher dimensions at low temperatures 1996 Yasuhiro Hatsugai
Mahito Kohmoto
Tohru Koma
Yong-Shi Wu
+ PDF Chat Entanglement renormalization and holography 2012 Brian Swingle
+ Can Effective Field Theory of inflation generate large tensor-to-scalar ratio within Randall–Sundrum single braneworld? 2015 Sayantan Choudhury
+ PDF Chat Haldane exclusion statistics and second virial coefficient 1994 M. V. N. Murthy
Ravi Shankar
+ PDF Chat On the thermodynamics of multispecies anyons 1995 Serguei B. Isakov
Stefan Mashkevich
Stéphane Ouvry
+ PDF Chat Complexity and shock wave geometries 2014 Douglas Stanford
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Optimal control, geometry, and quantum computing 2006 Michael A. Nielsen
Mark R. Dowling
Mile Gu
Andrew C. Doherty
+ PDF Chat Haldane fractional statistics in the fractional quantum Hall effect 1994 Michael D. Johnson
Geoffrey Canright
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for hydrodynamics: Thermodynamics, and the derivative expansion 2012 Sergei Dubovsky
Lam Hui
Alberto Nicolis
D. Son
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory for inflation 2008 Steven Weinberg
+ PDF Chat Holographic Derivation of Entanglement Entropy from the anti–de Sitter Space/Conformal Field Theory Correspondence 2006 Shinsei Ryu
Tadashi Takayanagi
+ PDF Chat Holographic entanglement entropy: an overview 2009 Tatsuma Nishioka
Shinsei Ryu
Tadashi Takayanagi
+ PDF Chat Computational complexity and black hole horizons 2016 Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to Effective Field Theory 2007 C. P. Burgess
+ PDF Chat Holographic Complexity Equals Bulk Action? 2016 Adam R. Brown
Daniel A. Roberts
Leonard Susskind
Brian Swingle
Ying Zhao
+ PDF Chat Complexity, action, and black holes 2016 Adam R. Brown
Daniel A. Roberts
Leonard Susskind
Brian Swingle
Ying Zhao
+ PDF Chat Gravitational action with null boundaries 2016 Luis Lehner
Robert C. Myers
Eric Poisson
Rafael D. Sorkin
+ PDF Chat Quantum complexity and negative curvature 2017 Adam R. Brown
Leonard Susskind
Ying Zhao
+ PDF Chat Noether charge, black hole volume, and complexity 2017 Josiah Couch
Willy Fischler
Phuc Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Chaos and complexity by design 2017 Daniel A. Roberts
Beni Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Complexity of formation in holography 2017 Shira Chapman
Hugo Marrochio
Robert C. Myers
+ PDF Chat Comments on holographic complexity 2017 Dean Carmi
Robert C. Myers
Pratik Rath
+ Holographic complexity and spacetime singularities 2016 J.L.F. Barbón
Eliezer Rabinovici
+ A complexity/fidelity susceptibility g-theorem for AdS3/BCFT2 2017 Mario Flory
+ PDF Chat Action growth for AdS black holes 2016 Rong-Gen Cai
Shan-Ming Ruan
Shao-Jiang Wang
Run-Qiu Yang
Rong-Hui Peng
+ PDF Chat Strong energy condition and complexity growth bound in holography 2017 Run-Qiu Yang
+ PDF Chat On complexity of holographic flavors 2018 Francisco Jose Garcia Abad
Manuela Kulaxizi
Andrei Parnachev
+ PDF Chat Time evolution of complexity in Abelian gauge theories 2017 Koji Hashimoto
Norihiro Iizuka
Sotaro Sugishita
+ PDF Chat Toward a Definition of Complexity for Quantum Field Theory States 2018 Shira Chapman
Michał P. Heller
Hugo Marrochio
Fernando Pastawski
+ PDF Chat Comparison of holographic and field theoretic complexities for time dependent thermofield double states 2018 Run-Qiu Yang
Chao Niu
Cheng-Yong Zhang
Keun‐Young Kim
+ PDF Chat Divergences in the rate of complexification 2018 Mudassir Moosa
+ PDF Chat Effect of the dilaton on holographic complexity growth 2018 Yu-Sen An
Rong-Hui Peng
+ PDF Chat Circuit complexity in fermionic field theory 2018 Rifath Khan
Chethan Krishnan
Sanchita Sharma
+ PDF Chat Thoughts on holographic complexity and its basis dependence 2018 Koji Hashimoto
Norihiro Iizuka
Sotaro Sugishita
+ PDF Chat Second law of quantum complexity 2018 Adam R. Brown
Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computation as Gravity 2019 Paweł Caputa
Javier M. Magán
+ PDF Chat Complexity and boost symmetry 2018 Ying Zhao
+ PDF Chat Holographic complexity of anisotropic black branes 2019 Seyed Ali Hosseini Mansoori
Viktor Jahnke
Mohammad M. Qaemmaqami
Yaithd D. Olivas
+ PDF Chat Complexity as a Novel Probe of Quantum Quenches: Universal Scalings and Purifications 2019 Hugo A. Camargo
Paweł Caputa
Diptarka Das
Michał P. Heller
Ro Jefferson
+ PDF Chat Complexity change under conformal transformations in AdS3/CFT2 2019 Mario Flory
Nina Miekley
+ Three Lectures on Complexity and Black Holes 2020 Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat First Law of Holographic Complexity 2019 Alice Bernamonti
Federico Galli
Juan Hernandez
Robert C. Myers
Shan-Ming Ruan
Joan Simón
+ PDF Chat Chaos and complexity in quantum mechanics 2020 Tibra Ali
Arpan Bhattacharyya
S. Shajidul Haque
Eugene H. Kim
Nathan Moynihan
Jeff Murugan
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory of dissipative fluids 2017 Michael Crossley
Paolo Glorioso
Liu Hong
+ PDF Chat Entanglement is not enough 2016 Leonard Susskind
+ PDF Chat Renormalized Circuit Complexity 2020 Arpan Bhattacharyya
Pratik Nandy
Aninda Sinha
+ PDF Chat Quantum chaos as delocalization in Krylov space 2020 Anatoly Dymarsky
A. Gorsky
+ Fractional Statistics and Anyon Superconductivity 1990 Frank Wilczek