Xiaohua Zhu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Singular limits of Kähler-Ricci flow on Fano G -manifolds 2024 Yan Li
Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler–Ricci Flow on $${\textbf{G}}$$-Spherical Fano Manifolds 2024 Wang Feng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ The Second Hessian Type Equation on Almost Hermitian Manifolds 2024 Jianchun Chu
Liding Huang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Steady gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative curvature operator away from a compact set 2024 Ziyi Zhao
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler–Ricci flow on Fano manifolds 2023 Xiaohua Zhu
+ $4d$ steady gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative curvature away from a compact set 2023 Ziyi Zhao
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler-Ricci flow for deformed complex structures 2022 Gang Tian
Liang Zhang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Uniformly strong convergence of Kähler-Ricci flows on a Fano manifold 2022 Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics on $ \mathbb Q $-Fano compactifications of Lie groups 2022 Yan Li
Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat An application of a C2-estimate for a complex Monge–Ampère equation 2021 Chang Li
Lei Ni
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Tian's partial C0-estimate implies Hamilton-Tian's conjecture 2021 Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Uniform -stability modulo a subgroup 2021 Yexuan Li Yexuan Li
Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler-Ricci flow for deformed complex structures 2021 Gang Tian
Liang Zhang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Higher dimensional steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay 2020 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Tian’s $$\alpha _{m,k}^{{\hat{K}}}$$-invariants on group compactifications 2020 Yan Li
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Steady Ricci solitons with horizontally ϵ-pinched Ricci curvature 2020 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A note on compact 𝜅-solutions of Kähler-Ricci flow 2020 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Tian's partial $C^0$-estimate implies Hamilton-Tian's conjecture 2020 Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler–Einstein Metrics on Toric Manifolds and G-manifolds 2020 Xiaohua Zhu
+ An application of a $C^2$-estimate for a complex Monge-Ampère equation 2020 Li Chang
Lei Ni
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Classification of gradient steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay 2019 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat G-Sasaki Manifolds and K-Energy 2019 Yan Li
Xiaohua Zhu
+ The Fu–Yau Equation in Higher Dimensions 2019 Jianchun Chu
Liding Huang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ The Fu–Yau equation on compact astheno-Kähler manifolds 2019 Jianchun Chu
Liding Huang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Rigidity of $$\kappa $$-noncollapsed steady Kähler–Ricci solitons 2019 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A note on compact $\kappa$-solutions of K\"{a}hler-Ricci flow 2018 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ K-energy on polarized compactifications of Lie groups 2018 Yan Li
Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ The Fu-Yau equation in higher dimensions 2018 Jianchun Chu
Liding Huang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ The Fu-Yau equation on compact astheno-Kähler manifolds 2018 Jianchun Chu
Liding Huang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Singular limits of Kähler-Ricci flow on Fano $G$-manifolds 2018 Yan Li
Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Classification of gradient steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay 2018 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Tian's $α_{m,k}^{\hat K}$-invariants on group compactifications 2018 Yan Li
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A note on compact $κ$-solutions of Kähler-Ricci flow 2018 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat The structure of spaces with Bakry–Émery Ricci curvature bounded below 2017 Wang Feng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Three-dimensional Steady Gradient Ricci Solitons with Linear Curvature Decay 2017 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Asymptotic behavior of positively curved steady Ricci solitons 2017 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Bergman Kernels for a sequence of almost Kähler–Ricci solitons 2017 Wenshuai Jiang
Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ The $2$-nd Hessian type equation on almost Hermitian manifolds 2017 Jianchun Chu
Liding Huang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Higher dimensional steady Ricci solitons with linear curvature decay 2017 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ $G$-Sasaki manifolds and K-energy 2017 Yan Li
Xiaohua Zhu
Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ K-energy on polarized compactifications of Lie groups 2017 Yan Li
Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Steady Ricci solitons with horizontally $\epsilon$-pinched Ricci curvature 2016 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ 3d steady Gradient Ricci Solitons with linear curvature decay 2016 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Steady Ricci solitons with horizontally $ε$-pinched Ricci curvature 2016 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Asymptotic behavior of positively curved steady Ricci Solitons, II 2016 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Modified Futaki invariant and equivariant Riemann–Roch formula 2015 Feng Wang
Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Properness of log $F$-functionals 2015 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Complete non-compact gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative Ricci curvature 2014 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Bergman Kernels and algebraic structure of limit space for a sequence of almost K\"{a}hler-Ricci solitons 2014 Wenshuai Jiang
Wang Feng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Modified Futaki invariant and equivariant Riemann-Roch formula 2014 Wang Feng
Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Bergman Kernels and algebraic structure of limit space for a sequence of almost Kähler-Ricci solitons 2014 Wenshuai Jiang
Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Perelman’s entropy and Kähler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold 2013 Gang Tian
Shijin Zhang
Zhenlei Zhang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Structure of spaces with Bakry-\'Emery Ricci curvature bounded below 2013 Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Smooth Convergence of Kähler-Ricci Flow on a Fano Manifold 2013 Xiaohua Zhu
+ Structure of spaces with Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature bounded below 2013 Feng Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Complete non-compact gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative Ricci curvature 2013 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Fano manifolds with weak almost Kähler-Ricci solitons 2013 Xiaohua Zhu
+ Stability of Kähler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold 2012 Xiaohua Zhu
+ Convergence of the Kähler–Ricci flow on Fano manifolds 2012 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Kähler-Ricci solitons on toric Fano orbifolds 2011 Yalong Shi
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat An example of a singular metric arising from the blow-up limit in the continuity approach to Kähler–Einstein metrics 2011 Yalong Shi
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Convergence of Kähler-Ricci flow on Fano manifolds, II 2011 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Supremum of Perelman's entropy and Kähler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold 2011 Gang Tian
Shijin Zhang
Zhenlei Zhang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler-Ricci solitons on toric Fano orbifolds 2011 Yalong Shi
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat A Form of Alexandrov-Fenchel Inequality 2010 Pengfei Guan
Xi‐Nan Ma
Neil S. Trudinger
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Stability on Kähler-Ricci flow, I 2009 Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Relative K-stability and modified K-energy on toric manifolds 2008 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ 𝐾-stability on toric manifolds 2008 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Perelman's W-functional and stability of Kähler-Ricci flow 2008 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Minimizing weak solutions for calabi’s extremal metrics on toric manifolds 2007 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A note on the $K$-stability on toric manifolds 2007 Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler-Ricci flow on a toric manifold with positive first Chern class 2007 Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Recent developments on the Hamilton’s Ricci Flow 2007 Huai-Dong Cao
B.-L. Chen
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Convergence of Kähler-Ricci flow 2006 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A MEAN VALUE INEQUALITY FOR PLURISUBHARMONIC FUNCTIONS ON A COMPACT KAHLER MANIFOLD(Analytic Geometry of the Bergman Kernel and Related Topics) 2006 Xiaohua Zhu
+ Minimizing weak solutions for calabi's extremal metrics on toric manifolds 2006 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Relative $K$-stability and modified $K$-energy on toric manifolds 2006 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler–Ricci solitons on compact complex manifolds with C1(M) > 0 2005 Huai-Dong Cao
Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler–Ricci solitons on toric manifolds with positive first Chern class 2003 Xu‐Jia Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature on the blow-up of ℂP<sup>2</sup>at two points 2002 Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Explicit construction of extremal Hermitian metrics with finite conical singularities on $S^2$ 2002 Chang‐Shou Lin
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Kähler-Ricci soliton typed equations on compact complex manifolds withC 1(M) &gt; 0 2000 Xiaohua Zhu
+ Extremal Hermitian metrics on Riemann surfaces with singularities 2000 Guofang Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A nonlinear inequality of Moser-Trudinger type 2000 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Kähler-Ricci solitons 2000 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Uniqueness of Kahler—Ricci solitons on compact Kahler manifolds 1999 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ On stable complete minimal hypersurfaces in R n +1 1998 Yibing Shen
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Quasiparticle properties of Ge(111)-2 x 1 surface 1992 Xiaohua Zhu
Steven G. Louie
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Kähler-Einstein metrics with positive scalar curvature 1997 Gang Tian
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat A new holomorphic invariant and uniqueness of Kähler-Ricci solitons 2002 Gang Tian
Xiao‐Wei Zhu
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Kähler-Ricci solitons 2000 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Scalar Curvature and Stability of Toric Varieties 2002 Simon Donaldson
+ On the ricci curvature of a compact kähler manifold and the complex monge‐ampére equation, I 1978 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Kähler-Ricci soliton typed equations on compact complex manifolds withC 1(M) &gt; 0 2000 Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat K‐Stability and Kähler‐Einstein Metrics 2015 Gang Tian
+ Kähler–Ricci solitons on compact complex manifolds with C1(M) &gt; 0 2005 Huai-Dong Cao
Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Existence of Einstein Metrics on Fano Manifolds 2012 Gang Tian
+ On Calabi's conjecture for complex surfaces with positive first Chern class 1990 Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Rotational symmetry of self-similar solutions to the Ricci flow 2013 Simon Brendle
+ An obstruction to the existence of Einstein K�hler metrics 1983 Akito Futaki
+ PDF Chat Ricci deformation of the metric on complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds 1989 Wan-Xiong Shi
+ PDF Chat Limits of solutions to the Kähler-Ricci flow 1997 Huai-Dong Cao
+ K�hler-Einstein metrics and the generalized Futaki invariant 1992 WEI-YUE DING
Gang Tian
+ Asymptotic behavior of positively curved steady Ricci solitons 2017 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Einstein Kähler Metrics Modulo Connected Group Actions 2018 Shigetoshi Bando
Toshiki Mabuchi
+ Kähler–Ricci solitons on toric manifolds with positive first Chern class 2003 Xu‐Jia Wang
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat On K-stability of reductive varieties 2005 V. A. Alexeev
Ludmil Katzarkov
+ PDF Chat Minimizing weak solutions for calabi’s extremal metrics on toric manifolds 2007 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Rotational symmetry of Ricci solitons in higher dimensions 2014 Simon Brendle
+ Stable reductive varieties II: projective case 2003 Valery Alexeev
Michel Brion
+ PDF Chat Relative K-stability and modified K-energy on toric manifolds 2008 Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Ricci flows with bounded scalar curvature 2018 Richard H. Bamler
+ On the singularities of spaces with bounded Ricci curvature 2002 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat K-stability of Fano spherical varieties 2020 Thibaut Delcroix
+ On K�hler-Einstein metrics on certain K�hler manifolds withC 1 (M)&gt;0 1987 Gang Tian
+ Convergence of the Kähler–Ricci flow on Fano manifolds 2012 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Noncompact shrinking four solitons with nonnegative curvature 2010 Aaron Naber
+ PDF Chat On the structure of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below. I 1997 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
+ PDF Chat Kähler–Einstein metrics along the smooth continuity method 2016 Ved Datar
Gábor Székelyhidi
+ PDF Chat Kähler–Einstein metrics on group compactifications 2017 Thibaut Delcroix
+ PDF Chat Strong uniqueness of the Ricci flow 2009 Bing-Long Chen
+ PDF Chat Complete non-compact gradient Ricci solitons with nonnegative Ricci curvature 2014 Yuxing Deng
Xiaohua Zhu
+ Modified Futaki invariant and equivariant Riemann–Roch formula 2015 Feng Wang
Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Stable reductive varieties I: Affine varieties 2004 Valery Alexeev
Michel Brion
+ Convergence of Kähler-Ricci flow 2006 Gang Tian
Xiaohua Zhu
+ A Uniform Sobolev Inequality Under Ricci Flow 2007 Q. S. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Finite propagation speed, kernel estimates for functions of the Laplace operator, and the geometry of complete Riemannian manifolds 1982 Jeff Cheeger
M. Gromov
Michael E. Taylor
+ Plurisubharmonic functions and Kählerian metrics on complexification of symmetric spaces 1992 Hassan Azad
J. J. Loeb
+ A Compactness Property for Solutions of the Ricci Flow 1995 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Interior estimates for solutions of Abreu's equation 2004 Simon Donaldson
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat On the Kähler–Ricci flow near a Kähler–Einstein metric 2013 Song Sun
Yuanqi Wang
+ K-energy on polarized compactifications of Lie groups 2018 Yan Li
Bin Zhou
Xiaohua Zhu
+ PDF Chat Multiplier Hermitian structures on Kähler manifolds 2003 Toshiki Mabuchi
+ PDF Chat Eternal solutions to the Ricci flow 1993 Richard S. Hamilton