Davıd L. Andrews


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Crown-structured optical harmonics 2019 Davıd L. Andrews
Henryk T. Haniewicz
Enrique J. Galvez
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit interactions and chiroptical effects engaging orbital angular momentum of twisted light in chiral and achiral media 2019 Kayn A. Forbes
Davıd L. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Perspective: Quantum Hamiltonians for optical interactions 2018 Davıd L. Andrews
Garth A. Jones
A. Salam
R. Guy Woolley
+ PDF Chat Roadmap on structured light 2016 Halina Rubinsztein‐Dunlop
Andrew Forbes
Michael Berry
Mark R. Dennis
Davıd L. Andrews
Masud Mansuripur
Cornelia Denz
Christina Alpmann
Peter Banzer
Thomas Bauer
+ Challenges concerning the discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules 2015 David S. Bradshaw
Matt M. Coles
Davıd L. Andrews
+ Challenges concerning the discriminatory optical force for chiral molecules 2015 David S. Bradshaw
Matt M. Coles
Davıd L. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Optical Vortex Generation from Molecular Chromophore Arrays 2013 Mathew D. Williams
Matt M. Coles
Kamel Saadi
David S. Bradshaw
Davıd L. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Directions in optical angular momentum 2013 Matt M. Coles
Davıd L. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Chirality and angular momentum in optical radiation 2012 Matt M. Coles
Davıd L. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Optical transistor action by nonlinear coupling of stimulated emission and coherent scattering 2010 Davıd L. Andrews
David S. Bradshaw
+ PDF Chat All-optical transistor action by off-resonant activation at laser threshold 2009 Davıd L. Andrews
David S. Bradshaw
+ PDF Chat On optical vortex interactions with chiral matter 2004 Davıd L. Andrews
Luciana C. Dávila Romero
M. Babiker
+ PDF Chat A sum rule for nonlinear optical susceptibilities 2003 Luciana C. Dávila Romero
Davıd L. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Eliminating ground-state dipole moments in quantum optics via canonical transformation 2003 Gediminas Juzeliūnas
Luciana C. Dávila Romero
Davıd L. Andrews
+ Review of Analytical Division Subject Groups 1992 E. J. Newman
Davıd L. Andrews
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Entanglement of the orbital angular momentum states of photons 2001 Alois Mair
Alipasha Vaziri
Gregor Weihs
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Characterizing optical chirality 2011 Konstantin Y. Bliokh
Franco Nori
+ PDF Chat On optical vortex interactions with chiral matter 2004 Davıd L. Andrews
Luciana C. Dávila Romero
M. Babiker
+ PDF Chat Optical Spin-to-Orbital Angular Momentum Conversion in Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media 2006 Lorenzo Marrucci
Carlo Manzo
Domenico Paparo
+ PDF Chat Quantum Storage of Three-Dimensional Orbital-Angular-Momentum Entanglement in a Crystal 2015 Zong‐Quan Zhou
Yi-Lin Hua
Xiao Liu
Geng Chen
Jin‐Shi Xu
Yong‐Jian Han
Chuan‐Feng Li
Guang‐Can Guo
+ PDF Chat van der Waals potentials of paramagnetic atoms 2008 Hassan Safari
Dirk‐Gunnar Welsch
Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
Stefan Scheel
+ PDF Chat Realization of optical pulling forces using chirality 2014 Kun Ding
Jack Ng
Lei Zhou
C. T. Chan
+ PDF Chat Novel Vortex Generator and Mode Converter for Electron Beams 2012 P. Schattschneider
Michael Stöger‐Pollach
Johan Verbeeck
+ PDF Chat Negative Differential Conductivity in an Interacting Quantum Gas 2015 Ralf Labouvie
B. Santra
Simon Heun
Sandro Wimberger
Herwig Ott
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Artificial gauge potentials for neutral atoms 2011 Jean Dalibard
Fabrice Gerbier
Gediminas Juzeliūnas
Patrik Öhberg
+ PDF Chat Space-division multiplexing in optical fibres 2013 David J. Richardson
John M. Fini
L.E. Nelson
+ PDF Chat Principles of an atomtronic battery 2013 Alex A. Zozulya
Dana Z. Anderson
+ PDF Chat Robust Digital Holography For Ultracold Atom Trapping 2012 Alexander L. Gaunt
Zoran Hadzibabic
+ Angular momentum of circularly polarized light in dielectric media 2005 Masud Mansuripur
+ PDF Chat Casimir-Polder forces: A nonperturbative approach 2004 Stefan Yoshi Buhmann
L. Knöll
Dirk‐Gunnar Welsch
Ho Trung Dung
+ PDF Chat Enhanced optical trapping via structured scattering 2015 Michael A. Taylor
Muhammad Waleed
Alexander B. Stilgoe
Halina Rubinsztein‐Dunlop
Warwick P. Bowen
+ PDF Chat Generation of electron Airy beams 2013 Noa Voloch‐Bloch
Y. Lereah
Yigal Lilach
A. Gover
Ady Arie
+ PDF Chat Generalized Hamiltonian Dynamics 1950 P. A. M. Dirac
+ PDF Chat Generation and confirmation of a (100 × 100)-dimensional entangled quantum system 2014 Mario Krenn
Marcus Huber
Robert Fickler
Radek Łapkiewicz
Sven Ramelow
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Quantized Rotation of Atoms from Photons with Orbital Angular Momentum 2006 Mikkel F. Andersen
Changhyun Ryu
Pierre Cladé
Vasant Natarajan
Alipasha Vaziri
Kristian Helmerson
William D. Phillips
+ PDF Chat Superflow in a Toroidal Bose-Einstein Condensate: An Atom Circuit with a Tunable Weak Link 2011 Anand Ramanathan
Kevin Wright
Sérgio Ricardo Muniz
Martin Zelán
W. T. Hill
C. J. Lobb
Kristian Helmerson
William D. Phillips
Gretchen K. Campbell
+ PDF Chat Transistorlike behavior of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a triple-well potential 2007 James Stickney
Dana Z. Anderson
Alex A. Zozulya
+ PDF Chat Direction-sensitive transverse velocity measurement by phase-modulated structured light beams 2014 Carmelo Rosales‐Guzmán
Nathaniel Hermosa
Aniceto Belmonte
Juan P. Torres
+ PDF Chat The Force Law of Classical Electrodynamics: Lorentz versus Einstein and Laub 2014 Masud Mansuripur
+ PDF Chat Canonical quantization of macroscopic electrodynamics in a linear, inhomogeneous magnetoelectric medium 2013 A. C. Judge
M. J. Steel
J. E. Sipe
C. Martijn de Sterke
+ PDF Chat Angular momentum-induced circular dichroism in non-chiral nanostructures 2014 Xavier Zambrana‐Puyalto
Xavier Vidal
Gabriel Molina‐Terriza
+ PDF Chat Elimination of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:math>-Square Problem from Cavity QED 2014 András Vukics
Tobias Grießer
P. Domokos
+ PDF Chat A quantum gas microscope for detecting single atoms in a Hubbard-regime optical lattice 2009 Waseem Bakr
Jonathon Gillen
Amy Peng
Simon Fölling
Markus Greiner
+ Generation and dynamics of optical beams with polarization singularities 2013 Filippo Cardano
Ebrahim Karimi
Lorenzo Marrucci
C. de Lisio
Enrico Santamato
+ PDF Chat Scattering of electron vortex beams on a magnetic crystal: Towards atomic-resolution magnetic measurements 2014 Ján Rusz
Somnath Bhowmick
Mattias Eriksson
Nikolaj Karlsson
+ PDF Chat Creation and Detection of Skyrmions in a Bose-Einstein Condensate 2009 L. Suzanne Leslie
Azure Hansen
Kevin Wright
B. M. Deutsch
N. P. Bigelow
+ PDF Chat Raman coupling of Zeeman sublevels in an alkali-metal Bose-Einstein condensate 2008 Kevin Wright
L. Suzanne Leslie
N. P. Bigelow
+ PDF Chat Extending dark optical trapping geometries 2012 Aidan S. Arnold
+ PDF Chat Protecting a spin ensemble against decoherence in the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED 2014 Stefan Putz
Dmitry O. Krimer
Robert Amsüss
Abhilash Valookaran
Tobias Nöbauer
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Stefan Rotter
Johannes Majer
+ PDF Chat Universal Quantum Computation with Continuous-Variable Cluster States 2006 Nicolas C. Menicucci
Peter van Loock
Mile Gu
Christian Weedbrook
Timothy C. Ralph
Michael A. Nielsen
+ PDF Chat All-Optical Switching in Rubidium Vapor 2005 Andrew M. C. Dawes
Lucas Illing
Susan Clark
Daniel J. Gauthier
+ PDF Chat Lateral optical force on chiral particles near a surface 2014 Shubo Wang
C. T. Chan
+ PDF Chat How orbital angular momentum affects beam shifts in optical reflection 2010 Michele Merano
Nathaniel Hermosa
J. P. Woerdman
Andrea Aiello
+ Measuring the translational and rotational velocities of particles in helical motion using structured light 2014 Carmelo Rosales‐Guzmán
Nathaniel Hermosa
Aniceto Belmonte
Juan P. Torres
+ PDF Chat Conjugated gammadion chiral metamaterial with uniaxial optical activity and negative refractive index 2011 Rongkuo Zhao
L. Zhang
Jiangfeng Zhou
Thomas Koschny
Costas M. Soukoulis
+ PDF Chat Atomtronics: Ultracold-atom analogs of electronic devices 2007 B. T. Seaman
M. Krämer
Dana Z. Anderson
Murray Holland
+ PDF Chat Sculpting the Vortex State of a Spinor BEC 2009 Kevin Wright
L. Suzanne Leslie
Azure Hansen
N. P. Bigelow
+ PDF Chat Weak Measurements of Light Chirality with a Plasmonic Slit 2012 Yuri Gorodetski
Konstantin Y. Bliokh
Benedikt Stein
Cyriaque Genet
Noi Shitrit
Vladimir Kleiner
Erez Hasman
Thomas W. Ebbesen
+ PDF Chat Intersubband polaritons in the electrical dipole gauge 2012 Yanko Todorov
Carlo Sirtori
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit hybrid entanglement of photons and quantum contextuality 2010 Ebrahim Karimi
Jonathan Leach
Sergei Slussarenko
Bruno Piccirillo
Lorenzo Marrucci
Lixiang Chen
Weilong She
Sonja Franke‐Arnold
Miles J. Padgett
Enrico Santamato
+ PDF Chat Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution by Rotation-Invariant Twisted Photons 2014 Giuseppe Vallone
Vincenzo D’Ambrosio
Anna Sponselli
Sergei Slussarenko
Lorenzo Marrucci
Fabio Sciarrino
Paolo Villoresi
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent Maxwell field operators and field energy density for an atom near a conducting wall 2009 Ruggero Vasile
Riccardo Messina
Roberto Passante
+ PDF Chat Mathematical methods in quantum optics: the Dicke model 2013 Eduardo Nahmad-Achar
Octavio Castaños
R. López–Peña
Jorge G. Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Body-Assisted van der Waals Interaction between Excited Atoms 2015 Hassan Safari
Mohammad Reza Karimpour
+ PDF Chat Optics and interferometry with atoms and molecules 2009 Alexander D. Cronin
Jörg Schmiedmayer
David E. Pritchard