Eric P. Smith


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Deep Neural Network Identification of Limnonectes Species and New Class Detection Using Image Data 2023 Li Xu
Yili Hong
Eric P. Smith
David S. McLeod
Xinwei Deng
Laura Freeman
+ Rejection rates of bootstrapped and exact heteroskedasticity tests in response to skedastic function and normal or skewed disturbances 2021 VĂĄclav Adamec
Eric P. Smith
+ A Bayesian Mixture Model Approach to Anomaly Detection with Application to Wind Tunnel Experiments 2021 Sierra Merkes
Scotland Leman
Eric P. Smith
Aaron Defreitas
William N. Alexander
William J. Devenport
+ Robust Anomaly Detection for Large Scale Multi-Type Sensor Systems 2019 Sierra Merkes
Aaron Defreitas
Eric P. Smith
William N. Alexander
William J. Devenport
Scotland Leman
+ A Varying Coefficients Model For Estimating Finite Population Totals: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach 2016 Ciro Velasco‐Cruz
Luis Fernando Contreras-Cruz
Eric P. Smith
JosĂŠ E. RodrĂ­guez
+ Monitoring, Biological 2014 Eric P. Smith
+ Ecological Statistics 2012 Eric P. Smith
+ Monitoring, Biological 2012 Eric P. Smith
+ Using data augmentation via the Gibbs Sampler to incorporate missing covariate structure in linear models for ecological assessments 2007 Edward L. Boone
Keying Ye
Eric P. Smith
+ Detecting pattern in biological stressor response relationships using model based cluster analysis 2007 Ilya Lipkovich
Eric P. Smith
Keying Ye
+ Using power priors to improve the binomial test of water quality 2006 Yuyan Duan
Eric P. Smith
Keying Ye
+ Sequential designs for a Poisson regression model 2005 Yanping Wang
Eric P. Smith
Keying Ye
+ Evaluating water quality using power priors to incorporate historical information 2005 Yuyan Duan
Keying Ye
Eric P. Smith
+ Model selection in canonical correlation analysis (CCA) using Bayesian model averaging 2004 Robert Noble
Eric P. Smith
Keying Ye
+ Methods of Multivariate Analysis 2003 Eric P. Smith
+ None 2002 Keying Ye
Eric P. Smith
+ PDF Chat Adjusting for mortality effects in chronic toxicity testing: Mixture model approach 2000 Shin Cheng David Wang
Eric P. Smith
+ Detecting changes in trends in water quality using modified Kendall's tau 2000 Patrick Darken
Golde I. Holtzman
Eric P. Smith
Carl E. Zipper
+ PDF Chat Statistical advances in environmental science 1998 Walter W. Piegorsch
Eric P. Smith
Don Edwards
Richard L. Smith
+ Testing interaction in three-way anova tables with a single observation per cell 1998 Kyoungah See
Eric P. Smith
+ A graphical tool for three-factor experiments with one observation per cell 1996 Kyoungah See
Eric P. Smith
+ Community similarity and the analysis of multispecies environmental data: A unified statistical approach 1990 Eric P. Smith
Kurt W. Pontasch
John Cairns
+ Principal component estimation for generalized linear regression 1990 B. Marx
Eric P. Smith
+ Principal Component Estimation for Generalized Linear Regression 1990 Brian D. Marx
Eric P. Smith
+ Ill-conditioned information matrices, generalized linear models and estimation of the effects of acid rain 1990 Eric P. Smith
Brian D. Marx
+ Infrence for non-negative autoregressive schemes 1986 C. B. Bell
Eric P. Smith
+ C247. A power series for the tail-area probability of student's t distribution 1986 I. J. Good
Eric P. Smith
+ The variance and covariance of a generalized index of similarity especially for a generalizaition on an index of hellinger and bhattacharyya 1985 I. J. Good
Eric P. Smith
+ C188. On the asymptotic variance of socransky's proportional similarity index 1984 Eric P. Smith
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Principal Component Analysis 1988 Colin Goodall
Ian T. Jolliffe
+ ROBPCA: A New Approach to Robust Principal Component Analysis 2005 Mia Hubert
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Karlien Vanden Branden
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Regularization for Normal Mixture Estimation and Model-Based Clustering 2007 Chris Fraley
Adrian E. Raftery
+ The Advanced Theory of Statistics. 1945 B. L. Welch
M. G. Kendall
+ PDF Chat Power prior distributions for regression models 2000 Ming‐Hui Chen
Joseph G. Ibrahim
+ A class of nonparametric tests based on multiresponse permutation procedures 1981 Paul W. Mielke
Kenneth J. Berry
Peter J. Brockwell
James S. Williams
+ PDF Chat On the use of Non-Local Prior Densities in Bayesian Hypothesis Tests 2010 Valen E. Johnson
David Rossell
+ Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications 1970 W. Keith Hastings
+ A Fast Algorithm for the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator 1999 Peter J. Rousseeuw
Katrien Van Driessen
+ One Degree of Freedom for Non-Additivity 1949 John W. Tukey
+ Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities 1990 Alan E. Gelfand
A. F. M. Smith
+ Illustration of Bayesian Inference in Normal Data Models Using Gibbs Sampling 1990 Alan E. Gelfand
Susan E. Hills
Amy Racine-Poon
A. F. M. Smith
+ None 2002 Keying Ye
Eric P. Smith
+ Latent Root Regression Analysis 1974 J. T. Webster
Richard F. Gunst
Robert Mason
+ Component selection norms for principal components regression 1977 R. Carter Hill
Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ The Intrinsic Bayes Factor for Model Selection and Prediction 1996 James O. Berger
Luis R. Pericchi
+ PDF Chat Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions 1994 Luke Tierney
+ PDF Chat Distance software: design and analysis of distance sampling surveys for estimating population size 2009 Len Thomas
S. T. Buckland
Eric A. Rexstad
Jeff Laake
Samantha Strindberg
Sharon L. Hedley
Jonathan Bishop
Tiago A. Marques
Kenneth P. Burnham
+ Multivariate Statistical Inference and Applications 1998 David E. Booth
Alvin C. Rencher
+ Alternative estimators in logistic regression when the data are collinear 1986 Robert L. Schaefer
+ Biometry. The Principles and Practice of Statistics in Biological Research 1970 Stephen E. Fienberg
Robert R. Sokal
F. James Rohlf
F. James Rohlf
Robert R. Sokal
+ PDF Chat Confidence of compliance: a bayesian approach for percentile standards 2001 Graham B. McBride
Julian C. Ellis
+ The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis 1971 K. R. Gabriel
+ A method for testing the order of an autoregressive-moving average process 1980 E. J. Godolphin
+ PDF Chat Estimating Animal Abundance: Review III 1999 Carl J. Schwarz
George A. F. Seber
+ Modeling reproductive toxicity in <i>Ceriodaphnia</i> tests 1993 A. John Bailer
James T. Oris
+ Asymptotic distribution of Mann's test for trend for m-dependent seasonal observations 1988 Lena Zetterqvist
+ Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical models (comment on article by Browne and Draper) 2006 Andrew Gelman
+ PDF Chat Robust $M$-Estimators of Multivariate Location and Scatter 1976 Ricardo A. Maronna
+ PDF Chat Statistical Inference on Measures of Niche Overlap 1985 Laurence D. Mueller
Lee Altenberg
+ A New Test for Heteroskedasticity 1969 H. Glejser
+ PDF Chat Subjective Bayesian Models in Sampling Finite Populations 1969 W. A. Ericson
+ Robustifying Glejser test of heteroskedasticity 2000 Kyung So Im
+ The Biplot as a Diagnostic Tool for Models of Two-Way Tables 1978 Dan Bradu
K. Ruben Gabriel
+ PDF Chat Profiling heteroscedasticity in linear regression models 2015 Qian M. Zhou
Peter X.‐K. Song
Mary E. Thompson
+ Robust Procedures in Multivariate Analysis I: Robust Covariance Estimation 1980 N. A. Campbell
+ Inference for goodness-of-fit problems with nuisance parameters 1984 C. B. Bell
+ PDF Chat Flexible smoothing with B-splines and penalties 1996 Paul H.C. Eilers
Brian D. Marx
+ Testing for autoregressive against moving average errors in the linear regression model 1983 Maxwell L. King
+ Some symmetric, invariant measures of multivariate association 1979 Elliot M. Cramer
W. Alan Nicewander
+ PDF Chat Bayesian model averaging: a tutorial (with comments by M. Clyde, David Draper and E. I. George, and a rejoinder by the authors 1999 Jennifer A. Hoeting
David Madigan
Adrian E. Raftery
Chris Volinsky
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic theory of some tests for a possible change in the regression slope occurring at an unknown time point 1980 Pranab Kumar Sen
+ Distance between populations using mixed continuous and categorical variables 1983 W. J. Krzanowski
+ Bootstrap methods for heteroskedastic regression models: evidence on estimation and testing 1999 Francisco Cribari‐Neto
Spyros G. Zarkos
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Model Selection in High-Dimensional Settings 2012 Valen E. Johnson
David Rossell
+ PDF Chat Large-Sample Posterior Distributions for Finite Populations 1971 Alastair Scott
+ A test of fit in time series models 1981 Anders Milhøj
+ On Optimality Properties of the Power Prior 2003 Joseph G. Ibrahim
Ming‐Hui Chen
Debajyoti Sinha
+ The use of random-model tolerance intervals in environmental monitoring and regulation 2002 Robert W. Smith