Wenming Zou


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Classification of positive solutions to the Hénon-Sobolev critical systems 2025 Yuxuan Zhou
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Normalized solutions for a class of Sobolev critical Schrodinger systems 2024 Houwang Li
Tianhao Liu
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat A strong-form stability for a class of $L^p$ Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg interpolation inequality 2024 Yuanmiao Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Degenerate stability of critical points of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality along the Felli-Schneider curve 2024 Yuxuan Zhou
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions to Schrödinger equations with potential and inhomogeneous nonlinearities on large smooth domains 2024 Thomas Bartsch
Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Existence and asymptotics of normalized solutions for the logarithmic Schrödinger system 2024 Qian Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ A Sharp Moser–Trudinger Type Inequality Involving Adimurthi–Druet Term in Two Dimensional Hyperbolic Space 2024 鎮雄 東松
Jingxuan Sun
Wenming Zou
+ Positive Solution for an Elliptic System with Critical Exponent and Logarithmic Terms 2024 Hichem Hajaiej
Tianhao Liu
Linjie Song
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Two Positive Normalized Solutions on Star-shaped Bounded Domains to the Br\'ezis-Nirenberg Problem, I: Existence 2024 Linjie Song
Wenming Zou
+ Positive solution for an elliptic system with critical exponent and logarithmic terms: the higher-dimensional cases 2024 Hichem Hajaiej
Tianhao Liu
Wenming Zou
+ Sign-changing solution for logarithmic elliptic equations with critical exponent 2024 Tianhao Liu
Wenming Zou
+ A sharp Moser-Trudinger type inequality involving L norm in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> with degenerate potential 2024 Jingxuan Sun
Zhen Song
Wenming Zou
+ Classification of Positive Solutions to the H\'Enon-Sobolev Critical Systems 2024 Yuxuan Zhou
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized Solutions of Nonhomogeneous Mass Supercritical Schrödinger Equations in Bounded Domains 2023 Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions of the Schrödinger equation with potential 2023 Xin Zhao
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions for a Schrödinger system with critical Sobolev growth in R3$\mathbb {R}^3$ 2023 Mei‐Qi Liu
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Normalized ground states for Sobolev critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the &lt;inline-formula&gt;&lt;tex-math id="M1"&gt;$ L^2 $&lt;/tex-math&gt;&lt;/inline-formula&gt;-supercritical case 2023 Quanqing Li
Wenming Zou
+ Uniqueness, multiplicity and nondegeneracy of positive solutions to the Lane-Emden problem 2023 Houwang Li
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ Mass threshold of the limit behavior of normalized solutions to Schrödinger equations with combined nonlinearities 2023 Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Positive solution for an elliptic system with critical exponent and logarithmic terms: the higher dimensional cases 2023 Hichem Hajaiej
Tianhao Liu
Wenming Zou
+ Least energy positive solutions for d-coupled Schrödinger systems with critical exponent in dimension three 2023 Tianhao Liu
Song You
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Quasilinear Schrödinger equations : ground state and infinitely many normalized solutions 2023 Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized ground state for the Sobolev critical Schrödinger equation involving Hardy term with combined nonlinearities 2023 Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ Existence of Normalized Positive Solutions for a Class of Nonhomogeneous Elliptic Equations 2023 Zhen Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Positive solution for an elliptic system with critical exponent and logarithmic terms 2023 Hichem Hajaiej
Tianhao Liu
Linjie Song
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and asymptotics of normalized solutions for logarithmic Schrödinger system 2023 Qian Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions to Schödinger equations with potential and inhomogeneous nonlinearities on large convex domains 2023 Thomas Bartsch
Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ On the stability of critical points of the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality 2023 Kuan Liu
Qian Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ Sign-changing solution for logarithmic elliptic equations with critical exponent 2023 Tianhao Liu
Wenming Zou
+ A Sharp Moser-Trudinger Type Inequality Involving $L^P$ Norm in $\Rn$ with Degenerate Potential 2023 Jingxuan Sun
Zhen Song
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Normalized solutions to fractional Schrödinger equation with potentials 2023 Meiqi Liu
Wenming Zou
+ Two Positive Normalized Solutions and Phase Separation for Coupled Schrödinger Equations on Bounded Domain with L2-Supercritical and Sobolev Critical or Subcritical Exponent 2023 Linjie Song
Wenming Zou
+ On the stability of fractional Sobolev trace inequality and corresponding profile decomposition 2023 Yingfang Zhang
Yuxuan Zhou
Wenming Zou
+ Classification of positive solutions to the Hénon-Sobolev critical systems 2023 Yuxuan Zhou
Wenming Zou
+ Quantitative stability for the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality 2023 Yuxuan Zhou
Wenming Zou
+ A new deduction of the strict sub-additive inequality and its application: Ground state normalized solution to Schrödinger equations with potential 2022 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions for nonlinear Choquard equations with general nonlocal term 2022 Yong Ao
Xin Zhao
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Prescribed mass solutions to Schrödinger systems with critical Sobolev exponent 2022 Xiao Luo
Xiaolong Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Existence and asymptotic behavior of normalized ground states for Sobolev critical Schrödinger systems 2022 Thomas Bartsch
Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ Exact Number of Positive Solutions for the Kirchhoff Equation 2022 Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized Ground States for the Critical Fractional Choquard Equation with a Local Perturbation 2022 Xiaoming He
Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu
Wenming Zou
+ Ground states of nonlinear Schrödinger systems with mixed couplings: the critical case 2022 Zhen Chen
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Least energy positive solutions of critical Schrödinger systems with mixed competition and cooperation terms: The higher dimensional case 2022 Hugo Tavares
Song You
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized Solutions of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Potentials and Non-autonomous Nonlinearities 2022 Zuo Yang
Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ The Benci–Cerami problem for the fractional Choquard equation with critical exponent 2022 Xiaoming He
Xin Zhao
Wenming Zou
+ Existence of least energy positive solutions to critical Schrödinger systems in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e22" altimg="si12.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2022 Song You
Wenming Zou
+ Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions to the Lane-Emden system in dimension two 2022 Zhijie Chen
Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ Least energy positive soultions for $d$-coupled Schrödinger systems with critical exponent in dimension three 2022 Tianhao Liu
You Song
Wenming Zou
+ Sharp estimates, uniqueness and nondegeneracy of positive solutions of the Lane-Emden system in planar domains 2022 Zhijie Chen
Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat The existence and multiplicity of the normalized solutions for fractional Schrödinger equations involving Sobolev critical exponent in the <i>L</i> <sup>2</sup>-subcritical and <i>L</i> <sup>2</sup>-supercritical cases 2022 Quanqing Li
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Positive least energy solutions for k-coupled Schrödinger system with critical exponent: the higher dimension and cooperative case 2021 Xin Yin
Wenming Zou
+ A new critical point theorem with an application to a scalar equation without periodicity and symmetry 2021 Xin Zhao
Wenming Zou
+ On a critical Schrödinger system involving Hardy terms 2021 Zhenyu Guo
Senping Luo
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Normalized ground states for semilinear elliptic systems with critical and subcritical nonlinearities 2021 Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ Monotonicity Formula and Classification of Stable Solutions to Polyharmonic Lane–Emden Equations 2021 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ A nonlinear elliptic PDE with multiple Hardy-Sobolev critical exponents in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2021 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On Sirakov's open problem and related topics 2021 Juncheng Wei
Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ Decomposition of polyharmonic operator and classification of homogeneous stable solutions 2021 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems with linear couples 2021 Zhen Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Semiclassical states for critical Choquard equations 2021 Shijie Qi
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Sharp blow up estimates and precise asymptotic behavior of singular positive solutions to fractional Hardy-Hénon equations 2021 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Positive least energy solutions for k-coupled critical systems involving fractional Laplacian 2021 Xin Yin
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems with special mass-mixed terms: The linear couple case 2021 Xuexiu Zhong
Zhen Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Positive normalized solutions to nonlinear elliptic systems in $\R^4$ with critical Sobolev exponent 2021 Xiao Luo
Xiaolong Yang
Wenming Zou
+ A new deduce of the strict binding inequality and its application: Ground state normalized solution to Schrödinger equations with potential 2021 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On universally optimal lattice phase transitions and energy minimizers of completely monotone potentials 2021 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ Least energy positive solutions of critical Schrödinger systems with mixed competition and cooperation terms: the higher dimensional case 2021 Hugo Tavares
You Song
Wenming Zou
+ Positive least energy solutions for $k$-coupled Schrödinger system with critical exponent: the higher dimension and cooperative case 2021 Yin Xin
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On a class of critical elliptic systems in ℝ<sup>4</sup> 2020 Xin Zhao
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On isolated singularities of fractional semi-linear elliptic equations 2020 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Normalized solutions for nonlinear Schr&amp;ouml;dinger equations 2020 Wenming Zou
Zuo Yang
Houwang Li
+ Bifurcation and multiplicity of positive solutions for nonhomogeneous fractional Schrödinger equations with critical growth 2020 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Normalized solutions for a coupled Schrödinger system 2020 Thomas Bartsch
Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Qualitative analysis for an elliptic system in the punctured space 2020 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Maximum principles for a fully nonlinear nonlocal equation on unbounded domains 2020 Xiaoming He
Xin Zhao
Wenming Zou
+ Normalized ground states for semilinear elliptic systems with critical and subcritical nonlinearities 2020 Houwang Li
Wenming Zou
+ On a critical Schrödinger system in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e22" altimg="si11.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> with steep potential wells 2019 Yuanze Wu
Wenming Zou
+ Positive ground state solutions for an elliptic system with Hardy-Sobolev critical exponent growth 2019 Zhenyu Guo
Wenming Zou
+ Vector solutions for two coupled Schrödinger equations on Riemannian manifolds 2019 Yan‐Hong Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Asymptotic behavior of positive singular solutions to fractional Hardy-Hénon equations 2019 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Exact asymptotic behavior of singular positive solutions of fractional semi-linear elliptic equations 2019 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ Ground state solutions for a class of fractional Kirchhoff equations with critical growth 2019 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Spikes of the two-component elliptic system in $${\mathbb {R}}^4$$ R 4 with the critical Sobolev exponent 2019 Yuanze Wu
Wenming Zou
+ Sharp blow up estimates and precise asymptotic behavior of singular positive solutions to fractional Hardy-Hénon equations 2019 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ Ground states for a class of quasilinear elliptic systems with critical exponent 2018 Yong Ao
Wenming Zou
+ Symmetry of components and Liouville-type theorems for semilinear elliptic systems involving the fractional Laplacian 2018 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ Stable and finite Morse index solutions of a nonlinear elliptic system 2018 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On the existence and regularity of vector solutions for quasilinear systems with linear coupling 2018 Yong Ao
Jiaqi Wang
Wenming Zou
+ Liouville‐type results for a class of quasilinear elliptic systems and applications 2018 E. N. Dancer
Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat $$\varvec{p}$$-Laplacian problems involving critical Hardy–Sobolev exponents 2018 Kanishka Perera
Wenming Zou
+ Multiplicity of concentrating solutions for a class of fractional Kirchhoff equation 2018 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Multiplicity of concentrating positive solutions for Schrödinger–Poisson equations with critical growth 2018 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ On the existence and regularity of vector solutions for quasilinear systems with linear coupling 2018 Yong Ao
Jiaqi Wang
Wenming Zou
+ Spikes of the two-component elliptic system in $\bbr^4$ with Sobolev critical exponent 2018 Yuanze Wu
Wenming Zou
+ On Isolated Singularities of Fractional Semi-Linear Elliptic Equations 2018 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ Exact Asymptotic Behavior of Singular Positive Solutions of Fractional Semi-Linear Elliptic Equations 2018 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ Qualitative analysis for an elliptic system in the punctured space 2018 Hui Yang
Wenming Zou
+ The existence, uniqueness and nonexistence of the ground state to the<i>N</i>-coupled Schrödinger systems in $ \newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}} \boldsymbol{\R^n (n\leqslant 4)}$ 2017 Yuxia Guo
Senping Luo
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On Critical<i>p</i>-Laplacian Systems 2017 Zhenyu Guo
Kanishka Perera
Wenming Zou
+ Schrodinger equations with magnetic fields and Hardy-Sobolev critical exponents 2017 Zhenyu Guo
Michael Melgaard
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity and concentration behavior of solutions to the critical Kirchhoff-type problem 2017 Jian Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On a two-component Bose–Einstein condensate with steep potential wells 2017 Yuanze Wu
Tsung‐fang Wu
Wenming Zou
+ On a double-variable inequality and elliptic systems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents 2017 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Existence and Concentrate Behavior of Schrödinger equations with critical exponential growth in $\mathbb{R}^N$ 2016 Jian Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ Liouville theorems for integral systems related to fractional Lane-Emden systems in $\mathbb{R}^N_+$ 2016 Senping Luo
Wenming Zou
+ On critical systems involving fractional Laplacian 2016 Zhenyu Guo
Senping Luo
Wenming Zou
+ Classification of the stable solution to the fractional $2<s<3$ Lane-Emden equation 2016 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ On a transcendental equation involving quotients of Gamma functions 2016 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and concentration result for the fractional Schrödinger equations with critical nonlinearities 2016 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat The Nehari manifold for fractional systems involving critical nonlinearities 2016 Xiaoming He
Marco Squassina
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Infinitely many sign-changing and semi-nodal solutions for a nonlinear Schrödinger system 2016 Zhijie Chen
Chang‐Shou Lin
Wenming Zou
+ On the equation $p \frac{Γ(\frac{n}{2}-\frac{s}{p-1})Γ(s+\frac{s}{p-1})}{Γ(\frac{s}{p-1})Γ(\frac{n-2s}{2}-\frac{s}{p-1})} =\frac{Γ(\frac{n+2s}{4})^2}{Γ(\frac{n-2s}{4})^2}$ 2016 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ Existence, nonexistence, symmetry and uniqueness of ground state for critical Schrödinger system involving Hardy term 2016 Senping Luo
Wenming Zou
+ On the triharmonic Lane-Emden equation 2016 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ On finite Morse index solutions to the quadharmonic Lane-Emden equation 2016 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ $p$-Laplacian problems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents 2016 Kanishka Perera
Wenming Zou
+ On the equation $p \frac{\Gamma(\frac{n}{2}-\frac{s}{p-1})Γ(s+\frac{s}{p-1})}{Γ(\frac{s}{p-1})Γ(\frac{n-2s}{2}-\frac{s}{p-1})} =\frac{\Gamma(\frac{n+2s}{4})^2}{Γ(\frac{n-2s}{4})^2}$ 2016 Senping Luo
Juncheng Wei
Wenming Zou
+ Solutions concentrating around the saddle points of the potential for critical Schrödinger equations 2015 Jianjun Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ On a class of coupled Schrödinger systems with critical Sobolev exponent growth 2015 Zhenyu Guo
Wenming Zou
+ On a doubly critical Schrodinger system in R 4 with steep potential wells 2015 Yuanze Wu
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat A perturbed nonlinear elliptic PDE with two Hardy–Sobolev critical exponents 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On some nonlinear elliptic PDEs with Sobolev–Hardy critical exponents and a Li–Lin open problem 2015 G. Cerami
Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ Remarks on a Brezis–Nirenberg's result 2015 Xiaorui Yue
Wenming Zou
+ Critical Schrödinger systems in $\mathbb R^N$ with indefinite weight and Hardy potential 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On Elliptic Systems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On Elliptic Systems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents (Part II) 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ Existence of extremal functions for a family of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ The Nehari manifold for fractional systems involving critical nonlinearities 2015 Xiaoming He
Marco Squassina
Wenming Zou
+ On Elliptic Equations and Systems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents (non-limit case) 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On critical $p$-Laplacian systems 2015 Zhenyu Guo
Kanishka Perera
Wenming Zou
+ A nonlinear elliptic PDE with multiple Hardy-Sobolev critical exponents in $\mathbb{R}^N$ 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On coupled Schrödinger systems with double critical exponents and indefinite weights 2015 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ On a doubly critical Schrödinger system in $\bbr^4$ with steep potential wells 2015 Yuanze Wu
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Standing waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations involving critical growth 2014 Jianjun Zhang
Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and symmetry of positive ground states for a doubly critical Schrödinger system 2014 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Sign-changing Solutions and Phase Separation for an Elliptic System with Critical Exponent 2014 Zhijie Chen
Chang‐Shou Lin
Wenming Zou
+ Ground state and multiple solutions via generalized Nehari manifold 2014 Xuexiu Zhong
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Positive least energy solutions and phase separation for coupled Schrödinger equations with critical exponent: higher dimensional case 2014 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ On a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate with steep potential wells 2014 Yuanze Wu
Tsung‐fang Wu
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and concentration of positive solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical growth 2013 Xiaoming He
Aixia Qian
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Standing waves for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with decaying potentials 2013 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Semi-classical bound states of Schrödinger equations 2013 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On linearly coupled Schrödinger systems 2013 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Infinitely many solutions for the perturbed Bose–Einstein condensates system 2013 Xiaorui Yue
Wenming Zou
+ A remark on doubly critical elliptic systems 2013 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Monotonicity and nonexistence results to cooperative systems in the half space 2013 Zhijie Chen
Chang‐Shou Lin
Wenming Zou
+ Multiple sign-changing and semi-nodal solutions for coupled Schrödinger equations 2013 Zhijie Chen
Chang‐Shou Lin
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Sign-changing critical points via Sandwich Pair theorems 2013 Linghua Chen
Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Standing waves for a coupled system of nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2013 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ The critical case for a Berestycki-Lions theorem 2013 Jian Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ Standing waves for linearly coupled Schrödinger equations with critical exponent 2013 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Standing waves for coupled Schrodinger equations with decaying potentials 2013 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Multiple sign-changing and semi-nodal solutions for coupled Schrodinger equations 2013 Zhijie Chen
Chang‐Shou Lin
Wenming Zou
+ An optimal constant for the existence of least energy solutions of a coupled Schrödinger system 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Ground states for nonlinear Kirchhoff equations with critical growth 2012 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Positive Least Energy Solutions and Phase Separation for Coupled Schrodinger Equations with Critical Exponent(Dim>=5) 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Positive Least Energy Solutions and Phase Separation for Coupled Schrödinger Equations with Critical Exponent 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On the Brezis-Nirenberg Problem in a Ball 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ A note on the Ambrosetti–Rabinowitz condition for an elliptic system 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Singularly perturbed nonlinear Dirichlet problems involving critical growth 2012 Jaeyoung Byeon
Jianjun Zhang
Wenming Zou
+ On the standing waves for nonlinear Hartree equation with confining potential 2012 Pei Cao
Jing Wang
Wenming Zou
+ Ground states for a system of Schrödinger equations with critical exponent 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and concentration of ground states for Schrödinger-Poisson equations with critical growth 2012 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ On a class of Schrödinger systems with critical exponents 2012 Youjun Wang
Wenming Zou
+ Infinitely many sign-changing and semi-nodal solutions for a nonlinear Schrodinger system 2012 Zhijie Chen
Chang‐Shou Lin
Wenming Zou
+ Standing Waves for nonlinear Schrodinger Equations involving critical growth 2012 Jianjun Zhang
Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and symmetry of positive ground states for a doubly critical Schrodinger system 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ On an elliptic problem with critical exponent and Hardy potential 2011 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and concentration behavior of positive solutions for a Kirchhoff equation in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2011 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Ground state and multiple solutions for a critical exponent problem 2011 Z. Chen
Naoki Shioji
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On coupled systems of Schrödinger equations 2011 Z. Chen
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Bound states to critical quasilinear Schrödinger equations 2011 Youjun Wang
Wenming Zou
+ Multiplicity of solutions for a class of Kirchhoff type problems 2010 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Infinitely many solutions for a singular elliptic equation involving critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents in RN 2010 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat On the Brézis–Nirenberg Problem 2010 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Sign-Changing Solutions to Equations of Elliptic Type 2010 Wenming Zou
Thomas Bartsch
Norimichi Hirano
Martin Schechter
Zhi-Qiang Wang
+ A Bahri–Lions theorem revisited 2009 Miguel Ramos
Hugo Tavares
Wenming Zou
+ A perturbation method for multiple sign-changing solutions 2009 Norimichi Hirano
Wenming Zou
+ Existence and multiplicity of solutions for an elliptic system with nonlinear boundary conditions 2009 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Infinitely many arbitrarily small solutions for singular elliptic problems with critical Sobolev–Hardy exponents 2009 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Multiplicity of solutions for a class of elliptic boundary value problems 2009 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Multibump solutions and critical groups 2009 Gianni Arioli
Andrzej Szulkin
Wenming Zou
+ A note on nodal non-radially symmetric solutions to Emden-Fowler equations. 2009 Miguel Ramos
Wenming Zou
+ Multiple solutions for the Brezis–Nirenberg problem with a Hardy potential and singular coefficients 2008 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Infinitely many positive solutions for Kirchhoff-type problems 2008 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Nontrivial solitary waves to the generalized Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equations 2007 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ Nontrivial solutions for some singular critical growth semilinear elliptic equations 2007 Xiaoming He
Wenming Zou
+ On finding sign-changing solutions 2005 Wenming Zou
+ Infinitely many solutions to perturbed elliptic equations 2005 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ Some recent results in linking theory and applications 2005 Wenming Zou
+ Sign-changing saddle point 2004 Wenming Zou
+ New Linking Theorem and Sign-Changing Solutions 2004 Martin Schechter
Zengqi Wang
Wenming Zou
+ An infinite-dimensional linking theorem and applications 2004 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ Superlinear problems 2004 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ Infinitely many homoclinic orbits for the second-order Hamiltonian systems 2003 Wenming Zou
Shujie Li
+ Double linking theorem and multiple solutions 2003 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ Weak linking 2003 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Weak Linking Theorems and Schrödinger Equations with Critical Sobolev Exponent 2003 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ On Functionals Bounded Below 2003 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat Homoclinic orbits for Schrödinger systems 2003 Martin Schechter
Wenming Zou
+ On a Schrodinger equation with periodic potential and spectrum point zero 2003 Michel Willem
Wenming Zou
+ PDF Chat О функционалах, ограниченных снизу 2003 В Цзоу
Wenming Zou
Мартин Шехтер
Martin Schechter
+ New linking theorem and elliptic systems with nonlinear boundary condition 2002 Wenming Zou
Shujie Li
+ Infinitely many solutions for Hamiltonian systems 2002 Wenming Zou
Shujie Li
+ Computations of the critical groups and the nontrivial solutions for resonant type asymptotically linear Hamiltonian systems 2002 Wenming Zou
+ Solitary waves of the generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations 2002 Wenming Zou
+ Multiple solutions for elliptic equations with resonance 2002 Wenming Zou
+ Homoclinic Orbits for Asymptotically Linear Hamiltonian Systems 2001 Andrzej Szulkin
Wenming Zou
+ Infinite Dimensional Cohomology Groups and Periodic Solutions of Asymptotically Linear Hamiltonian Systems 2001 Andrzej Szulkin
Wenming Zou
+ Multiple solutions for second-order Hamiltonian systems via computation of the critical groups 2001 Wenming Zou
+ Variant fountain theorems and their applications 2001 Wenming Zou
+ Multiple Solutions for Asymptotically Linear Elliptic Systems 2001 Wenming Zou
+ Multiple Solutions for Resonant Elliptic Equations via Local Linking Theory and Morse Theory 2001 Wenming Zou
J.Q. Liu
+ Nontrivial solutions for resonant cooperative elliptic systems via computations of critical groups 1999 Wenming Zou
Shujie Li
J. Q. Liu
+ The Computations of the Critical Groups with an Application to Elliptic Resonant Problems at a Higher Eigenvalue 1999 Shujie Li
Wenming Zou
+ Solutions for Resonant Elliptic Systems with Nonodd or Odd Nonlinearities 1998 Wenming Zou
+ Remarks on a class of elliptic problems with critical exponents 1998 Shujie Li
Wenming Zou
+ Multiple solutions results for two-point boundary value problem with resonance 1998 Wenming Zou
+ Positive fixed point and eigenvalue results for weakly inward maps 1996 Wenming Zou
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations involving critical sobolev exponents 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Louis Nirenberg
+ Nonlinear scalar field equations, I existence of a ground state 1983 Henri Berestycki
P. L. Lions
+ Minimax Methods in Critical Point Theory with Applications to Differential Equations 1986 P. Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat Positive Least Energy Solutions and Phase Separation for Coupled Schrödinger Equations with Critical Exponent 2012 Zhijie Chen
Wenming Zou
+ Least Energy Solitary Waves for a System of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations in $${\mathbb{R}^n}$$ 2007 Boyan Sirakov
+ Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications 1973 Antonio Ambrosetti
Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat Best constant in Sobolev inequality 1976 Giorgio Talenti
+ PDF Chat A relation between pointwise convergence of functions and convergence of functionals 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Élliott H. Lieb
+ A Liouville theorem, a-priori bounds, and bifurcating branches of positive solutions for a nonlinear elliptic system 2009 Thomas Bartsch
E. N. Dancer
Zhi-Qiang Wang
+ On a class of nonlinear Schr�dinger equations 1992 Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ On the existence of bounded Palais–Smale sequences and application to a Landesman–Lazer-type problem set on <i>ℝ<sup>N</sup></i> 1999 Louis Jeanjean
+ Ground State of N Coupled Nonlinear Schr�dinger Equations in Rn,n?3 2005 Tai‐Chia Lin
Juncheng Wei
+ Existence of solutions with prescribed norm for semilinear elliptic equations 1997 Louis Jeanjean
+ PDF Chat Radial Solutions and Phase Separation in a System of Two Coupled Schrödinger Equations 2008 Juncheng Wei
Tobias Weth
+ PDF Chat The concentration-compactness principle in the Calculus of Variations. The locally compact case, part 1. 1984 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat The concentration-compactness principle in the Calculus of Variations. The Locally compact case, part 2 1984 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Local mountain passes for semilinear elliptic problems in unbounded domains 1996 Manuel del Pino
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+ Variational methods: Applications to nonlinear partial differential equations and Hamiltonian systems 1990 Michaël Struwe
+ Standing waves of some coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2007 Antonio Ambrosetti
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+ Normalized ground states for the NLS equation with combined nonlinearities: The Sobolev critical case 2020 Nicola Soave
+ PDF Chat A priori bounds versus multiple existence of positive solutions for a nonlinear Schrödinger system 2010 Tobias Weth
E. N. Dancer
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+ Normalized ground states for the NLS equation with combined nonlinearities 2020 Nicola Soave
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
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+ PDF Chat Positive least energy solutions and phase separation for coupled Schrödinger equations with critical exponent: higher dimensional case 2014 Zhijie Chen
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+ PDF Chat Multipulse Phases in k-Mixtures of Bose–Einstein Condensates 2008 Susanna Terracini
Gianmaria Verzini
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ A natural constraint approach to normalized solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations and systems 2017 Thomas Bartsch
Nicola Soave
+ PDF Chat Ground State of N Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations in $${\mathbb{R}}^n, n \leq 3$$ 2007 Tai‐Chia Lin
Juncheng Wei
+ PDF Chat Standing Waves for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with a General Nonlinearity 2006 Jaeyoung Byeon
Louis Jeanjean
+ Positive solutions for a weakly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system 2006 Liliane A. Maia
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+ A Relation Between Pointwise Convergence of Functions and Convergence of Functionals 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
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+ Global and local behavior of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations 1981 Basilis Gidas
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+ Normalized solutions for a system of coupled cubic Schrödinger equations on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2016 Thomas Bartsch
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+ Some existence results for superlinear elliptic boundary value problems involving critical exponents 1986 G. Cerami
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+ An optimal constant for the existence of least energy solutions of a coupled Schrödinger system 2012 Zhijie Chen
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+ PDF Chat Existence of solitary waves in higher dimensions 1977 Walter A. Strauss
+ PDF Chat An Extension Problem Related to the Fractional Laplacian 2007 Luis Caffarelli
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+ Uniqueness of positive solutions of Δu−u+up=0 in Rn 1989 Man Kam Kwong
+ Abstract critical point theorems and applications to some nonlinear problems with “strong” resonance at infinity 1983 Paolo Bartolo
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+ PDF Chat Problèmes isopérimétriques et espaces de Sobolev 1976 Thierry Aubin
+ Asymptotic symmetry and local behavior of semilinear elliptic equations with critical sobolev growth 1989 Luis Caffarelli
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+ PDF Chat Uniform Hölder Bounds for Nonlinear Schrödinger Systems with Strong Competition 2009 Benedetta Noris
Susanna Terracini
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+ Bound states for a coupled Schrödinger system 2007 Thomas Bartsch
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+ Nonlinear scalar field equations, II existence of infinitely many solutions 1983 Henri Berestycki
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+ PDF Chat Multiple solutions for quasi-linear PDEs involving the critical Sobolev and Hardy exponents 2000 Nassif Ghoussoub
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+ PDF Chat Multiple positive normalized solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems 2018 Tianxiang Gou
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+ Existence and symmetry of positive ground states for a doubly critical Schrödinger system 2014 Zhijie Chen
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+ PDF Chat Some remarks on systems of elliptic equations doubly critical in the whole $${\mathbb{R}^N}$$ 2008 Boumediene Abdellaoui
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+ PDF Chat Bifurcation and multiplicity results for nonlinear elliptic problems involving critical Sobolev exponents 1984 Giovanna Cerami
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Michaël Struwe
+ Asymptotic estimates for the spatial segregation of competitive systems 2004 Monica Conti
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