Shiyuan Zhang


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Subgroup analysis, covariate adjustment and baseline comparisons in clinical trial reporting: current practiceand problems 2002 Stuart J. Pocock
Susan E. Assmann
Laura E. Enos
Linda Kasten
+ Should baseline be a covariate or dependent variable in analyses of change from baseline in clinical trials? 2009 G. Frank Liu
Kaifeng Lu
Robin Mogg
Madhuja Mallick
Devan V. Mehrotra
+ Covariate imbalance and random allocation in clinical trials 1989 Stephen Senn
+ Some Surprising Results about Covariate Adjustment in Logistic Regression Models 1991 Laurence D. Robinson
Nicholas P. Jewell
+ Analysis of Data with Imbalance in the Baseline Outcome Variable for Randomized Clinical Trials 2001 Lynn Wei
Ji Zhang
+ A structural equation modelling approach to the analysis of change 2008 Yu‐Kang Tu
Vibeke BĂŠlum
Mark S. Gilthorpe
+ PDF Chat Missing data: Our view of the state of the art. 2002 Joseph L. Schafer
John W. Graham
+ ANCOVA versus change from baseline had more power in randomized studies and more bias in nonrandomized studies 2006 Gerard van Breukelen
+ How to Select Covariates to Include in the Analysis of a Clinical Trial 2000 Gillian Raab
Simon Day
Jill Sales
+ PDF Chat Comparing methods to estimate treatment effects on a continuous outcome in multicentre randomized controlled trials: A simulation study 2011 Rong Chu
Lehana Thabane
Jinhui Ma
Anne Holbrook
Eleanor Pullenayegum
P.J. Devereaux
+ Adjustment for baseline measurement error in randomized controlled trials induces bias 2004 Siew F Chan
Petra Macaskill
Les Irwig
Stephen D. Walter
+ Comparing groups in a before–after design: When t test and ANCOVA produce different results 2006 Daniel B. Wright
+ Directional baseline differences and type i error probabilities in randomized clinical trials 1992 John E. Overall
Kevin N. Magee
+ Statistical Power for Analyses of Changes in Randomized Controlled Trials 2005 Yu‐Kang Tu
Andrew Blance
V. Clerehugh
Mark S. Gilthorpe
+ Statistical Power for Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Designs 2001 J. Michael Oakes
Henry A. Feldman
+ Choosing covariates in the analysis of clinical trials 1989 Michael L. Beach
Paul Meier
+ Subgroup analysis and other (mis)uses of baseline data in clinical trials 2000 Susan F. Assmann
Stuart J. Pocock
Laura E. Enos
Linda Kasten
+ Randomized clinical trials with a pre- and a post-treatment measurement: Repeated measures versus ANCOVA models 2007 Björn Winkens
Gerard van Breukelen
Hubert J. A. Schouten
Martijn P. F. Berger
+ Intention‐to‐Treat Analysis in Randomized Trials: Who Gets Counted? 1997 Milo Gibaldi
Sean D. Sullivan
+ PDF Chat The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials 2012 Roderick J. A. Little
Ralph B. D’Agostino
Michael L. Cohen
Kay Dickersin
Scott S. Emerson
John T. Farrar
Constantine Frangakis
Joseph W. Hogan
Geert Molenberghs
Susan A. Murphy
+ Survival Analysis: A Self-Learning Text 1997 Mark Carpenter
+ Application of Pattern Mixture Models to Address Missing Data in Longitudinal Data Analysis Using SPSS 2012 Heesook Son
Erika Friedmann
Sue A. Thomas
+ Modelling covariance structure in the analysis of repeated measures data 2000 Ramon C. Littell
Jane Pendergast
Ranjini Natarajan
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ Analysis and Interpretation of Treatment Effects in Subgroups of Patients in Randomized Clinical Trials 1991 Salim Yusuf
Janet Wittes
Jeffrey L. Probstfield
Herman A. Tyroler
+ Sensitivity Analysis in Practice: A Guide to Assessing Scientific Models 2005 Andrew McCulloch
+ Sensitivity analysis and external adjustment for unmeasured confounders in epidemiologic database studies of therapeutics 2006 Sebastian Schneeweiß
+ An Overview of Practical Approaches for Handling Missing Data in Clinical Trials 2009 Cynthia DeSouza
Anna Legedza
Abdul J. Sankoh
+ Analysis as‐randomized and the problem of non‐adherence: An example from the veterans affairs randomized trial of coronary artery bypass surgery 1993 Peter Peduzzi
Janet Wittes
Katherine M. Detre
Theodore Holford
+ PDF Chat Comparison of methods for analysing cluster randomized trials: an example involving a factorial design 2003 T. J. Peters
Suzanne H Richards
CR Bankhead
A. E. Ades
Jonathan A C Sterne
+ Missing Data Analysis: Making It Work in the Real World 2008 John W. Graham
+ Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys 1987 Donald B. Rubin
+ Incidence of leukaemia in young people around the La hague nuclear waste reprocessing plant: A sensitivity analysis 1995 Jean‐François Viel
Dominique Pobel
André Carré
+ PDF Chat Assessing methods for dealing with treatment switching in randomised controlled trials: a simulation study 2011 James P. Morden
Paul C. Lambert
Nicholas Latimer
Keith R. Abrams
Allan Wailoo
+ Handling Missing Responses in Generalized Linear Mixed Model Without Specifying Missing Mechanism 2009 Hui Zhang
Myunghee Cho Paik
+ Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ PDF Chat Estimation of average treatment effect with incompletely observed longitudinal data: Application to a smoking cessation study 2009 Hua Yun Chen
Shasha Gao
+ PDF Chat A tutorial on pilot studies: the what, why and how 2010 Lehana Thabane
Jinhui Ma
Rong Chu
Ji Cheng
Afisi Ismaila
Lorena P Rios
Reid Robson
Marroon Thabane
Lora Giangregorio
Charles H. Goldsmith
+ PDF Chat Randomized, Controlled Trials, Observational Studies, and the Hierarchy of Research Designs 2000 John Concato
Nirav R. Shah
Ralph I. Horwitz
+ Outliers in Statistical Data. 1995 Anthony C. Atkinson
V. Barnett
T. Lewis
+ Negative Binomial Regression 2011 Joseph M. Hilbe
+ Outliers in Statistical Data. 1995 N. Balakrishnan
V. Barnett
T. Lewis
+ Choosing covariates in the analysis of clinical trials 1989 1
+ Survival Analysis 2011 David G. Kleinbaum
Mitchel Klein
+ Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data 1997 Joseph L. Schafer
+ Application of negative binomial modeling for discrete outcomes 2003 Amy L. Byers
Heather Allore
Thomas M. Gill
Peter Peduzzi
+ International conference on harmonisation; guidance on statistical principles for clinical trials; availability--FDA. Notice. 1998 1
+ Analysis of Pretest-Posttest Designs 2000 Peter L. Bonate
+ Negative binomial regression 2007 Joseph M. Hilbe
+ Data withdrawal in randomized controlled trials: Defining the problem and proposing solutions 2011 Chenglin Ye
Lora Giangregorio
Anne Holbrook
Eleanor Pullenayegum
Charlie H. Goldsmith
Lehana Thabane