Shunsuke Takagi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Threefolds of globally $F$-regular type with nef anti-canonical divisor 2024 Paolo Cascini
Tatsuro Kawakami
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Weak Akizuki–Nakano vanishing theorem for singular globally F-split 3-folds 2024 Kenta Sato
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Deformations of Log Terminal and Semi Log Canonical Singularities 2023 Kenta Sato
Shunsuke Takagi
+ On the behavior of adjoint ideals under pure morphisms 2023 Shunsuke Takagi
Tatsuki Yamaguchi
+ Deformations of log terminal and semi log canonical singularities 2022 Kenta Sato
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Arithmetic and geometric deformations of $F$-pure and $F$-regular singularities 2021 Kenta Sato
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Weak Akizuki-Nakano vanishing theorem for globally $F$-split 3-folds 2019 Kenta Sato
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat The weak ordinarity conjecture and $F$-singularities 2018 Bhargav Bhatt
Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Finitistic test ideals on numerically <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Q</mml:mi></mml:math>-Gorenstein varieties 2018 Shunsuke Takagi
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Kollár’s injectivity theorem for globally F-regular varieties 2018 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat $F$-singularities: applications of characteristic $p$ methods to singularity theory 2018 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Kollár's injectivity theorem for globally $F$-regular varieties 2018 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shunsuke Takagi
+ General hyperplane sections of threefolds in positive characteristic 2017 Kenta Sato
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Finitistic test ideals on numerically $\mathbb{Q}$-Gorenstein varieties 2017 Shunsuke Takagi
+ Nilpotence of Frobenius action and the Hodge filtration on local cohomology 2016 Vasudevan Srinivas
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat A Gorenstein Criterion for Strongly<i>F</i>-Regular and Log Terminal Singularities 2016 Anurag K. Singh
Shunsuke Takagi
Matteo Varbaro
+ A Gorenstein criterion for strongly $F$-regular and log terminal singularities 2016 Anurag K. Singh
Shunsuke Takagi
Matteo Varbaro
+ A Gorenstein criterion for strongly $F$-regular and log terminal singularities 2016 Anurag K. Singh
Shunsuke Takagi
Matteo Varbaro
+ PDF Chat On the relationship between depth and cohomological dimension 2015 Hailong Dao
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Surfaces of globally F-regular and F-split type 2015 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Comparing multiplier ideals to test ideals on numerically ℚ‐Gorenstein varieties 2015 Tommaso de Fernex
Roi Docampo
Shunsuke Takagi
Kevin Tucker
+ Nilpotence of Frobenius action and the Hodge filtration on local cohomology 2015 Vasudevan Srinivas
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Characterization of varieties of Fano type via singularities of Cox rings 2014 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shinnosuke Okawa
Akiyoshi Sannai
Shunsuke Takagi
+ $F$-singularities: applications of characteristic $p$ methods to singularity theory 2014 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Adjoint ideals and a correspondence between log canonicity and<i>F</i>-purity 2013 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat On the -purity of isolated log canonical singularities 2013 Osamu Fujino
Shunsuke Takagi
+ The weak ordinarity conjecture and $F$-singularities 2013 Bhargav Bhatt
Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Surfaces of globally $F$-regular and $F$-split type 2013 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat A subadditivity formula for multiplier ideals associated to log pairs 2012 Shunsuke Takagi
+ Characterization of varieties of Fano type via singularities of Cox rings 2012 Yoshinori Gongyo
Shinnosuke Okawa
Akiyoshi Sannai
Shunsuke Takagi
+ SUPPLEMENTS TO NON-LC IDEAL SHEAVES (Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry) 2011 Osamu Fujino
Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Adjoint ideals and a correspondence between log canonicity and F-purity 2011 Shunsuke Takagi
+ On the F-purity of isolated log canonical singularities 2011 Osamu Fujino
Shunsuke Takagi
+ A subadditivity formula for multiplier ideals associated to log pairs 2011 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity bounds in graded rings 2011 Craig Huneke
Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Supplements to non-lc ideal sheaves 2010 Osamu Fujino
Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Adjoint ideals along closed subvarieties of higher codimension 2010 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Discreteness and rationality of F-jumping numbers on singular varieties 2009 Manuel Blickle
Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
Wenliang Zhang
+ PDF Chat F-thresholds and Bernstein–Sato Polynomials 2009 Mircea Mustaţǎ
Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Log canonical thresholds of binomial ideals 2009 Takafumi Shibuta
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Rational singularities associated to pairs 2008 Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
+ F-Thresholds, tight closure, integral closure, and multiplicity bounds 2008 Craig Huneke
Mircea Mustaţǎ
Shunsuke Takagi
Kenichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Generalized test ideals and symbolic powers 2008 Shunsuke Takagi
Ken-ichi Yoshida
+ Log canonical thresholds of binomial ideals 2008 Takafumi Shibuta
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat $D$-modules over rings with finite F-representation type 2008 Shunsuke Takagi
Ryo Takahashi
+ PDF Chat A characteristic p analogue of plt singularities and adjoint ideals 2007 Shunsuke Takagi
+ Recent topics on Multiplier Ideals(Arc Spaces and Multiplier Ideals) 2007 Shunsuke Takagi
Daisuke Hirose
+ D-modules over rings with finite F-representation type 2007 Shunsuke Takagi
Ryo Takahashi
+ Adjoint ideals along closed subvarieties of higher codimension 2007 Shunsuke Takagi
+ Generalized test ideals and symbolic powers 2007 Shunsuke Takagi
Ken-ichi Yoshida
+ Rational singularities associated to pairs 2007 Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
+ F-thresholds, tight closure, integral closure, and multiplicity bounds 2007 Craig Huneke
Mircea Mustaţă
Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Formulas for multiplier ideals on singular varieties 2006 Shunsuke Takagi
+ A characteristic p analogue of plt singularities and adjoint ideals 2006 Shunsuke Takagi
+ On F-pure thresholds 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat F-singularities of pairs and Inversion of Adjunction of arbitrary codimension 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat An interpretation of multiplier ideals via tight closure 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
+ When does the subadditivity theorem for multiplier ideals hold? 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ F-thresholds and Bernstein-Sato polynomials 2004 Mircea Mustaţǎ
Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat On a generalization of test ideals 2004 Nobuo Hara
Shunsuke Takagi
+ Formulas for multiplier ideals on singular varieties 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
+ On F-pure thresholds 2003 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ On F-pure thresholds 2003 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Some remarks on a generalization of test ideals 2002 Nobuo Hara
Shunsuke Takagi
+ When does the subadditivity theorem for multiplier ideals hold? 2002 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ On a generalization of test ideals 2002 Nobuo Hara
Shunsuke Takagi
+ An interpretation of multiplier ideals via tight closure 2001 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Approximate analytical solution of a Stefan’s problem in a finite domain 1988 Shunsuke Takagi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A generalization of tight closure and multiplier ideals 2003 Nobuo Hara
Ken Yoshida
+ F-regular and F-pure rings vs. log terminal and log canonical singularities 2001 Nobuo Hara
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat On a generalization of test ideals 2004 Nobuo Hara
Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Tight closure and strong F-regularity 1989 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ PDF Chat Tight closure, invariant theory, and the Briançon-Skoda theorem 1990 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ PDF Chat An interpretation of multiplier ideals via tight closure 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat 𝐹-purity and rational singularity 1983 Richard Fedder
+ F-rational rings have rational singularities 1997 Karen E. Smith
+ Globally F-regular and log Fano varieties 2010 Karl Schwede
Karen E. Smith
+ Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I 2004 Robert Lazarsfeld
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ PDF Chat A characterization of rational singularities in terms of injectivity of Frobenius maps 1998 Nobuo Hara
+ PDF Chat F-singularities of pairs and Inversion of Adjunction of arbitrary codimension 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
+ The purity of the Frobenius and local cohomology 1976 Melvin Hochster
Joel Roberts
+ PDF Chat Inversion of adjunction on log canonicity 2006 Masayuki Kawakita
+ PDF Chat Ordinary varieties and the comparison between multiplier ideals and test ideals 2011 Mircea Mustaţă
Vasudevan Srinivas
+ PDF Chat Formulas for multiplier ideals on singular varieties 2006 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat A subadditivity property of multiplier ideals. 2000 Jean-Pierre Demailly
Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
+ PDF Chat Geometric interpretation of tight closure and test ideals 2001 Nobuo Hara
+ PDF Chat A characterization of rational singularities 1997 V. B. Mehta
V. Srinivas
+ PDF Chat A simple characterization of Du Bois singularities 2007 Karl Schwede
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds and symbolic powers on smooth varieties 2001 Lawrence Ein
Robert Lazarsfeld
Karen E. Smith
+ The multiplier ideal is a universal test ideal 2000 Karen E. Smith
+ PDF Chat Some results on test elements 1999 Ian M. Aberbach
Brian Cameron MacCrimmon
+ PDF Chat Discreteness and rationality of F-thresholds 2008 Manuel Blickle
Mircea Mustaţă
Karen E. Smith
+ F-thresholds and Bernstein-Sato polynomials 2004 Mircea Mustaţǎ
Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat A characteristic p analogue of plt singularities and adjoint ideals 2007 Shunsuke Takagi
+ PDF Chat Discreteness and rationality of F-jumping numbers on singular varieties 2009 Manuel Blickle
Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi
Wenliang Zhang
+ Tight Closure and Its Applications 1996 Craig Huneke
+ On F-pure thresholds 2004 Shunsuke Takagi
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ On the three dimensional minimal model program in positive characteristic 2014 Christopher D. Hacon
Chenyang Xu
+ PDF Chat Centers of F-purity 2009 Karl Schwede
+ Normal F-pure surface singularities 1991 V. B. Mehta
V. Srinivas
+ Strong and weak F -regularity are equivalent for graded rings 1999 Gennady Lyubeznik
Karen E. Smith
+ Frobenius Splitting and Cohomology Vanishing for Schubert Varieties 1985 V. B. Mehta
A. Ramanathan
+ PDF Chat Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type 2009 Caucher Birkar
Paolo Cascini
Christopher D. Hacon
James M textupc Kernan
+ PDF Chat Multiplier ideals and modules on toric varieties 2004 Manuel Blickle
+ PDF Chat Globally F-regular varieties: applications to vanishing theorems for quotients of Fano varieties. 2000 Karen E. Smith
+ PDF Chat Generalized test ideals, sharp $F$-purity, and sharp test elements 2008 Karl Schwede
+ Multiplier ideals of monomial ideals 2001 Jason Howald
+ F-modules: applications to local cohomology and D-modules in characteristic p&gt;0. 1997 Gennady Lyubeznik
+ F-regular and F-pure normal graded rings 1991 Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Comparison of symbolic and ordinary powers of ideals 2002 Melvin Hochster
Craig Huneke
+ Rees Algebras of F-regular Type 2002 Nobuo Hara
K. Watanabe
Ken Yoshida
+ PDF Chat Rational singularities, with applications to algebraic surfaces and unique factorization 1969 Joseph Lipman
+ PDF Chat Singularities on normal varieties 2009 Tommaso de Fernex
Christopher D. Hacon
+ A Characterization of F-Regularity in Terms of F-Purity 1989 Richard Fedder
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ Local Cohomological Dimension in Characteristic p 1977 Robin Hartshorne
Robert Speiser
+ PDF Chat Rational singularities associated to pairs 2008 Karl Schwede
Shunsuke Takagi