Juan Antonio Barceló


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A priori estimates of Mizohata-Takeuchi type for the Navier-Lam\'e operator 2025 Juan Antonio Barceló
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
James R. Wright
+ PDF Chat Unique Continuation Properties from One Time for Hyperbolic Schrödinger Equations 2024 Juan Antonio Barceló
Biagio Cassano
Luca Fanelli
+ Live load matrix recovery from scattering data in linear elasticity 2023 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
M. C. Vilela
+ PDF Chat The Born approximation in the three-dimensional Calderón problem Ⅱ: Numerical reconstruction in the radial case 2023 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Fabricio Macià
Cristóbal J. Meroño
+ Unique Continuation Properties from one time for hyperbolic Schrödinger equations 2023 Juan Antonio Barceló
Biagio Cassano
Luca Fanelli
+ The Born approximation in the three-dimensional Calderón problem 2022 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Fabricio Macià
Cristóbal J. Meroño
+ Live load matrix recovery from scattering data in linear elasticity 2022 Juan Antonio Barceló
C. Castro
M. C. Vilela
+ The Born approximation in the three-dimensional Calderón problem II: Numerical reconstruction in the radial case 2022 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Fabricio Macià
Cristóbal J. Meroño
+ PDF Chat Mass propagation for electromagnetic Schrödinger evolutions 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Biagio Cassano
Luca Fanelli
+ PDF Chat Numerical approximation of the scattering amplitude in elasticity 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
+ The Born approximation in the three-dimensional Calder\'on problem 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Fabricio Macià
Cristóbal J. Meroño
+ Numerical approximation of the scattering amplitude in elasticity 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
+ The Born approximation in the three-dimensional Calderón problem 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Fabricio Macià
Cristóbal J. Meroño
+ Mass Propagation for Electromagnetic Schrödinger Evolutions 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Biagio Cassano
Luca Fanelli
+ Numerical approximation of the scattering amplitude in elasticity 2021 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
+ PDF Chat The Fourier extension operator of distributions in Sobolev spaces of the sphere and the Helmholtz equation 2020 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Teresa Luque
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ Characterization of Sobolev spaces on the sphere 2020 Juan Antonio Barceló
Teresa Luque
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness for the inverse fixed angle scattering problem 2020 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Cristóbal J. Meroño
A. Ruiz-Jimeno
María de la Cruz Vilela
+ The Fourier extension operator of distributions in Sobolev spaces of the sphere and the Helmholtz equation 2020 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Teresa Luque
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ The Dirichlet-to-Neumann map in a disk with a one-step radial potential. An analytical and numerical study 2019 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Sagrario Lantarón Sánchez
Susana Merchán
+ Characterization of Sobolev spaces on the sphere 2019 Juan Antonio Barceló
Teresa Luque
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
+ PDF Chat Corrigendum: A New Convergent Algorithm to Approximate Potentials from Fixed Angle Scattering Data 2019 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ The Dirichlet-to-Neumann map in a disk with a one-step radial potential. An analytical and numerical study 2019 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Sagrario Lantarón Sánchez
Susana Merchán
+ Uniqueness for the inverse fixed angle scattering problem. 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Cristóbal J. Meroño
A. Ruiz-Jimeno
María de la Cruz Vilela
+ A new convergent algorithm to approximate potentials from fixed angle scattering data 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ PDF Chat A New Convergent Algorithm to Approximate Potentials from Fixed Angle Scattering Data 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ Uniqueness for Inverse Elastic Medium Problems 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ PDF Chat On the magnitudes of compact sets in Euclidean spaces 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Anthony Carbery
+ Uniqueness for the inverse fixed angle scattering problem 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Cristóbal J. Meroño
Alberto Ruiz
María de la Cruz Vilela
+ A new convergent algorithm to approximate potentials from fixed angle scattering data 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ PDF Chat A Born approximation from backscattering data for live loads in Lamé system 2015 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ PDF Chat Numerical approximation of the potential in the two-dimesional inverse scattering problem 2015 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Juan Manuel Reyes
+ On the magnitudes of compact sets in Euclidean spaces 2015 Juan Antonio Barceló
Anthony Carbery
+ Resolvent and Strichartz estimates for elastic wave equations 2015 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
A. Ruiz-Jimeno
M. C. Vilela
Nicola Visciglia
+ On the magnitudes of compact sets in Euclidean spaces 2015 Juan Antonio Barceló
Anthony Carbery
+ The forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation with critical singularities 2013 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luis Vega
Miren Zubeldia
+ Hardy uncertainty principle and unique continuation properties of covariant Schrödinger flows 2013 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
Susana Gutiérrez
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ PDF Chat <i>A priori</i> estimates for the Helmholtz equation with electromagnetic potentials in exterior domains 2013 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ Reconstruction of Discontinuities from Backscattering Data in Two Dimensions 2013 Juan Antonio Barceló
Daniel Faraco
Alberto Ruiz
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat Limiting absorption principles for the Navier equation in elasticity 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ The forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation with critical singularities 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luis Vega
Miren Zubeldia
+ Hardy Uncertainty Principle and unique continuation properties of covariant Schrodinger flows 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
Susana Gutiérrez
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ A Born Approximation for Live Loads in Navier Elasticity 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ The forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation with critical singularities 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luis Vega
Miren Zubeldia
+ Hardy Uncertainty Principle and unique continuation properties of covariant Schrodinger flows 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
Susana Gutiérrez
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ A priori estimates for the Helmholtz equation with electromagnetic potentials in exterior domains 2011 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ A priori estimates for the Helmholtz equation with electromagnetic potentials in exterior domains 2011 Juan Antonio Barceló
Luca Fanelli
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ PDF Chat On the dimension of divergence sets of dispersive equations 2010 Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Keith M. Rogers
+ Strichartz inequalities with weights in Morrey-Campanato classes 2010 Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ Reconstruction of singularities from full scattering data by new estimates of bilinear Fourier multipliers 2009 Juan Antonio Barceló
Daniel Faraco
Alberto Ruiz
Ana Vargas
+ Toeplitz operators on Herglotz wave functions 2009 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Alberto Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Weak Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Equations with Long Range Potentials 2009 Juan Antonio Barceló
Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega
M. C. Vilela
+ PDF Chat A Note on Weighted Estimates for the Schrödinger Operator 2008 Alberto Ruiz
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
M. C. Vilela
Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
+ PDF Chat Some special solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation 2007 Juan Antonio Barceló
J. M. Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ Some dispersive estimates for Schrödinger equations with repulsive potentials 2006 Juan Antonio Barceló
Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega
+ Spherical Perturbations of Schrödinger Equations 2006 Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Alberto Ruiz
+ Some special solutions of the Schroedinger equation 2006 Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Alberto Ruiz
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ A MULTILINEAR EXTENSION INEQUALITY IN $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ 2004 Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
+ A bilinear extension inequality in two dimensions 2003 Juan Antonio Barceló
Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
+ Stability of the Inverse Conductivity Problem in the Plane for Less Regular Conductivities 2001 Juan Antonio Barceló
Tomeu Barceló
Alberto Ruiz
+ Unicidad y estabilidad para el problema de conductividad inverso 2001 Juan Antonio Barceló
Tomeu Barceló
Alberto Ruiz González
+ Weighted Estimates for the Helmholtz Equation and Some Applications 1997 Juan Antonio Barceló
Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega
+ PDF Chat Band-Limited Functions: L p -Convergence 1989 Juan Antonio Barceló
Antonio Corboda
+ PDF Chat Band-limited functions: 𝐿^{𝑝}-convergence 1989 Juan Antonio Barceló
Antonio Córdoba
+ PDF Chat Band-limited functions: 𝐿^{𝑝}-convergence 1988 Juan Antonio Barceló
Antonio Córdoba
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Weighted Estimates for the Helmholtz Equation and Some Applications 1997 Juan Antonio Barceló
Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega
+ Asymptotic properties of solutions of differential equations with simple characteristics 1976 Shmuel Agmon
Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory 2012 David Colton
Rainer Kreß
+ Local regularity of solutions to wave equations with time-dependent potentials 1994 Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega
+ Morrey–Campanato Estimates for Helmholtz Equations 1999 Benoı̂t Perthame
Luis Vega
+ A Global Uniqueness Theorem for an Inverse Boundary Value Problem 1987 John Sylvester
Günther Uhlmann
+ Partial Recovery of a Potential from Backscattering Data 2005 Alberto Ruiz
Ana Vargas
+ PDF Chat Magnetic virial identities, weak dispersion and Strichartz inequalities 2008 Luca Fanelli
Luis Vega
+ None 1993 Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega
+ Inversion of Discontinuities for the Schrödinger Equation in Three Dimensions 1991 Lassi Païvärinta
Erkki Somersalo
+ Stable determination of conductivity by boundary measurements 1988 Giovanni Alessandrini
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ Spherical Harmonics and Approximations on the Unit Sphere: An Introduction 2012 Kendall Atkinson
Weimin Han
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Uniform Sobolev inequalities and unique continuation for second order constant coefficient differential operators 1987 Carlos E. Kenig
Alberto Ruiz
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Recovery of Singularities of a Multidimensional Scattering Potential 1998 Lassi Païvärinta
Valeri Serov
+ PDF Chat A New Convergent Algorithm to Approximate Potentials from Fixed Angle Scattering Data 2018 Juan Antonio Barceló
Carlos Castro
Teresa Luque
Mari Cruz Vilela
+ On solutions of the Helmholtz equation in exterior domains 1961 Philip Hartman
Calvin H. Wilcox
+ Reconstructions From Boundary Measurements 1988 Adrian Nachman
+ A Born Approximation for Live Loads in Navier Elasticity 2012 Juan Antonio Barceló
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ Inverse boundary value problems at the boundary—continuous dependence 1988 John Sylvester
Günther Uhlmann
+ Singular solutions of elliptic equations and the determination of conductivity by boundary measurements 1990 Giovanni Alessandrini
+ Generic Uniqueness for Two Inverse Problems in POtential Scattering 1992 Stefanov Plamen
+ PDF Chat Formal Solutions of Inverse Scattering Problems 1969 Reese T. Prosser
+ PDF Chat A restriction theorem for the Fourier transform 1975 Peter A. Tomas
+ PDF Chat Inverse problems: seeing the unseen 2014 Günther Uhlmann
+ Pointwise fourier inversion and localisation in Rn 1997 Anthony Carbery
Fernando Soria
+ PDF Chat Some special solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation 2007 Juan Antonio Barceló
J. M. Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Alberto Ruiz
M. C. Vilela
+ Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators and scattering theory 1975 Shmuel Agmon
+ Electrical Impedance Tomography 1999 Margaret Cheney
David Isaacson
J.C. Newell
+ Recovery of the singularities of a potential from backscattering data in general dimension 2018 Cristóbal J. Meroño
Kenji Yajima
+ On the far-field operator in elastic obstacle scattering 2002 Carlos J.S. Alves
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunction expansions associated with the Schrödinger operator with a complex potential and the scattering theory 1968 Kiyoshi Mochizuki
Lassi Païvärinta
Valeri Serov
+ Direct numerical reconstruction of conductivities in three dimensions using scattering transforms 2010 Jutta Bikowski
Kim Knudsen
Jennifer L. Mueller
+ None 1999 Thomas Wolff
+ Determining conductivity by boundary measurements 1984 Robert V. Kohn
Michael Vogelius
+ Banach Spaces of Solutions of the Helmholtz Equation in the Plane 2001 Josefina Álvarez
Magali Folch-Gabayet
Salvador Pérez‐Esteva
+ Time decay for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation 1968 Cathleen S. Morawetz
+ Mapping Properties of a Projection Related to the Helmholtz Equation 2003 Juan A. Barcel�
Jonathan Bennett
Alberto Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Convexity properties of solutions to the free Schrödinger equation with Gaussian decay 2008 Luis Escauriaza
Carlos E. Kenig
Gustavo Ponce
Luis Vega
+ Non-trapping magnetic fields and Morrey–Campanato estimates for Schrödinger operators 2009 Luca Fanelli
+ Uncertainty principles on certain Lie groups 1995 Alladi Sitaram
M. Sundari
Sundaram Thangavelu
+ PDF Chat Uniform $L\sp 2$-weighted Sobolev inequalities 1991 Filippo Chiarenza
Alberto Ruiz
+ PDF Chat Limiting absorption method and absolute continuity for the Schrödinger operator 1972 Teruo Ikebe
Yoshimi Saitō
+ PDF Chat A direct numerical reconstruction algorithm for the 3D Calderón problem 2011 Fabrice Delbary
Per Christian Hansen
Kim Knudsen
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples of Strichartz inequalities for Schrodinger equations with repulsive potentials 2006 Michael Goldberg
L. Vega
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat Unique continuation for Schrödinger operators with potential in Morrey spaces 1991 Alberto Ruiz
Luis Vega