Van Vu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Short Proof of Kahn-Kalai Conjecture 2024 Phuc Tran
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Matrix perturbation bounds via contour bootstrapping 2024 Phuc Tran
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Matrix Perturbation: Davis-Kahan in the Infinity Norm 2024 Abhinav Bhardwaj
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Matrices With Gaussian Noise: Optimal Estimates for Singular Subspace Perturbation 2023 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Optimal Subspace Perturbation Bounds under Gaussian Noise 2023 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ PDF VinDr-Mammo: A large-scale benchmark dataset for computer-aided diagnosis in full-field digital mammography 2023 Hieu Nguyen
Ha Q. Nguyen
Hieu H. Pham
Khanh Lam
Linh Le
Minh Quang Dao
Van Vu
+ Random orthonormal polynomials: Local universality and expected number of real roots 2023 Yen Do
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ The "Power of Few'' Phenomenon: The Sparse Case 2023 Linh M. Tran
Van Vu
+ A short proof of Kahn-Kalai conjecture 2023 Van Vu
Phuc Tran
+ Matrix Perturbation: Davis-Kahan in the Infinity Norm 2023 Abhinav Bhardwaj
Van Vu
+ PDF None 2023 Linh M. Tran
Van Vu
+ PDF VinDr-CXR: An open dataset of chest X-rays with radiologist’s annotations 2022 Ha Q. Nguyen
Khanh Lam
Linh Le
Hieu H. Pham
Dat Q. Tran
Dung B. Nguyen
Dung D. Le
Chi M. Pham
Hang T. T. Tong
Diep H. Dinh
+ PDF VinDr-Mammo: A large-scale benchmark dataset for computer-aided diagnosis in full-field digital mammography 2022 Hieu T. Nguyen
Ha Q. Nguyen
Hieu H. Pham
Khanh Lam
Linh Le
Minh Quang Dao
Van Vu
+ VinDr-Mammo: A large-scale benchmark dataset for computer-aided diagnosis in full-field digital mammography 2022 Hieu T. Nguyen
Ha Q. Nguyen
Hieu H. Pham
Khanh Lam
Linh Le
Minh Quang Dao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Roots of random functions: A framework for local universality 2022 Oanh Kieu Nguyen
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random polynomials: Central limit theorems for the real roots 2021 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ PDF An Accurate and Explainable Deep Learning System Improves Interobserver Agreement in the Interpretation of Chest Radiograph 2021 Hieu H. Pham
Ha Q. Nguyen
Khanh Lam
Linh Le
Dung B. Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen
Tung Le
Thắng Việt Nguyễn
Minh N. Dao
Van Vu
+ VinDr-SpineXR: A deep learning framework for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs 2021 Hieu Nguyen
Hieu H. Pham
Nghia T. Nguyen
Ha Q. Nguyen
Huỳnh Quyết Thắng
Minh N. Dao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat VinDr-SpineXR: A Deep Learning Framework for Spinal Lesions Detection and Classification from Radiographs 2021 Hieu Nguyen
Hieu H. Pham
Nghia T. Nguyen
Ha Q. Nguyen
Huỳnh Quyết Thắng
Minh N. Dao
Van Vu
+ VinDr-SpineXR: A deep learning framework for spinal lesions detection and classification from radiographs 2021 Hieu T. Nguyen
Hieu H. Pham
Tuan Nghia Nguyen
Ha Q. Nguyen
Huỳnh Quyết Thắng
Minh Quang Dao
Van Vu
+ PDF Sparse random matrices have simple spectrum 2020 Kyle Luh
Van Vu
+ Recent progress in combinatorial random matrix theory 2020 Van Vu
+ PDF Random matrix products: Universality and least singular values 2020 Phil Kopel
Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Central Limit Theorems for the Real Zeros of Weyl Polynomials 2020 Yen Do
Van Vu
+ VinDr-CXR: An open dataset of chest X-rays with radiologist's annotations 2020 Ha Q. Nguyen
Khanh Lam
Linh Le
Hieu H. Pham
Dat Q. Tran
Dung B. Nguyen
Dung D. Le
Chi M. Pham
Hang T. T. Tong
Diep H. Dinh
+ Recent progress in combinatorial random matrix theory 2020 Van Vu
+ Random orthonormal polynomials: local universality and expected number of real roots 2020 Yen Do
Oanh Kieu Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Reaching a Consensus on Random Networks: The Power of Few 2019 Linh V. Tran
Van Vu
+ Reaching a Consensus on Random Networks: The Power of Few. 2019 Linh V. Tran
Van Vu
+ PDF Spectrum of Complex Networks 2019 Daniel Montealegre
Van Vu
+ Random polynomials: central limit theorems for the real roots 2019 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ PDF Random matrices: Probability of normality 2019 Andrei Deneanu
Van Vu
+ Reaching a Consensus on Random Networks: The Power of Few 2019 Linh M. Tran
Van Vu
+ Random polynomials: central limit theorems for the real roots 2019 Oanh Kieu Nguyen
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random Eigenfunctions on Flat Tori: Universality for the Number of Intersections 2018 Mei-Chu Chang
Hoi H. Nguyen
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Spectrum of complex networks 2018 Daniel Montealegre
Van Vu
+ PDF Roots of random polynomials with coefficients of polynomial growth 2018 Yen Do
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random perturbation and matrix sparsification and completion. 2018 Sean M. O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Sparse Random Matrices have Simple Spectrum 2018 Kyle Luh
Van Vu
+ Random matrix products: Universality and least singular values 2018 Phil Kopel
Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
+ Spectrum of complex networks 2018 Daniel Montealegre
Van Vu
+ Sparse Random Matrices have Simple Spectrum 2018 Kyle Luh
Van Vu
+ Random matrix products: Universality and least singular values 2018 Phil Kopel
Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
+ Matrices with Gaussian noise: optimal estimates for singular subspace perturbation 2018 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ PDF Chat Packing perfect matchings in random hypergraphs 2017 Asaf Ferber
Van Vu
+ Random perturbation of low rank matrices: Improving classical bounds 2017 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Roots of random functions 2017 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Roots of random functions: A general condition for local universality 2017 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Roots of random functions: A framework for local universality 2017 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Probability of Normality 2017 Andrei Deneanu
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat A Simple SVD Algorithm for Finding Hidden Partitions 2017 Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random matrices have simple spectrum 2017 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random eigenfunctions on flat tori: universality for the number of intersections 2017 Mei-Chu Chang
Hoi H. Nguyen
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Central limit theorems for the real zeros of Weyl polynomials 2017 Yen Do
Van Vu
+ Anti-concentration Inequalities for Polynomials 2017 Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Sum-free sets in groups: a survey 2017 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Roots of random functions: A framework for local universality 2017 Oanh Kieu Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Probability of Normality 2017 Andrei Deneanu
Van Vu
+ PDF Sum-avoiding sets in groups 2016 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Eigenvectors of random matrices: A survey 2016 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Packing perfect matchings in random hypergraphs 2016 Asaf Ferber
Van Vu
+ Sumfree sets in groups 2016 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random matrices: tail bounds for gaps between eigenvalues 2016 Hoi H. Nguyen
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Dictionary Learning With Few Samples and Matrix Concentration 2016 Kyle Luh
Van Vu
+ Eigenvectors of random matrices: A survey 2016 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Sumfree sets in groups: a survey 2016 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Packing perfect matchings in random hypergraphs 2016 Asaf Ferber
Van Vu
+ Law of Iterated Logarithm for random graphs 2016 Asaf Ferber
Daniel Montealegre
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Real roots of random polynomials: expectation and repulsion 2015 Yen Do
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Roots of random polynomials with arbitrary coefficients 2015 Yen Do
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Anti-concentration for random polynomials. 2015 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random walks with different directions 2015 Simão Herdade
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat On the number of real roots of random polynomials 2015 Hoi H. Nguyen
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Products of Independent Elliptic Random Matrices 2015 Sean O’Rourke
David Renfrew
Alexander Soshnikov
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: tail bounds for gaps between eigenvalues 2015 Hoi H. Nguyen
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Dictionary Learning with Few Samples and Matrix Concentration 2015 Kyle Luh
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Universality of local spectral statistics of non-Hermitian matrices 2015 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Stochastic Block Model and Community Detection in the Sparse Graphs: A spectral algorithm with optimal rate of recovery 2015 Peter Chin
Anup Rao
Van Vu
+ Anti-concentration for polynomials of independent random variables 2015 Raghu Meka
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Roots of random polynomials with coefficients having polynomial growth 2015 Yen Do
Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Stochastic Block Model and Community Detection in the Sparse Graphs: A spectral algorithm with optimal rate of recovery 2015 Peter Chin
Anup Rao
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: tail bounds for gaps between eigenvalues 2015 Hoi H. Nguyen
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Dictionary Learning with Few Samples and Matrix Concentration 2015 Kyle Luh
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: The universality phenomenon for Wigner ensembles 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random weighted projections, random quadratic forms and random eigenvectors 2014 Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ PDF Chat Local Universality of Zeroes of Random Polynomials 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ A simple SVD algorithm for finding hidden partitions 2014 Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Universality of local eigenvalue statistics in random matrices with external source 2014 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
+ Random matrices have simple spectrum 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random walks with different directions: Drunkards beware ! 2014 Simão Herdade
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Law of the determinant 2014 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ A simple SVD algorithm for finding hidden partitions 2014 Van Vu
+ Modern aspects of random matrix theory : AMS Short Course, Random Matrices, January 6-7, 2013, San Diego, California 2014 Van Vu
+ Matrix perturbation bounds with random noise and their applications 2013 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Universality of local eigenvalue statistics in random matrices with external source 2013 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
Van Vu
Van Vu
+ Random perturbation of low rank matrices: Improving classical bounds 2013 Sean M. O’Rourke
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Local universality of zeroes of random polynomials 2013 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random weighted projections, random quadratic forms and random eigenvectors 2013 Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ Universality of local eigenvalue statistics in random matrices with external source 2013 Sean O’Rourke
Van Vu
+ The spectrum of random kernel matrices 2012 Yen Do
Van Vu
+ A central limit theorem for the determinant of a Wigner matrix 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random covariance matrices: Universality of local statistics of eigenvalues 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood-Offord problem in high dimensions and a conjecture of Frankl and Füredi 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Circular law for random discrete matrices of given row sum 2012 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Sharp concentration of eigenvalues 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ The spectrum of random kernel matrices: universality results for rough and varying kernels 2012 Yen Do
Van Vu
+ Circular law for random discrete matrices of given row sum 2012 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: The Universality phenomenon for Wigner ensembles 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Singular vectors under random perturbation 2011 Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Spectra of lifted Ramanujan graphs 2011 Eyal Lubetzky
Benny Sudakov
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Universality of eigenvectors 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Optimal inverse Littlewood–Offord theorems 2011 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: The Four Moment Theorem for Wigner ensembles 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ A central limit theorem for the determinant of a Wigner matrix 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2011 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF The Wigner-Dyson-Mehta Bulk Universality Conjecture for Wigner Matrices 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF A note on the Central Limit Theorem for the Eigenvalue Counting Function of Wigner Matrices 2011 Sandrine Dallaporta
Van Vu
+ The Wigner-Dyson-Mehta bulk universality conjecture for Wigner matrices 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Universal properties of eigenvectors 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ A characterization of incomplete sequences in $F_p^d$ 2011 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ A Note on the Central Limit Theorem for the Eigenvalue Counting Function of Wigner Matrices 2011 Sandrine Dallaporta
Van Vu
+ PDF Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Manjunath Krishnapur
+ Smooth analysis of the condition number and the least singular value 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Optimal Inverse Littlewood-Offord theorems 2010 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Singular vectors under random perturbation 2010 Van Vu
+ PDF Random Matrices: Universality of Local Eigenvalue Statistics up to the Edge 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat A sharp inverse Littlewood-Offord theorem 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices: the Distribution of the Smallest Singular Values 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Localization of the eigenvalues and the necessity of four moments 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Sparse random graphs: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 2010 Linh V. Tran
Van Vu
Ke Wang
+ The Littlewood-Offord problem in high dimensions and a conjecture of Frankl and Füredi 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Bulk universality for Wigner hermitian matrices with subexponential decay 2010 László Erdős
José A. Ramı́rez
Benjamin Schlein
Terence Tao
Van Vu
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ Singular vectors under random perturbation 2010 Van Vu
+ Optimal Inverse Littlewood-Offord theorems 2010 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat On the Rank of Random Sparse Matrices 2009 Kevin Costello
Van Vu
+ Sum-product estimates for well-conditioned matrices 2009 József Solymosi
Van Vu
+ Bulk universality for Wigner hermitian matrices with subexponential decay 2009 László Erdős
José A. Ramı́rez
Benjamin Schlein
Terence Tao
Van Vu
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ Concentration of random determinants and permanent estimators 2009 Kevin Costello
Van Vu
+ On a conjecture of Alon 2009 Linh V. Tran
Van Vu
Philip Matchett Wood
+ PDF Inverse Littlewood–Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF From the Littlewood-Offord problem to the Circular Law: Universality of the spectral distribution of random matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Concentration of Random Determinants and Permanent Estimators 2009 Kevin Costello
Van Vu
+ Spectra of lifted Ramanujan graphs 2009 Eyal Lubetzky
Benny Sudakov
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: The distribution of the smallest singular values 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ On the singularity probability of discrete random matrices 2009 Jean Bourgain
Van Vu
Philip Matchett Wood
+ Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ A sharp inverse Littlewood-Offord theorem 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Smooth Analysis of the Condition Number and the Least Singular Value 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Concentration of random determinants and permanent estimators 2009 Kevin Costello
Van Vu
+ Bulk universality for Wigner hermitian matrices with subexponential decay 2009 László Erdős
José Luis Ramírez
Benjamin Schlein
Terence Tao
Van Vu
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Chat Random Discrete Matrices 2008 Van Vu
+ On the permanent of random Bernoulli matrices 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Central limit theorems for Gaussian polytopes 2008 Imre Bárány
Van Vu
+ None 2008 Anders Johansson
Jeff Kahn
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat John-type theorems for generalized arithmetic progressions and iterated sumsets 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Factors in random graphs 2008 Anders Johansson
Jeff Kahn
Van Vu
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat A Structural Approach to Subset-Sum Problems 2008 Van Vu
+ On the permanent of random Bernoulli matrices 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ From the Littlewood-Offord problem to the Circular Law: universality of the spectral distribution of random matrices 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random matrices: Universality of ESDs and the circular law 2008 Terence Tao
Van Vu
Manjunath Krishnapur
+ Classification theorems for sumsets modulo a prime 2008 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van Vu
+ Factors in random graphs 2008 Anders Johansson
J. Kahn
Van Vu
+ PDF Central limit theorems for Gaussian polytopes 2007 Imre Bárány
Van Vu
+ Sum-product estimates via directed expanders 2007 Van Vu
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ On the Rank of Random Sparse Matrices 2007 Kevin Costello
Van Vu
+ John-type theorems for generalized arithmetic progressions and iterated sumsets 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random Matrices: The circular Law 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Sum-product estimates via directed expanders 2007 Van Vu
+ Small subgraphs of random regular graphs 2006 Jeong Han Kim
Benny Sudakov
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random symmetric matrices are almost surely nonsingular 2006 Kevin Costello
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Finite and infinite arithmetic progressions in sumsets 2006 Endre Szemerédi
Van H. Vu
+ On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2006 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Central limit theorems for random polytopes in a smooth convex set 2005 Van Vu
+ PDF Chat On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Long arithmetic progressions in sumsets: Thresholds and bounds 2005 Endre Szemerédi
Van Vu
+ On random pm 1 matrices 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Olson's theorem for cyclic groups 2005 Van Vu
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Inverse Littlewood-Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete matrices 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Central limit theorems for random polytopes in a smooth convex set 2005 Van Vu
+ Long arithmetic progressions in sumsets: Thresholds and Bounds 2005 Endre Szemerédi
Van Vu
+ Random symmetric matrices are almost surely non-singular 2005 Kevin Costello
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ De Bruijn covering codes with arbitrary alphabets 2004 Van Vu
+ The Spectra of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees 2004 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
Van Vu
+ On random $\pm 1$ matrices: Singularity and Determinant 2004 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Distinct distances in high dimensional homogeneous sets 2004 József Solymosi
Van Vu
+ Eigenvalues of Random Power law Graphs 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
Van Vu
+ PDF Spectra of random graphs with given expected degrees 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
Van Vu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices 2009 Zhidong Bai
Jack W. Silverstein
+ On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2006 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF On the probability that a random ±1-matrix is singular 1995 Jeff Kahn
János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ On the Number of Real Roots of a Random Algebraic Equation 1938 J. E. Littlewood
A. C. Offord
+ PDF Wegner Estimate and Level Repulsion for Wigner Random Matrices 2009 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Random Matrices: Universality of Local Eigenvalue Statistics up to the Edge 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Random matrices: Universality of local eigenvalue statistics 2011 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices 2007 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Inverse Littlewood–Offord theorems and the condition number of random discrete matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF On a lemma of Littlewood and Offord 1945 P. Erdős
+ PDF Local Semicircle Law and Complete Delocalization for Wigner Random Matrices 2008 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
+ PDF Semicircle law on short scales and delocalization of eigenvectors for Wigner random matrices 2009 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat The Littlewood–Offord problem and invertibility of random matrices 2008 Mark Rudelson
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF A new look at independence 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices 1988 Alan Edelman
+ Statistical Ensembles of Complex, Quaternion, and Real Matrices 1965 J. Ginibre
+ On the spectrum of random matrices 1972 L. А. Pastur
+ PDF Chat On random ±1 matrices: Singularity and determinant 2005 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Universality of the Local Spacing Distribution¶in Certain Ensembles of Hermitian Wigner Matrices 2001 Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix 2007 Van H. Vu
Terence Tao
+ PDF Invertibility of random matrices: norm of the inverse 2008 Mark Rudelson
+ PDF On the average number of real roots of a random algebraic equation 1943 Mark Kac
+ Additive Combinatorics 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ PDF Chat Local Universality of Zeroes of Random Polynomials 2014 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Smallest singular value of random matrices and geometry of random polytopes 2004 A.E. Litvak
Alain Pajor
Mark Rudelson
Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
+ The eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices 1981 Zoltán Füredi
János Komlós
+ PDF The Wigner-Dyson-Mehta Bulk Universality Conjecture for Wigner Matrices 2011 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Random covariance matrices: Universality of local statistics of eigenvalues 2012 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Random symmetric matrices are almost surely nonsingular 2006 Kevin Costello
Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ PDF Chat Small Ball Probability, Inverse Theorems, and Applications 2013 Hoi H. Nguyen
Van H. Vu
+ PDF The local relaxation flow approach to universality of the local statistics for random matrices 2012 László Erdős
Benjamin Schlein
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Jun Yin
+ PDF An Introduction to Random Matrices 2009 Greg W. Anderson
Alice Guionnet
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Concentration of the Spectral Measure for Large Matrices 2000 Alice Guionnet
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Universality of Wigner random matrices: a survey of recent results 2011 László Erdős
+ On the Distribution of the Number of Real Roots of Random Polynomials 1975 N. B. Maslova
+ PDF Chat Random Matrices: the Distribution of the Smallest Singular Values 2010 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ On the Distribution of Zeros and a-Values of a Random Integral Function (II) 1948 J. E. Littlewood
A. C. Offord
+ On the Variance of the Number of Real Roots of Random Polynomials 1974 N. B. Maslova
+ Finite addition theorems, I 1989 Andràs Sárközy
+ PDF How many zeros of a random polynomial are real? 1995 Alan Edelman
Eric Kostlan
+ On the Number of Real Roots of a Random Algebraic Equation 1956 Paul Erdös
A. C. Offord
+ PDF Topics in Random Matrix Theory 2012 Terence Tao
+ On the Tightest Packing of Sums of Vectors 1983 Jerrold R. Griggs
Jeffrey C. Lagarias
Andrew Odlyzko
James B. Shearer
+ PDF From the Littlewood-Offord problem to the Circular Law: Universality of the spectral distribution of random matrices 2009 Terence Tao
Van Vu
+ Spectral partitioning of random graphs 2001 Frank McSherry
+ The Rotation of Eigenvectors by a Perturbation. III 1970 Chandler Davis
W. Kahan
+ PDF Rigidity of eigenvalues of generalized Wigner matrices 2011 László Erdős
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Jun Yin
+ Smoothed analysis of algorithms 2002 Daniel A. Spielman
Shang‐Hua Teng
+ PDF Bulk universality for generalized Wigner matrices 2011 László Erdős
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Jun Yin