Qiqi Wang


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Approximating the linear response of physical chaos 2022 Adam A. Śliwiak
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat A Hierarchical Jacobi Iteration for Structured Matrices on GPUs using Shared Memory 2022 Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Efficient Computation of Linear Response of Chaotic Attractors with One-Dimensional Unstable Manifolds 2022 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat A Trajectory-Driven Algorithm for Differentiating SRB Measures on Unstable Manifolds 2022 Adam A. Śliwiak
Qiqi Wang
+ Approximating linear response of physical chaos 2022 Adam A. Śliwiak
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi schemes for non-elliptic partial differential equations 2021 Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Aerodynamic Risk Assessment using Parametric, Three-Dimensional Unstructured, High-Fidelity CFD and Adaptive Sampling 2021 Runda Ji
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Assessment of Detached Eddy Simulation and Sliding Mesh Interface in predicting Tiltrotor Performance in Helicopter and Airplane Modes 2021 Feilin Jia
J. Moore
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Differentiating densities on smooth manifolds 2021 Adam A. Śliwiak
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Computational assessment of smooth and rough parameter dependence of statistics in chaotic dynamical systems 2021 Adam A. Śliwiak
Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat On the probability of finding nonphysical solutions through shadowing 2021 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat An ergodic-averaging method to differentiate covariant Lyapunov vectors 2021 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ Space-split algorithm for sensitivity analysis of discrete chaotic systems with unstable manifolds of arbitrary dimension 2021 Adam A. Śliwiak
Qiqi Wang
+ Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi schemes for non-elliptic partial differential equations 2021 Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Qiqi Wang
+ Efficient computation of linear response of chaotic attractors with one-dimensional unstable manifolds 2021 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ Adjoint-based trailing edge shape optimization of a transonic turbine vane using large eddy simulations 2020 Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
+ A data driven heuristic for rapid convergence of general Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi (SRJ) schemes. 2020 Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Qiqi Wang
+ Ergodic sensitivity analysis of one-dimensional chaotic maps 2020 Adam A. Śliwiak
Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat A BeiDou Signal Acquisition Approach Using Variable Length Data Accumulation Based on Signal Delay and Multiplication 2020 Menghuan Yang
Hong Wu
Qiqi Wang
Yingxin Zhao
Zhiyang Liu
+ PDF Chat Multi-Group Multicast Beamforming: Optimal Structure and Efficient Algorithms 2020 Min Dong
Qiqi Wang
+ A computable realization of Ruelle's formula for linear response of statistics in chaotic systems 2020 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ Variational optimization and data assimilation in chaotic time-delayed systems with automatic-differentiated shadowing sensitivity 2020 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Luca Magri
Qiqi Wang
+ A data driven heuristic for rapid convergence of Scheduled Relaxation Jacobi schemes 2020 Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Qiqi Wang
+ Adjoint-based trailing edge shape optimization of a transonic turbine vane using large eddy simulations 2020 Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
+ Feasibility Analysis of Ensemble Sensitivity Computation in Turbulent Flows 2019 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Pablo Fernández
Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Nanophotonic media for artificial neural inference 2019 Erfan Khoram
Ang Chen
Dianjing Liu
Lei Ying
Qiqi Wang
Ming Yuan
Zongfu Yu
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity computation of statistically stationary quantities in turbulent flows 2019 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems by Finite Difference Non-Intrusive Least Squares Shadowing (FD-NILSS) 2019 Angxiu Ni
Qiqi Wang
Pablo Fernández
Chaitanya Talnikar
+ PDF Chat Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations with explicit data-driven Reynolds stress closure can be ill-conditioned 2019 Jinlong Wu
Heng Xiao
Rui Sun
Qiqi Wang
+ Toward computing sensitivities of average quantities in turbulent flows 2019 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Zhong-Nan Wang
Qiqi Wang
Paul G. Tucker
+ Sensitivity computation of statistically stationary quantities in turbulent flows 2019 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ RANS Equations with Reynolds Stress Closure Can Be Ill-Conditioned 2018 Jinlong Wu
Heng Xiao
Rui Sun
Qiqi Wang
+ Nanophotonic Media for Artificial Neural Inference 2018 Erfan Khoram
Ang Chen
Dianjing Liu
Lei Ying
Qiqi Wang
Ming Yuan
Zongfu Yu
+ PDF Chat Multiple shooting shadowing for sensitivity analysis of chaotic dynamical systems 2017 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ Sensitivity Analysis for a Chaotic Flow past a 3-D Cylinder by the Finite Difference Non-Intrusive Least Squares Shadowing (NILSS) Algorithm 2017 Angxiu Ni
Chaitanya Talnikar
Pablo Fernández
Qiqi Wang
+ Sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems by Finite Difference Non-Intrusive Least Squares Shadowing (FD-NILSS) and application on a chaotic flow past a 3-D cylinder 2017 Angxiu Ni
Qiqi Wang
Pablo Fernández
Chaitanya Talnikar
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems by Non-Intrusive Least Squares Shadowing (NILSS) 2017 Angxiu Ni
Qiqi Wang
+ Toward a chaotic adjoint for LES 2017 Patrick Blonigan
Pablo Fernández
Scott M. Murman
Qiqi Wang
Georgios Rigas
Luca Magri
+ PDF Chat Least Squares Shadowing Method for Sensitivity Analysis of Differential Equations 2017 Mario Chater
Angxiu Ni
Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ Toward a chaotic adjoint for LES 2017 Patrick Blonigan
Pablo Fernández
Scott M. Murman
Qiqi Wang
Georgios Rigas
Luca Magri
+ Lyapunov Exponents and Covariant Vectors for Turbulent Flow Simulations 2016 Patrick Blonigan
Scott M. Murman
Pablo Fernández
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Simplified Least Squares Shadowing sensitivity analysis for chaotic ODEs and PDEs 2016 Mario Chater
Angxiu Ni
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Unsteady Adjoint of Pressure Loss for a Fundamental Transonic Turbine Vane 2016 Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
Gregory M. Laskowski
+ PDF Chat Unsteady Adjoint of Pressure Loss for a Fundamental Transonic Turbine Vane 2016 Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
Gregory M. Laskowski
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical system by Non-Intrusive Least Square Shadowing (NI-LSS) 2016 Angxiu Ni
Patrick Blonigan
Mario Chater
Qiqi Wang
+ Adjoint-based Gradient Estimation Using the Space-time Solutions of Unknown Conservation Law Simulations 2016 Han Chen
Qiqi Wang
+ Decomposition of stencil update formula into atomic stages 2016 Qiqi Wang
+ Toward real-time high-fidelity simulation using integral boundary layer modeling 2016 Alexandre Noll Marques
Qiqi Wang
Johan Larsson
Gregory M. Laskowski
Sanjeeb Bose
+ PDF Chat The swept rule for breaking the latency barrier in time advancing PDEs 2015 Maitham Alhubail
Qiqi Wang
+ Simultaneous single-step one-shot optimization with unsteady PDEs 2015 Stefanie Günther
Nicolas R. Gauger
Qiqi Wang
+ Towards high-fidelity aerospace design in the age of extreme scale supercomputing (Invited) 2015 Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat The Implications of Tolerance Optimization on Compressor Blade Design 2015 Eric Dow
Qiqi Wang
+ Simultaneous One-shot optimization with unsteady PDEs 2015 Stefanie Günther
Nicolas R. Gauger
Qiqi Wang
+ Least Squares Shadowing method for sensitivity analysis of differential equations 2015 Mario Chater
Angxiu Ni
Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ Towards high-delity aerospace design in the age of extreme scale supercomputing 2015 Qiqi Wang
+ Simultaneous Single-Step One-Shot Optimization with Unsteady PDEs 2015 Stefanie Günther
Nicolas R. Gauger
Qiqi Wang
+ Unsteady adjoint of pressure loss for a fundamental transonic turbine vane 2015 Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
Gregory M. Laskowski
+ The Implications of Tolerance Optimization on Compressor Blade Design 2014 Eric Dow
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat The prospect of using large eddy and detached eddy simulations in engineering design, and the research required to get there 2014 Johan Larsson
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Multigrid‐in‐time for sensitivity analysis of chaotic dynamical systems 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Least squares shadowing sensitivity analysis of a modified Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Probability density adjoint for sensitivity analysis of the Mean of Chaos 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Least Squares Shadowing sensitivity analysis of chaotic limit cycle oscillations 2014 Qiqi Wang
Rui Hu
Patrick Blonigan
+ PDF Chat Least Squares Shadowing for Sensitivity Analysis of Turbulent Fluid Flows 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Steven Gomez
Qiqi Wang
+ Least Squares Shadowing for Sensitivity Analysis of Turbulent Fluid Flows 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Steven Gomez
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Least Squares Shadowing Method for Computing Derivative of Ergodic Averages 2014 Qiqi Wang
+ Parallel optimization for large eddy simulations 2014 Chaitanya Talnikar
Patrick Blonigan
Julien Bodart
Qiqi Wang
+ Optimization of Gaussian Random Fields 2014 Eric Dow
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Active Subspace Methods in Theory and Practice: Applications to Kriging Surfaces 2014 Paul G. Constantine
Eric Dow
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Towards scalable parallel-in-time turbulent flow simulations 2013 Qiqi Wang
Steven Gomez
Patrick Blonigan
Alastair Gregory
Elizabeth Qian
+ PDF Chat The drag-adjoint field of a circular cylinder wake at Reynolds numbers 20, 100 and 500 2013 Qiqi Wang
Junhui Gao
+ A Mathematical Analysis of the Least Squares Sensitivity Method 2013 Qiqi Wang
+ Multigrid-in-time for sensitivity analysis of chaotic dynamical systems 2013 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Forward and adjoint sensitivity computation of chaotic dynamical systems 2012 Qiqi Wang
+ Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Optimization of Supersonic Biplane Airfoils 2012 Rui Hu
Antony Jameson
Qiqi Wang
+ Sensitivity computation of periodic and chaotic limit cycle oscillations 2012 Qiqi Wang
Rui Hu
+ Sensitivity computation of chaotic limit cycle oscillations 2012 Qiqi Wang
Rui Hu
Patrick Blonigan
+ PDF Chat Residual Minimizing Model Interpolation for Parameterized Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 2012 Paul G. Constantine
Qiqi Wang
+ Input Subspace Detection for Dimension Reduction in High Dimensional Approximation 2012 Paul G. Constantine
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Adjoint based aerodynamic optimization of supersonic biplane airfoils 2011 Rui Hu
Antony Jameson
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat A Rational Interpolation Scheme with Superpolynomial Rate of Convergence 2010 Qiqi Wang
Parviz Moin
Gianluca Iaccarino
+ A Rational Interpolation Scheme with Superpolynomial Rate of Convergence 2010 Qiqi Wang
Parviz Moin
Gianluca Iaccarino
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Aerodynamic design via control theory 1988 Antony Jameson
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of SRB States 1997 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Least Squares Shadowing sensitivity analysis of chaotic limit cycle oscillations 2014 Qiqi Wang
Rui Hu
Patrick Blonigan
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Least Squares Shadowing Method for Computing Derivative of Ergodic Averages 2014 Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems by Non-Intrusive Least Squares Shadowing (NILSS) 2017 Angxiu Ni
Qiqi Wang
+ None 2002 Lai-Sang Young
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow 1963 Edward N. Lorenz
+ Differentiation of SRB States: Correction and Complements 2003 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Aerodynamic Design via Control Theory 1989 Antony Jameson
+ PDF Chat Forward and adjoint sensitivity computation of chaotic dynamical systems 2012 Qiqi Wang
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ Feasibility Analysis of Ensemble Sensitivity Computation in Turbulent Flows 2019 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Pablo Fernández
Chaitanya Talnikar
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Towards scalable parallel-in-time turbulent flow simulations 2013 Qiqi Wang
Steven Gomez
Patrick Blonigan
Alastair Gregory
Elizabeth Qian
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity, shadowing directions and sensitivity analysis of a turbulent three-dimensional flow 2019 Angxiu Ni
+ PDF Chat Characterizing Dynamics with Covariant Lyapunov Vectors 2007 Francesco Ginelli
Pablo M. Poggi
Alessio Turchi
Hugues Chaté
Roberto Livi
Antonio Politi
+ None 2000 Michael B. Giles
Niles A. Pierce
+ PDF Chat A review of linear response theory for general differentiable dynamical systems 2009 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Least squares shadowing sensitivity analysis of a modified Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ Ergodic sensitivity analysis of one-dimensional chaotic maps 2020 Adam A. Śliwiak
Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Dynamical ensembles in stationary states 1995 Giovanni Gallavotti
E. G. D. Cohen
+ Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for hamiltonian systems; A method for computing all of them. Part 2: Numerical application 1980 Giancarlo Benettin
L. Galgani
Antonio Giorgilli
Jean-Marie Strelcyn
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of SRB states for hyperbolic flows 2008 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat Covariant Lyapunov vectors 2013 Francesco Ginelli
Hugues Chaté
Roberto Livi
Antonio Politi
+ PDF Chat Theory and Computation of Covariant Lyapunov Vectors 2012 Pavel V. Kuptsov
Ulrich Parlitz
+ A computable realization of Ruelle's formula for linear response of statistics in chaotic systems 2020 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ Evaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differentiation 1987 Andreas Griewank
Andrea Walther
+ PDF Chat Statistical Properties of Dynamical Systems with Some Hyperbolicity 1998 Lai‐Sang Young
+ PDF Chat The fluctuation-dissipation theorem 1966 Ryogo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Computational assessment of smooth and rough parameter dependence of statistics in chaotic dynamical systems 2021 Adam A. Śliwiak
Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ Parallel multigrid for large-scale least squares sensitivity 2013 Steven Gomez
+ PDF Chat Probability density adjoint for sensitivity analysis of the Mean of Chaos 2014 Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat On the probability of finding nonphysical solutions through shadowing 2021 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat An ergodic-averaging method to differentiate covariant Lyapunov vectors 2021 Nisha Chandramoorthy
Qiqi Wang
+ Fast linear response algorithm for differentiating stationary measures of chaos 2020 Angxiu Ni
+ PDF Chat Adjoint sensitivity analysis on chaotic dynamical systems by Non-Intrusive Least Squares Adjoint Shadowing (NILSAS) 2019 Angxiu Ni
Chaitanya Talnikar
+ PDF Chat Least Squares Shadowing Method for Sensitivity Analysis of Differential Equations 2017 Mario Chater
Angxiu Ni
Patrick Blonigan
Qiqi Wang
+ Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for hamiltonian systems; a method for computing all of them. Part 1: Theory 1980 Giancarlo Benettin
L. Galgani
Antonio Giorgilli
Jean-Marie Strelcyn
+ Grid Adaptation for Functional Outputs: Application to Two-Dimensional Inviscid Flows 2002 David A. Venditti
David Darmofal
+ Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms 2012 Jasper Snoek
Hugo Larochelle
Ryan P. Adams
+ An optimal control approach to <i>a posteriori</i> error estimation in finite element methods 2001 Roland Becker
Rolf Rannacher
+ Adjoint methods for PDEs: <i>a posteriori</i> error analysis and postprocessing by duality 2002 Michael B. Giles
Endre Süli
+ Shadowing in Dynamical Systems 2000 Ken Palmer
+ Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems 2006 Boris Hasselblatt
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems and Markov approximations for chaotic dynamical systems 1995 N. Chernov
+ On optimum design in fluid mechanics 1974 Olivier Pironneau
+ PDF Chat Constrained multipoint aerodynamic shape optimization using an adjoint formulation and parallel computers 1997 Josephine Reuther
A. Jameson
Juan J. Alonso
M. Rimlinger
D. Sauders
Josephine Reuther
A. Jameson
Juan J. Alonso
M. Rimlinger
D. Sauders
+ PDF Chat The drag-adjoint field of a circular cylinder wake at Reynolds numbers 20, 100 and 500 2013 Qiqi Wang
Junhui Gao
+ PDF Chat The prospect of using large eddy and detached eddy simulations in engineering design, and the research required to get there 2014 Johan Larsson
Qiqi Wang
+ PDF Chat A non-autonomous flow system with Plykin type attractor 2009 С. П. Кузнецов
+ PDF Chat Algorithm Developments for Discrete Adjoint Methods 2003 Michael B. Giles
Mihai C. Duta
Jens‐Dominik Müller
Niles A. Pierce