Jessica Huang


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Machine learning in automated text categorization 2002 Fabrizio Sebastiani
+ PDF Chat Issues and challenges in orbital-free density functional calculations 2012 Valentin V. Karasiev
S. B. Trickey
+ PDF Chat Finding Density Functionals with Machine Learning 2012 John Snyder
Matthias Rupp
Katja Hansen
Klaus‐Robert MĂŒller
Kieron Burke
+ XVI. Functions of positive and negative type, and their connection the theory of integral equations 1909 James W. Mercer
+ PDF Chat Orbital-free bond breaking via machine learning 2013 John Snyder
Matthias Rupp
Katja Hansen
Leo Blooston
Klaus‐Robert MĂŒller
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Machine learning of molecular electronic properties in chemical compound space 2013 Grégoire Montavon
Matthias Rupp
Vivekanand V. Gobre
Álvaro Vázquez‐Mayagoitia
Katja Hansen
Alexandre Tkatchenko
Klaus‐Robert MĂŒller
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld
+ PDF Chat Properties of constraint-based single-point approximate kinetic energy functionals 2009 Valentin V. Karasiev
R. S. Jones
S. B. Trickey
Frank E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Solving ordinary differential equations I. nonstiff problems 1987 Ernst Hairer
Syvert P. NĂžrsett
Gerhard Wanner
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Approximation Potentials: The Accuracy of Quantum Mechanics, without the Electrons 2010 Albert P. BartĂłk
M. C. Payne
Risi Kondor
Gábor Cƛanyi
+ PDF Chat Understanding and Reducing Errors in Density Functional Calculations 2013 Min Cheol Kim
Eunji Sim
Kieron Burke
+ PDF Chat Fast and Accurate Modeling of Molecular Atomization Energies with Machine Learning 2012 Matthias Rupp
Alexandre Tkatchenko
Klaus‐Robert MĂŒller
O. Anatole von Lilienfeld
+ PDF Chat Many-Electron Approaches in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics 2014 Volker Bach
Luigi Delle Site
+ PDF Chat Analysis of the Λb → Λℓ+ℓ− transition in the SM4 using form factors from full QCD 2012 K. Azizi
Nihan Katırcı
+ PDF Chat How to represent crystal structures for machine learning: Towards fast prediction of electronic properties 2014 Kristof T. SchĂŒtt
Henning Glawe
Felix Brockherde
Antonio Sanna
K. MĂŒller
E. K. U. Gross
+ PDF Chat Self-Averaging Stochastic Kohn-Sham Density-Functional Theory 2013 Roi Baer
Daniel Neuhauser
Eran Rabani
+ PDF Chat The Elements of Statistical Learning 2009 Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
Jerome H. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Understanding kernel ridge regression: Common behaviors from simple functions to density functionals 2015 Kevin Vu
John Snyder
Li Li
Matthias Rupp
Brandon F. Chen
Tarek Khelif
Klaus‐Robert MĂŒller
Kieron Burke
+ Kernel methods in machine learning 2008 Thomas Hofmann
Bernhard Schölkopf
Alexander J. Smola