P. K. Aravind


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Two-point resistances of symmetric polyhedral networks 2023 Kevin E. Stern
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Golay codes and quantum contextuality 2022 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ Two-Point Resistances of Symmetric Polyhedral Networks 2022 Kevin E. Stern
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Automated generation of Kochen-Specker sets 2019 Mladen Pavičić
Mordecai Waegell
Norman D. Megill
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Minimal complexity of Kochen-Specker sets does not scale with dimension 2017 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat The Penrose dodecahedron and the Witting polytope are identical in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">CP</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2017 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ MUBs and SIC-POVMs of a spin-1 system from the Majorana approach 2017 P. K. Aravind
+ Variations on a<i>sangaku</i>problem involving kissing spheres 2015 P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Parity proofs of the Kochen–Specker theorem based on the Lie algebra E8 2015 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Resistor Networks based on Symmetrical Polytopes 2015 Jeremy Moody
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Parity Proofs of the Kochen–Specker Theorem Based on the 120-Cell 2014 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem based on the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-qubit Pauli group 2013 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat GHZ paradoxes based on an even number of qubits 2013 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ Minimal Proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem within the N-qubit Pauli group 2012 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Proofs of the Kochen–Specker theorem based on a system of three qubits 2012 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Parity proofs of the Kochen–Specker theorem based on 60 complex rays in four dimensions 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic generation of quantum contextual sets 2011 Norman D. Megill
KreĆĄimir Fresl
Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
Mladen Pavičić
+ PDF Chat Parity Proofs of the Kochen-Specker Theorem Based on the 24 Rays of Peres 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ How Spherical Are the Archimedean Solids and Their Duals? 2011 P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat New class of 4-dim Kochen–Specker sets 2011 Mladen Pavičić
Norman D. Megill
P. K. Aravind
Mordecai Waegell
+ PDF Chat Parity Proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker Theorem Based on the 600-cell 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
Norman D. Megill
Mladen Pavičić
+ Universal violation of pentagon inequalities in four-state systems 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Isomorphism between the Peres and Penrose Proofs of the BKS Theorem in Three Dimensions 2010 Elizabeth Gould
P. K. Aravind
+ Critical sets of rays in four dimensions proving the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem 2007 P. K. Aravind
+ Variation on a theme by GHZM 2007 P. K. Aravind
+ Variation on a theme by GHZM 2007 P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Decoherence of a measure of entanglement 2005 Denis Tolkunov
Vladimir Privman
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Best Conventional Solutions to the King’s Problem 2003 P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Generalized Kochen-Specker theorem 2003 P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Solution to the King’s Problem in Prime Power Dimensions 2003 P. K. Aravind
+ Wigner rotations, Bargmann invariants and geometric phases 2003 N. Mukunda
P. K. Aravind
Richard Simon
+ A simple demonstration of Bell's theorem involving two observers and no probabilities or inequalities 2002 P. K. Aravind
+ The magic squares and Bell's theorem 2002 P. K. Aravind
+ A pseudo-simulation of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm 2002 Justin F. Schneiderman
Morgan Stanley
P. K. Aravind
+ A simple demonstration of Bell's theorem involving two observers and no probabilities or inequalities 2002 P. K. Aravind
+ Mermin's pentagram and Bell's theorem 2001 P. K. Aravind
+ Bells theorem without inequalities and only two distant observers 2001 P. K. Aravind
+ Bell's theorem without inequalities and only two distant observers 2001 P. K. Aravind
+ Optimal quantum measurements for spin-1 and spin-3/2 particles 2001 P. K. Aravind
+ The Wigner angle as an anholonomy in rapidity space 1997 P. K. Aravind
+ A symmetrical pursuit problem on the sphere and the hyperbolic plane 1994 P. K. Aravind
+ Gravitational collapse and moment of inertia of regular polyhedral configurations 1991 P. K. Aravind
+ Geometrical interpretation of the simultaneous diagonalization of two quadratic forms 1989 P. K. Aravind
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem: A proof with 18 vectors 1996 AdĂĄn Cabello
JoséM. Estebaranz
Guillermo GarcĂ­a-Alcaine
+ State-Independent Quantum Contextuality with Single Photons 2009 Elias Amselem
Magnus RĂ„dmark
Mohamed Bourennane
AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Hidden variables and the two theorems of John Bell 1993 N. David Mermin
+ PDF Chat Experimental Test of Quantum Contextuality in Neutron Interferometry 2009 Hannes Bartosik
JĂŒrgen Klepp
Claus Schmitzer
Stephan Sponar
AdĂĄn Cabello
H. Rauch
Yuji Hasegawa
+ PDF Chat New Kochen–Specker sets in four dimensions 2010 Mladen Pavičić
Norman D. Megill
Jean‐Pierre Merlet
+ PDF Chat Parity Proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker Theorem Based on the 600-cell 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
Norman D. Megill
Mladen Pavičić
+ On bell non-locality without probabilities: More curious geometry 1993 Jason Zimba
Roger Penrose
+ PDF Chat State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality 2009 Gerhard Kirchmair
F. ZĂ€hringer
R. Gerritsma
Matthias Kleinmann
Otfried GĂŒhne
AdĂĄn Cabello
R. Blatt
C. F. Roos
+ PDF Chat Testing Contextuality on Quantum Ensembles with One Clean Qubit 2010 Osama Moussa
Colm A. Ryan
David G. Cory
Raymond Laflamme
+ PDF Chat Kochen-Specker theorem for eight-dimensional space 1995 Michael William Kernaghan
Asher Peres
+ PDF Chat Universality of State-Independent Violation of Correlation Inequalities for Noncontextual Theories 2009 Piotr Badzia̧g
Ingemar Bengtsson
AdĂĄn Cabello
Itamar Pitowsky
+ PDF Chat Experimentally Testable State-Independent Quantum Contextuality 2008 AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Kochen–Specker vectors 2005 Mladen Pavičić
Jean‐Pierre Merlet
Brendan D. McKay
Norman D. Megill
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cryptography with 3-State Systems 2000 H. Bechmann-Pasquinucci
Asher Peres
+ Three criteria for quantum random-number generators based on beam splitters 2009 Karl Svozil
+ PDF Chat Simple Test for Hidden Variables in Spin-1 Systems 2008 Alexander A. Klyachko
M. Ali Can
Sinem Binicioǧlu
A.S. Shumovsky
+ PDF Chat Parity proofs of the Kochen–Specker theorem based on 60 complex rays in four dimensions 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Preparation Contextuality Powers Parity-Oblivious Multiplexing 2009 Robert W. Spekkens
D. H. Buzacott
A. J. Keehn
Ben Toner
Geoff J. Pryde
+ PDF Chat “All versus Nothing” Inseparability for Two Observers 2001 Adán Cabello
+ PDF Chat Quantum code words contradict local realism 1997 David P. DiVincenzo
Asher Peres
+ PDF Chat Proofs of the Kochen–Specker theorem based on a system of three qubits 2012 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ Bertlmann's chocolate balls and quantum type cryptography 2009 Karl Svozil
+ PDF Chat Recursive proof of the Bell–Kochen–Specker theorem in any dimension 2005 Adán Cabello
José M. Estebaranz
Guillermo GarcĂ­a-Alcaine
+ PDF Chat Pentagrams and Paradoxes 2010 Piotr Badzia̧g
Ingemar Bengtsson
AdĂĄn Cabello
Helena Granström
Jan-Åke Larsson
+ PDF Chat Parity Proofs of the Kochen–Specker Theorem Based on the 120-Cell 2014 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Kochen-Specker set with seven contexts 2014 Petr Lisoněk
Piotr Badzia̧g
José R. Portillo
AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Proposal for Revealing Quantum Nonlocality via Local Contextuality 2010 AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Fully nonlocal quantum correlations 2012 Leandro Aolita
Rodrigo Gallego
Antonio AcĂ­n
Andrea Chiuri
Giuseppe Vallone
Paolo Mataloni
AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Graphical nonbinary quantum error-correcting codes 2008 Dan Hu
Weidong Tang
Meisheng Zhao
Qing Chen
Sixia Yu
C. H. Oh
+ PDF Chat Non-contextuality, finite precision measurement and the Kochen–Specker theorem 2004 Jonathan Barrett
Adrian Kent
+ PDF Chat Critical noncolorings of the 600-cell proving the Bell–Kochen–Specker theorem 2010 Mordecai Waegell
P. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Parity Proofs of the Kochen-Specker Theorem Based on the 24 Rays of Peres 2011 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat Proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem based on the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-qubit Pauli group 2013 Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
+ PDF Chat New class of 4-dim Kochen–Specker sets 2011 Mladen Pavičić
Norman D. Megill
P. K. Aravind
Mordecai Waegell
+ PDF Chat Feasible “Kochen-Specker” Experiment with Single Particles 2000 Christoph Simon
Marek ƻukowski
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat State-Independent Proof of Kochen-Specker Theorem with 13 Rays 2012 Sixia Yu
C. H. Oh
+ PDF Chat Bell's Theorem without Inequalities and without Probabilities for Two Observers 2001 AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Contextuality supplies the ‘magic’ for quantum computation 2014 Mark Howard
Joel J. Wallman
Victor Veitch
Joseph Emerson
+ PDF Chat Graph approach to quantum systems 2010 Mladen Pavičić
Brendan D. McKay
Norman D. Megill
KreĆĄimir Fresl
+ PDF Chat Hybrid ququart-encoded quantum cryptography protected by Kochen-Specker contextuality 2011 AdĂĄn Cabello
Vincenzo D’Ambrosio
Eleonora Nagali
Fabio Sciarrino
+ The Logic of Propositions Which are not Simultaneously Decidable 1975 E Specker
+ The Geometry of the Quantum Paradoxes 2002 J. Conway
Simon Kochen
+ Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger Paradoxes for Many Qudits 2002 Nicolas J. Cerf
Serge Massar
Stefano Pironio
+ PDF Chat Bounding the quantum dimension with contextuality 2014 Otfried GĂŒhne
Costantino Budroni
AdĂĄn Cabello
Matthias Kleinmann
Jan-Åke Larsson
+ PDF Chat Experimental Implementation of a Kochen-Specker Set of Quantum Tests 2013 Vincenzo D’Ambrosio
Isabelle Herbauts
Elias Amselem
Eleonora Nagali
Mohamed Bourennane
Fabio Sciarrino
AdĂĄn Cabello
+ PDF Chat Quantum cryptography 2002 Nicolas Gisin
G. Ribordy
Wolfgang Tittel
Hugo Zbinden
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic generation of quantum contextual sets 2011 Norman D. Megill
KreĆĄimir Fresl
Mordecai Waegell
P. K. Aravind
Mladen Pavičić
+ PDF Chat Proposed Experiment for Testing Quantum Contextuality with Neutrons 2008 AdĂĄn Cabello
Stefan Filipp
Helmut Rauch
Yuji Hasegawa
+ PDF Chat Finite Precision Measurement Nullifies the Kochen-Specker Theorem 1999 David Meyer