Guixiang Xu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of radial threshold solutions for generalized energy-critical Hartree equation 2025 LI Xue-mei
Chenxi Liu
Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness of the defocusing nonlinear wave equation outside of a ball with radial data for $3<p<5$ 2025 Guixiang Xu
Pengxuan Yang
Z. You
+ PDF Chat Global well-posedness of the defocusing, cubic nonlinear wave equation outside of the ball with radial data 2024 Guixiang Xu
Pengxuan Yang
+ PDF Chat A limiting absorption principle for high-order Schrödinger operators in critical spaces 2023 Xiaoyan Su
Chengbin Xu
Guixiang Xu
Xiaoqing Yu
+ PDF Chat Entire Sign-Changing Solutions to The Fractional Critical Schr{\"O}Dinger Equation 2023 Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
Chunyan Zhang
Jihui Zhang
+ Nondegeneracy of positive bubble solutions for generalized energy-critical Hartree equations 2023 Xue-Mei Li
Chenxi Liu
Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ Dynamics of radial threshold solutions for generalized energy-critical Hartree equation 2023 Xuemei Li
Chenxi Liu
Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ Nondegeneracy of the positive solutions for critical nonlinear Hartree equation in ℝ⁶ 2022 LI Xue-mei
Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ Riesz transforms and Sobolev spaces associated to the partial harmonic oscillator 2022 Xiaoyan Su
Ying Wang
Guixiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Instability of the solitary waves for the 1d NLS with an attractive delta potential in the degenerate case 2022 Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ A Mikhlin--Hörmander multiplier theorem for the partial harmonic oscillator 2022 Xiaoyan Su
Ying Wang
Guixiang Xu
+ Minimal mass blow-up solutions for the $L^2$-critical NLS with the Delta potential for radial data in one dimension 2021 Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ Nondegeneracy of the positive solutions for critical nonlinear Hartree equation in $\R^6$ 2021 Xue-Mei Li
Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Microscopic conservation laws for the derivative Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation 2020 Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Almost sharp global well-posedness for the defocusing Hartree equation with radial data in $\mathbb R^5$ 2020 Xingjian Mu
Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
Jianwei Yang
+ Entire sign-changing solutions to the fractional critical Schr{ö}dinger equation 2020 Xingdong Tang
Guixiang Xu
Chunyan Zhang
Jihui Zhang
+ PDF Chat On the Dispersive Estimate for the Dirichlet Schrödinger Propagator and Applications to Energy Critical NLS 2014 Dong Li
Guixiang Xu
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ Low Regularity Global Solutions for the Focusing Mass-Critical NLS in $\mathbb{R}$ 2011 Yongsheng Li
Yifei Wu
Guixiang Xu
+ Global well-posedness for Schr\ 2009 Changxing Miao
Yifei Wu
Guixiang Xu
+ The Cauchy problem for the Rosenau equation 2008 Shubin Wang
Guixiang Xu
+ The Cauchy problem for the $L^2$-critical focusing Hartree equation in three dimensions 2007 Changxing Miao
Guixiang Xu
Lifeng Zhao
+ On the blow up phenomenon for the $L^2$-critical focusing Hartree equation in $\Bbb R^3$ 2007 Changxing Miao
Guixiang Xu
Lifeng Zhao
+ Cauchy problem for the generalized Benney-Luke equation 2007 Shubin Wang
Guixiang Xu
Guowang Chen
+ Existence results for some fourth-order nonlinear elliptic problems of local superlinearity and sublinearity 2003 Guixiang Xu
Jihui Zhang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nonlinear Dispersive Equations 2006 Terence Tao
+ The Cauchy Problem for the Generalized IMBq Equation in Ws,p(Rn) 2002 Shubin Wang
Guowang Chen
+ Desingularization of Clifford torus and nonradial solutions to the Yamabe problem with maximal rank 2019 María Medina
Monica Musso
Juncheng Wei
+ PDF Chat Fast Soliton Scattering by Delta Impurities 2007 Justin Holmer
Jeremy L. Marzuola
Maciej Zworski
+ Lyapunov stability of ground states of nonlinear dispersive evolution equations 1986 Michael I. Weinstein
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Threshold solutions for the focusing 3D cubic Schrödinger equation 2010 Thomas Duyckaerts
Svetlana Roudenko
+ Scattering for NLS with a delta potential 2015 Valeria Banica
Nicola Visciglia
+ Semilinear Schrödinger Equations 2003 Thierry Cazenave
+ PDF Chat Dynamics for the energy critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in high dimensions 2009 Dong Li
Xiaoyi Zhang
+ PDF Chat Nondegeneracy of the bubble in the critical case for nonlocal equations 2013 Juan Dávila
Manuel del Pino
Yannick Sire
+ Some Additional Remarks on the Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations 1974 Howard A. Levine
+ Large energy entire solutions for the Yamabe equation 2011 Manuel del Pino
Monica Musso
Frank Pacard
Angela Pistoia
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness of minimal blow-up solutions to an inhomogeneous mass critical NLS 2010 Pierre Raphaël
Jérémie Szeftel
+ Modulational Stability of Ground States of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 1985 Michael I. Weinstein
+ Nonlinear Schr�dinger equations and sharp interpolation estimates 1983 Michael I. Weinstein
+ Instability and Blow-Up of Solutions to a Generalized Boussinesq Equation 1995 Yue Liu
+ Dynamic of Threshold Solutions for Energy-Critical NlS 2009 Thomas Duyckaerts
Frank Merle
+ PDF Chat Dynamics for the focusing, energy-critical nonlinear Hartree equation 2012 Changxing Miao
Yifei Wu
Guixiang Xu
+ Variational methods: Applications to nonlinear partial differential equations and Hamiltonian systems 1990 Michaël Struwe
+ PDF Chat Doubling nodal solutions to the Yamabe equation in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> with maximal rank 2021 María Medina
Monica Musso
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of ground states for pseudorelativistic Hartree equations 2009 Enno Lenzmann
+ Uniform Sobolev inequalities and unique continuation for second order constant coefficient differential operators 1987 Carlos E. Kenig
Alberto Ruiz
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Finite Difference Approximate Solutions for 1998 S.K. Chung
+ On a conformally invariant elliptic equation onR n 1986 Weiyue Ding
+ Uniqueness of non-linear ground states for fractional Laplacians in ${\mathbb{R}}$ 2013 Rupert L. Frank
Enno Lenzmann
+ Spectrally Stable Encapsulated Vortices for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations 2002 Robert L. Pego
+ PDF Chat Spectra of Linearized Operators for NLS Solitary Waves 2007 Shu-Ming Chang
Stephen J. Gustafson
Kenji Nakanishi
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ PDF Chat Scattering theory in the energy space for a class of Hartree equations 2000 J. Ginibre
G. Velo
+ Finite element galerkin solutions for the rosenau equation 1994 S.K. Chung
Sung Nam Ha
+ None 2005 Axel Grünrock
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of Radial Solutions for the Fractional Laplacian 2015 Rupert L. Frank
Enno Lenzmann
Luís Silvestre
+ PDF Chat On the blow up phenomenon for the critical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in 1D 2001 Galina Perelman
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ Non trivial L q solutions to the Ginzburg-Landau equation 2003 Susana Gutiérrez
+ Positive Solutions To A Second Order Three Point Boundary Value Problem 2000 Nelson Castañeda
Ruyun Ma
+ PDF Chat Problèmes isopérimétriques et espaces de Sobolev 1976 Thierry Aubin
+ Dynamics for the energy critical nonlinear wave equation in high dimensions 2010 Dong Li
Xiao-Yi Zhang
+ Spherical Harmonics and Approximations on the Unit Sphere: An Introduction 2012 Kendall Atkinson
Weimin Han
+ Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a point defect 2007 Reika Fukuizumi
Masahito Ohta
Tohru Ozawa
+ Global existence of solutions for a strongly coupled quasilinear parabolic system 1990 Maria Assunta Pozio
Alberto Tesei
+ Sharp upper bound on the blow-up rate for the critical nonlinear Schr�dinger equation 2003 Frank Merle
Pierre Raphaël
+ Sharp constants in the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and related inequalities 2002 Élliott H. Lieb
+ Exotic blowup solutions for the u5 focusing wave equation in ℝ3 2014 Roland Donninger
Min Huang
Joachim Krieger
Wilhelm Schlag
+ Comparisons between model equations for long waves 1991 John Albert
Jerry L. Bona
+ Stability of the log-log bound for blow up solutions to the critical non linear Schr�dinger equation 2005 Pierre Raphaël
+ A class of fourth order wave equations with dissipative and nonlinear strain terms 2007 Yacheng Liu
Runzhang Xu
+ Nonlinear stability of solitary waves for a 2-d Benney--Luke equation 2005 José R. Quintero
+ Best constants for Sobolev inequalities for higher order fractional derivatives 2004 Athanase Cotsiolis
Nikolaos K. Tavoularis
+ Uniqueness of positive solutions of Δu−u+up=0 in Rn 1989 Man Kam Kwong