Johnny E. Brown


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sharp inequalities for positive functions 2007 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Integral transforms of functions with restricted derivatives 2007 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Applications of Extreme Points to Distortion Estimates 2002 Johnny E. Brown
+ Proof of The Sendov Conjecture for Polynomials of Degree at Most Eight 1999 Johnny E. Brown
Guangping Xiang
+ On the Sendov conjecture for polynomials with real critical points 1999 Johnny E. Brown
+ A proof of the sendov conjecture for polynomials of degree seven 1997 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat On the Sendov Conjecture for Sixth Degree Polynomials 1991 Johnny E. Brown
+ Lp-norms of polynomials with positive real part 1991 Johnny E. Brown
M. Goldstein
John Mc Donald
+ PDF Chat On the Sendov conjecture for sixth degree polynomials 1991 Johnny E. Brown
+ Images of disks under convex and starlike functions 1989 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat On the Ilieff-Sendov conjecture 1988 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat A coefficient estimate for nonvanishing H functions 1988 Johnny E. Brown
Joel Walker
+ A sequence of extremal problems for trigonometric polynomials 1988 Johnny E. Brown
M. Goldstein
John N. McDonald
+ Iteration of functions subordinate to schlicht functions 1987 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Level sets for Functions Convex in one Direction 1987 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Level sets for functions convex in one direction 1987 Johnny E. Brown
+ On the Zalcman conjecture for starlike and typically real functions 1986 Johnny E. Brown
Anna Tsao
+ On a coefficient problem for nonvanishing <i>H</i> <sup>p</sup> functions 1985 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Some sharp neighborhoods of univalent functions 1985 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat A method for investigating geometric properties of support points and applications 1985 Johnny E. Brown
+ Properties of some extremal nonvanishing univalent functions 1984 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal extensions for some geometric subclasses of univalent functions 1984 Johnny E. Brown
+ Integral means of derivatives of monotone slit mappings 1982 Albert Baernstein
Johnny E. Brown
+ Meromorphic univalent functions whose ranges contain a fixed disk 1981 Johnny E. Brown
+ Univalent functions maximizing $\mathrm{Re}\,\{a_{3} + \lambda a_{2}\}$ 1981 Johnny E. Brown
+ Derivatives of close-to-convex functions, integral means and bounded mean oscillation 1981 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Geometric properties of a class of support points of univalent functions 1979 Johnny E. Brown
+ Linear Extremal Problems In The Class Of Univalent Functions. 1979 Johnny E. Brown
+ Linear extremal problems in the class of univalent functions 1979 Johnny E. Brown
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Some properties of extremal polynomials for the Ilieff conjecture 1972 Dean Phelps
René Rodríguez
+ Conjectures on the Critical Points of a Polynomial 1983 Morris Marden
+ Research Problems in Function Theory 1967 W. K. Hayman
+ On a conjecture of Sendov about the critical points of a polynomial 1985 Borislav Bojanov
Q. I. Rahman
Jan Szynal
+ Geometry of Polynomials 1949 Morris Marden
+ Linear problems and convexity techniques in geometric function theory 1984 D. J. Hallenbeck
Thomas H. MacGregor
+ PDF Chat Support points of the set of univalent functions 1974 Louis Brickman
Donald R. Wilken
+ PDF Chat Convex hulls of some classical families of univalent functions 1971 Louis Brickman
Thomas H. MacGregor
Donald R. Wilken
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of a polynomial and its derivative 1969 A. W. Goodman
Q. I. Rahman
J. S. Ratti
+ A coefficient problem for bounded nonvanishing functions 1977 J. A. Hummel
Stephen Scheinberg
Lawrence Zalcman
+ Research Problems in Complex Analysis 1977 J. M. Anderson
K. F. Barth
David A. Brannan
+ PDF Chat On the Zeros of a Polynomial and its Derivative 1969 A. W. Goodman
Q. I. Rahman
J. S. Ratti
+ PDF Chat Extremal properties of a class of slit conformal mappings. 1978 William E. Kirwan
Richard Pell
+ On Ilieff's conjecture 1977 Gerhard Schmeißer
+ Research Problems in Complex Analysis 1989 David A. Brannan
W. K. Hayman
+ PDF Chat Integral means, univalent functions and circular symmetrization 1974 Albert Baernstein
+ Conjectures on the Critical Points of a Polynomial 1983 Morris Marden
+ Univalent Functions - Selected Topics 1975 Glenn Schober
+ PDF Chat On Ilyeff’s conjecture 1969 A. Meir
Ambikeshwar Sharma
+ On a conjecture of Ilieff 1968 David A. Brannan
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Ilyeff 1968 Zalman Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat On the Ilieff-Sendov conjecture 1988 Johnny E. Brown
+ PDF Chat Univalent Functions-Selected Topics 1975 Glenn Schober
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Location of Critical Points of Polynomials 1971 E. B. Saff
J. B. Twomey
+ PDF Chat On the Sendov conjecture for sixth degree polynomials 1991 Johnny E. Brown
+ Zur Lage der kritischen Punkte eines Polynoms 1971 Gerhard Schmeißer
+ PDF Chat Coefficients of univalent functions 1977 Peter Duren
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ Application of the Pontryagin maximum principle to the solution of extremal problems in the class of functions with bounded mean modulus 1981 В. П. Важдаев
+ A geometric approach to some coefficient inequalities for univalent functions 1968 Enrico Bombieri
+ PDF Chat Some classes of regular univalent functions 1965 Richard J. Libera
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of a polynomial and its derivative 1985 Abdul Aziz
+ A Method of Variation Within the Family of Simple Functions 1938 M. Schiffer
+ Integral means of the Derivatives of some Univalent Functions 1979 Y. J. Leung
+ PDF Chat Support Points of the Set of Univalent Functions 1974 Louis Brickman
Donald R. Wilken
+ PDF Chat Extreme points of the set of univalent functions 1970 Louis Brickman
+ Analytic functions with bounded mean oscillation and logarithms ofH p functions 1976 Joseph A. Cima
Glenn Schober
+ Hadamard products of Schlicht functions and the Pólya-Schoenberg conjecture 1973 St. Ruscheweyh
T. Sheil-Small
+ PDF Chat On the coefficients of univalent functions. 1967 J. Clunie
Ch. Pommerenke
+ PDF Chat A note on the location of critical points of polynomials 1971 Edward B. Saff
J. B. Twomey
+ Lineare Extremalprobleme bei schlichten Funktionen 1971 Albert Pflüger
+ PDF Chat Correction to: “Sums of products of powers of given prime numbers” 1988 Robert Tijdeman
Lian Xiang Wang
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness problem without multiplicities in value distribution theory 1988 Shanyu Ji
+ A remark on level curves for domains convex in one direction†‡ 1973 Walter Hengartner
Glenn Schober
+ Convex sets of operators on the disk algebra 1975 John N. McDonald
+ PDF Chat A localized Erdős-Wintner theorem 1988 P. D. T. A. Elliott
+ PDF Chat On a positive harmonic function in a half-plane. 1955 Masatsugu Tsuji
+ A Deduction from Schwarz'S Lemma 1929 Edmund Landau
G. Valiron
+ Corrigendum: ‘on The Sendov‐Ilyeff Conjecture’ 1996 Emmanuel S. Katsoprinakis
+ PDF Chat Functions whose derivative has a positive real part 1962 Thomas H. MacGregor