Lixiang Zhao


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Simulations of the formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies and quasars 2005 Volker Springel
Simon D. M. White
Adrian Jenkins
Carlos S. Frenk
Naoki Yoshida
Liang Gao
Julio F. Navarro
Robert J. Thacker
Darren Croton
John Helly
+ PDF Chat LassoNet: Deep Lasso-Selection of 3D Point Clouds 2019 Zhutian Chen
Wei Zeng
Zhiguang Yang
Lingyun Yu
Chi‐Wing Fu
Huamin Qu
+ PDF Chat The Aquarius Project: the subhaloes of galactic haloes 2008 Volker Springel
Jie Wang
Mark Vogelsberger
Aaron D. Ludlow
Adrian Jenkins
A. Helmi
Julio F. Navarro
Carlos S. Frenk
S. D. M. White
+ PDF Chat <i>Modeling in the Time of COVID-19:</i> Statistical and Rule-based Mesoscale Models 2020 Ngan Nguyen
Ondřej Strnad
Tobias Klein
Deng Luo
Ruwayda Alharbi
Peter Wonka
Martina Maritan
Peter Mindek
Ludovic Autin
David S. Goodsell
+ PDF Chat Personal Augmented Reality for Information Visualization on Large Interactive Displays 2020 Patrick Reipschläger
Tamara Flemisch
Raimund Dachselt
+ Improving the Usability of Virtual Reality Neuron Tracing with Topological Elements 2020 Torin McDonald
Will Usher
Nate Morrical
Attila Gyulassy
Steve Petruzza
Frederick Federer
Alessandra Angelucci
Valerio Pascucci
+ MeTACAST: Target- and Context-aware Spatial Selection in VR 2023 Lixiang Zhao
Tobias Isenberg
Fuqi Xie
Hai‐Ning Liang
Lingyun Yu
+ PDF Chat Submerse: Visualizing Storm Surge Flooding Simulations in Immersive Display Ecologies 2023 Saeed Boorboor
Yoonsang Kim
Ping Hu
Josef M. Moses
Brian A. Colle
Arie Kaufman
+ PDF Chat How filaments of galaxies are woven into the cosmic web 1996 J. R. Bond
Lev Kofman
Dmitry Pogosyan
+ A Survey of Designs for Combined 2D+3D Visual Representations 2024 Jiayi Hong
Rostyslav Hnatyshyn
Ebrar A. D. Santos
Ross Maciejewski
Tobias Isenberg
+ The New Statistics 2013 Geoff Cumming
+ Visual Abstraction 2020 Ivan Viola
Min Chen
Tobias Isenberg