Dong‐Hee Lee


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Identifying Quality Factors for Surface Defects on Small Steel Bars Using a Two-step Method of Statistical Difference Testing and k-means Clustering 2023 Kwang-Ho Jeong
Dong‐Hee Lee
Sang‐Hyeon Lee
Sung-Jun Lim
Hong-Kil Moon
+ Optimization of Mean and Standard Deviation of Multiple Responses Using Patient Rule Induction Method 2018 Jin‐Kyung Yang
Dong‐Hee Lee
+ Bayesian Inference for the Zero - Inflated Poisson Lognormal Regression Model 2016 Shim Jung Suk
Dong‐Hee Lee
Byoung-Cheol Jung
+ Bivariate Count Regression Models with Heterogeneous Responses 2015 Dong‐Hee Lee
+ Bayesian Inference for the Bivariate Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Model 2013 Shim Jung Suk
Dong‐Hee Lee
Byoung-Cheol Jung
+ Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Zero Inflated Poisson Lognormal Regression Model 2013 Dong‐Hee Lee
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Inference for the Zero In ated Negative Binomial Regression Model 2011 Jung-Suk Shim
Dong‐Hee Lee
Byoung-Cheol Jun
+ PDF Chat Bivariate Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Model with Heterogeneous Dispersions 2011 Dong‐Seok Kim
Seul-Gi Jeong
Dong‐Hee Lee
+ An alternative bivariate zero-inflated negative binomial regression model using a copula 2011 Sunha So
Dong‐Hee Lee
Byoung Cheol Jung
+ PDF Chat A Robust Test for Location Parameters in Multivariate Data 2009 Sunha So
Dong‐Hee Lee
Byoung-Cheo Jung
+ PDF Chat A Test of the Rank Conditions in the Simultaneous Equation Models 2009 Sunha So
You-Sung Park
Dong‐Hee Lee
+ PDF Chat On Confidence Intervals of Robust Regression Estimators 2006 Dong‐Hee Lee
Park You-Sung
Kim Kee-Whan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A bivariate zero-inflated negative binomial regression model for count data with excess zeros 2003 Peiming Wang
+ Modelling the differences in counted outcomes using bivariate copula models with application to mismeasured counts* 2004 A. Colin Cameron
Tong Li
Pravin K. Trivedi
David M. Zimmer
+ Multivariate Zero-Inflated Poisson Models and Their Applications 1999 Chin‐Shang Li
Jye‐Chyi Lu
Jinho Park
Kyungmoo Kim
Paul A. Brinkley
J.P. Peterson
+ A Score Test for Testing a Zero‐Inflated Poisson Regression Model Against Zero‐Inflated Negative Binomial Alternatives 2001 M. S. Ridout
John Hinde
Clarice Garcia Borges Demétrio
+ PDF Chat A class of robust and fully efficient regression estimators 2002 Daniel Gervini
Vı́ctor J. Yohai
+ Identifiability and Consistent Estimability in Econometric Models 1978 Manfred Deistler
Hans-Gunther Seifert
+ PDF Chat High Breakdown-Point and High Efficiency Robust Estimates for Regression 1987 Vı́ctor J. Yohai
+ Bayesian analysis of zero-inflated regression models 2004 Sujit K. Ghosh
Pabak Mukhopadhyay
Jye‐Chyi Lu
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of Rousseeuw's Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimator 1992 Laurie Davies
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Bivariate ZIP Models 2001 Jean François Walhin
+ A case study of evaluating supplier's selection criteria in a steel bars manufacturer 2010 Y. N. Liu
+ Bayesian Analysis of Zero-Inflated Distributions 2003 Josemar Rodrigues
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Measures of Model Complexity and Fit 2002 David J. Spiegelhalter
Nicola Best
Bradley P. Carlin
Angelika van der Linde
+ PDF Chat Inconsistency of Resampling Algorithms for High-Breakdown Regression Estimators and a New Algorithm 2002 Douglas M. Hawkins
David J. Olive
+ PDF Chat Reweighted LS Estimators Converge at the same Rate as the Initial Estimator 1992 Xuming He
Stephen Portnoy
+ A bivariate zero-inflated count data regression model with unrestricted correlation 2008 Shiferaw Gurmu
John P. Elder
+ Bayesian analysis for zero-inflated regression models with the power prior: Applications to road safety countermeasures 2009 Hakjin Jang
Soobeom Lee
Seong W. Kim
+ Score Test for Zero Inflated Generalized Poisson Regression Model 2004 Pushpa L. Gupta
Ramesh C. Gupta
Ram C. Tripathi
+ A simple bivariate count data regression model 2007 Shiferaw Gurmu
John P. Elder
+ Zero‐Inflated Negative Binomial Mixed Regression Modeling of Over‐Dispersed Count Data with Extra Zeros 2003 Kelvin K.W. Yau
Kui Wang
Andy H. Lee
+ Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression, with an Application to Defects in Manufacturing 1992 Diane Lambert
+ PDF Chat The Asymptotics of $S$-Estimators in the Linear Regression Model 1990 Laurie Davies
+ Simulated maximum likelihood estimation of multivariate mixed‐Poisson regression models, with application 1999 Murat K. Munkin
Pravin K. Trivedi
+ A Score Test for Zero Inflation in a Poisson Distribution 1995 J. van den Broek
+ PDF Chat Uniform asymptotics for robust location estimates when the scale is unknown 2004 Matías Salibián‐Barrera
Ruben H. Zamar
+ A Bounded Influence, High Breakdown, Efficient Regression Estimator 1993 Clint W. Coakley
Thomas P. Hettamansperger
+ High-Breakdown Rank Regression 1999 William H. Chang
Joseph W. McKean
Joshua D. Naranjo
Simon J. Sheather
+ Least Median of Squares Regression 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ High Breakdown-Point Estimates of Regression by Means of the Minimization of an Efficient Scale 1988 Vı́ctor J. Yohai
Ruben H. Zamar
+ PDF Chat Generalized S-Estimators 1994 Christophe Croux
Peter J. Rousseeuw
Ola Hössjer
+ Bayes Factors 1995 Robert E. Kass
Adrian E. Raftery
+ Distributions with Fixed Marginals and Related Topics 1999 AJM
Ludger Rüschendorf
B. Schweizer
M. D. Taylor
+ Distributions with fixed marginals and related topics 1996 1
+ Optimization of multiple responses considering both location and dispersion effects 2004 Kwang-Jae Kim
Dennis K. J. Lin
+ Generalized bivariate count data regression models 2000 Shiferaw Gurmu
John P. Elder