Lifeng Chen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat StegaINR4MIH: steganography by implicit neural representation for multi-image hiding 2024 Weina Dong
Jia Liu
Lifeng Chen
Wenquan Sun
Xiaozhong Pan
Yan Ke
+ PDF Chat StegaINR4MIH: steganography by implicit neural representation for multi-image hiding 2024 Weina Dong
Jia Liu
Lifeng Chen
Wenquan Sun
Xiaozhong Pan
Ke Yan
+ PDF Chat Telecommunication wavelength confined Tamm plasmon structures containing InAs/GaAs quantum dot emitters at room temperature 2019 Matthew G. Parker
Edmund Harbord
Lifeng Chen
Edmund Clarke
K. Kennedy
John Rarity
Ruth Oulton
+ PDF Chat A selective metasurface absorber with an amorphous carbon interlayer for solar thermal applications 2016 Chenglong Wan
Y.-L. D. Ho
Sara NĂșñez‐SĂĄnchez
Lifeng Chen
Martín López‐García
J. R. Pugh
Bofeng Zhu
Prabhakaran Selvaraj
Tapas K. Mallick
Senthilarasu Sundaram
+ A Selective Metasurface Absorber with An Amorphous Carbon Interlayer for Solar Thermal Applications 2016 Chenglong Wan
Y.-L. D. Ho
Sara NĂșñez‐SĂĄnchez
Lifeng Chen
Martín López‐García
J. R. Pugh
Bofeng Zhu
Prabhakaran Selvaraj
Tapas K. Mallick
Senthilarasu Sundaram
+ Application of two Bayesian probability algorithms to the estimation of earthquake parameters 2016 Shuanhu Li
Lixin Gao
Ding Fenghe
Lifeng Chen
Hongying Yang
+ PDF Chat Stochastic epidemic models driven by stochastic algorithms with constant step 2015 Lifeng Chen
Jifa Jiang
+ Experimental Study on Efficient Absorption of Carbon Dioxide from Simulation Flue Gas by Rotary Packed Bed 2012 Lijuan He
Jieqiong Li
Lifeng Chen
Yanling Ni
Gangyi Xu
Yuxiang Zhang
Wenfei Wu
+ PDF Chat An interior-point piecewise linear penalty method for nonlinear programming 2009 Lifeng Chen
Donald Goldfarb
+ Fixed Point and Bregman Iterative Methods for Matrix Rank Minimization 2009 Shiqian Ma
Donald Goldfarb
Lifeng Chen
+ A Feasible Active Set QP-Free Method for Nonlinear Programming 2006 Lifeng Chen
Yongli Wang
Guoping He
+ Sequential systems of linear equations method for general constrained optimization without strict complementarity 2005 Yongli Wang
Lifeng Chen
Guoping He
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method for Nonlinear Programming with Strong Global and Local Convergence Properties 2003 André L. Tits
Andreas WĂ€chter
Sasan Bakhtiari
Thomas J. Urban
Craig T. Lawrence
+ A Truncated Newton Algorithm for Large Scale Box Constrained Optimization 2002 Francisco Facchinei
Stefano Lucidi
Laura Palagi
+ On the implementation of an interior-point filter line-search algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming 2005 Andreas WĂ€chter
Lorenz T. Biegler
+ Sequential Systems of Linear Equations Algorithm for Nonlinear Optimization Problems with General Constraints 1997 Ziyou Gao
Guang He
Fen Wu
+ PDF Chat Large-area wide-angle spectrally selective plasmonic absorber 2011 Chihhui Wu
Burton Neuner
Gennady Shvets
Jeremy John
A. Milder
Byron G. Zollars
Steve Savoy
+ Local analysis of Newton-type methods for variational inequalities and nonlinear programming 1994 J. Frédéric Bonnans
+ None 1999 Robert J. Vanderbei
David F. Shanno
+ A QP-free constrained Newton-type method for variational inequality problems 1999 Christian Kanzow
Hou-Duo Qi
+ Interior-point ℓ2-penalty methods for nonlinear programming with strong global convergence properties 2006 L. Chen
Donald Goldfarb
+ PDF Chat A Feasible Sequential Linear Equation Method for Inequality Constrained Optimization 2003 Yu-Fei Yang
Donghui Li
Liqun Qi
+ Globally and Superlinearly Convergent QP-Free Algorithm for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization 2002 Liqun Qi
Y. F. Yang
+ A New QP-Free, Globally Convergent, Locally Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm For Inequality Constrained Optimization 2000 Hou-Duo Qi
Liqun Qi
+ PDF Chat Ultra-thin metal films for enhanced solar absorption 2012 Nathan Ahmad
Jamie Stokes
Neil A. Fox
Mianzhen Teng
Martin J. Cryan
+ A QP-Free, Globally Convergent, Locally Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for Inequality Constrained Optimization 1988 Eliane R. Panier
André L. Tits
José Herskovits
+ Quadratically and superlinearly convergent algorithms for the solution of inequality constrained minimization problems 1995 Francisco Facchinei
Stefano Lucidi
+ On the Accurate Identification of Active Constraints 1998 Francisco Facchinei
Andreas Fischer
Christian Kanzow
+ More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes 1987 Klaus Schittkowski
+ PDF Chat Thermal excitation of plasmons for near-field thermophotovoltaics 2014 Yu Guo
Sean Molesky
Huan Hu
Cristian L. Cortes
Zubin Jacob
+ StegExpose - A Tool for Detecting LSB Steganography 2014 Benedikt Boehm
+ None 2003 Francisco Facchinei
Giampaolo Liuzzi
Stefano Lucidi
+ Ergodic Theory and Differentiable Dynamics 1987 Ricardo Mañé
+ ω-Limit sets for Axiom A diffeomorphisms 1975 Rufus Bowen
+ Sequential systems of linear equations algorithm for nonlinear optimization problems––general constrained problems 2003 Ziyou Gao
Guoping He
Fang Wu
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of Newton iterations to non-stationary points 2004 Richard H. Byrd
Marcelo Marazzi
Jorge Nocedal
+ Robust Recursive Quadratic Programming Algorithm Model with Global and Superlinear Convergence Properties 1997 Francisco Facchinei
+ None 2003 Sasan Bakhtiari
André L. Tits
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of stochastic approximation algorithms 1999 Michel Benaı̈m
+ PDF Chat A primal-dual trust region algorithm for nonlinear optimization 2004 E. Michael Gertz
Philip E. Gill
+ Failure of global convergence for a class of interior point methods for nonlinear programming 2000 Andreas WĂ€chter
Lorenz T. Biegler
+ Strongly Regular Generalized Equations 1980 Stephen M. Robinson
+ Modified Wilson's Method for Nonlinear Programs with Nonunique Multipliers 1999 Andreas Fischer
+ Minimization of SC1 functions and the Maratos effect 1995 Francisco Facchinei
+ Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization 2006 Jonathan M. Borwein
Adrian S. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Stochastic approximation algorithms with constant step size whose average is cooperative 1999 Michel Benaı̈m
Morris W. Hirsch
+ PDF Chat An interior algorithm for nonlinear optimization that combines line search and trust region steps 2005 Richard A. Waltz
José Luis Morales
Jorge Nocedal
Dominique Orban
+ Line Search Filter Methods for Nonlinear Programming: Motivation and Global Convergence 2005 Andreas WĂ€chter
Lorenz T. Biegler
+ Integral Inequalities for Convex Functions of Operators on Martingales 2011 Burgess Davis
Renming Song
+ The relaxation method of finding the common point of convex sets and its application to the solution of problems in convex programming 1967 L.M. Bregman
+ PDF Chat Newton-Type Methods for Optimization Problems without Constraint Qualifications 2004 A. F. Izmailov
M. V. Solodov
+ A Simply Constrained Optimization Reformulation of KKT Systems Arising from Variational Inequalities 1999 Francisco Facchinei
Andreas Fischer
Christian Kanzow
Jiming Peng
+ An Algorithm for Degenerate Nonlinear Programming with Rapid Local Convergence 2005 Stephen J. Wright
+ Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints: Stationarity, Optimality, and Sensitivity 2000 Holger Scheel
Stefan Scholtes
+ PDF Chat An Interior Point Algorithm for Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming 1999 Richard H. Byrd
Mary E. Hribar
Jorge Nocedal
+ Inertia-controlling factorizations for optimization algorithms 2002 Anders Forsgren
+ Nonlinear programming without a penalty function 2002 R. Fletcher
Sven Leyffer
+ New Results on a Continuously Differentiable Exact Penalty Function 1992 Stefano Lucidi
+ Qualitative analyses of communicable disease models 1976 Herbert W. Hethcote
+ An Interior Point Method with a Primal-Dual Quadratic Barrier Penalty Function for Nonlinear Optimization 2003 Hiroshi Yamashita
Hiroshi Yabe
+ Asymptotic Behavior of a Markovian Stochastic Algorithm with Constant Step 1999 Jean‐Claude Fort
Gilles PagĂšs
+ PDF Chat Enhanced single photon emission from positioned InP/GaInP quantum dots coupled to a confined Tamm-plasmon mode 2015 Tristan Braun
Vasilij Baumann
Oliver Iff
Sven Höfling
Christian Schneider
M. Kamp