Tao Li


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Reconstruction of acoustic source with high-curvature part 2022 Tao Li
Youjun Deng
Xiaoping Fang
+ Linearization and Perturbations of Piecewise Smooth Vector Fields with a Boundary Equilibrium 2022 Tao Li
Xingwu Chen
+ Limit cycles in piecewise polynomial Hamiltonian systems allowing nonlinear switching boundaries 2022 Tao Li
Jaume Llibre
+ PDF Chat Heegaard genus, degree‐one maps, and amalgamation of 3‐manifolds 2022 Tao Li
+ Global dynamics of a structurally orthotropic stringer shell system 2022 Yuzhou Tian
Fabao Gao
Tao Li
+ Taut foliations of 3-manifolds with Heegaard genus two 2022 Tao Li
+ Likelihood-based methods for the zero-one-two inflated Poisson model with applications to biomedicine 2021 Yuan Sun
Shishun Zhao
Guo‐Liang Tian
Man‐Lai Tang
Tao Li
+ PDF Chat On the 16th Hilbert Problem for Discontinuous Piecewise Polynomial Hamiltonian Systems 2021 Tao Li
Jaume Llibre
+ PDF Chat Phase portraits of separable quadratic systems and a bibliographical survey on quadratic systems 2021 Tao Li
Jaume Llibre
+ PDF Chat Limit cycles in piecewise polynomial systems allowing a non-regular switching boundary 2021 Tao Li
Jaume Llibre
+ PDF Chat Limit cycles of piecewise polynomial differential systems with the discontinuity line <i>xy</i> = 0 2021 Tao Li
Jaume Llibre
+ PDF Chat Crossing periodic orbits of nonsmooth Liénard systems and applications 2020 Tao Li
Hebai Chen
Xingwu Chen
+ Degenerate grazing-sliding bifurcations in planar Filippov systems 2020 Tao Li
Xingwu Chen
+ PDF Chat Periodic Orbits of Linear Filippov Systems with a Line of Discontinuity 2020 Tao Li
Xingwu Chen
+ Dynamics of planar vector fields near a non-smooth equilibrium 2020 Tao Li
Xingwu Chen
+ Heegaard genus, degree-one maps, and amalgamation of 3-manifolds 2020 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Bi-center problem and Hopf cyclicity of a Cubic Liénard system 2019 Min Hu
Tao Li
Xingwu Chen
+ Limit Cycles and Bifurcations in a Class of Discontinuous Piecewise Linear Systems 2019 Tao Li
+ A new method for polyphase pulse compression codes modulation recognision based on IQPF and FRFT 2017 Xiaolei Fan
Linzhou Li
Tao Li
Zengping Chen
+ Tunnel number one knots satisfy the Berge Conjecture 2017 Tao Li
Yoav Moriah
Tali Pinsky
+ Tunnel number one knots satisfy the Berge Conjecture 2017 Tao Li
Yoav Moriah
Tali Pinsky
+ Harmonic solutions of a dry friction system 2016 Tao Li
Xingwu Chen
Jianrong Zhao
+ PDF Chat Taut foliations in knot complements 2014 Tao Li
Rachel Roberts
+ PDF Chat Small 3-manifolds with large Heegaard distance 2013 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Rank and genus of 3-manifolds 2013 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat A General Class of Convexification Transformation for the Noninferior Frontier of a Multiobjective Program 2013 Tao Li
Yanjun Wang
Zhian Liang
+ On the degeneration of tunnel numbers under connected sum 2013 Tao Li
Ruifeng Qiu
Yuling Jiao
Tao Li
+ PDF Chat An algorithm to determine the Heegaard genus of a 3–manifold 2011 Tao Li
+ Images of the disk complex 2011 Tao Li
+ Rank and genus of 3-manifolds 2011 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Heegaard surfaces and the distance of amalgamation 2010 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Thin position and planar surfaces for graphs in the 3-sphere 2010 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat A quadratic bound on the number of boundary slopes of essential surfaces with bounded genus 2009 Tao Li
Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ A quadratic bound on the number of boundary slopes of essential surfaces with bounded genus 2009 Tao Li
Ruifeng Qiu
Shicheng Wang
+ Thin position and planar surfaces for graphs in the 3-sphere 2008 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat On the Heegaard splittings of amalgamated 3–manifolds 2007 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Saddle tangencies and the distance of Heegaard splittings 2007 Tao Li
+ A monotonicity conjecture for the entropy of Hubbard trees 2007 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat An algorithm to find vertical tori in small Seifert fiber spaces 2006 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations, I: The Waldhausen conjecture 2006 Tao Li
+ Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations, II: Non-Haken 3–manifolds 2006 Tao Li
+ Property P for knots admitting certain Gabai disks 2004 Oliver T. Dasbach
Tao Li
+ Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations, II: non-Haken 3-manifolds 2004 Tao Li
+ Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations, I: the Waldhausen conjecture 2004 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat An algorithm to detect laminar 3–manifolds 2003 Ian Agol
Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Boundary curves of surfaces with the 4–plane property 2002 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Laminar branched surfaces in 3–manifolds 2002 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Commutator subgroups and foliations without holonomy 2002 Tao Li
+ An algorithm to find vertical tori in small Seifert fiber spaces 2002 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Immersed essential surfaces in hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2002 Tao Li
+ The Coinduced Functor and Homological Properties of Hopf Modules 2001 Tao Li
Zhi‐Xi Wang
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Reducing heegaard splittings 1987 Andrew Casson
C. McA. Gordon
+ Incompressible surfaces via branched surfaces 1984 William Floyd
Ulrich Oertel
+ PDF Chat Laminar branched surfaces in 3–manifolds 2002 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat On the boundary curves of incompressible surfaces 1982 Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat 3-Manifolds as viewed from the curve complex 2001 John Hempel
+ One-Parameter Bifurcations in Planar Filippov Systems 2003 Yuri A. Kuznetsov
S. Rinaldi
Alessandra Gragnani
+ Essential Laminations in 3-Manifolds 1989 David Gabai
Ulrich Oertel
+ Local detection of strongly irreducible Heegaard splittings 1998 Martin Scharlemann
+ PDF Chat Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations, I: The Waldhausen conjecture 2006 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds 1983 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Piecewise linear perturbations of a linear center 2013 Claudio A. Buzzi
Claudio Pessoa
Joan Torregrosa
+ Heegaard surfaces and measured laminations, II: Non-Haken 3–manifolds 2006 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Heegaard surfaces and the distance of amalgamation 2010 Tao Li
+ Foliations and 3-Manifolds* 1990 David Gabai
+ On Hopf bifurcation in non-smooth planar systems 2009 Maoan Han
Weinian Zhang
+ PDF Chat Alternate Heegaard genus bounds distance 2006 Martin Scharlemann
Maggy Tomova
+ PDF Chat On Irreducible 3-Manifolds Which are Sufficiently Large 1968 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ Differential Equations with Discontinuous Righthand Sides 1988 Alexander Filippov
+ PDF Chat Generic bifurcations of low codimension of planar Filippov Systems 2010 Marcel Guàrdia
Tere M. Seara
Marco Antônio Teixeira
+ Piecewise-smooth Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications 2007 Mario di Bernardo
Chris Budd
Alan R. Champneys
Piotr Kowalczyk
+ PDF Chat On the Heegaard splittings of amalgamated 3–manifolds 2007 Tao Li
+ Global dynamics of a mechanical system with dry friction 2018 Hebai Chen
Sen Duan
Yilei Tang
Jianhua Xie
+ PDF Chat Almost normal surfaces in 3-manifolds 1999 Michelle Stocking
+ PDF Chat The asymptoic behaviour of Heegaard genus 2004 Marc Lackenby
+ PDF Chat Boundary curves of surfaces with the 4–plane property 2002 Tao Li
+ PDF Chat Measured laminations in $3$-manifolds 1988 Ulrich Oertel
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Three-Manifold Topology 1980 William Jaco
+ PDF Chat An algorithm to detect laminar 3–manifolds 2003 Ian Agol
Tao Li
+ PDF Chat 0-Efficient Triangulations of 3-Manifolds 2003 William Jaco
J Rubinstein
+ PDF Chat Proximity in the curve complex: boundary reduction and bicompressible surfaces 2006 Martin Scharlemann
+ Planar systems of piecewise linear differential equations with a line of discontinuity 2001 Fotios Giannakopoulos
Karin Pliete
+ Foliations and the topology of 3-manifolds. III 1987 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat The Heegaard Genus of Amalgamated 3-Manifolds 2004 Marc Lackenby
+ PDF Chat Three dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry 1982 William P. Thurston
+ Geschlossene Flächen in dreidimensionalen Mannigfaltigkeiten [19–29] 2011 4
+ Some problems on 3-manifolds 1978 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ Averaging Theory of Arbitrary Order for Piecewise Smooth Differential Systems and Its Application 2016 Lijun Wei
Xiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral minimal surfaces, Heegaard splittings, and decision problems for 3-dimensional manifolds 1996 William Kazez
+ PDF Chat Heegaard surfaces in Haken 3-manifolds 1990 Klaus Johannson
+ Measured lamination spaces for surfaces, from the topological viewpoint 1988 Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat Knots are determined by their complements 1989 C. McA. Gordon
John Luecke
+ PDF Chat Dynamics and bifurcations of nonsmooth systems: A survey 2012 Oleg Makarenkov
Jeroen S. W. Lamb
+ PDF Chat A new result on averaging theory for a class of discontinuous planar differential systems with applications 2017 Jackson Itikawa
Jaume Llibre
Douglas D. Novaes
+ PDF Chat Sweepouts of amalgamated 3–manifolds 2006 David Bachman
Saul Schleimer
Eric Sedgwick
+ On the number of limit cycles in general planar piecewise linear systems 2012 Song-Mei Huan
Xiao‐Song Yang
+ On Hopf bifurcations of piecewise planar Hamiltonian systems 2010 Junmin Yang
Maoan Han
Wenzhang Huang
+ The Classification of Heegaard Splittings for (Compact Orient Able Surface) × <i>S<sup>1</sup> </i> 1993 Jennifer Schultens
+ PDF Chat Genus 2 Heegaard decompositions of small Seifert manifolds 1991 Michel Boileau
Donald J. Collins
Heiner Zieschang
+ Incompressible surfaces in 2-bridge knot complements 1985 Allen Hatcher
William P. Thurston
+ Boundary Structure of The Modular Group 1981 W. J. Harvey