Jiayu Li


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A survey on the isoperimetric problem in Riemannian manifolds 2025 Jiayu Li
Shujing Pan
+ Should we use ceiling fans indoors to reduce the risk of transmission of infectious aerosols? 2024 Jiayu Li
Zuraimi Sultan
Stefano Schiavon
+ The isoperimetric problem in the Riemannian manifold admitting a non-trivial conformal vector field 2024 Jiayu Li
Shujing Pan
+ A Case-Control Study of Behavioural and Built Environment Determinants of COVID-19 Transmission in Sheltered Markets 2024 Jiayu Li
Junjing Yang
Bindhu Unni
Rowena Yap
Jue Tao Lim
Mohammad Nazeem
Joanna Shen
Yee Leong Teoh
Lee Ching Ng
Shuzhen Sim
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Contextual Pricing with Doubly Non-Parametric Random Utility Models 2024 Elynn Chen
Xi Chen
Lan Gao
Jiayu Li
+ PDF Chat Introducing EEG Analyses to Help Personal Music Preference Prediction 2024 Zhiyu He
Jiayu Li
Weizhi Ma
Min Zhang
Yiqun Liu
Shaoping Ma
+ PDF Chat Aiming at the Target: Filter Collaborative Information for Cross-Domain Recommendation 2024 Hanyu Li
Weizhi Ma
Peijie Sun
Jiayu Li
Cunxiang Yin
Yancheng He
Guoqiang Xu
Min Zhang
Shaoping Ma
+ LEFormer: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Architecture for Accurate Lake Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery 2024 Ben Chen
Xuechao Zou
Yu Zhang
Jiayu Li
Kai Li
Junliang Xing
Pin Tao
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Contextual Pricing with Doubly Non-Parametric Random Utility Models 2024 Elynn Chen
Xi Chen
Lan Gao
Jiayu Li
+ CloudBrain-MRS: An intelligent cloud computing platform for in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy preprocessing, quantification, and analysis 2023 Xiaodie Chen
Jiayu Li
Dicheng Chen
Yirong Zhou
Zhangren Tu
Meijin Lin
Taishan Kang
Jianzhong Lin
Tao Gong
Liuhong Zhu
+ The isoperimetric problem in the Riemannian manifold admitting a non-trivial conformal vector field 2023 Jiayu Li
Shujing Pan
+ The qualitative behavior at a vortex point for the Chern-Simon-Higgs equation 2023 Jiayu Li
Lei Liu
+ LEFormer: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Architecture for Accurate Lake Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery 2023 Ben Chen
Xuechao Zou
Yu Zhang
Jiayu Li
Kai Li
Pin Tao
+ The Prescribed $Q$-Curvature Flow for Arbitrary Even Dimension in a Critical Case 2021 Yuchen Bi
Jiayu Li
+ Low-complexity and High-performance Receive Beamforming for Secure Directional Modulation Networks against an Eavesdropping-enabled Full-duplex Attacker 2020 Yin Teng
Jiayu Li
Lin Liu
Gui‐Yang Xia
Xiaobo Zhou
Feng Shu
Jiangzhou Wang
Xiaohu You
+ Energy-efficient Alternating Iterative Secure Structure of Maximizing Secrecy Rate for Directional Modulation Networks 2019 Linlin Sun
Jiayu Li
Yu Zhang
Yuntian Wang
Linqing Gui
Fanyuan Li
Haochen Li
Zhihong Zhuang
Feng Shu
+ PDF Chat A note on the nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres 2016 Jiayu Li
Linlin Sun
+ A note on the nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres 2016 Jiayu Li
Linlin Sun
+ Symplectic mean curvature flows in Kähler surfaces with positive holomorphic sectional curvatures 2012 Jiayu Li
Liuqing Yang
+ The mean curvature flow along the Kähler-Ricci flow 2011 Xiaoli Han
Jiayu Li
+ The $Q$-curvature on a 4-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ with $\int_MQdV_g=8\pi^2$ 2006 Jiayu Li
Yuxiang Li
Pan Liu
+ The $Q$-curvature on a 4-dimensional Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ with $\int_MQdV_g=8π^2$ 2006 Jiayu Li
Yuxiang Li
Pan Liu
+ Deforming metrics with negative curvature by a fully nonlinear flow 2004 Jiayu Li
Weimin Sheng
+ PDF Chat Singularity of mean curvature flow of Lagrangian submanifolds 2004 Jingyi Chen
Jiayu Li
+ The Blow-up Locus of Heat Flows for Harmonic Maps 2000 Jiayu Li
Gang Tian
+ The Heat Flow of Harmonic Maps from Noncompact Manifolds 2000 Jiayu Li
Silei Wang
+ Parabolic stable Higgs bundles over complete noncompact Riemann surfaces 1999 Jiayu Li
Wang Youde
+ PDF Chat An analysis of the two-vortex case in the Chern-Simons Higgs model 1998 Weiyue Ding
Jürgen Jost
Jiayu Li
Guofang Wang
+ Finite energy and totally geodesic maps from locally symmetric spaces of finite volume 1996 Jürgen Jost
Jiayu Li
+ Finite energy and totally geodesic maps from locally symmetric spaces of finite volume 1996 Jürgen Jost
Jiayu Li
+ Boundedness of the Riesz Potential on a Complete Manifold with Nonnegative Ricci Curvature 1993 Jiayu Li
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Harmonic Mappings of Riemannian Manifolds 1964 James Eells
J. H. Sampson
+ PDF Chat Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres 1984 Gerhard Huisken
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior for singularities of the mean curvature flow 1990 Gerhard Huisken
+ Sharp borderline Sobolev inequalities on compact Riemannian manifolds 1993 Luigi Fontana
+ PDF Chat Elliptic regularization and partial regularity for motion by mean curvature 1994 Tom Ilmanen
+ Nonexistence of quasi-harmonic spheres with large energy 2011 Jiayu Li
Yunyan Yang
+ On the essential spectrum of a complete Riemannian manifold 1981 Harold Donnelly
+ On the uniqueness of the foliation of spheres of constant mean curvature in asymptotically flat 3-manifolds 2007 Jie Qing
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat A fully-nonlinear flow and quermassintegral inequalities in the sphere 2022 Chuanqiang Chen
Pengfei Guan
Junfang Li
Julian Scheuer
+ A volume preserving flow and the isoperimetric problem in warped product spaces 2018 Pengfei Guan
Junfang Li
Mu‐Tao Wang
+ Lectures on Geometric Measure Theory 1984 Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat Finite-time blow-up of the heat flow of harmonic maps from surfaces 1992 Kung-Ching Chang
Wei Ding
Rugang Ye
+ PDF Chat A classification of solutions of a conformally invariant fourth order equation in R n 1998 Chang‐Shou Lin
+ Blow-up and global existence for heat flows of harmonic maps 1990 Yunmei Chen
Weiyue Ding
+ Probable airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a poorly ventilated restaurant 2021 Yuguo Li
Hua Qian
Jian Hang
Xuguang Chen
Pan Cheng
Hong Ling
Shengqi Wang
Liang Peng
Jiansen Li
Shenglan Xiao
+ On the First Variation of a Varifold 1972 William K. Allard
+ PDF Chat A Mean Curvature Type Flow in Space Forms 2014 Pengfei Guan
Junfang Li
+ Non existence of quasi-harmonic spheres 2009 Jiayu Li
Zhu Xiang-rong
+ PDF Chat Definition of center of mass for isolated physical systems and unique foliations by stable spheres with constant mean curvature 1996 Gerhard Huisken
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Equations aux dérivées partielles. Explosion en temps fini pour le flot des applications harmoniques 1989 Jean‐Michel Coron
Jean‐Michel Ghidaglia
+ PDF Chat Large isoperimetric surfaces in initial data sets 2013 Michael Eichmair
Jan Metzger
+ The isoperimetric inequality for a minimal submanifold in Euclidean space 2020 Simon Brendle
+ The motion of a surface by its mean curvature 1978 Kenneth A. Brakke
+ PDF Chat Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities in the sphere 2022 Min Chen
Jun Sun
+ PDF Chat The Yamabe problem 1987 John M. Lee
Thomas H. Parker
+ PDF Chat Locally constrained curvature flows and geometric inequalities in hyperbolic space 2020 Yingxiang Hu
Haizhong Li
Yong Wei
+ Constant Q-curvature metrics in arbitrary dimension 2007 Cheikh Birahim Ndiaye
+ Geometry of Measures in R n : Distribution, Rectifiability, and Densities 1987 David Preiss
+ PDF Chat The heat equation shrinking convex plane curves 1986 Michael E. Gage
Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Unicity of constant mean curvature hypersurfaces in some riemannian manifolds 1999 Sebastián Montiel
+ PDF Chat Mean Curvature Evolution of Entire Graphs 1989 Klaus Ecker
Gerhard Huisken
+ A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19 2021 Martin Z. Bazant
John W. M. Bush
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear evolution by mean curvature and isoperimetric inequalities 2008 Felix Schulze
+ On functions of bounded mean oscillation 1961 Franklin John
Louis Nirenberg
+ Boundedness of Palais-Smale sequences associated to a fourth-order equation in conformal geometry 2004 Andrea Malchiodi
+ PDF Chat Energy identity for a class of approximate harmonic maps from surfaces 1995 Weiyue Ding
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat The size of the singular set in mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets 2000 Brian White
+ PDF Chat Convergence of the Yamabe flow for arbitrary initial energy 2005 Simon Brendle
+ PDF Chat Secure Massive MIMO transmission in the presence of an active eavesdropper 2015 Yongpeng Wu
Robert Schober
Derrick Wing Kwan Ng
Chengshan Xiao
Giuseppe Caire
+ PDF Chat On the cuspidal spectrum for finite volume symmetric spaces 1982 Harold Donnelly
+ PDF Chat Q-curvature flow on S4 2006 Andrea Malchiodi
Michaël Struwe
+ PDF Chat Solutions for Toda systems on Riemann surfaces 2009 Jiayu Li
Yuxiang Li
+ PDF Chat Global existence and convergence of Yamabe flow 1994 Rugang Ye
+ The Penrose inequality in general relativity and volume comparison theorems involving scalar curvature 1997 Hubert L. Bray
+ On regularity for mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces 1995 Klaus Ecker
+ Gaussian upper bounds for the heat kernels of some second-order operators on Riemannian manifolds 1988 E. B. Davies
+ Transmission of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome on Aircraft 2003 Sonja J. Olsen
Hsiao-Ling Chang
Terence Yung-Yan Cheung
Antony Fai-Yu Tang
Tamara L. Fisk
Steven Peng-Lim Ooi
Hung-Wei Kuo
Donald Dah-Shyong Jiang
Kow‐Tong Chen
Jim Lando
+ Singularities of codimension two mean curvature flow of symplectic surfaces 2002 Jingyi Chen
Jiayu Li
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Nonlinear Analysis on Manifolds. Monge-Ampère Equations 1982 Thierry Aubin