Seung-Hwan Lee


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sparse Partial Correlation Estimation With Scaled Lasso and Its GPU-Parallel Algorithm 2023 Younsang Cho
Seung-Hwan Lee
Jaeoh Kim
Donghyeon Yu
+ PDF Chat Modifying Weighted Kaplan-Meier Test for Two-Sample Survival Comparison 2022 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
+ PDF Chat An efficient parallel block coordinate descent algorithm for large-scale precision matrix estimation using graphics processing units 2021 Young‐Geun Choi
Seung-Hwan Lee
Donghyeon Yu
+ PDF Chat Weighted Log-Rank Statistics for Accelerated Failure Time Model 2021 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ A weighted log-rank test for comparing two survival curves 2020 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
+ Assessing the censored linear regression model using martingale approximation 2018 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ On the estimators and tests for the semiparametric hazards regression model 2015 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ A martingale approach to estimating confidence band with censored data 2014 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
+ Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Life Expectancy Using Copula 2013 Seung-Hwan Lee
Phillip Yulin Deng
Eunjoo Lee
+ PDF Chat Interval Estimation for Extreme Value Parameter with Censored Data 2011 Eunjoo Lee
Dane Walker
David Elliott
Katlyn Mathy
Seung-Hwan Lee
+ Maximum of the weighted Kaplan–Meier tests for the two-sample censored data 2010 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ Confidence intervals for the regression parameter based on weighted log-rank estimating functions 2010 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ Some estimators and tests for accelerated hazards model using weighted cumulative hazard difference 2009 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ On testing equality of two censored samples 2008 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
+ Statistical Inferences Based on Extended Weighted Log-Rank Estimating Function for Censored Regression Model 2008 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ Using integrated weighted survival difference for the two-sample censored data problem 2008 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
Bernard Omolo
+ PDF Chat Checking the censored two-sample accelerated life model using integrated cumulative hazard difference 2007 Seung-Hwan Lee
Song Yang
+ On the versatility of the combination of the weighted log-rank statistics 2007 Seung-Hwan Lee
+ On the extended lack-of-fit tests for the censored regression model 2006 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations 1992 Edward L. Kaplan
Paul Meier
+ Evaluation of survival data and two new rank order statistics arising in its consideration. 1966 Nathan Mantel
+ Nonparametric Estimation for a Scale-Change with Censored Observations 1983 L. J. Wei
Mitchell H. Gail
+ Some Scale Estimators and Lack-of-Fit Tests for the Censored Two-Sample Accelerated Life Model 1998 Song Yang
+ Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations 1958 Edward L. Kaplan
Paul Meier
+ PDF Chat Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. 1992 Dorota M. Dabrowska
Thomas R. Fleming
David P. Harrington
+ Extended Weighted Log-Rank Estimating Functions in Censored Regression 1997 Song Yang
+ Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations 1958 Edward L. Kaplan
Paul Meier
+ PDF Chat A simple test of the proportional hazards assumption 1987 Richard D. Gill
Martin Schumacher
+ PDF Chat Censoring and Stochastic Integrals 1980 Richard D. Gill
+ Bayes Methods for Combining the Results of Cancer Studies in Humans and Other Species: Comment 1983 Robert E. Kass
+ Linear rank tests with right censored data 1978 Ross L. Prentice
+ PDF Chat Checking the censored two-sample accelerated life model using integrated cumulative hazard difference 2007 Seung-Hwan Lee
Song Yang
+ A generalized Wilcoxon test for comparing arbitrarily singly-censored samples 1965 E. A. Gehan
+ Maximum of the Weighted Kaplan-Meier Tests with Application to Cancer Prevention and Screening Trials 2001 Yu Shen
Jianwen Cai
+ PDF Chat Estimating Regression Parameters Using Linear Rank Tests for Censored Data 1990 Anastasios A. Tsiatis
+ Linear regression with censored data 1979 Jonathan D. Buckley
Ian James
+ PDF Chat Checking the Cox model with cumulative sums of martingale-based residuals 1993 D. Y. Lin
L. J. Wei
Z. Ying
+ Supremum Versions of the Log-Rank and Generalized Wilcoxon Statistics 1987 Thomas R. Fleming
David P. Harrington
Margaret O'Sullivan
+ Rank-based inference for the accelerated failure time model 2003 Zhezhen Jin
D. Y. Lin
L. J. Wei
Zhiliang Ying
+ Linear regression analysis of censored survival data based on rank tests 1990 L. J. Wei
Z. Ying
D. Y. Lin
+ Small-Sample Results for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator 1982 Y. Y. Chen
Myles Hollander
Naftali A. Langberg
+ Confidence bands for survival curves under the proportional: Hazards model 1994 D. Y. Lin
T. R. Fleming
Lee‐Jen Wei
+ On the extended log-rank estimating function for the censored regression model 2001 Amanda Hummer
Song Yang
+ Nonparametric analysis of an accelerated failure time model 1981 Thomas A. Louis
+ Nonparametric estimation of the survival distribution in censored data 1984 Thomas R. Fleming
David P. Harrington
+ Accelerated failure time models for counting processes 1998 D. Y. Lin
L. J. Wei
Zhiliang Ying
+ Supremum Versions of the Log-Rank and Generalized Wilcoxon Statistics 1987 Thomas R. Fleming
David P. Harrington
Margaret O'Sullivan
+ Small-Sample Results for the Kaplan-Meier Estimator 1982 Y. Y. Chen
M. Hollander
N. A. Langberg
+ Regression with censored data 1982 Rupert G. Miller
Jerry Halpern
+ Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research 1994 D. Collett
+ Weighted Kaplan-Meier Statistics: Large Sample and Optimality Considerations 1991 Margaret S. Pepe
Thomas R. Fleming
+ Estimating equations for two-sample scale estimation with censored data 1998 Michael J. Williams
+ PDF Chat Estimation in a Linear Regression Model with Censored Data 1990 Ya’acov Ritov
+ A resampling method based on pivotal estimating functions 1994 Michael Parzen
L. J. Wei
Z. Ying
+ Some Versatile Tests Based on the Simultaneous Use of Weighted Log-Rank Statistics 1996 Jae Won Lee
+ A class of rank test procedures for censored survival data 1982 David P. Harrington
Thomas R. Fleming
+ A class of hypothesis tests for one and two sample censored survival data 1981 Thomas R. Fleming
David P. Harrington
+ The Versatility of Function-Indexed Weighted Log-Rank Statistics 1999 Michael R. Kosorok
Chin-Yu Lin
+ PDF Chat Weighted Kaplan-Meier Statistics: A Class of Distance Tests for Censored Survival Data 1989 Margaret S. Pepe
Thomas R. Fleming
+ PDF Chat A Constrained<i>ℓ</i><sub>1</sub>Minimization Approach to Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation 2011 Tommaso Cai
Weidong Liu
Xi Luo
+ A Class of Weighted Log-Rank Tests for Survival Data When the Event is Rare 2000 Steven Buyske
Richard M. Fagerstrom
Zhiliang Ying
+ An Adaptive Weighted Log-Rank Test with Application to Cancer Prevention and Screening Trials 1991 Steve Self
+ Sparse inverse covariance estimation with the graphical lasso 2007 Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
R. Tibshirani
+ Stochastic integrals of empirical-type processes with applications to censored regression 1988 Tze Leung Lai
Zhiliang Ying
+ A Step-up Procedure for Selecting Variables Associated with Survival 1975 John M. Krall
Vincent A. Uthoff
John B. Harley
+ Using integrated weighted survival difference for the two-sample censored data problem 2008 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
Bernard Omolo
+ On testing equality of two censored samples 2008 Seung-Hwan Lee
Eunjoo Lee
+ Analysis of Accelerated Hazards Models 2000 Ying Qing Chen
Mei‐Cheng Wang
+ PDF Chat The graphical lasso: New insights and alternatives 2012 Rahul Mazumder
Trevor Hastie