Klaus Kröncke


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dynamical stability and instability of Poincaré–Einstein manifolds 2024 Klaus Kröncke
Louis Yudowitz
+ PDF Chat Optimal coordinates for Ricci-flat conifolds 2024 Klaus Kröncke
Áron Szabó
+ Bennet Chow: “Ricci Solitons in Low Dimensions”. AMS 2023, 339 pp 2024 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Bounded Ricci curvature and positive scalar curvature under Ricci flow 2023 Klaus Kröncke
Tobias Marxen
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Local and global scalar curvature rigidity of Einstein manifolds 2022 Mattias Dahl
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Long-Time Estimates for Heat Flows on Asymptotically Locally Euclidean Manifolds 2021 Klaus Kröncke
Oliver Lindblad Petersen
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Stability of ALE Ricci-Flat Manifolds Under Ricci Flow 2021 Alix Deruelle
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Construction of Initial Data Sets for Lorentzian Manifolds with Lightlike Parallel Spinors 2021 Bernd Ammann
Klaus Kröncke
Olaf Müller
+ PDF Chat Spectra, rigidity and stability of sine-cones 2021 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Perelman’s entropies for manifolds with conical singularities 2020 Klaus Kröncke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat A Survey on the Ricci Flow on Singular Spaces 2020 Klaus Kröncke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Mean Curvature Flow in Asymptotically Flat Product Spacetimes 2020 Klaus Kröncke
Oliver Lindblad Petersen
Felix Lubbe
Tobias Marxen
Wolfgang Maurer
Wolfgang Meiser
Oliver C. Schnürer
Áron Szabó
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Stability of ALE Ricci-Flat Manifolds Under Ricci Flow 2020 Alix Deruelle
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Stability of Einstein metrics under Ricci flow 2020 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Stable fixed points of the Einstein flow with positive cosmological constant 2020 David Fajman
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Stability of Ricci de Turck flow on singular spaces 2019 Klaus Kröncke
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Stable Cosmological Kaluza–Klein Spacetimes 2019 Volker Branding
David Fajman
Klaus Kröncke
+ On the CMC-Einstein-Λ flow 2018 David Fajman
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Global existence of Dirac-wave maps with curvature term on expanding spacetimes 2018 Volker Branding
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Holonomy rigidity for Ricci-flat metrics 2018 Bernd Ammann
Klaus Kröncke
Hartmut Weiß
Frederik Witt
+ PDF Chat Stability of sin-cones and cosh-cylinders 2018 Klaus Kröncke
+ Geometric Flows and the Geometry of Space-time 2018 Vicente Cortés
Klaus Kröncke
Jan Louis
+ PDF Chat The Ricci Flow with Metric Torsion on Closed Surfaces 2017 Volker Branding
Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat The Einstein−Λ flow on product manifolds 2016 David Fajman
Klaus Kröncke
+ Stable and unstable Einstein warped products 2016 Klaus Kröncke
+ Variational Stability and Rigidity of Compact Einstein Manifolds 2016 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and Infinitesimal Deformability of Ricci Solitons 2015 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat On infinitesimal Einstein deformations 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat On the stability of Einstein manifolds 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ Stability of Einstein Manifolds 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Stability and instability of Ricci solitons 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ Comparison theorems in Riemannian geometry 2010 Klaus Kröncke
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Einstein metrics and complex structures 1983 Norihito Koiso
+ PDF Chat Certain conditions for a Riemannian manifold to be isometric with a sphere 1962 Morio Obata
+ PDF Chat On the stability of Riemannian manifold with parallel spinors 2005 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Propagateurs et commutateurs en relativité générale 1961 André Lichnerowicz
+ PDF Chat Dynamical stability and instability of Ricci-flat metrics 2014 Robert Haslhofer
Reto Müller
+ PDF Chat Linear and dynamical stability of Ricci-flat metrics 2006 Nataša Šešum
+ Linear stability of Perelman's ν-entropy on symmetric spaces of compact type 2013 Huai-Dong Cao
Chenxu He
+ PDF Chat Stability of Einstein metrics under Ricci flow 2020 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat On the stability of Einstein manifolds 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ Stable and unstable Einstein warped products 2016 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Einstein spaces as attractors for the Einstein flow 2011 Lars Andersson
Vincent Moncrief
+ PDF Chat Bohm and Einstein-Sasaki metrics, black holes, and cosmological event horizons 2003 G. W. Gibbons
Sean A. Hartnoll
C.N. Pope
+ Rigidity and infinitesimal deformability of Einstein metrics 1982 Norihito Koiso
+ Gaussian densities and stability for some Ricci solitons 2004 Huai-Dong Cao
Richard S. Hamilton
Tom Ilmanen
+ Einstein Manifolds 1987 Arthur L. Besse
+ PDF Chat Desingularizing isolated conical singularities: Uniform estimates via weighted Sobolev spaces 2013 Tommaso Pacini
+ Nondeformability of Einstein metrics 1978 Norihito Koiso
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ PDF Chat Stability and instability of Ricci solitons 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ Rigidity and stability of Einstein metrics---the case of compact symmetric spaces 1980 Norihito Koiso
+ PDF Chat A variational approach for compact homogeneous Einstein manifolds 2004 Christoph B�hm
McKenzie Wang
Wolfgang Ziller
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow, Einstein metrics and space forms 1993 Rugang Ye
+ PDF Chat On second variation of Perelman’s Ricci shrinker entropy 2011 Huai-Dong Cao
Meng Zhu
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ PDF Chat Stability of symmetric spaces of noncompact type under Ricci flow 2015 Richard H. Bamler
+ Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy 2000 Dominic Joyce
+ PDF Chat On the variational stability of Kähler-Einstein metrics 2007 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On infinitesimal Einstein deformations 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Entropy and reduced distance for Ricci expanders 2005 Michael Feldman
Tom Ilmanen
Lei Ni
+ Bessel functions, heat kernel and the conical Kähler–Ricci flow 2015 Xiuxiong Chen
Yuanqi Wang
+ PDF Chat Stability of hyperbolic space under Ricci flow 2011 Oliver C. Schnürer
Felix Schulze
Miles Simon
+ Smoothness of the Universal Deformation Space of Compact Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Its Peterson-Weil Metric 1987 Gang Tian
+ Which compactifications of D = 11 supergravity are stable? 1984 Don N. Page
C.N. Pope
+ PDF Chat Existence of Ricci Flows of Incomplete Surfaces 2011 Gregor Giesen
Peter M. Topping
+ Kähler Metrics with Cone Singularities Along a Divisor 2012 Simon Donaldson
+ Recent Progress on Ricci Solitons 2009 Huai-Dong Cao
+ Unstable Einstein metrics 2005 Christoph Böhm
+ PDF Chat The Stability Inequality for Ricci-Flat Cones 2012 Stuart James Hall
Robert Haslhofer
Michael Siepmann
+ Rigidity and stability of Einstein metrics : the case of compact symmetric spaces 1980 憲史 小磯
+ PDF Chat Calabi-Yau manifolds with isolated conical singularities 2017 Hans‐Joachim Hein
Song Sun
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow on surfaces with conic singularities 2015 Rafe Mazzeo
Yanir A. Rubinstein
Nataša Šešum
+ PDF Chat Ricci Flow on Surfaces with Conical Singularities 2010 Hao Yin
+ On the second derivative of the total scalar curvature 1979 Norihito Koiso
+ Stability of Einstein Manifolds 2014 Klaus Kröncke
+ PDF Chat Yamabe flow on manifolds with edges 2013 Eric Bahuaud
Boris Vertman
+ PDF Chat Perelman’s lambda-functional and the stability of Ricci-flat metrics 2011 Robert Haslhofer
+ PDF Chat On uniqueness of tangent cones for Einstein manifolds 2013 Tobias Colding
William P. Minicozzi
+ PDF Chat Gravitational instability in higher dimensions 2002 G. W. Gibbons
Sean A. Hartnoll
+ A decomposition of the space M of Riemannian metrics on a manifold 1979 Norihito Koiso
+ Manifolds with 1/4-pinched curvature are space forms 2008 Simon Brendle
Richard Schoen