Jiagang Ren


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the Relationship Between Viscosity and Distribution Solutions for Nonlinear Neumann Type PDEs: The Probabilistic Approach 2025 Jiagang Ren
S.P. Wang
Jing Wu
+ Existence and smoothness of the densities of stochastic functional differential equations with jumps 2022 Jiagang Ren
Hua Zhang
+ Hypoellipticity and Parabolic Hypoellipticity of Nonlocal Operators under Hörmander’s Condition 2022 Jiagang Ren
Hua Zhang
+ Probabilistic approach for nonlinear partial differential equations and stochastic partial differential equations with Neumann boundary conditions 2019 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ On the equivalence of viscosity and distribution solutions of second-order PDEs with Neumann boundary conditions 2019 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
Mengqi Zheng
+ On Uniform Large Deviations Principle for Multi-valued SDEs via the Viscosity Solution Approach 2019 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ Limit Theorems for Stochastic Variational Inequalities with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients 2018 Jiagang Ren
Qun Shi
Jing Wu
+ Derivative formulae for stochastic differential equations driven by Poisson random measures 2018 Jiagang Ren
Hua Zhang
+ On approximate continuity and the support of reflected stochastic differential equations 2016 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ Penalization of Reflected SDEs and Neumann Problems of HJB Equations 2016 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ General Large Deviations and Functional Iterated Logarithm Law for Multivalued Stochastic Differential Equations 2015 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
Hua Zhang
+ Localization of Wiener functionals of fractional regularity and applications 2014 Kai He
Jiagang Ren
Hua Zhang
+ PDF Chat General Large Deviations and Functional Iterated Logarithm Law for Multivalued Stochastic Differential Equations 2013 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
Hua Zhang
+ On existence, uniqueness and convergence of multi-valued stochastic differential equations driven by continuous semimartingales 2013 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
Hua Zhang
+ Localization of Fractional Wiener Functionals and Applications 2013 Kai He
Jiagang Ren
Hua Zhang
+ The optimal control problem associated with multi-valued stochastic differential equations with jumps 2013 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ Localization of Wiener Functionals of Fractional Regularity and Applications 2013 Kai He
Jiagang Ren
Hua Zhang
+ A convergence theorem for probability densities and conditional expectations of Wiener functionals 2012 Jiagang Ren
Shinzo Watanabe
+ On regularity of invariant measures of multivalued stochastic differential equations 2011 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ Large deviation for multivalued stochastic differential equations 2011 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
Xicheng Zhang
+ Exponential Ergodicity of Non-Lipschitz Multivalued Stochastic Differential Equations 2011 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
Xicheng Zhang
+ Multi-valued Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Poisson Point Processes 2011 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
+ Support theorem for stochastic variational inequalities 2010 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for Multivalued Stochastic Differential Equations 2010 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
Xicheng Zhang
+ Support theorem for stochastic variational inequalities 2010 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
+ Exponential ergodicity of non-Lipschitz multivalued stochastic differential equations 2009 Jiagang Ren
Jing Wu
Xicheng Zhang
+ Large Deviations for Multi-valued Stochastic Differential Equations 2009 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
Xicheng Zhang
+ A transfer principle for multivalued stochastic differential equations 2008 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
+ Freidlin–Wentzell's large deviations for stochastic evolution equations 2008 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Freidlin-Wentzell's Large Deviations for Stochastic Evolution Equations 2008 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Transfer of stochastic energy towards high modes and its application to diffeomorphism flows on tori 2007 Paul Malliavin
Jiagang Ren
+ Regularity of local times of random fields 2007 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Stochastic generalized porous media and fast diffusion equations 2007 Jiagang Ren
Michael Röckner
Feng‐Yu Wang
+ Kusuoka–Stroock Formula on Configuration Space and Regularities of Local Times with Jumps 2007 Jiagang Ren
Michael Röckner
Xicheng Zhang
+ Continuity modulus of stochastic homeomorphism flows for SDEs with non-Lipschitz coefficients 2006 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ A functional modulus of continuity for Brownian motion 2006 Jicheng Liu
Jiagang Ren
+ Stochastic Generalized Porous Media and Fast Diffusion Equations 2006 Jiagang Ren
Michael Röckner
Feng‐Yu Wang
Michael Röckner
+ Topologies on homeomorphism spaces of certain metric spaces 2005 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Freidlin–Wentzell's large deviations for homeomorphism flows of non-Lipschitz SDEs 2005 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Geometry of foliations on the Wiener space and stochastic calculus of variations 2004 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Paul Malliavin
Jiagang Ren
+ Quasi sure quadratic variation of local times of smooth semimartingales 2004 Kai He
Jiagang Ren
+ PDF Chat Regularities of local times of two-parameter martingales 2004 Jicheng Liu
Jiagang Ren
+ Path continuity of fractional Dirichlet functionals 2003 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Modulus of continuity of the canonic Brownian motion “on the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle” 2002 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Jiagang Ren
+ An algebra of differential operators and generating functions on the set of univalent functions 2002 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Jiagang Ren
+ Quasi-sure analysis of two-parameter stochastic differential equations 2002 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Comparison theorem for solutions of backward stochastic differential equations with continuous coefficient 2002 Jicheng Liu
Jiagang Ren
+ Large deviations for stochastic flows and their applications 2001 Fuqing Gao
Jiagang Ren
+ Infinite dimensional quasi continuity, path continuity and ray continuity of functions with fractional regularity 2001 Jihui Hu
Jiagang Ren
+ PDF Chat Ray Hölder-continuity for fractional Sobolev spaces in infinite dimensions and applications 2000 Jiagang Ren
Michael Röckner
+ Smoothness of local times of semimartingales 2000 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Smoothness of stopping timesof diffusion processes 1999 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Paul Malliavin
Jiagang Ren
+ On some estimates in quasi sure limit theorem for SDE's 1998 Jiagang Ren
+ PDF Chat Quasi sure quadratic variation of smooth martingales 1994 Jiagang Ren
+ PDF Chat Sur le squelette et les dérivées de Malliavin des fonctions holomorphes sur un espace de Wiener complexe 1993 Shizan Fang
Jiagang Ren
+ Analytic functionals on the Wiener space 1992 Jiagang Ren
+ Quasi sure stochastic flows 1990 Zhiyuan Huang
Jiagang Ren
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat ProblĂ me de Skorohod multivoque 1998 Emmanuel CĂ©pa
+ A Weak Convergence Approach to the Theory of Large Deviations 1998 James Lynch
Paul Dupuis
Richard S. Ellis
+ Skorohod problem and multivalued stochastic evolution equations in Banach spaces 2006 Xicheng Zhang
+ Infinite dimensional quasi continuity, path continuity and ray continuity of functions with fractional regularity 2001 Jihui Hu
Jiagang Ren
+ PDF Chat A variational representation for certain functionals of Brownian motion 1998 Michelle Boué
Paul Dupuis
+ Nonlinear semigroups and differential equations in Banach spaces 1976 Viorel Barbu
+ Quasi Sure Analysis of Stochastic Flows and Banach Space Valued Smooth Functionals on the Wiener Space 1993 Paul Malliavin
David Nualart
+ PDF Chat Small Random perturbation of dynamical systems with reflecting boundary 1976 Robert F. Anderson
Steven Orey
+ Dirichlet Forms and Analysis on Wiener Space 1991 Nicolas Bouleau
Francis Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Sobolev spaces of Banach-valued functions associated with a Markov process 1994 Ichirƍ Shigekawa
+ Stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary conditions 1984 Pierre‐Louis Lions
Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ User’s guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations 1992 Michael G. Crandall
Hitoshi Ishii
Pierre-Louis Lions
+ Smoothness of local times of semimartingales 2000 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Fractional order Sobolev spaces on Wiener space 1993 Shinzo Watanabe
+ Ergodicité d'inégalités variationnelles stochastiques 1998 Emmanuel Cépa
Sophie Jacquot
+ PDF Chat On the Support of Diffusion Processes with Applications to the Strong Maximum Principle 1972 Daniel W. Stroock
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ Freidlin–Wentzell's large deviations for homeomorphism flows of non-Lipschitz SDEs 2005 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ Wong–Zakai approximation of solutions to reflecting stochastic differential equations on domains in Euclidean spaces 2013 Shigeki Aida
Kosuke Sasaki
+ Introduction to the Theory of (Non-Symmetric) Dirichlet Forms 1992 Zhi-Ming Ma
Michael Röckner
+ PDF Chat Random Time Changes and Convergence in Distribution Under the Meyer-Zheng Conditions 1991 Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Weak solutions to stochastic porous media equations 2004 Giuseppe Da Prato
M. Rïżœckner
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 2010 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yƍichi ƌshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ Euler schemes and large deviations for stochastic Volterra equations with singular kernels 2008 Xicheng Zhang
+ Second order Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations with an unbounded operator 2012 Adrian Zălinescu
+ Implicit Functions in Finite Corank on the Wiener Space 1984 Paul Malliavin
+ Smoothness of stopping timesof diffusion processes 1999 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Paul Malliavin
Jiagang Ren
+ Stochastic Volterra equations in Banach spaces and stochastic partial differential equation 2009 Xicheng Zhang
+ Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions 2014 Giuseppe Da Prato
Jerzy Zabczyk
+ OpĂ©rateurs maximaux monotones 1985 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat A duality approach for the weak approximation of stochastic differential equations 2006 Emmanuelle Clément
Arturo Kohatsu‐Higa
Damien Lamberton
+ Stochastic Evolution Systems: Linear Theory and Applications to Non-linear Filtering 1990 Boris L. Rozovsky
Sergey V. Lototsky
+ Freidlin–Wentzell's large deviations for stochastic evolution equations 2008 Jiagang Ren
Xicheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat A variational representation for random functionals on abstract Wiener spaces 2009 Xicheng Zhang
+ Large deviations for stochastic generalized porous media equations 2006 Michael Röckner
Feng‐Yu Wang
Liming Wu
+ A convergence theorem for probability densities and conditional expectations of Wiener functionals 2012 Jiagang Ren
Shinzo Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Energy image density property and the lent particle method for Poisson measures 2009 Nicolas Bouleau
Laurent Denis
+ On a quasi-everywhere existence of the local time of the 1-dimensional Brownian motion 1984 Ichirƍ Shigekawa
+ Modulus of continuity of the canonic Brownian motion “on the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle” 2002 HĂ©lĂšne Airault
Jiagang Ren
+ Operateurs Maximaux Monotones - Et Semi-Groupes De Contractions Dans Les Espaces De Hilbert 1973 Haı̈m Brezis
+ On the quasi-everywhere regularity of the local time of one-dimensional diffusion process in Besov space 2001 Xicheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for Stochastic Evolution Equations with Small Multiplicative Noise 2009 Wei Liu
+ PDF Chat Stochastic evolution equations 1981 Н. В. ĐšŃ€Ń‹Đ»ĐŸĐČ
B. L. RozovskiÄ­
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for Multivalued Stochastic Differential Equations 2010 Jiagang Ren
Siyan Xu
Xicheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Riesz transform and integration by parts formulas for random variables 2011 Vlad Bally
Lucia Caramellino
+ The Generator of the Transition Semigroup Corresponding to a Stochastic Variational Inequality 2008 Viorel Barbu
Giuseppe Da Prato
+ Ergodicity for the Stochastic Dynamics of Quasi-invariant Measures with Applications to Gibbs States 1997 Sergio Albeverio
Yuri G. Kondratiev
Michael Röckner
+ Schilder theorem for the Brownian motion on the diffeomorphism group of the circle 2004 Ren Jiangang
Xicheng Zhang
+ None 1999 Francis Hirsch
+ PDF Chat Generalized BSDEs and nonlinear Neumann boundary value problems 1998 Étienne Pardoux
Shuguang Zhang
+ Classical Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces—Closability and a Cameron-Martin formula 1990 Sergio Albeverio
Michael Röckner