Generating author description...
Action | Title | Year | Authors |
+ | Upper bound on the covering number | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | Fractional Helly for convex lattice sets | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ PDF Chat | Missing few simplices | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ PDF Chat | Tverberg’s theorem again | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ PDF Chat | Fractional Helly | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | Better bound for the Erdős-Szekeres number | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | Applications of Helly’s theorem | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | Carathéodory’s theorem | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | Covering number, planar case | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | The same type lemma | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
+ | Tverberg’s theorem | 2021 |
Imre Bárány |
Coauthor | Papers Together |
Action | Title | Year | Authors | # of times referenced |