Nazym Saiyp


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Accretion disk around a Schwarzschild black hole in asymptotic safety 2021 Fabián H. Zuluaga
Luis A. Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Thin accretion disks in stationary axisymmetric wormhole spacetimes 2009 Tiberiu Harko
Zoltán Kovács
Francisco S. N. Lobo
+ PDF Chat Regular black holes and energy conditions 2010 О. Б. Заславский
+ PDF Chat Regular black holes in quadratic gravity 2006 W. Berej
Jerzy Matyjasek
Dariusz Tryniecki
Mariusz Woronowicz
+ PDF Chat Shadow of rotating regular black holes 2016 Ahmadjon Abdujabbarov
M. Jamil Amir
Bobomurat Ahmedov
Sushant G. Ghosh
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of regular black holes 2013 Antonino Flachi
José P. S. Lemos
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of a class of regular black holes with a generalized uncertainty principle 2018 R. V. Maluf
Juliano C. S. Neves
+ Regular black hole metrics and the weak energy condition 2014 Leonardo Balart
Elias C. Vagenas
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of test fields around regular black holes 2015 Bobir Toshmatov
Ahmadjon Abdujabbarov
Zdeněk Stuchlík
Bobomurat Ahmedov
+ PDF Chat Distinguishing black holes from naked singularities through their accretion disc properties 2013 Pankaj S. Joshi
Daniele Malafarina
Ramesh Narayan
+ PDF Chat Probing a non-linear electrodynamics black hole with thin accretion disk, shadow, and deflection angle with M87* and Sgr A* from EHT 2023 Akhil Uniyal
Reggie C. Pantig
Ali Övgün
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of regular black hole 2008 Yun Soo Myung
Yong‐Wan Kim
Young-Jai Park
+ PDF Chat Regular magnetic black holes and monopoles from nonlinear electrodynamics 2001 К. А. Бронников
+ PDF Chat Regular black holes and topology change 1997 Arvind Borde
+ PDF Chat Formation and Evaporation of Nonsingular Black Holes 2006 Sean A. Hayward
+ PDF Chat Regular electrically charged vacuum structures with de Sitter centre in nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to general relativity 2004 Irina Dymnikova
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes, shadow and thermodynamics of black holes coupled with nonlinear electrodynamics and cloud of strings 2022 Dharm Veer Singh
A. Shukla
Sudhaker Upadhyay
+ PDF Chat The Shadows of Regular Black Holes with Asymptotic Minkowski Cores 2022 Yi Ling
Meng-He Wu
+ PDF Chat Absorption and scattering of massless scalar wave from Regular Black Holes 2022 Maoyuan Wan
Chen Wu
+ PDF Chat Quest for realistic non-singular black-hole geometries: regular-center type 2022 Hideki Maeda
+ PDF Chat Horizon-scale tests of gravity theories and fundamental physics from the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A ∗ 2023 Sunny Vagnozzi
Rittick Roy
Yu-Dai Tsai
Luca Visinelli
Misba Afrin
Alireza Allahyari
Parth Bambhaniya
Dipanjan Dey
Sushant G. Ghosh
Pankaj S. Joshi
+ PDF Chat Shadow of a regular black hole in scalar-tensor-vector gravity theory 2023 Subhadip Sau
J. W. Moffat
+ PDF Chat Shadows and photon rings of regular black holes and geonic horizonless compact objects 2023 Gonzalo J. Olmo
João Luís Rosa
Diego Rubiera-García
Diego Sáez-Gómez
+ PDF Chat Electrically charged regular black holes in nonlinear electrodynamics: Light rings, shadows, and gravitational lensing 2023 Marco A. A. de Paula
Haroldo C. D. Lima
Pedro V. P. Cunha
Luís C. B. Crispino
+ PDF Chat Observational signatures: Shadow cast by the effective metric of photons for black holes with rational non-linear electrodynamics 2024 Akhil Uniyal
Sayan Chakrabarti
Mohsen Fathi
Ali Övgün
+ PDF Chat Can accretion disk properties observationally distinguish black holes from naked singularities? 2010 Zoltán Kovács
Tiberiu Harko
+ PDF Chat Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to Nonlinear Electrodynamics 1998 Eloy Ayón–Beato
Alberto Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat The Bardeen model as a nonlinear magnetic monopole 2000 Eloy Ayón–Beato
Alberto Garcı́a
+ PDF Chat Accretion disks around black holes in modified strong gravity 2012 Daniela Pérez
Gustavo E. Romero
Santiago Esteban Perez Bergliaffa
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of regular black holes with non-linear electrodynamical sources 2019 Grigoris Panotopoulos
Ángel Rincón
+ Ergosphere and shadow of a rotating regular black hole 2020 Sushant G. Ghosh
M. Jamil Amir
Sunil D. Maharaj
+ PDF Chat Greybody factor and quasinormal modes of Regular Black Holes 2020 Ángel Rincón
Victor Santos
+ PDF Chat Magnetically charged black holes from non-linear electrodynamics and the Event Horizon Telescope 2020 Alireza Allahyari
Mohsen Khodadi
Sunny Vagnozzi
David F. Mota
+ PDF Chat On the viability of regular black holes 2018 Raúl Carballo-Rubio
Francesco Di Filippo
Stefano Liberati
Costantino Pacilio
Matt Visser
+ PDF Chat The shadow of M87∗ black hole within rational nonlinear electrodynamics 2020 S. I. Kruglov
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear electrodynamics effects on the black hole shadow, deflection angle, quasinormal modes and greybody factors 2022 Mert Okyay
Ali Övgün
+ Weinhold geometry and thermodynamics of Bardeen AdS black holes 2022 Yang Guo
Yan-Gang Miao
+ PDF Chat Five dimensional rotating regular black holes and shadow 2022 Fazlay Ahmed
Dharm Veer Singh
Sushant G. Ghosh
+ PDF Chat Effects of Born–Infeld electrodynamics on black hole shadows 2022 Aoyun He
Jun Tao
Peng Wang
Yadong Xue
Lingkai Zhang
+ PDF Chat Generalized Hayward spacetimes: Geometry, matter, and scalar quasinormal modes 2022 Poulami Dutta Roy
Sayan Kar