Steven Ngo


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic and nonadiabatic spin-transfer torques in the current-driven magnetic domain wall motion 2010 Jun‐ichiro Kishine
А. С. Овчинников
+ PDF Chat Experimental observation of the interaction of propagating spin waves with Néel domain walls in a Landau domain structure 2015 Philipp Pirro
Tomohiro Koyama
T. Brächer
Thomas Sebastian
B. Leven
B. Hillebrands
+ PDF Chat Generation of coherent spin-wave modes in yttrium iron garnet microdiscs by spin–orbit torque 2016 Martin Collet
Xavier de Milly
O. d’Allivy Kelly
V. V. Naletov
Rozenn Bernard
Paolo Bortolotti
J. Ben Youssef
V. E. Demidov
S. O. Demokritov
J. L. Prieto
+ PDF Chat All-Magnonic Spin-Transfer Torque and Domain Wall Propagation 2011 Peng Yan
X. S. Wang
X. R. Wang
+ PDF Chat Nanowire spin torque oscillator driven by spin orbit torques 2014 Zheng Duan
Andrew J. Smith
Yang Liu
Brian Youngblood
Jürgen Lindner
V. E. Demidov
S. O. Demokritov
I. N. Krivorotov
+ PDF Chat Coherent terahertz spin-wave emission associated with ferrimagnetic domain wall dynamics 2017 Se-Hyeok Oh
Se Kwon Kim
Dong Kyu Lee
Gyungchoon Go
Kab‐Jin Kim
Teruo Ono
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
Kyung‐Jin Lee
+ PDF Chat Equations of motion and frequency dependence of magnon-induced domain wall motion 2017 Vetle Kjær Risinggård
Erlend Grytli Tveten
Arne Brataas
Jacob Linder
+ PDF Chat Magnonic band structure in a Co/Pd stripe domain system investigated by Brillouin light scattering and micromagnetic simulations 2017 Chandrima Banerjee
Paweł Gruszecki
Jarosław W. Kłos
Olav Hellwig
Maciej Krawczyk
Anjan Barman
+ PDF Chat Unidirectional Magnon-Driven Domain Wall Motion Due to the Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction 2019 Kyoung‐Whan Kim
Seo-Won Lee
Jung‐Hwan Moon
Gyungchoon Go
Aurélien Manchon
Hyun‐Woo Lee
Karin Everschor‐Sitte
Kyung‐Jin Lee
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetic resonance studies of strain tuned Bi:YIG films 2019 Ravinder Kumar
B. Samantaray
Z. Hossain
+ PDF Chat Thermomagnonic spin transfer and Peltier effects in insulating magnets 2012 Alexey A. Kovalev
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak
+ PDF Chat Propagation of spin waves through a Néel domain wall 2020 Ondřej Wojewoda
Tobias Hula
Lukáš Flajšman
Marek Vaňatka
Jonáš Gloss
J. Holobrádek
Michal Staňo
Sven Stienen
Lukas Körber
Katrin Schultheiß
+ PDF Chat Long-distance transport of magnon spin information in a magnetic insulator at room temperature 2015 Ludo Johannes Cornelissen
Jing Liu
R. A. Duine
J. Ben Youssef
B. J. van Wees