Jaroslav Lukeš


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Locally recurrent functions, density topologies and algebraic genericity 2016 Jaroslav Lukeš
Gustavo A. Muñoz-Fernández
Petr Petráček
Juan B. Seoane‐Sepúlveda
+ On geometric properties of the spaces L p(x) 2010 Jaroslav Lukeš
Luboš Pick
Dušan Pokorný
+ Integral Representation Theory: Applications to Convexity, Banach Spaces and Potential Theory 2010 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ 12 Constructions of function spaces 2009 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ 4 Affine functions on compact convex sets 2009 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ 3 Choquet theory of function spaces 2009 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ 10 Deeper results on function spaces and compact convex sets 2009 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ 13 Function spaces in potential theory and the Dirichlet problem 2009 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ 6 Simplicial function spaces 2009 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Jiří Spurný
+ PDF Chat Measure Convex and Measure Extremal Sets 2006 Petr Dostál
Jaroslav Lukeš
Jiří Spurný
+ Exposed sets in potential theory☆☆The work is part of the research project MSM 0021620839 financed by MSMT. 2006 Jaroslav Lukeš
Tomáš Mocek
Ivan Netuka
+ Extreme harmonic functions on a ball 2004 Jaroslav Lukeš
Ivan Netuka
+ On approximation of affine Baire-one functions 2003 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Martin Smrčka
Jiří Spurný
+ Choquet like sets in function spaces 2003 Jaroslav Lukeš
Tomáš Mocek
Martin Smrčka
Jiří Spurný
+ None 2001 Jan Kolář
Jaroslav Lukeš
+ On the lusin-menchoff property 1988 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
+ Local connectedness of the fine topology 1988 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
+ PDF Chat The lusin-menchoff property of fine topologies 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Baire and blumberg spaces 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Base operator spaces 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Connectivity properties of fine topologies 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Fine topology in potential theory 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ General properties of fine topologies 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ The fine dirichlet problem 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Finely hyperharmonic functions 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Further examples of fine topologies 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Density topologies 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Extension theorems 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ PDF Chat Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ Fine hyperharmonicity without axiomD 1982 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
+ On the set of semiregular points 1980 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ PDF Chat A topological proof of Denjoy-Stepanoff theorem 1978 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ PDF Chat Functional approach to the Brelot-Keldych theorem 1977 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ The wiener type solution of the Dirichlet problem in potential theory 1976 Jaroslav Lukeš
Ivan Netuka
+ Fine topologies as examples of non-Blumberg Baire spaces 1976 Jaroslav Lukeš
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ PDF Chat Semiregular sets in harmonic spaces 1975 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ A New Type of Generalized Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for the Heat Equation 1975 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ PDF Chat Keldysh theorem in Bauer's axiomatic theory of harmonic functions 1974 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ PDF Chat Brelot spaces on one-dimensional manifolds 1974 Josef Král
Jaroslav Lukeš
+ PDF Chat Integrals of the Cauchy type 1972 Josef Král
Jaroslav Lukeš
+ PDF Chat On the modified logarithmic potential 1971 Josef Král
Jaroslav Lukeš
+ Elliptic points in one-dimensional harmonic spaces 1971 Josef Král
Jaroslav Lukeš
Ivan Netuka
+ On the topological extensions 1969 Jaroslav Lukeš
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Simplicial cones in potential theory 1975 Jürgen Bliedtner
Wolfhard Hansen
+ Potential Theory on Harmonic Spaces 1972 Corneliu Constantinescu
Aurel Cornea
+ PDF Chat Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory 1986 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Luděk Zajı́ček
+ The Dirichlet Problem for Harmonic Functions 1980 Ivan Netuka
+ Cones of hyperharmonic functions 1976 J�rgen Bliedtner
Wolfhard Hansen
+ Applications of Choquet simplexes to elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems 1970 Edward G. Effros
Jerry L. Kazdan
+ A simplicial characterization of elliptic harmonic spaces 1976 Jürgen Bliedtner
Wolfhard Hansen
+ The Classical Banach Spaces 2000 Joram Lindenstrauss
Lior Tzafriri
+ PDF Chat Keldysh theorem in Bauer's axiomatic theory of harmonic functions 1974 Jaroslav Lukeš
+ On approximation of affine Baire-one functions 2003 Jaroslav Lukeš
Jan Malý
Ivan Netuka
Martin Smrčka
Jiří Spurný
+ PDF Chat Spaces of affine continuous functions on simplexes 1968 Aldo J. Lazar
+ PDF Chat A note on infinite dimensional convex sets. 1976 Heinrich von Weizsäcker
+ Recent Progress on the Daugavet Property 2001 Dirk Werner
+ Convexity Theory and its Applications in Functional Analysis 1980 Leonard Asimow
A. J. Ellis
+ PDF Chat Sur un théorème de prolongement fonctionnel de Keldych concernant le problème de Dirichlet 1960 Marcel Brelot
+ Compact convex sets and boundary integrals 1971 Erik M. Alfsen
+ PDF Chat Differentiation of Real Functions 1994 A. M. Bruckner
+ A Generalization of the Density Topology 2007 Wojciech Wojdowski
+ Harmonic Function Theory 1992 Sheldon Axler
Paul Bourdon
Wade Ramey
+ Aspects of contemporary complex analysis 1980 D. A. Brannan
J. Clunie
+ A proof that every uniformly convex space is reflexive 1939 B. J. Pettis
+ Finely Harmonic Functions 1972 Bent Fuglede
+ Notions of Convexity 2007 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Nonconstant locally recurrent functions 1967 D R Benson
+ PDF Chat Algebraic and topological properties of some sets in l<sub>1</sub> 2012 Тарас Банах
Artur Bartoszewicz
Szymon Gła̧b
Emilia Szymonik
+ The Geometry of Harmonic Functions 1994 Tristan Needham
+ A theorem on approximately continuous functions 1973 G. Petruska
Miklós Laczkovich
+ Lineability and additivity in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math> 2010 José L. Gámez
Gustavo A. Muñoz-Fernández
Juan B. Seoane‐Sepúlveda
+ PDF Chat On topology induced by measure 1966 Peter Fillmore
+ PDF Chat Atomic and nonatomic measures 1970 Roy A. Johnson
+ PDF Chat On spaces $L^{p(x)}$ and $W^{k, p(x)}$ 1991 Ondrej Kováčik
Jiří Rákosník
+ A Characterization of Simplexes by Parallel Faces 1980 Eggert Briem
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the Daugavet equation 1992 P. Wojtaszczyk
+ An Introduction to Banach Space Theory 1998 Robert E. Megginson
+ Approximation in the mean of linear combinations of shifts of certain functions 1981 В. Ф. Бабенко
С. А. Пичугов
+ Infinite dimensional Banach spaces of functions with nonlinear properties 2010 Domingo Garcı́a
Bogdan C. Grecu
Manuel Maestre
Juan B. Seoane‐Sepúlveda
+ Topologies which generate a complete measure algebra 1971 Stephen Scheinberg
+ PDF Chat Lineability and spaceability of sets of functions on $\mathbb {R}$ 2004 Richard M. Aron
Vladimir I. Gurariy
J. B. Seoane
+ PDF Chat Linear functionals on certain Banach spaces 1950 E. J. McShane
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ On<i>L</i><sup><i>p</i>(<i>x</i>)</sup><i>norms</i> 1999 D. E. Edmunds
Ján Lang
Aleš Nekvinda
+ A property of compact operators in the space of integrable functions 1982 В. Ф. Бабенко
С. А. Пичугов
+ Lineability, spaceability, and additivity cardinals for Darboux-like functions 2013 Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski
José L. Gámez-Merino
Daniel Pellegrino
Juan B. Seoane‐Sepúlveda
+ The weak Dirichlet problem. 1984 W. Hansen
J. Bliedner
+ Baire classification of -density and -approximately continuous functions 1995 Krzysztof Ciesielski
Lee Larson
+ Perfect images of absolute Souslin and absolute Borel Tychonoff spaces 2003 Petr Holický
Jiří Spurný
+ The space of density continuous functions 1991 Krzysztof Ciesielski
Lee Larson
+ PDF Chat On some subspaces of Banach spaces whose duals are 𝐿₁ spaces 1969 M. Zippin
+ PDF Chat Density Continuity versus Continuity 1990 Krzysztof Ciesielski
Lee Larson
Krzysztof Ostaszewski
+ Some results and open questions on spaceability in function spaces 2013 Per Enflo
Vladimir I. Gurariy
Juan B. Seoane‐Sepúlveda