Maarten Jansen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Multiscale local polynomial density estimation 2024 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Information criteria for structured parameter selection in high-dimensional tree and graph models 2024 Maarten Jansen
+ Comments on: Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models 2023 Gerda Claeskens
Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Discussion on: “A Scale-Free Approach for False Discovery Rate Control in Generalized Linear Models” by Dai, Lin, Zing, Liu 2023 Gerda Claeskens
Maarten Jansen
Jing Zhou
+ PDF Chat Scale Transfer in 1849: Heinrich Schwabe to Rudolf Wolf 2023 Sharmila Bhattacharya
Laure Lefèvre
Hisashi Hayakawa
Maarten Jansen
F. Clette
+ Constructing wavelets by welding segments of smooth functions 2023 Maarten Jansen
+ Information criteria for structured parameter selection in high dimensional tree and graph models 2023 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Scale Transfer in 1849 Heinrich Schwabe to Rudolf Wolf 2022 Shreya Bhattacharya
Laure Lefèvre
Hisashi Hayakawa
Maarten Jansen
F. Clette
+ Information criteria bias correction for group selection 2022 Bastien Marquis
Maarten Jansen
+ Scale Transfer in 1849 : Heinrich Schwabe to Rudolf Wolf 2022 Shreya Bhattacharya
Laure Lefèvre
Hisashi Hayakawa
Maarten Jansen
F. Clette
+ PDF Chat A Modern Reconstruction of Richard Carrington’s Observations (1853–1861) 2021 Sharmila Bhattacharya
E. T. H. Teague
StĂŠphane Fay
Laure Lefèvre
Maarten Jansen
F. Clette
+ Correction for Optimisation Bias in Structured Sparse High-Dimensional Variable Selection 2020 Bastien Marquis
Maarten Jansen
+ Sparsity 2019 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Discussion on “Model Confidence Bounds for Variable Selection” by Yang Li, Yuetian Luo, Davide Ferrari, Xiaonan Hu, and Yichen Qin 2019 Gerda Claeskens
Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Non-equispaced B-spline wavelets 2016 Maarten Jansen
+ Multiscale local polynomial decompositions using bandwidths as scales 2016 Maarten Jansen
Mohamed Amghar
+ Non-equispaced B-spline wavelets 2015 Maarten Jansen
+ Model Selection and Model Averaging 2015 Gerda Claeskens
Maarten Jansen
+ Non-equispaced B-spline wavelets 2015 Maarten Jansen
+ Generalized Cross Validation in variable selection with and without shrinkage 2014 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Information criteria for variable selection under sparsity 2014 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Variable selection in partially linear wavelet models 2011 Huijuan Ding
Gerda Claeskens
Maarten Jansen
+ Lack-of-fit tests in linear mixed models with application to wavelet tests 2011 Gerda Claeskens
Huijuan Ding
Maarten Jansen
+ Cramér–Rao Inequality 2011 Maarten Jansen
Gerda Claeskens
+ Nonparametric Estimation 2011 Maarten Jansen
Gerda Claeskens
+ The CramĂŠr-Rao inequality 2010 Maarten Jansen
Gerda Claeskens
+ Minimum risk methods in the estimation of unknown sparsity 2010 Maarten Jansen
+ Stable Edge-Adaptive Multiscale Decompositions Using Updated Normal Offsets 2008 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Lack-of-Fit Tests in Semiparametric Mixed Models 2007 Gerda Claeskens
Huijuan Ding
Maarten Jansen
+ Minimum risk thresholds for data with heavy noise 2006 Maarten Jansen
+ Multiscale Change-Point Analysis of Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes Using Unbalanced Wavelet Decompositions 2006 Maarten Jansen
+ Lack-of-fit tests using wavelet regression in semiparametric mixed models 2006 Huijuan Ding
Gerda Claeskens
Maarten Jansen
+ Multiscale analysis of multiple change points using unbalanced wavelets 2005 Maarten Jansen
+ Simulations and examples for multivariate nonparametric regression using lifting 2004 Guy P. Nason
Maarten Jansen
B. W. Silverman
+ PDF Chat <title>Stabilized lifting steps in noise reduction for nonequispaced samples</title> 2001 Evelyne Vanraes
Maarten Jansen
Adhemar Bultheel
+ Empirical Bayes Approach to Improve Wavelet Thresholding for Image Noise Reduction 2001 Maarten Jansen
Adhemar Bultheel
+ Asymptotic behavior of the minimum mean squared error threshold for noisy wavelet coefficients of piecewise smooth signals 2001 Maarten Jansen
Adhemar Bultheel
+ Bayesian correction with geometrical priors for image noise reduction 2001 Maarten Jansen
+ Geometrical Priors for Noisefree Wavelet Coefficients in Image Denoising 1999 Maarten Jansen
Adhemar Bultheel
+ WAILI: Wavelets with integer lifting 1997 Geert Uytterhoeven
F. Van Wulpen
Maarten Jansen
Dirk Roose
Adhemar Bultheel
+ Generalized cross validation for wavelet thresholding 1997 Maarten Jansen
Maurits Malfait
Adhemar Bultheel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage 1994 David L. Donoho
Iain M. Johnstone
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ Generalized cross validation for wavelet thresholding 1997 Maarten Jansen
Maurits Malfait
Adhemar Bultheel
+ PDF Chat An iterative thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems with a sparsity constraint 2004 Ingrid Daubechies
Michel Defrise
Christine De Mol
+ PDF Chat Least angle regression 2004 Bradley Efron
Trevor Hastie
Iain M. Johnstone
Robert Tibshirani
+ Adapting to Unknown Smoothness via Wavelet Shrinkage 1995 David L. Donoho
Iain M. Johnstone
+ PDF Chat On the “degrees of freedom” of the lasso 2007 Hui Zou
Trevor Hastie
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Information criteria for variable selection under sparsity 2014 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets 1988 Ingrid Daubechies
+ Degrees of freedom in lasso problems 2012 Ryan J. Tibshirani
Jonathan Taylor
+ For most large underdetermined systems of linear equations the minimal 𝓁<sub>1</sub>‐norm solution is also the sparsest solution 2006 David L. Donoho
+ More Comments on<i>C<sub>p</sub></i> 1995 Cohn L. Mallows
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution 1981 Charles Stein
+ The Lifting Scheme: A Construction of Second Generation Wavelets 1998 Wim Sweldens
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ Sharp Thresholds for High-Dimensional and Noisy Sparsity Recovery Using $\ell _{1}$-Constrained Quadratic Programming (Lasso) 2009 Martin J. Wainwright
+ De-Noising Using Wavelets and Cross Validation 1995 Norman Weyrich
Gregory T. Warhola
+ PDF Chat Needles and straw in haystacks: Empirical Bayes estimates of possibly sparse sequences 2004 Iain M. Johnstone
Bernard W. Silverman
+ On Model Selection Consistency of Lasso 2006 ZhaoPeng
Yubin Yubin
+ Variable Selection via Nonconcave Penalized Likelihood and its Oracle Properties 2001 Jianqing Fan
Runze Li
+ Wavelet Shrinkage Using Cross-Validation 1996 Guy P. Nason
+ Biorthogonal bases of compactly supported wavelets 1992 Albert Cohen
Ingrid Daubechies
Jean-Christophe Feauveau
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Dimension of a Model 1978 Gideon Schwarz
+ Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle 1998 H. Akaike
+ Exact post-selection inference, with application to the lasso 2016 Jason D. Lee
Dennis L. Sun
Yuekai Sun
Jonathan Taylor
+ A new class of unbalanced haar wavelets that form an unconditional basis for Lp on general measure spaces 1997 Maria Girardi
Wim Sweldens
+ Singularity detection and processing with wavelets 1992 StĂŠphane Mallat
Wen-Liang Hwang
+ More Comments on C P 1995 Colin L. Mallows
+ On asymptotically optimal confidence regions and tests for high-dimensional models 2014 Sara van de Geer
Peter BĂźhlmann
Ya’acov Ritov
Ruben Dezeure
+ PDF Chat Robustness of Solar-Cycle Empirical Rules Across Different Series Including an Updated Active-Day Fraction (ADF) Sunspot Group Series 2021 Ilya Usoskin
G. A. Kovaltsov
Wilma Kiviaho
+ PDF Chat Thaddäus Derfflinger’s Sunspot Observations during 1802–1824: A Primary Reference to Understand the Dalton Minimum 2020 Hisashi Hayakawa
Bruno P. Besser
Tomoya Iju
R. Arlt
Shoma Uneme
Shinsuke Imada
Philippe Bourdin
Amand Kraml
+ Wavelet Threshold Estimators for Data with Correlated Noise 1997 Iain M. Johnstone
Bernard W. Silverman
+ PDF Chat A Revised Collection of Sunspot Group Numbers 2016 J. M. Vaquero
Leif Svalgaard
V. M. S. Carrasco
F. Clette
Laure Lefèvre
M. C. Gallego
R. Arlt
A. J. P. Aparicio
Jean-Guillaume Richard
Raymond M. Howe
+ An Iteration Formula for Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind 1951 L. Landweber
+ PDF Chat New reconstruction of the sunspot group numbers since 1739 using direct calibration and “backbone” methods 2017 Theodosios Chatzistergos
Ilya Usoskin
G. A. Kovaltsov
N. A. Krivova
S. K. Solanki
+ PDF Chat Sunspot positions and sizes for 1825–1867 from the observations by Samuel Heinrich Schwabe 2013 R. Arlt
R. Leussu
N. Giese
К. Мурсула
Ilya Usoskin
+ Asymptotic behavior of the minimum mean squared error threshold for noisy wavelet coefficients of piecewise smooth signals 2001 Maarten Jansen
Adhemar Bultheel
+ PDF Chat Sparsity and Smoothness Via the Fused Lasso 2004 Robert Tibshirani
Michael A. Saunders
Saharon Rosset
Ji Zhu
Keith Knight
+ PDF Chat The Adaptive Lasso and Its Oracle Properties 2006 Hui Zou
+ On Model Selection Consistency of Lasso 2006 Peng Zhao
Bin Yu
+ Sparse inverse covariance estimation with the graphical lasso 2007 Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
R. Tibshirani
+ Generalized Cross Validation in variable selection with and without shrinkage 2014 Maarten Jansen
+ PDF Chat Wavelet methods in statistics: some recent developments and their applications 2007 Anestis Antoniadis
+ PDF Chat Frequentist Model Average Estimators 2003 Nils Lid Hjort
Gerda Claeskens
+ PDF Chat Testing Goodness-of-Fit in Regression Via Order Selection Criteria 1992 R. L. Eubank
Jeffrey D. Hart
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals for Low Dimensional Parameters in High Dimensional Linear Models 2013 Cun‐Hui Zhang
Stephanie S. Zhang
+ The Stationary Wavelet Transform and some Statistical Applications 1995 Guy P. Nason
Bernard W. Silverman
+ On the asymptotic convergence of B-spline wavelets to Gabor functions 1992 MichaĂŤl Unser
Akram Aldroubi
M. Eden
+ PDF Chat The Sunspot Catalogues of Carrington, Peters and de la Rue: Quality Control and Machine-Readable Versions 2013 R. Casas
J. M. Vaquero
+ PDF Chat Restricted Likelihood Ratio Lack-of-Fit Tests Using Mixed Spline Models 2004 Gerda Claeskens