Anna‐Karin Tornberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Error estimate based adaptive quadrature for layer potentials over axisymmetric surfaces 2024 David Krantz
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat A Method of Fundamental Solutions for Large-Scale 3D Elastance and Mobility Problems 2024 Anna Broms
Alex H. Barnett
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Accurate close interactions of Stokes spheres using lubrication-adapted image systems 2024 Anna Broms
Alex H. Barnett
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A barrier method for contact avoiding particles in Stokes flow 2023 Anna Broms
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Fast Ewald summation for Stokes flow with arbitrary periodicity 2023 Joar Bagge
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A locally corrected multiblob method with hydrodynamically matched grids for the Stokes mobility problem 2023 Anna Broms
Mattias Sandberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A Barrier Method for Contact Avoiding Particles in Stokes Flow 2023 Anna Broms
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Estimation of quadrature errors for layer potentials evaluated near surfaces with spherical topology 2023 Chiara Sorgentone
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An integral equation method for the advection-diffusion equation on time-dependent domains in the plane 2022 Fredrik Fryklund
Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Quadrature error estimates for layer potentials evaluated near curved surfaces in three dimensions 2022 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Chiara Sorgentone
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An integral equation method for the advection-diffusion equation on time-dependent domains in the plane 2022 Fredrik Fryklund
Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat An Integral Equation Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation on Time-Dependent Domains in the Plane 2022 Fredrik Fryklund
Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A Locally Corrected Multiblob Method with Hydrodynamically Matched Grids for the Stokes Mobility Problem 2022 Anna Broms
Mattias Sandberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Fast Ewald summation for Stokes flow with arbitrary periodicity 2022 Joar Bagge
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Parabolic velocity profile causes shape-selective drift of inertial ellipsoids 2021 Joar Bagge
Tomas Rosén
Fredrik Lundell
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Fast Ewald summation for electrostatic potentials with arbitrary periodicity 2021 Davoud Saffar Shamshirgar
Joar Bagge
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Highly accurate special quadrature methods for Stokesian particle suspensions in confined geometries 2021 Joar Bagge
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Parabolic velocity profile causes drift of inertial prolate spheroids -- but gravity is stronger 2021 Joar Bagge
Tomas Rosén
Fredrik Lundell
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An adaptive integral equation method for the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation on time-dependent domains 2021 Fredrik Fryklund
Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An adaptive kernel-split quadrature method for parameter-dependent layer potentials 2021 Fredrik Fryklund
Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Accurate evaluation of integrals in slender-body formulations for fibers in viscous flow. 2020 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat An integral equation method for closely interacting surfactant‐covered droplets in wall‐confined Stokes flow 2020 Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Accurate evaluation of integrals in slender-body formulations for fibers in viscous flow 2020 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Quadrature error estimates for layer potentials evaluated near curved surfaces in three dimensions 2020 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Chiara Sorgentone
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An accurate integral equation method for Stokes flow with piecewise smooth boundaries 2019 Lukas Bystricky
Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Spectrally accurate Ewald summation for the Yukawa potential in two dimensions 2019 Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An integral equation based numerical method for the forced heat equation on complex domains 2019 Fredrik Fryklund
Mary Catherine A. Kropinski
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat A 3D boundary integral method for the electrohydrodynamics of surfactant-covered drops 2019 Chiara Sorgentone
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
Petia M. Vlahovska
+ PDF Chat Simulation and validation of surfactant-laden drops in two-dimensional Stokes flow 2019 Sara Pålsson
Michael Siegel
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An integral equation based numerical method for the forced heat equation on complex domains 2019 Fredrik Fryklund
Mary Catherine A. Kropinski
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An accurate integral equation method for Stokes flow with piecewise smooth boundaries 2019 Lukas Bystricky
Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Spectrally accurate Ewald summation for the Yukawa potential in two dimensions 2019 Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ An adaptive kernel-split quadrature method for parameter-dependent layer potentials 2019 Fredrik Fryklund
Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Fast Ewald summation for Green’s functions of Stokes flow in a half-space 2018 Shriram Srinivasan
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Partition of unity extension of functions on complex domains 2018 Fredrik Fryklund
Erik Lehto
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A local target specific quadrature by expansion method for evaluation of layer potentials in 3D 2018 Michael Siegel
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat A highly accurate boundary integral equation method for surfactant-laden drops in 3D 2018 Chiara Sorgentone
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Quadrature by Expansion for Layer Potential Evaluation in Two Dimensions 2018 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A comparison of the Spectral Ewald and Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald methods in GROMACS 2017 Davood Saffar Shamshirgar
Berk Hess
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Fast Ewald summation for electrostatic potentials with arbitrary periodicity 2017 Davood Saffar Shamshirgar
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Ewald method for singly periodic domains 2017 Davoud Saffar Shamshirgar
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Fast Ewald summation for free-space Stokes potentials 2017 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Davoud Saffar Shamshirgar
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ A comparison of the Spectral Ewald and Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald methods in GROMACS 2017 Davood Saffar Shamshirgar
Berk Hess
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Error estimation for quadrature by expansion in layer potential evaluation 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat A fast integral equation method for solid particles in viscous flow using quadrature by expansion 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Estimating nearly singular quadrature errors in boundary integral methods and quadrature by expansion 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Estimation of quadrature errors in layer potential evaluation using quadrature by expansion 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat The Ewald sums for singly, doubly and triply periodic electrostatic systems 2015 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat An accurate integral equation method for simulating multi-phase Stokes flow 2015 Rikard Ojala
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ The Ewald sums for singly, doubly and triply periodic electrostatic systems 2014 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ The Ewald sums for singly, doubly and triply periodic electrostatic systems 2014 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ The Spectral Ewald method 2013 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Corrected trapezoidal rules for a class of singular functions 2013 Oana Marin
Olof Runborg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat On Diffuse Interface Modeling and Simulation of Surfactants in Two-Phase Fluid Flow 2013 Stefan Engblom
Minh Do‐Quang
Gustav Amberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Interface tracking using patches 2013 Dag Lindbo
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Fast and spectrally accurate Ewald summation for 2-periodic electrostatic systems 2012 Dag Lindbo
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ On modeling and simulation of surfactants in diffuse interface flow 2011 Stefan Engblom
Minh Do‐Quang
Gustav Amberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ Fast and spectrally accurate summation of 2-periodic Stokes potentials 2011 Dag Lindbo
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ High order difference methods for wave propagation in discontinuous media 2006 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
Björn Engquist
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fast Ewald summation for free-space Stokes potentials 2017 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Davoud Saffar Shamshirgar
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat How to mesh up Ewald sums. I. A theoretical and numerical comparison of various particle mesh routines 1998 Markus Deserno
Christian Holm
+ PDF Chat Quadrature by expansion: A new method for the evaluation of layer potentials 2013 Andreas Klöckner
Alexander H. Barnett
Leslie Greengard
Michael O’Neil
+ PDF Chat Fast convolution with free-space Green's functions 2016 Felipe Vico
Leslie Greengard
Miguel Ferrando‐Bataller
+ PDF Chat A fast integral equation method for solid particles in viscous flow using quadrature by expansion 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Fast and spectrally accurate Ewald summation for 2-periodic electrostatic systems 2012 Dag Lindbo
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat An accurate integral equation method for simulating multi-phase Stokes flow 2015 Rikard Ojala
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Error estimation for quadrature by expansion in layer potential evaluation 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat The Ewald sums for singly, doubly and triply periodic electrostatic systems 2015 Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of Layer Potentials Close to the Boundary for Laplace and Helmholtz Problems on Analytic Planar Domains 2014 Alex H. Barnett
+ PDF Chat Simulation and validation of surfactant-laden drops in two-dimensional Stokes flow 2019 Sara Pålsson
Michael Siegel
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat A highly accurate boundary integral equation method for surfactant-laden drops in 3D 2018 Chiara Sorgentone
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence of Local Expansions of Layer Potentials 2013 Charles L. Epstein
Leslie Greengard
Andreas Klöckner
+ PDF Chat Nearly Singular Integrals in 3D Stokes Flow 2013 Svetlana Tlupova
J. Thomas Beale
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Quadrature by Expansion for Layer Potential Evaluation in Two Dimensions 2018 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Fast algorithms for Quadrature by Expansion I: Globally valid expansions 2017 Manas Rachh
Andreas Klöckner
Michael O’Neil
+ Second Kind Integral Equation Formulation of Stokes’ Flows Past a Particle of Arbitrary Shape 1987 H. Power
Guillermo Miranda
+ PDF Chat An integral equation method for closely interacting surfactant‐covered droplets in wall‐confined Stokes flow 2020 Sara Pålsson
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat The Exponentially Convergent Trapezoidal Rule 2014 Lloyd N. Trefethen
J. A. C. Weideman
+ A Unified Approach to Quadrature Rules with Asymptotic Estimates of Their Remainders 1972 J. D. Donaldson
David Elliott
+ PDF Chat Fast integral equation methods for the modified Helmholtz equation 2010 Mary Catherine A. Kropinski
Bryan Quaife
+ PDF Chat GMRES: A Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems 1986 Yousef Saad
Martin H. Schultz
+ PDF Chat Large scale Brownian dynamics of confined suspensions of rigid particles 2017 Brennan Sprinkle
Florencio Balboa Usabiaga
Neelesh A. Patankar
Aleksandar Donev
+ PDF Chat Partition of unity extension of functions on complex domains 2018 Fredrik Fryklund
Erik Lehto
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat A Least Squares Radial Basis Function Partition of Unity Method for Solving PDEs 2017 Elisabeth Larsson
Victor Shcherbakov
Alfa Heryudono
+ PDF Chat Spectral Ewald Acceleration of Stokesian Dynamics for polydisperse suspensions 2015 Mu Wang
John F. Brady
+ PDF Chat The Spectral Ewald method for singly periodic domains 2017 Davoud Saffar Shamshirgar
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Semi-implicit spectral deferred correction methods for ordinary differential equations 2003 Michael L. Minion
+ Ewald summation for the rotlet singularity of Stokes flow 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
+ PDF Chat Estimation of quadrature errors in layer potential evaluation using quadrature by expansion 2016 Ludvig af Klinteberg
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Convergence Properties of Gaussian Quadrature Formulae 1961 W. Barrett
+ PDF Chat High-volume fraction simulations of two-dimensional vesicle suspensions 2014 Bryan Quaife
George Biros
+ PDF Chat Electrostatics in periodic slab geometries. I 2002 Axel Arnold
Jason de Joannis
Christian Holm
+ Fast and spectrally accurate summation of 2-periodic Stokes potentials 2011 Dag Lindbo
Anna‐Karin Tornberg
+ PDF Chat Spectrally Accurate Quadratures for Evaluation of Layer Potentials Close to the Boundary for the 2D Stokes and Laplace Equations 2015 Alex H. Barnett
Bowei Wu
Shravan Veerapaneni
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables 1965 D. B. Owen
Milton Abramowitz
Irene A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat High Order Accurate Methods for the Evaluation of Layer Heat Potentials 2009 Jing‐Rebecca Li
Leslie Greengard
+ PDF Chat Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation 2004 Jean‐Paul Berrut
Lloyd N. Trefethen
+ PDF Chat An adaptive fast multipole accelerated Poisson solver for complex geometries 2017 Travis Askham
Antoine Cerfon
+ PDF Chat A Nyström method for weakly singular integral operators on surfaces 2012 James Bremer
Zydrunas Gimbutas
+ PDF Chat An integral equation formulation for rigid bodies in Stokes flow in three dimensions 2016 Eduardo Corona
Leslie Greengard
Manas Rachh
Shravan Veerapaneni
+ PDF Chat A Fast Algorithm for Simulating Multiphase Flows Through Periodic Geometries of Arbitrary Shape 2016 Gary R. Marple
Alex H. Barnett
Adrianna Gillman
Shravan Veerapaneni
+ None 2000 Alok Dutt
Leslie Greengard
Vladimir Rokhlin
+ Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for time-dependent partial differential equations 1997 Uri M. Ascher
Steven J. Ruuth
Raymond J. Spiteri
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional interpolation function for irregularly-spaced data 1968 Donald S. Shepard
+ PDF Chat Variants of an explicit kernel-split panel-based Nyström discretization scheme for Helmholtz boundary value problems 2014 Johan Helsing
Anders G. Holst
+ Implicit-Explicit Methods for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations 1995 Uri M. Ascher
Steven J. Ruuth
Brian Wetton
+ PDF Chat Adaptive time stepping for vesicle suspensions 2015 Bryan Quaife
George Biros
+ Layer potentials and regularity for the Dirichlet problem for Laplace's equation in Lipschitz domains 1984 Gregory C. Verchota
+ Removing the stiffness from interfacial flows with surface tension 1994 Thomas Y. Hou
John Lowengrub
Michael Shelley