Dmitriy Zakharov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Zero-sum subsets in vector spaces over finite fields 2022 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat On the Trifference Problem for Linear Codes 2022 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Spread approximations for forbidden intersections problems 2022 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat Random multilinear maps and the Erdős box problem 2021 David Conlon
Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat The extremal number of surfaces 2021 Andrey Kupavskii
Alexandr Polyanskii
István Tomon
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat Turán-type results for intersection graphs of boxes 2021 István Tomon
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat The Extremal Number of Surfaces 2021 Andrey Kupavskii
Alexandr Polyanskii
István Tomon
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Norm hypergraphs 2021 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ On the number of high-dimensional partitions 2021 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ On the trifference problem for linear codes 2021 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Norm hypergraphs 2021 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Random multilinear maps and the Erd\H{o}s box problem 2020 David Conlon
Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Zero subsums in vector spaces over finite fields 2020 Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Tur\'an-type results for intersection graphs of boxes 2020 István Tomon
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ The right acute angles problem? 2020 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Convex geometry and Erd\H{o}s-Ginzburg-Ziv problem 2020 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Convex geometry and Erdős-Ginzburg-Ziv problem 2020 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat О хроматических числах некоторых дистанционных графов 2020 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Chromatic numbers of Kneser-type graphs 2020 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ PDF Chat Chromatic Numbers of Some Distance Graphs 2020 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ The extremal number of surfaces 2020 Andrey Kupavskii
Alexandr Polyanskii
István Tomon
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Turán-type results for intersection graphs of boxes 2020 István Tomon
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Random multilinear maps and the Erdős box problem 2020 David Conlon
Cosmin Pohoata
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ The right acute angles problem 2019 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Clique Chromatic Numbers of Intersection Graphs 2019 Dmitriy Zakharov
А. М. Райгородский
+ The right acute angles problem? 2019 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Chromatic numbers of graphs of intersections 2018 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Chromatic numbers of Kneser-type graphs. 2018 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Chromatic numbers of Kneser-type graphs 2018 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Regular bipartite graphs and intersecting families 2017 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Acute Sets 2017 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Acute sets 2017 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Regular bipartite graphs and intersecting families 2016 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
+ On chromatic numbers of some distance graphs 2016 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ On the coloring of 3-element subsets 2016 Dmitriy Zakharov
+ Regular bipartite graphs and intersecting families 2016 Andrey Kupavskii
Dmitriy Zakharov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Combinatorial Geometry and Coding Theory* 2016 А. М. Райгородский
+ Acute Sets In Euclidean Spaces 2011 Viktor Harangi
+ PDF Chat Coloring some finite sets in {R}^{n} 2012 József Balogh
Alexander V. Kostochka
А. М. Райгородский
+ Intersection theorems with geometric consequences 1981 Péter Frankl
R. Wilson
+ On the chromatic numbers of small-dimensional Euclidean spaces 2018 Danila Cherkashin
Anatoly Kulikov
А. М. Райгородский
+ Zero-sum problems in finite abelian groups: A survey 2006 Weidong Gao
Alfred Geroldinger
+ PDF Chat The Greatest Angle Among n Points in the d- Dimensional Euclidean Space 1983 P. Erdős
Zoltán Füredi
+ Independence numbers and chromatic numbers of some distance graphs 2015 A. V. Bobu
O. A. Kostina
A. É. Kupriyanov
+ �ber zwei Probleme bez�glich konvexer K�rper von P. Erd�s und von V. L. Klee 1962 Ludwig Danzer
Branko Gr�nbaum
+ Cliques and cycles in distance graphs and graphs of diameters 2014 А. М. Райгородский
+ PDF Chat An inequality related to the isoperimetric inequality 1949 Lynn H. Loomis
Hassler Whitney
+ PDF Chat A lattice point problem and additive number theory 1995 Noga Alon
Moshe Dubiner
+ Some extremal results on complete degenerate hypergraphs 2017 Jie Ma
Xiaofan Yuan
Mingwei Zhang
+ PDF Chat Random algebraic construction of extremal graphs 2015 Boris Bukh
+ Coloring Distance Graphs and Graphs of Diameters 2012 А. М. Райгородский
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Nullstellensatz 1999 Noga Alon
+ On the stability of the Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem 2015 Béla Bollobás
Bhargav Narayanan
А. М. Райгородский
+ PDF Chat Theorems in the additive theory of numbers 1962 R. C. Bose
S. Chowla
+ PDF Chat The History of Degenerate (Bipartite) Extremal Graph Problems 2013 Zoltán Füredi
Miklós Simonovits
+ PDF Chat Boxicity and Poset Dimension 2011 Abhijin Adiga
Diptendu Bhowmick
L. Sunil Chandran
+ Separator theorems and Turán-type results for planar intersection graphs 2008 Jacob Fox
János Pach
+ Coloring Cross-Intersecting Families 2018 Danila Cherkashin
+ Sumsets in Vector Spaces over Finite Fields 1998 Shalom Eliahou
Michel Kervaire
+ Two new approaches to obtaining estimates in the Danzer-Grünbaum problem 2010 Лариса Владимировна Бучок
+ Inequalities for functionals generated by bipartite graphs 1992 Alexander Sidorenko
+ The existence of designs II 2018 Peter Keevash
+ Separation dimension and sparsity 2018 Noga Alon
Manu Basavaraju
L. Sunil Chandran
Rogers Mathew
Deepak Rajendraprasad
+ On the number of graphs without 4-cycles 1982 Daniel J. Kleitman
Kenneth Winston
+ Turán Numbers of Subdivided Graphs 2012 Tao Jiang
Robert Seiver
+ Non-trivial intersecting families 1986 Péter Frankl
Zoltán Füredi
+ PDF Chat Supersaturated Sparse Graphs and Hypergraphs 2018 Asaf Ferber
Gweneth McKinley
Wojciech Samotij
+ Number of double-normal pairs in space 2014 Andrey Kupavskii
+ On 6-Point Configurations in 3-Space 1961 H. T. Croft
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Results Implied by Many Zero Divisors in a Group Ring 2024 Fedor Petrov
+ A new generalization of the Erdös-Ko-Rado theorem 1986 L. Pyber
+ The number of rooted triangular maps on a surface 1991 Zhicheng Gao
+ PDF Chat Асимптотическое исследование задачи о максимальном числе ребер однородного гиперграфа с одним запрещенным пересечением 2016 A. V. Bobu
A. É. Kupriyanov
А. М. Райгородский
+ Addition Theorems in Fp via the Polynomial Method 2017 Éric Balandraud
+ Homomorphieeigenschaften und mittlere Kantendichte von Graphen 1967 W. Mader
+ Kneser's conjecture, chromatic number, and homotopy 1978 László Lovász
+ Extremal Problems for Sets Forming Boolean Algebras and Complete Partite Hypergraphs 1999 David S. Gunderson
Vojtěch Rödl
Alexander Sidorenko
+ Extremal problems in discrete geometry 1983 Endre Szemerédi
W. T. Trotter
+ Norm-graphs and bipartite tur�n numbers 1996 J�nos Koll�r
Lajos R�nyai
Tibor Szab�
+ PDF Chat The Difference Between Consecutive Primes, II 2001 Roger C. Baker
G. Harman
J. Pintz
+ PDF Chat Subset sums modulo a prime 2008 Hoi H. Nguyen
Endre Szemerédi
Van H. Vu
+ Erdös-Ko-Rado theorem with conditions on the maximal degree 1987 Péter Frankl
+ An Extremal Theorem in the Hypercube 2010 David Conlon
+ An addition theorem and maximal zero-sum free sets in ℤ/pℤ 2011 Éric Balandraud
+ Forbidding just one intersection 1985 Péter Frankl
Zoltán Füredi
+ Числа независимости случайных подграфов дистанционных графов 2016 M. M. Pyaderkin