Vassili Gelfreich


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On exponentially accurate approximation of a near the identity map by an autonomous flow 2024 Vassili Gelfreich
A. Vieiro
+ PDF Chat Nekhoroshev theory and discrete averaging 2024 Vassili Gelfreich
A. Vieiro
+ PDF Chat Interpolating vector fields for near identity maps and averaging 2018 Vassili Gelfreich
A. Vieiro
+ PDF Chat Equilibration of energy in slow–fast systems 2017 Kushal Shah
Dmitry Turaev
Vassili Gelfreich
Vered Rom‐Kedar
+ PDF Chat Arnold Diffusion in A Priori Chaotic Symplectic Maps 2017 Vassili Gelfreich
Dmitry Turaev
+ PDF Chat Leaky Fermi accelerators 2015 Kushal Shah
Vassili Gelfreich
Vered Rom‐Kedar
Dmitry Turaev
+ PDF Chat Separatrix splitting at a Hamiltonian 02 iω bifurcation 2014 Vassili Gelfreich
L. M. Lerman
+ PDF Chat Oscillating mushrooms: adiabatic theory for a non-ergodic system 2014 Vassili Gelfreich
Vered Rom‐Kedar
Dmitry Turaev
+ PDF Chat Unique normal forms near a degenerate elliptic fixed point in two-parametric families of area-preserving maps 2014 Vassili Gelfreich
Natalia G. Gelfreikh
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of symplectic maps near a double resonance 2012 Vassili Gelfreich
Carles Simö
A. Vieiro
+ Fermi acceleration and adiabatic invariants for non-autonomous billiards 2012 Vassili Gelfreich
Vered Rom‐Kedar
Dmitry Turaev
+ PDF Chat Splitting of separatrices for the Hamiltonian-Hopf bifurcation with the Swift–Hohenberg equation as an example 2011 José Pedro Gaivão
Vassili Gelfreich
+ Universal dynamics in a neighborhood of a generic elliptic periodic point 2010 Vassili Gelfreich
Dmitry Turaev
+ PDF Chat Unique normal forms for area preserving maps near a fixed point with neutral multipliers 2010 Vassili Gelfreich
Natalia G. Gelfreikh
+ PDF Chat Geometric shadowing in slow–fast Hamiltonian systems 2010 Niklas Brännström
Emiliano De Simone
Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Unique resonant normal forms for area-preserving maps at an elliptic fixed point 2009 Vassili Gelfreich
Natalia G. Gelfreikh
+ PDF Chat Width of the Homoclinic Zone in the Parameter Space for Quadratic Maps 2009 Vassili Gelfreich
Vincent Naudot
+ PDF Chat Analytic invariants associated with a parabolic fixed point in 2 2008 Vassili Gelfreich
Vincent Naudot
+ Unbounded Energy Growth in Hamiltonian Systems with a Slowly Varying Parameter 2008 Vassili Gelfreich
Dmitry Turaev
+ High-precision computations of divergent asymptotic series and homoclinic phenomena 2008 Carles Simó
Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Positive-entropy geodesic flows on nilmanifolds 2008 Léo T. Butler
Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Drift of slow variables in slow-fast Hamiltonian systems 2008 Niklas Brännström
Vassili Gelfreich
+ Width of homoclinic zone for quadratic maps 2008 Vassili Gelfreich
Vincent Naudot
+ Asymptotic series for the splitting of separatrices near a Hamiltonian bifurcation 2008 Vassili Gelfreich
Niklas Brännström
L. M. Lerman
+ Slow-fast hamiltonian dynamics near a ghost separatix loop 2005 L. M. Lerman
Vassili Gelfreich
+ Hamiltonian bifurcations and local analytic classification 2004 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Chaotic Zone in the Bogdanov-Takens Bifurcation for Diffeomorphisms 2003 Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Near strongly resonant periodic orbits in a Hamiltonian system 2002 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Almost invariant elliptic manifold in a singularly perturbed Hamiltonian system 2002 Vassili Gelfreich
L. M. Lerman
+ Numerics and Exponential Smallness 2002 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Splitting of separatrices: perturbation theory and exponential smallness 2001 Vassili Gelfreich
V. F. Lazutkin
+ PDF Chat Borel summation and splitting of separatrices for the Hénon map 2001 Vassili Gelfreich
David Sauzin
+ Exponentially Small Splitting of Separatrices near Bifurcations in Area-Preserving Maps 2000 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Splitting of a small separatrix loop near the saddle-center bifurcation in area-preserving maps 2000 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Exponentially small splitting of separatrices for area-preserving maps 2000 Vassili Gelfreich
+ A Proof of the Exponentially Small Transversality of the Separatrices for the Standard Map 1999 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Splitting of Separatrices for (Fast) Quasiperiodic Forcing 1999 Amadeu Delshams
Àngel Jorba
Tere M. Seara
Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Lower and upper bounds for the splitting of separatrices of the pendulum under a fast quasiperiodic forcing 1997 Amadeu Delshams
Vassili Gelfreich
Àngel Jorba
Tere M. Seara
+ Melnikov method and exponentially small splitting of separatrices 1997 Vassili Gelfreich
+ On analytical properties of normal forms 1997 Ernest Fontich
Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Conjugation to a shift and the splitting of invariant manifolds 1997 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Examples of Hamiltonian systems with transversal homoclinic orbits 1995 Vassili Gelfreich
D. K. Sharomov
+ A refined formula for the separatrix splitting for the standard map 1994 Vassili Gelfreich
V. F. Lazutkin
N. V. Svanidze
+ Exponentially small splittings in Hamiltonian systems 1991 Vassili Gelfreich
V. F. Lazutkin
M. B. Tabanov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Proof of the Exponentially Small Transversality of the Separatrices for the Standard Map 1999 Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat The splitting of separatrices for analytic diffeomorphisms 1990 Ernest Fontich
Carles Simö
+ The separation of motions in systems with rapidly rotating phase 1984 А. И. Нейштадт
+ Splitting of a small separatrix loop near the saddle-center bifurcation in area-preserving maps 2000 Vassili Gelfreich
+ PDF Chat Borel summation and splitting of separatrices for the Hénon map 2001 Vassili Gelfreich
David Sauzin
+ PDF Chat Conjugation to a shift and the splitting of invariant manifolds 1997 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Invariant circles in the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation for diffeomorphisms 1996 Henk Broer
Robert Roussarie
Carles Simö
+ Splitting of separatrices: perturbation theory and exponential smallness 2001 Vassili Gelfreich
V. F. Lazutkin
+ A refined formula for the separatrix splitting for the standard map 1994 Vassili Gelfreich
V. F. Lazutkin
N. V. Svanidze
+ Exponentially Small Splitting in Hamiltonian Systems 1994 Amadeu Delshams
Tere M. Seara
+ Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1983 John Guckenheimer
Philip Holmes
+ Methods of Qualitative Theory in Nonlinear Dynamics 2001 L. P. Shilnikov
Andrey Shilnikov
Dmitry Turaev
Leon O. Chua
+ Unbounded Energy Growth in Hamiltonian Systems with a Slowly Varying Parameter 2008 Vassili Gelfreich
Dmitry Turaev
+ The analytic invariants of an area‐preserving mapping near a hyperbolic fixed point 1956 Jürgen Moser
+ PDF Chat On the adiabatic theorem for the Hamiltonian system of differential equations in the classical mechanics, I 1961 Takashi Kasuga
+ Properties of some chaotic billiards with time-dependent boundaries 2000 Alexander Loskutov
Alexey Ryabov
Leonid Akinshin
+ PDF Chat Germs of Diffeomorphisms in the Plane 1981 Freddy Dumortier
Paulo R. Rodrigues
Robert Roussarie
+ Methods of Qualitative Theory in Nonlinear Dynamics - Part I 1998 L. P. Shilnikov
Andrey Shilnikov
Dmitry Turaev
Leon O. Chua
+ Dynamical systems with elastic reflections 1970 Yakov G. Sinai
+ On the complex separatrices of some standard-like maps 1994 Yuri B. Suris
+ PDF Chat Persistence and Smoothness of Invariant Manifolds for Flows 1971 Neil Fenichel
+ PDF Chat An asymptotic expression for the splitting of separatrices of the rapidly forced pendulum 1992 Amadeu Delshams
Tere M. Seara
+ PDF Chat Exponentially small splittings of separatrices with applications to KAM theory and degenerate bifurcations 1988 Philip Holmes
Jerrold E. Marsden
Jürgen Scheurle
+ Exponential energy growth in a Fermi accelerator 2010 Kushal Shah
Dmitry Turaev
Vered Rom‐Kedar
+ Rapidly Forced Planar Vector Fields and Splitting of Separatrices 1995 Ernest Fontich
+ Exponentially small splittings in Hamiltonian systems 1991 Vassili Gelfreich
V. F. Lazutkin
M. B. Tabanov
+ Mathematical methods of classical mechanics 1978 Владимир Игоревич Арнольд
+ High-precision computations of divergent asymptotic series and homoclinic phenomena 2008 Carles Simó
Vassili Gelfreich
+ Mushrooms and other billiards with divided phase space 2001 Leonid Bunimovich
+ Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations 1961 N. N. Bogolyubov
Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
+ An averaging method for Hamiltonian systems, exponentially close to integrable ones 1996 Dmitry Treschev
+ Versal deformations of a singular point of a vector field on the plane in the case of zero eigenvalues 1975 Р. И. Богданов
+ Diffusion speed in the Mather problem 2006 G. Piftankin
+ PDF Chat Tunable Fermi Acceleration in the Driven Elliptical Billiard 2008 F. Lenz
F. Κ. Diakonos
Peter Schmelcher
+ Splitting of Separatrices for the Chirikov Standard Map 2005 V. F. Lazutkin
+ A Geometric Approach to the Existence of Orbits with Unbounded Energy in Generic Periodic Perturbations by a Potential of Generic Geodesic Flows of ?2} 2000 Amadeu Delshams
Rafael de la Llave
Tere M. Seara
+ PDF Chat On the ergodic properties of nowhere dispersing billiards 1979 Leonid Bunimovich
+ Fermi acceleration and adiabatic invariants for non-autonomous billiards 2012 Vassili Gelfreich
Vered Rom‐Kedar
Dmitry Turaev
+ None 2002 Alexander Loskutov
Alexei Ryabov
+ PDF Chat A normally elliptic Hamiltonian bifurcation 1993 Henk Broer
S.-N. Chow
Y. Kim
Gert Vegter
+ Averaging under Fast Quasiperiodic Forcing 1994 Carles Simö
+ Elliptic islands appearing in near-ergodic flows 1998 Dmitry Turaev
Vered Rom‐Kedar
+ PDF Chat Singular Separatrix Splitting and the Melnikov Method: An Experimental Study 1999 Amadeu Delshams
Rafael Ramírez-Ros
+ PDF Chat Exponential Fermi acceleration in general time-dependent billiards 2014 Benjamin Batistić
+ PDF Chat Beyond all orders: Singular perturbations in a mapping 1992 C. J. Amick
Emily S. C. Ching
Leo P. Kadanoff
Vered Rom‐Kedar
+ PDF Chat Near strongly resonant periodic orbits in a Hamiltonian system 2002 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Multiphase averaging for classical systems with applications to the adiabatic theorems 1988 Claude Meunier
Pierre Lochak
+ Melnikov method and exponentially small splitting of separatrices 1997 Vassili Gelfreich
+ Exponentially small splitting of separatrices, matching in the complex plane and Borel summation 1993 Vincent Hakim
K. Mallick
+ PDF Chat Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory 2004 Yuri A. Kuznetsov