Giovanni Inchiostro


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Stable maps to quotient stacks with a properly stable point 2024 Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ PDF Chat Moduli of elliptic surfaces of Kodaira dimension one fibered over rational curves 2024 Dori Bejleri
Josiah Foster
Andres Fernandez Herrero
Giovanni Inchiostro
Svetlana Makarova
Junyan Zhao
+ PDF Chat Effective Morphisms and Quotient Stacks 2024 Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of ℚ-Gorenstein pairs and applications 2024 Stefano Filipazzi
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ PDF Chat The integral Chow rings of moduli of Weierstrass fibrations 2023 Samir Canning
Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ PDF Chat Wall crossing for moduli of stable log pairs 2023 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
Zsolt Patakfalvi
+ The cluster modular group of the dimer model 2023 Terrence George
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Effective morphisms and quotient stacks 2023 Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of boundary polarized Calabi-Yau pairs 2023 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Harold Blum
Kristin DeVleming
Giovanni Inchiostro
Yuchen Liu
Xiaowei Wang
+ A criterion for smooth weighted blow-downs 2023 Veronica Arena
Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
Siddharth Mathur
Stephen Obinna
Michele Pernice
+ PDF Chat Moduli of genus one curves with two marked points as a weighted blow-up 2022 Giovanni Inchiostro
+ The integral Chow rings of moduli of Weierstrass fibrations 2022 Samir Canning
Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Dimers and Beauville integrable systems 2022 T. Adrian George
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Degenerations of twisted maps to algebraic stacks 2022 Andrea Di Lorenzo
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of $\mathbb{Q}$-Gorenstein pairs and applications 2021 Stefano Filipazzi
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Wall crossing for moduli of stable log varieties 2021 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
Zsolt Patakfalvi
+ PDF Chat Stable pairs with a twist and gluing morphisms for moduli of surfaces 2021 Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of $\mathbb{Q}$-Gorenstein pairs and applications 2021 Stefano Filipazzi
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Wall crossing for moduli of stable log pairs 2021 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
Zsolt Patakfalvi
+ Moduli of genus one curves with two marked points as a weighted blow-up 2021 Giovanni Inchiostro
+ PDF Chat Moduli of Weierstrass fibrations with marked section 2020 Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Wall-crossing morphisms for moduli of stable pairs 2020 Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Cluster modular groups of dimer models and networks 2019 T. Adrian George
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Stable pairs with a twist and gluing morphisms for moduli of surfaces 2019 Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ The cluster modular group of the dimer model 2019 T. Adrian George
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Stable pairs with a twist and gluing morphisms for moduli of surfaces 2019 Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ The Picard group of the moduli of smooth complete intersections of two quadrics 2018 Shamil Asgarli
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of Weierstrass fibrations with marked section 2018 Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of Weierstrass fibrations with marked section 2018 Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of weighted stable elliptic surfaces and invariance of log plurigenera. 2017 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Moduli of weighted stable elliptic surfaces and invariance of log plurigenera 2017 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Projectivity of the moduli space of stable log-varieties and subadditivity of log-Kodaira dimension 2016 Sándor J. Kovács
Zsolt Patakfalvi
+ Moduli spaces of weighted pointed stable curves 2003 Brendan Hassett
+ Threefolds and deformations of surface singularities 1988 J. Koll�r
N. I. Shepherd‐Barron
+ PDF Chat Boundedness of moduli of varieties of general type 2018 Christopher D. Hacon
James McKernan
Chenyang Xu
+ PDF Chat BOUNDEDNESS AND K<sup>2</sup> FOR LOG SURFACES 1994 Valery Alexeev
+ Éléments de géométrie algébrique (rédigés avec la collaboration de Jean Dieudonné) : IV. Étude locale des schémas et des morphismes de schémas, Quatrième partie 1967 Alexander Grothendieck
+ PDF Chat Projectivity of complete moduli 1990 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Spaces and Stacks 2016 Martin Olsson
+ PDF Chat Existence of log canonical closures 2012 Christopher D. Hacon
Chenyang Xu
+ Reflexive pull-backs and base extension 2004 Brendan Hassett
Sándor J. Kovács
+ Twisted stable maps to tame Artin stacks 2010 Dan Abramovich
Martin Olsson
Angelo Vistoli
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ The Picard group of the moduli of smooth complete intersections of two quadrics 2018 Shamil Asgarli
Giovanni Inchiostro
+ Stable varieties with a twist 2010 Dan Abramovich
Brendan Hassett
+ Equivariant intersection theory 1998 Dan Edidin
William Graham
+ Families of divisors 2019 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type 2009 Caucher Birkar
Paolo Cascini
Christopher D. Hacon
James M textupc Kernan
+ PDF Chat Log canonical models of elliptic surfaces 2017 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
+ BIRATIONAL GEOMETRY OF ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 134) 2000 P. Μ. H. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous normalization and algebra husks 2011 Janós Kollár
+ Grothendieck Duality and $\mathbb Q$-Gorenstein Morphisms 2018 Yongnam Lee
Noboru Nakayama
+ PDF Chat Moduli of weighted stable elliptic surfaces and invariance of log plurigenera 2020 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
+ Minimal models and boundedness of stable varieties 1998 Kalle Karu
+ Singularities of the Minimal Model Program 2013 Janós Kollár
Sándor J. Kovács
+ Champs algébriques 2000 Gérard Laumon
Laurent Moret-Bailly
+ PDF Chat ACC for log canonical thresholds 2014 Christopher D. Hacon
James McKernan
Chenyang Xu
+ Non-vanishing theorem for log canonical pairs 2011 Osamu Fujino
+ Families of Varieties of General Type 2023 Janós Kollár
+ Extracting non-canonical places 2020 Joaquín Moraga
+ PDF Chat Coherent Tannaka duality and algebraicity of Hom-stacks 2019 Jack Hall
David Rydh
+ On Isolated Rational Singularities of Surfaces 1966 Michael Artin
+ Moduli of Weighted Hyperplane Arrangements 2015 Valery Alexeev
+ PDF Chat Semipositivity theorems for moduli problems 2018 Osamu Fujino
+ PDF Chat Compact moduli of plane curves 2004 Paul Hacking
+ Fundamental theorems for semi log canonical pairs 2014 Osamu Fujino
+ Moduli of varieties of general type 2010 Janós Kollár
+ PDF Chat The integral Chow ring of the stack of hyperelliptic curves of even genus 2009 Dan Edidin
Damiano Fulghesu
+ Hulls and Husks 2008 Janós Kollár
+ Stable log surfaces, admissible covers, and canonical curves of genus 4 2018 Anand Deopurkar
Changho Han
+ PDF Chat Semi-Terminal Modifications of Demi-Normal Pairs 2015 Kento Fujita
+ Compactifying the space of stable maps 2001 Dan Abramovich
Angelo Vistoli
+ Wall crossing for moduli of stable log varieties 2021 Kenneth Ascher
Dori Bejleri
Giovanni Inchiostro
Zsolt Patakfalvi
+ Total positivity, Grassmannians, and networks 2006 Alexander Postnikov
+ Simple Hironaka resolution in characteristic zero 2005 Jarosław Włodarczyk
+ Inverse spectral problem for GK integrable system 2015 V. V. Fock
+ Explicit stable models of elliptic surfaces with sections 2002 Gabriele La Nave
+ PDF Chat The Cube Recurrence 2004 Gabriel D. Carroll
David E Speyer
+ PDF Chat Cluster ensembles, quantization and the dilogarithm 2009 V. V. Fock
A. B. Goncharov
+ Stable varieties with a twist 2009 Dan Abramovich
Brendan Hassett
+ Appendix The Chow ring of M 2 1998 Angelo Vistoli