Shlomo Breuer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Spatial decay results for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations of mode zero 1991 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Spatial decay theorems for nonlinear parabolic equations in semi-infinite cylinders 1990 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Microcomputer laboratories in mathematics education 1990 Shlomo Breuer
Judith Gal‐Ezer
Gideon Zwas
+ PDF Chat On spatial energy decay for quasilinear boundary value problems in cone-like and exterior domains 1989 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Polynomial iterations of rth order for the extraction of kth roots 1989 Shlomo Breuer
+ Polynomial iterations for root extraction 1988 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Phragmen-Lindelöf decay theorems for classes of nonlinear Dirichlet problems in a circular cylinder 1986 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Decay theorems for nonlinear Dirichlet problems in semi-infinite cylinders 1986 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Rectified approximations for the solution of nonlinear equations 1984 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Mathematical‐educational aspects of the computation of<i>π</i> 1984 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Computer root extraction by a priori design 1984 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Area approximations in the mathematical laboratory 1983 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ A Lower Bound for the Eigenvalues of the Elliptic Dirichlet Problem for a General Domain in Terms of Its Characteristic Dimension 1978 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Saint-Venant's principle in linear two-dimensional elasticity for non-striplike domains 1977 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ PDF Chat Hille-Wintner type oscillation criteria for linear ordinary differential equations of second order 1975 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ Upper and lower bounds on eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville systems 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ Upper and lower bounds on solutions of initial value problems 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ PDF Chat Separation of Roots and Oscillation in Ordinary Linear Differential Equations of Second Order 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ PDF Chat Separation of roots and oscillation in ordinary linear differential equations of second order 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ PDF Chat Explicit characterization of spherical curves 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ PDF Chat Explicit Characterization of Spherical Curves 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ The reduction of linear ordinary differential equations to equations with constant coefficients 1970 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The reduction of linear ordinary differential equations to equations with constant coefficients 1970 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ Comparison and Oscillation Theory of Linear Differential Equations 1968 Charles A. Swanson
+ A note on the spatial decay of a minimal surface over a semi-infinite strip 1977 Jonathan C. Knowles
+ Computer root extraction by a priori design 1984 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1945 A. T. Lonseth
E. L. Ince
+ Area approximations in the mathematical laboratory 1983 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Phragmen-Lindelöf decay theorems for classes of nonlinear Dirichlet problems in a circular cylinder 1986 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Decay estimates for second-order quasilinear partial differential equations 1984 Cornelius O. Horgan
L. E. Payne
+ Über eine Verallgemeinerung des Newtonschen Näherungsverfahrens 1954 Irena Kiss
+ Decay estimates for a class of second-order quasilinear equations in three dimensions 1984 Cornelius O. Horgan
L. E. Payne
+ Microcomputer laboratories in mathematics education 1990 Shlomo Breuer
Judith Gal‐Ezer
Gideon Zwas
+ On the spatial decay of the energy for some quasilinear boundary value problems in semi-infinite cylinders 1989 Joseph J. Roseman
Shimshon Zimering
+ PDF Chat Non-Oscillation Theorems 1948 Einar Hille
+ Exponential decay estimates for second-order quasi-linear elliptic equations 1977 Cornelius O. Horgan
Lewis Wheeler
+ A First Course in Numerical Analysis 1966 Herbert Maisel
Anthony Ralston
+ Computer Evaluation of Mathematical Functions 1968 C. T. Fike
+ The rate of decay of a minimal surface defined over a semiinfinite strip 1974 Joseph J. Roseman
+ Polynomial iterations for root extraction 1988 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ PDF Chat On self-adjoint differential equations of second order 1953 Ruth Lind Potter
+ A phragmén‐lindelöf theorem in harmonic analysis and its application to some questions in the theory of elliptic equations 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ Decay theorems for nonlinear Dirichlet problems in semi-infinite cylinders 1986 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Exponential decay estimates for a class of nonlinear Dirichlet problems 1979 Cornelius O. Horgan
W. E. Olmstead
+ Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations. 1967 David M. Young
J. F. Traub
+ On Saint-Venant's principle in linear viscoelasticity 1970 Warren S. Edelstein
+ A note on the spatial decay of a three-dimensional minimal surface over a semi-infinite cylinder 1985 Cornelius O. Horgan
+ Upper and lower bounds on solutions of initial value problems 1971 Shlomo Breuer
David Gottlieb
+ Mathematical‐educational aspects of the computation of<i>π</i> 1984 Shlomo Breuer
Gideon Zwas
+ Handbook of Numerical Methods for the Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations 1961 Robert H. Owens
V. L. Zaguskin
G. O. Harding
+ Oscillation theory of ordinary linear differential equations 1969 John H. Barrett
+ Spatial decay estimates for the heat equation via the maximum principle 1976 Cornelius O. Horgan
Lewis Wheeler
+ Computational aspects of rational versus polynomial interpolations 1988 Judith Gal‐Ezer
Gideon Zwas
+ PDF Chat Spatial decay results for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations of mode zero 1991 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman
+ Konstruktion und durchführung von iterationsverfabren höherer ordnung 1959 Hans Ehrmann
+ Lower Bounds for the First Eigenvalue of Elliptic Equations 1960 Murray H. Protter
+ PDF Chat Spatial decay estimates for reaction-diffusion systems 1989 W. E. Fitzgibbon
Jeffrey J. Morgan
Lewis Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Sur les équations du calcul des variations 1912 Serge Bernstein
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Partial Differential Equations 1982 Fritz John
+ Ordinary Differential Equations. 1963 C. E. Langenhop
G. Birkhoff
G.-C Rota
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2016 Dieter Britz
Jörg Strutwolf
+ Differential Inequalities 1965 D. E. Edmunds
+ Partial Differential Equations. 1963 Courtney Coleman
Bernard S. Epstein
+ Differential Geometry 1959 Erwin Kreyszig
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2015 Robert Johansson
+ Methodus nova accurata &amp; facilis inveniendi radices æqnationum quarumcumque generaliter, sine praviæ reductione 1694 Edmond Halley
+ A First Course in Numerical Analysis 1966 Herbert Maisel
+ PDF Chat Linear elliptic differential systems and eigenvalue problems 1965 Gaetano Fichera
+ Introduction to Calculus and Analysis 1989 Richard Courant
Fritz John
+ PDF Chat Spatial decay estimates in transient heat conduction 1984 Cornelius O. Horgan
L. E. Payne
Lewis Wheeler
+ PDF Chat On spatial energy decay for quasilinear boundary value problems in cone-like and exterior domains 1989 Shlomo Breuer
Joseph J. Roseman