Jasson Vindas


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the surjectivity of the Cauchy-Riemann and Laplace operators on weighted spaces of smooth functions 2025 Andreas Debrouwere
Quinten Van Boxstael
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Strong factorization of ultradifferentiable vectors associated with compact Lie group representations 2024 Andreas Debrouwere
Michiel Huttener
Jasson Vindas
+ On the estimate $$M(x)=o(x)$$ for Beurling generalized numbers 2024 Jasson Vindas
+ Hermite expansions for spaces of functions with nearly optimal time-frequency decay 2024 Lenny Neyt
Joachim Toft
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On a space of functions with entire Laplace transforms and its connection with the optimality of the Ingham-Karamata theorem 2024 Morgan Callewaert
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the inclusion relations between Gelfand-Shilov spaces 2024 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the estimate $M(x)=o(x)$ for Beurling generalized numbers 2024 Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Hermite expansions for spaces of functions with nearly optimal time-frequency decay 2024 Lenny Neyt
Joachim Toft
Jasson Vindas
+ On the density hypothesis for $L$-functions associated with holomorphic cusp forms 2024 Bin Chen
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Quasinormability and property $(\Omega)$ for spaces of smooth and ultradifferentiable vectors associated to Lie group representations 2024 Andreas Debrouwere
Michiel Huttener
Jasson Vindas
+ Distributions in spaces with thick submanifolds 2024 Jiajia Ding
Jasson Vindas
Yunyun Yang
+ PDF Chat Quasianalytic Functionals and Ultradistributions as Boundary Values of Harmonic Functions 2023 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The pointwise behavior of Riemann’s function 2023 Frederik Broucke
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Kernel theorems for Beurling-Björck type spaces 2023 Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ On the density hypothesis for $L$-functions associated to holomorphic cusp forms 2023 Bin Chen
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalizations of Koga's version of the Wiener-Ikehara theorem 2023 Bin Chen
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Besov regularity in non-linear generalized functions 2022 Stevan Pilipović
Dimitris Scarpalézos
Jasson Vindas
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Explicit commutative sequence space representations of function and distribution spaces on the real half-line 2022 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ Kernel theorems for Beurling-Björck type spaces 2022 Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Note on Vector Valued Hardy Spaces Related to Analytic Functions Having Distributional Boundary Values 2021 R. D. Carmichael
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the Projective Description of Spaces of Ultradifferentiable Functions of Roumieu Type 2021 Andreas Debrouwere
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Explicit commutative sequence space representations of function and distribution spaces on the real half-line 2021 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Infinite order $$\Psi $$DOs: composition with entire functions, new Shubin-Sobolev spaces, and index theorem 2021 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ A new generalized prime random approximation procedure and some of its applications 2021 Frederik Broucke
Jasson Vindas
+ The optimal Malliavin-type remainder for Beurling generalized integers 2021 Frederik Broucke
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ The pointwise behavior of Riemann's function 2021 Frederik Broucke
Jasson Vindas
+ Topological properties of convolutor spaces via the short-time Fourier transform 2020 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Factorization in Denjoy-Carleman classes associated to representations of <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mo linebreak="badbreak" linebreakstyle="after">+</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2020 Andreas Debrouwere
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ On the absence of remainders in the Wiener-Ikehara and Ingham-Karamata theorems: A constructive approach 2020 Frederik Broucke
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ An asymptotic analysis of the Fourier-Laplace transforms of certain oscillatory functions 2020 Frederik Broucke
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The Fourier transform of thick distributions 2020 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
Yunyun Yang
+ Characterization of nuclearity for Beurling–Björck spaces 2020 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ Beurling integers with RH and large oscillation 2020 Frederik Broucke
Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The nuclearity of Gelfand–Shilov spaces and kernel theorems 2020 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Multiresolution expansions and wavelets in Gelfand–Shilov spaces 2020 Stevan Pilipović
Dušan Rakić
Nenad Teofanov
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the space of ultradistributions vanishing at infinity 2020 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Halász's theorem for Beurling generalized numbers 2020 Gregory Debruyne
Frederick Maes
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic boundedness and moment asymptotic expansion in ultradistribution spaces 2020 Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ Note on vector valued Hardy spaces related to analytic functions having distributional boundary values 2020 R. D. Carmichael
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ Quasianalytic functionals and ultradistributions as boundary values of harmonic functions 2020 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ On the projective description of spaces of ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu type. 2019 Andreas Debrouwere
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat A multidimensional Tauberian theorem for Laplace transforms of ultradistributions 2019 Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ The nuclearity of Gelfand-Shilov spaces and kernel theorems 2019 Andreas Debrouwere
Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear theory of infrahyperfunctions 2019 Andreas Debrouwere
Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Structural theorems for quasiasymptotics of ultradistributions 2019 Lenny Neyt
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Complex Tauberian theorems for Laplace transforms with local pseudofunction boundary behavior 2019 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Vector valued Hardy spaces related to analytic functions having distributional boundary values 2019 R. D. Carmichael
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On Diamond’s L1 Criterion for Asymptotic Density of Beurling Generalized Integers 2019 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat A Projective Description of Generalized Gelfand–Shilov Spaces of Roumieu Type 2019 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ On the projective description of spaces of ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu type 2019 Andreas Debrouwere
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Tauberian class estimates for vector-valued distributions 2018 Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On weighted inductive limits of spaces of ultradifferentiable functions and their duals 2018 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Optimal Tauberian constant in Ingham’s theorem for Laplace transforms 2018 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ Note on the absence of remainders in the Wiener-Ikehara theorem 2018 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Translation–Modulation Invariant Banach Spaces of Ultradistributions 2018 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Spectral asymptotics for infinite order pseudo-differential operators 2018 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Vector valued Hardy spaces 2018 R. D. Carmichael
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat M(x)=o(x) Estimates for Beurling numbers 2018 Gregory Debruyne
Harold G. Diamond
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On quasianalytic classes of Gelfand–Shilov type. Parametrix and convolution 2017 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Ultradistributional boundary values of harmonic functions on the sphere 2017 Đorđe Vučković
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Optimal embeddings of ultradistributions into differential algebras 2017 Andreas Debrouwere
Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
+ Optimal Tauberian constant in the Fatou-Riesz theorem for Laplace transforms 2017 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the non-triviality of certain spaces of analytic functions. Hyperfunctions and ultrahyperfunctions of fast growth 2017 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Solution to the first Cousin problem for vector-valued quasianalytic functions 2017 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ Weyl asymptotic formulae and Sobolev spaces for infinite order pseudo-differential operators 2017 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the Radial Derivative of the Delta Distribution 2017 Fred Brackx
Frank Sommen
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat A Generalization of the Banach-Steinhaus Theorem for Finite Part Limits 2017 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalized Functions and Fourier Analysis 2017 Michael Oberguggenberger
Joachim Toft
Jasson Vindas
Patrik Wahlberg
+ PDF Chat General Stieltjes moment problems for rapidly decreasing smooth functions 2017 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On General Prime Number Theorems with Remainder 2017 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Rotation Invariant Ultradistributions 2017 Đorđe Vučković
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalization of the Wiener-Ikehara theorem 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On PNT equivalences for Beurling numbers 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ $M(x)=o(x)$ Estimates for Beurling numbers 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Harold G. Diamond
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalized functions on the closure of an open set. Application to uniqueness of some characteristic Cauchy problem 2016 Victor Dévoué
Jean-André Marti
Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Convolution of ultradistributions and ultradistribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2016 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Eigenfunction expansions of ultradifferentiable functions and ultradistributions in $$\mathbb R^n$$ R n 2016 Đorđe Vučković
Jasson Vindas
+ Discrete characterizations of wave front sets of Fourier–Lebesgue and quasianalytic type 2016 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Some examples in the theory of Beurling’s generalized prime numbers 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Jan‐Christoph Schlage‐Puchta
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Generalization of the Wiener–Ikehara theorem 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ Vector-valued Eidelheit sequences and the non B-completeness of tensor products 2016 Andreas Debrouwere
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Gabor frames and asymptotic behavior of Schwartz distributions 2016 Sanja Kostadinova
Katerina Saneva
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The short-time Fourier transform of distributions of exponential type and tauberian theorems for shift-asymptotics 2016 Sanja Kostadinova
Stevan Pilipović
Katerina Saneva
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalization of the Wiener-Ikehara theorem 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ $M(x)=o(x)$ Estimates for Beurling numbers 2016 Gregory Debruyne
Harold G. Diamond
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The wavelet transforms in Gelfand–Shilov spaces 2015 Stevan Pilipović
Dušan Rakić
Nenad Teofanov
Jasson Vindas
+ Translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Bojan Prangoski
Павел Димовски
Jasson Vindas
+ An elementary approach to asymptotic behavior in the Ces\`{a}ro sense and applications to the Laplace and Stieltjes transforms 2015 Dennis Nemzer
Jasson Vindas
+ On a class of translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Boundary values of holomorphic functions and heat kernel method in translation-invariant distribution spaces 2015 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ An elementary approach to asymptotic behavior in the Cesàro sense and applications to the Laplace and Stieltjes transforms 2015 Dennis Nemzer
Jasson Vindas
+ On a class of translation-invariant spaces of quasianalytic ultradistributions 2015 Павел Димовски
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Wave fronts via Fourier series coefficients 2015 Snježana Maksimović
Stevan Pilipović
Petar Sokoloski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The Ridgelet Transform and Quasiasymptotic Behavior of Distributions 2015 Sanja Kostadinova
Stevan Pilipović
Katerina Saneva
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2014 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Multiresolution Expansions of Distributions: Pointwise Convergence and Quasiasymptotic Behavior 2014 Sanja Kostadinova
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Weyl asymptotics for tensor products of operators and Dirichlet divisors 2014 Todor Gramchev
Stevan Pilipović
Luigi Rodino
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for vector-valued distributions 2014 Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalized functions on the closure of an open set. Application to uniqueness of some characteristic Cauchy problem 2013 Victor Dévoué
Jean-André Marti
Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
+ Asymptotic distribution of integers with certain prime factorizations 2013 Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
Andreas Weiermann
+ PDF Chat The Ridgelet transform of distributions 2013 Sanja Kostadinova
Stevan Pilipović
Katerina Saneva
Jasson Vindas
+ New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces and boundary values of holomorphic functions 2013 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ On the relation between Lebesgue summability and some other summation methods 2013 Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Distributional versions of littlewood’s Tauberian theorem 2013 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ On Borel summability and analytic functionals 2013 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ On distributional point values and boundary values of analytic functions 2013 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ Chebyshev Upper Estimates for Beurling's Generalized Prime Numbers 2013 Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Classes of Generalized Functions with Finite Type Regularities 2013 Stevan Pilipović
Dimitris Scarpalézos
Jasson Vindas
+ Local regularity in non-linear generalized functions 2013 Stevan Pilipović
Dimitris Scarpalézos
Jasson Vindas
+ Local regularity in non-linear generalized functions 2013 Stevan Pilipović
Dimitris Scarpalézos
Jasson Vindas
+ Generalized functions on the closure of an open set. Application to uniqueness of some characteristic Cauchy problem 2013 Victor Dévoué
Jean-André Marti
Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
+ On distributional point values and boundary values of analytic functions 2013 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ Chebyshev estimates for Beurling generalized prime numbers. I 2012 Jasson Vindas
+ Characterization of distributions having a value at a point in the sense of Robinson 2012 Hans Vernaeve
Jasson Vindas
+ Chebyshev Upper Estimates for Beurling's Generalized Prime Numbers 2012 Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Regularity properties of distributions through sequences of functions 2012 Stevan Pilipović
Dimitris Scarpalézos
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The prime number theorem for Beurling's generalized numbers. New cases 2012 Jan‐Christoph Schlage‐Puchta
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On Tauber's second Tauberian theorem 2012 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat A general integral 2012 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat New Classes of Weighted Hölder-Zygmund Spaces and the Wavelet Transform 2012 Stevan Pilipović
Dušan Rakić
Jasson Vindas
+ Chebyshev Upper Estimates for Beurling's Generalized Prime Numbers 2012 Jasson Vindas
+ Exterior Euler summability 2011 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Functions 2011 Stevan Pilipović
Bogoljub Stanković
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Regularizations at the origin of distributions having prescribed asymptotic properties 2011 Jasson Vindas
+ Pointwise scaling properties of distributions and the wavelet transform 2011 Jasson Vindas
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Functions 2011 Stevan Pilipović
Bogoljub Stanković
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the Point Behavior of Fourier Series and Conjugate Series 2010 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Tauberian Theorems for the Wavelet Transform 2010 Jasson Vindas
Stevan Pilipović
Dušan Rakić
+ Wavelet expansions and asymptotic behavior of distributions 2010 Katerina Saneva
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat On the order of summability of the Fourier inversion formula 2010 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ PDF Chat On the support of tempered distributions 2010 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ On Romanovski's Lemma 2010 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for wavelet and non-wavelet transforms 2010 Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat The structure of quasiasymptotics of Schwartz distributions 2010 Jasson Vindas
+ Structural theorems for quasiasymptotics of distributions at the origin 2009 Jasson Vindas
Stevan Pilipović
+ Local behavior of distributions and applications 2009 Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Determination of jumps of distributions by differentiated means 2009 Ricardo Estrada
Jasson Vindas
+ Measures and the distributional φ-transform 2009 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ A quick distributional way to the prime number theorem 2009 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ A tauberian theorem for distributional point values 2008 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ PDF Chat On the jump behavior of distributions and logarithmic averages 2008 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ PDF Chat Structural theorems for quasiasymptotics of distributions at infinity 2008 Jasson Vindas
+ Distributional Point Values and Convergence of Fourier Series and Integrals 2007 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ PDF Chat Distributionally regulated functions 2007 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ PDF Chat Global behavior of integral transforms 2006 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Distributional Approach to Asymptotics 2002 Ricardo Estrada
Ram P. Kanwal
+ A Distributional Approach to Asymptotics: Theory and Applications 2002 Ram P. Kanwal
Ricardo Estrada
+ Tauberian Theory: A Century of Developments 2010 Jacob Korevaar
+ PDF Chat Tauberian theorems for generalized functions 1988 V. S. Vladimirov
Ю. Н. Дрожжинов
Boris Ivanovich Zavialov
+ Tauberian Theorems for Generalized Functions 1988 V. S. Vladimirov
Yu. N. Drožžinov
Boris Ivanovich Zavialov
+ Asymptotic Behavior of Generalized Functions 2011 Stevan Pilipović
Bogoljub Stanković
Jasson Vindas
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ Structural theorems for quasiasymptotics of distributions at the origin 2009 Jasson Vindas
Stevan Pilipović
+ Distributional Point Values and Convergence of Fourier Series and Integrals 2007 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ PDF Chat Structural theorems for quasiasymptotics of distributions at infinity 2008 Jasson Vindas
+ Distributions, complex variables, and Fourier transforms 1965 Hans J. Bremermann
+ Methods of the Theory of Generalized Functions 2002 V. S. Vladimirov
+ Boundary Values and Convolution in Ultradistribution Spaces 2007 R. D. Carmichael
Andrzej Kamiński
Stevan Pilipović
+ PDF Chat Théorie des distributions à valeurs vectorielles. I 1957 Laurent Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Distributionally regulated functions 2007 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ PDF Chat Tauberian Theorems for the Wavelet Transform 2010 Jasson Vindas
Stevan Pilipović
Dušan Rakić
+ The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I: Distribution Theory and Fourier Analysis 1983 Lars Hörmander
Lars Hörmander
+ Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis 1990 Rüdiger Braun
Reinhold Meise
B. A. Taylor
+ Introduction to Functional Analysis 1997 Reinhold Meise
Dietmar Vogt
+ PDF Chat Characterization of the Fourier series of a distribution having a value at a point 1996 Ricardo Estrada
+ Tauberian theorems for generalized functions with values in Banach spaces 2002 Yu. N. Drozhzhinov
B I Zav'yalov
+ PDF Chat The structure of quasiasymptotics of Schwartz distributions 2010 Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat New distribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2014 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for Banach-space valued generalized functions 2003 Yu. N. Drozhzhinov
B I Zav'yalov
+ An Introduction to Sato's Hyperfunctions 1993 Mitsuo Morimoto
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of bounded sets in spaces of ultradistributions 1994 Stevan Pilipović
+ Distributional Wiener-Ikehara theorem and twin primes 2005 Jacob Korevaar
+ PDF Chat Convolution of ultradistributions and ultradistribution spaces associated to translation-invariant Banach spaces 2016 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ An Introduction to Sato’s Hyperfunctions 1993 Mitsuo Morimoto
+ PDF Chat On quasianalytic classes of Gelfand–Shilov type. Parametrix and convolution 2017 Stevan Pilipović
Bojan Prangoski
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for vector-valued distributions 2014 Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Complex Tauberian theorems for Laplace transforms with local pseudofunction boundary behavior 2019 Gregory Debruyne
Jasson Vindas
+ <i>Distributions and the Boundary Values of Analytic Functions</i> 1967 Edward Beltrami
M. Wohlers
Garrison Sposito
+ Lectures on Nonlinear Hyperbolic Differential Equations 1997 Lars Hörmander
+ Multiresolution expansion, approximation order and quasiasymptotic behavior of tempered distributions 2006 Stevan Pilipović
Nenad Teofanov
+ Tauberian Theory 2004 Jacob Korevaar
+ PDF Chat On the support of tempered distributions 2010 Jasson Vindas
Ricardo Estrada
+ The prime number theorem for Beurling's generalized numbers 1969 Harold G. Diamond
+ Wavelet expansions and asymptotic behavior of distributions 2010 Katerina Saneva
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Boundary values of holomorphic functions and heat kernel method in translation-invariant distribution spaces 2015 Павел Димовски
Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ Pointwise Convergence of Wavelet Expansions 1995 G.G. Walter
+ Wavelet methods for pointwise regularity and local oscillations of functions 1996 Stéphane Jaffard
Yves Meyer
+ The Cesàro behaviour of distributions 1998 Ricardo Estrada
+ Boundary Values and Convolution in Ultradistribution Spaces 2007 R. D. Carmichael
Andrzej Kamiński
Stevan Pilipović
+ Topological Vector Spaces II 1979 h.c. Gottfried Köthe
+ Almost analytic extension of ultradifferentiable functions and the boundary values of holomorphic functions 1984 Hans-Joachim Petzsche
Dietmar Vogt
+ Multidimensional Tauberian theorems for wavelet and non-wavelet transforms 2010 Stevan Pilipović
Jasson Vindas
+ PDF Chat Composition in ultradifferentiable classes 2014 Armin Rainer
Gerhard Schindl