Gerold Alsmeyer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Derrida-Retaux model on a geometric Galton-Watson tree 2025 Gerold Alsmeyer
Yueyun Hu
Bastien Mallein
+ PDF Chat A two-size Wright-Fisher Model: asymptotic Analysis via Uniform Renewal Theory 2025 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fernando Cordero
Hannah Dopmeyer
+ On Decoupled Standard Random Walks 2024 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Zakhar Kabluchko
+ PDF Chat On decoupled standard random walks 2024 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Zakhar Kabluchko
+ PDF Chat Persistence for a class of order-one autoregressive processes and Mallows-Riordan polynomials 2023 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alin Bostan
Kilian Raschel
Thomas Simon
+ PDF Chat Recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the critical case 2023 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
+ PDF Chat On Null-Homology and Stationary Sequences 2023 Gerold Alsmeyer
Chiranjib Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically linear iterated function systems on the real line 2023 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sara Brofferio
Dariusz Buraczewski
+ PDF Chat A Simple Method to Find All Solutions to the Functional Equation of the Smoothing Transform 2022 Gerold Alsmeyer
Bastien Mallein
+ PDF Chat Linear Fractional Galton–Watson Processes in Random Environment and Perpetuities 2021 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Linear fractional Galton-Watson processes in random environment and perpetuities 2021 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Persistence for a class of order-one autoregressive processes and Mallows-Riordan polynomials 2021 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alin Bostan
Kilian Raschel
Thomas Simon
+ Linear fractional Galton-Watson processes in random environment and perpetuities 2021 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Asymptotically linear iterated function systems on the real line 2021 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sara Brofferio
Dariusz Buraczewski
+ Recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the critical case 2021 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
+ PDF Chat How long is the convex minorant of a one-dimensional random walk? 2020 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
Vladislav Vysotsky
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for the least common multiple of a random set of integers 2019 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ PDF Chat The extinction problem for a distylous plant population with sporophytic self-incompatibility 2019 Gerold Alsmeyer
Kilian Raschel
+ On Null-homology and stationary sequences 2019 Gerold Alsmeyer
Chiranjib Mukherjee
+ PDF Chat Ladder epochs and ladder chain of a Markov random walk with discrete driving chain 2018 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat The extinction problem for a class of distylous plant populations 2018 Gerold Alsmeyer
Kilian Raschel
+ An arcsine law for Markov random walks 2018 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ Limit theorems for the least common multiple of a random set of integers 2018 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ Limit theorems for the least common multiple of a random set of integers 2018 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ PDF Chat Null recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the contractive case 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Dariusz Buraczewski
Alexander Iksanov
+ A leader-election procedure using records 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation Theory for Markov Random Walks 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ An Arcsine Law for Markov Random Walks 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ Thin tails of fixed points of the nonhomogeneous smoothing transform 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Piotr Dyszewski
+ PDF Chat Stability of perpetuities in Markovian environment 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ An Arcsine Law for Markov Random Walks 2017 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ Null-recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the contractive case 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Dariusz Buraczewski
Alexander Iksanov
+ PDF Chat Renewal approximation for the absorption time of a decreasing Markov chain 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Marynych
+ Fluctuation theory for Markov random walks 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ Leader election using random walks 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ PDF Chat Functional limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Alexander Marynych
+ Functional limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Alexander Marynych
+ Leader election using random walks 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ Leader election using random walks 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ Null-recurrence and transience of random difference equations in the contractive case 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Dariusz Buraczewski
Alexander Iksanov
+ Fluctuation theory for Markov random walks 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Fabian Buckmann
+ Functional limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve 2016 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Alexander Marynych
+ Branching within branching: A model for host–parasite co-evolution 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sören Gröttrup
+ A leader-election procedure using records 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ Ladder epochs and ladder chain of a Markov random walk with discrete driving chain 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Thin tails of fixed points of the nonhomogeneous smoothing transform 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Piotr Dyszewski
+ Renewal approximation for the absorption time of a decreasing Markov chain 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Marynych
+ On the stationary tail index of iterated random Lipschitz functions 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Branching within branching I: The extinction problem 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sören Gröttrup
+ Branching within branching II: Limit theorems 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sören Gröttrup
+ Renewal approximation for the absorption time of a decreasing Markov chain 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Marynych
+ A leader-election procedure using records 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Zakhar Kabluchko
Alexander Marynych
+ Ladder epochs and ladder chain of a Markov random walk with discrete driving chain 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Thin tails of fixed points of the nonhomogeneous smoothing transform 2015 Gerold Alsmeyer
Piotr Dyszewski
+ PDF Chat Quasistochastic matrices and Markov renewal theory 2014 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat Quasistochastic matrices and Markov renewal theory 2014 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Markov renewal theory for quasi-stochastic matrices 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat A Host-Parasite Model for a Two-Type Cell Population 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sören Gröttrup
+ PDF Chat A Host-Parasite Model for a Two-Type Cell Population 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sören Gröttrup
+ PDF Chat Power and Exponential Moments of the Number of Visits and Related Quantities for Perturbed Random Walks 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Matthias Meiners
+ The Smoothing Transform: A Review of Contraction Results 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat Precise Tail Index of Fixed Points of the Two-Sided Smoothing Transform 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
Ewa Damek
Sebastian Mentemeier
+ Quasi-stochastic matrices and Markov renewal theory 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Random matrices and iterated random functions : MĂĽnster, October 2011 2013 Gerold Alsmeyer
Matthias Löwe
+ The functional equation of the smoothing transform 2012 Gerold Alsmeyer
J. D. Biggins
Matthias Meiners
+ Metabasins - a State Space Aggregation for highly disordered Energy Landscapes 2012 Gerold Alsmeyer
Andrea Winkler
+ A host-parasite model for a two-type cell population 2012 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sören Gröttrup
+ Precise tail index of fixed points of the two-sided smoothing transform 2012 Gerold Alsmeyer
Ewa Damek
Sebastian Mentemeier
+ Power and exponential moments of the number of visits and related quantities for perturbed random walks 2011 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Matthias Meiners
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of inhomogeneous smoothing transforms 2011 Gerold Alsmeyer
Matthias Meiners
+ PDF Chat Tail behaviour of stationary solutions of random difference equations: the case of regular matrices 2011 Gerold Alsmeyer
Sebastian Mentemeier
+ Chebyshev's Inequality. 2011 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Power and exponential moments of the number of visits and related quantities for perturbed random walks 2011 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Matthias Meiners
+ Chebyshev’s Inequality 2011 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Branching processes in stationary random environment: The extinction problem revisited 2010 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Fixed points of the smoothing transform: Two-sided solutions 2010 Gerold Alsmeyer
Matthias Meiners
+ Fixed Points of the Min-Transformation 2009 Matthias Meiners
Gerold Alsmeyer
+ A min-type stochastic fixed-point equation related to the smoothing transformation 2009 Gerold Alsmeyer
Matthias Meiners
+ PDF Chat A Log-Type Moment Result for Perpetuities and Its Application to Martingales in Supercritical Branching Random Walks 2009 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
+ Exponential rate of L_p-convergence of intrinsic martingales in supercritical branching random walks 2009 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Sergej Polotsky
Uwe Roesler
+ Double martingale structure and existence of -moments for weighted branching processes 2009 Gerold Alsmeyer
Dirk Kuhlbusch
+ PDF Chat On Distributional Properties of Perpetuities 2008 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat A stochastic fixed point equation for weighted minima and maxima 2008 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Transience of Critical Branching Random Walks on the Line 2008 Gerold Alsmeyer
Matthias Meiners
+ On distributional properties of perpetuities 2008 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Uwe Roesler
+ A log-type moment result for perpetuities and its application to martingales in supercritical branching random walks 2008 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
+ Maximal phi-Inequalities for Nonnegative Submartingales 2006 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat A Stochastic Fixed Point Equation Related to Weighted Branching with Deterministic Weights 2006 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat The Martin entrance boundary of the Galton–Watson process 2005 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ Discrete-Time Branching Processes 2005 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Runs in superpositions of renewal processes with applications to discrimination 2005 Gerold Alsmeyer
Albrecht Irle
Maroussia Slavtchova-Bojkova
+ Maximal phi (variant)-Inequalities for Nonnegative Submartingales 2005 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat Maximal $\phi$-inequalities for nonnegative submartingales 2005 Uwe Rösler
Uwe Rösler
Gerold Alsmeyer
Gerold Alsmeyer
+ On the Existence of ?-Moments of the Limit of a Normalized Supercritical Galton?Watson Process 2004 Gerold Alsmeyer
U. R�sler
+ Markov Renewal Theory for Stationary (<b><i>m</i></b> + 1)-Block Factors: First Passage Time and Overshoot 2004 Gerold Alsmeyer
Volker Hoefs
+ The best constant in the Topchii–Vatutin inequality for martingales 2003 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ None 2003 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ On the existence of moments of stopped sums in Markov renewal theory 2003 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Markov renewal theory for stationary (m+1)-block factors: convergence rate results 2002 Gerold Alsmeyer
Volker Hoefs
+ PDF Chat Asexual Versus Promiscuous Bisexual Galton-Watson Processes: The Extinction Probability Ratio 2002 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ None 2002 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Two comparison theorems for nonlinear first passage times and their linear counterparts 2001 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Limit theorems for iterated random functions by regenerative methods 2001 Gerold Alsmeyer
Cheng–Der Fuh
+ Limit Theorems for Stopped Functionals of Markov Renewal Processes 1999 Gerold Alsmeyer
Allan Gut
М. С. Сгибнев
+ PDF Chat The bisexual Galton-Watson process with promiscuous mating: extinction probabilities in the supercritical case 1996 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ Superposed continuous renewal processes A Markov renewal approach 1996 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Nonnegativity of odd functional moments of positive random variables with decreasing density 1996 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Random Walks with Stochastically Bounded Increments: Renewal Theory 1995 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ On the Markov renewal theorem 1994 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Blackwell's renewal theorem for certain linear submartingales and coupling 1994 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat A recurrence theorem for square-integrable martingales 1994 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat On the Galton-Watson Predator-Prey Process 1993 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ PDF Chat On Generalized Renewal Measures and Certain First Passage Times 1992 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Some relations between harmonic renewal measures and certain first passage times 1991 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ EinfĂĽhrung in die Fourier-Analyse 1991 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Convergence rates in the law of large numbers for martingales 1990 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Optimal strategies for discovering new species in continuous time 1989 Gerold Alsmeyer
Albrecht Irle
+ Optimal strategies for discovering new species in continuous time 1989 Gerold Alsmeyer
Albrecht Irle
+ Second-order approximations for certain stopped sums in extended renewal theory 1988 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Second-order approximations for certain stopped sums in extended renewal theory 1988 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ On the Variance of First Passage Times in the Exponential Case 1988 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ On Central Limit Theorems and Uniform Integrability for Certain Stopped Linear Sum Processes 1987 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ On the moments of certain first passage times for linear growth processes 1987 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Asymptotic expansions for the variance of stopping times in nonlinear renewal theory 1986 Gerold Alsmeyer
Albrecht Irle
+ Parameter-dependent renewal theorems with applications 1986 Gerold Alsmeyer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Stability of perpetuities 2000 Charles M. Goldie
Ross Maller
+ PDF Chat Seneta-Heyde norming in the branching random walk 1997 J. D. Biggins
Andreas E. Kyprianou
+ PDF Chat On Distributional Properties of Perpetuities 2008 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat Limit Theorems for Semi-Markov Processes and Renewal Theory for Markov Chains 1978 Krishna B. Athreya
David McDonald
Peter Ney
+ PDF Chat Random difference equations and Renewal theory for products of random matrices 1973 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Implicit Renewal Theory and Tails of Solutions of Random Equations 1991 Charles M. Goldie
+ PDF Chat On the Moments and Limit Distributions of Some First Passage Times 1974 Allan Gut
+ PDF Chat Renewal theorem for a class of stationary sequences 1986 Steven P. Lalley
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of the smoothing transformation 1983 Richard Durrett
Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Iterated random functions 2017 Persi Diaconis
David A. Freedman
+ PDF Chat Measure change in multitype branching 2004 J. D. Biggins
Andreas E. Kyprianou
+ Martingale convergence in the branching random walk 1977 J. D. Biggins
+ PDF Chat Iterated Random Functions 1999 Persi Diaconis
David A. Freedman
+ PDF Chat A survey of max-type recursive distributional equations 2005 David Aldous
Antar Bandyopadhyay
+ A Simple Path to Biggins’ Martingale Convergence for Branching Random Walk 1997 Russell Lyons
+ On a stochastic difference equation and a representation of non–negative infinitely divisible random variables 1979 Wim Vervaat
+ PDF Chat Probability Theory: Independence, Interchangeability, Martingales 1998 Robert Lund
Y. S. Chow
Henry Teicher
+ PDF Chat On Branching Processes with Random Environments: I: Extinction Probabilities 1971 Krishna B. Athreya
Samuel Karlin
+ PDF Chat A Log-Type Moment Result for Perpetuities and Its Application to Martingales in Supercritical Branching Random Walks 2009 Gerold Alsmeyer
Alexander Iksanov
+ Fixed points of a generalized smoothing transformation and applications to the branching random walk 1998 Quansheng Liu
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem for “quicksort” 1991 Uwe Rösler
+ The best constant in the Topchii–Vatutin inequality for martingales 2003 Gerold Alsmeyer
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat Fixed Points of the Smoothing Transform: the Boundary Case 2005 J. D. Biggins
Andreas E. Kyprianou
+ PDF Chat A Nonlinear Renewal Theory with Applications to Sequential Analysis I 1977 Tze Leung Lai
David Siegmund
+ Théorèmes limites pour des processus de branchement sous-critiques en environnement aléatoire 2003 J. Geiger
+ Moments for first-passage and last-exit times, the minimum, and related quantities for random walks with positive drift 1986 Svante Janson
+ Stochastic Models with Power-Law Tails 2016 Dariusz Buraczewski
Ewa Damek
Thomas Mikosch
+ A multiplicative ergodic theorem for lipschitz maps 1990 John H. Elton
+ PDF Chat Branching Processes with Random Environments, II: Limit Theorems 1971 Krishna B. Athreya
Samuel Karlin
+ Markov renewal theory 1969 Erhan Çınlar
+ On the Theory of Markov Renewal 1985 V. M. Shurenkov
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional linear recursions with Markov-dependent coefficients 2007 Alexander Roitershtein
+ PDF Chat Minimal position and critical martingale convergence in branching random walks, and directed polymers on disordered trees 2009 Yueyun Hu
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat A new approach to the limit theory of recurrent Markov chains 1978 Krishna B. Athreya
Peter Ney
+ PDF Chat Elementary fixed points of the BRW smoothing transforms with infinite number of summands 2004 Alexander Iksanov
+ Branching Processes 1972 Krishna B. Athreya
Peter Ney
+ PDF Chat Renewal Theory for $M$-Dependent Variables 1983 Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat The strong law of large numbers when the mean is undefined 1973 K. Bruce Erickson
+ PDF Chat Growth rates in the branching random walk 1979 J. D. Biggins
+ The functional equation of the smoothing transform 2012 Gerold Alsmeyer
J. D. Biggins
Matthias Meiners
+ PDF Chat Some moment results about the limit of a martingale related to the supercritical branching random walk and perpetuities 2006 Alexander Iksanov
Uwe Rösler
+ PDF Chat Cell contamination and branching processes in a random environment with immigration 2009 Vincent Bansaye
+ Logarithmic Combinatorial Structures: A Probabilistic Approach 2003 Richard Arratia
A. D. Barbour
Simon Tavaré
+ Convergence in law of the minimum of a branching random walk 2013 Élie Aïdékon
+ On generalized multiplicative cascades 2000 Quansheng Liu
+ Limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve 2010 Alexander Gnedin
Alexander Iksanov
Oleksandr Marynych
+ Superposed continuous renewal processes A Markov renewal approach 1996 Gerold Alsmeyer
+ Perpetuities with thin tails 1996 Charles M. Goldie
Rudolf GrĂĽbel
+ On weighted branching processes in random environment 2003 Dirk Kuhlbusch
+ On the Existence of ?-Moments of the Limit of a Normalized Supercritical Galton?Watson Process 2004 Gerold Alsmeyer
U. R�sler