Giuseppe Genovese


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Transformation of the Gibbs measure of the cubic NLS and fractional NLS under an approximated Birkhoff map 2025 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Riccardo Montalto
+ Pattern reconstruction with restricted Boltzmann machines 2024 Giuseppe Genovese
+ On the determinant in Bray-Moore's TAP complexity formula 2024 David Belius
Francesco Concetti
Giuseppe Genovese
+ Transport of Gaussian measures with exponential cut-off for Hamiltonian PDEs 2023 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat Minimax formula for the replica symmetric free energy of deep restricted Boltzmann machines 2023 Giuseppe Genovese
+ Transformation of the Gibbs measure of the cubic NLS and fractional NLS under an approximated Birkhoff map 2023 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Riccardo Montalto
+ PDF Chat A Remark on the Spherical Bipartite Spin Glass 2022 Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariance of Gaussian measures for the periodic Benjamin-Ono-BBM equation 2022 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Universal approximation of credit portfolio losses using Restricted Boltzmann Machines 2022 Giuseppe Genovese
Ashkan Nikeghbali
N. Serra
Gabriele Visentin
+ Pattern reconstruction with restricted Boltzmann machines 2022 Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariance of low regularity Gaussian measures under the gauge map of the periodic derivative NLS 2021 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Quasi-invariance of Gaussian measures for the periodic Benjamin-Ono-BBM equation 2021 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Transport of Gaussian measures with exponential cut-off for Hamiltonian PDEs 2021 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Quasi-invariance of low regularity Gaussian measures under the gauge map of the periodic derivative NLS 2020 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat Legendre equivalences of spherical Boltzmann machines 2020 Giuseppe Genovese
Daniele Tantari
+ Quasi-invariance of low regularity Gaussian measures under the gauge map of the periodic derivative NLS 2020 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Minimax formula for the replica symmetric free energy of deep restricted Boltzmann machines 2020 Giuseppe Genovese
+ Periodic Dynamics at Low Frequency of a Local Perturbation in the Isotropic XY Model 2019 Livia Corsi
Giuseppe Genovese
+ Long time behaviour of a local perturbation in the isotropic XY chain under periodic forcing 2019 Livia Corsi
Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Local Central Limit Theorem for a Random Walk Perturbed in One Point 2019 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
+ Mini-Workshop: Gibbs Measures for Nonlinear Dispersive Equations 2019 Giuseppe Genovese
Benjamin Schlein
Vedran Sohinger
+ Long time behaviour of a local perturbation in the isotropic XY chain under periodic forcing 2019 Livia Corsi
Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Invariant measures for the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2018 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of restricted Boltzmann machines and generalized Hopfield networks with arbitrary priors 2018 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Peter Sollich
Daniele Tantari
+ Invariant measures for the periodic derivative nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation 2018 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ Invariant measures for the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2018 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ PDF Chat Overlap Synchronisation in Multipartite Random Energy Models 2017 Giuseppe Genovese
Daniele Tantari
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in restricted Boltzmann machines with generic priors 2017 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Peter Sollich
Daniele Tantari
+ PDF Chat Periodic Driving at High Frequencies of an Impurity in the Isotropic XY Chain 2017 Livia Corsi
Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Singular Behavior of the Leading Lyapunov Exponent of a Product of Random $${2 \times 2}$$ 2 × 2 Matrices 2017 Giuseppe Genovese
Giambattista Giacomin
Rafael L. Greenblatt
+ Periodic Driving of an Impurity in the Isotropic XY Chain 2016 Livia Corsi
Giuseppe Genovese
+ Local Central Limit Theorem for a Random Walk Perturbed in One Point 2016 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
+ PDF Chat Gibbs measures associated to the integrals of motion of the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2016 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ PDF Chat Non-Convex Multipartite Ferromagnets 2016 Giuseppe Genovese
Daniele Tantari
+ Local Central Limit Theorem for a Random Walk Perturbed in One Point 2016 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of XY spin chains with impurities 2015 Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Legendre Duality of Spherical and Gaussian Spin Glasses 2015 Giuseppe Genovese
Daniele Tantari
+ Gibbs measures associated to the integrals of motion of the periodic derivative nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation 2015 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ Gibbs measures associated to the integrals of motion of the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2015 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ Spherical and Gaussian Spin Glasses 2014 Giuseppe Genovese
Daniele Tantari
+ On the Dynamics of Quantum Spin Chains with Impurities 2014 Giuseppe Genovese
+ PDF Chat Universality in bipartite mean field spin glasses 2012 Giuseppe Genovese
+ Random Walk on Lattice with an Antisymmetric Perturbation in One Point 2012 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
+ PDF Chat How glassy are neural networks? 2012 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
Daniele Tantari
+ PDF Chat On the Stationary BBGKY Hierarchy for Equilibrium States 2012 Giuseppe Genovese
Sergio Simonella
+ How much glassy are neural networks 2012 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
Daniele Tantari
+ Random Walk on Lattice with an Antisymmetric Perturbation in One Point 2012 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
+ On the stationary BBGKY hierarchy for equilibrium states 2012 Giuseppe Genovese
Sergio Simonella
+ A Solvable Mean Field Model of a Gaussian Spin Glass 2011 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
Daniele Tantari
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium statistical mechanics of bipartite spin systems 2011 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
+ A Solvable Mean Field Model of a Gaussian Spin Glass 2011 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
Daniele Tantari
+ PDF Chat Planck-scale modifications to electrodynamics characterized by a spacelike symmetry-breaking vector 2010 Giulia Gubitosi
Giuseppe Genovese
Giovanni Amelino‐Camelia
A. Melchiorri
+ PDF Chat The Replica Symmetric Approximation of the Analogical Neural Network 2010 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Chat A mechanical approach to mean field spin models 2009 Giuseppe Genovese
Adriano Barra
+ A certain class of Curie-Weiss models 2009 Giuseppe Genovese
Adriano Barra
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium statistical mechanics of bipartite spin systems 2011 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Chat The Replica Symmetric Approximation of the Analogical Neural Network 2010 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Chat Invariant Measures and Long Time Behaviour for the Benjamin-Ono Equation III 2015 Yu Deng
Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat Periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equation and invariant measures 1994 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Gaussian measures associated to the higher order conservation laws of the Benjamin-Ono equation 2013 Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat Absolute Continuity of Brownian Bridges Under Certain Gauge Transformations 2011 Andrea R. Nahmod
Luc Rey-Bellet
Scott Sheffield⋆
Gigliola Staffilani
+ PDF Chat Invariant Measures and Long-Time Behavior for the Benjamin–Ono Equation 2013 Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ Quasi-invariant gaussian measures for one dimensional Hamiltonian PDE's 2015 Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Invariant measures and long time behaviour for the Benjamin–Ono equation II 2014 Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the cubic fourth order nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2016 Tadahiro Oh
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat Gibbs measures associated to the integrals of motion of the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2016 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat About the ergodic regime in the analogical Hopfield neural networks: Moments of the partition function 2008 Adriano Barra
Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Chat An optimal regularity result on the quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the cubic fourth order nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2018 Tadahiro Oh
Philippe Sosoe
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat On the Cauchy problem for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation with periodic boundary condition 2006 Sebastian Herr
+ PDF Chat Invariant weighted Wiener measures and almost sure global well-posedness for the periodic derivative NLS 2012 Andrea R. Nahmod
Tadahiro Oh
Luc Rey-Bellet
Gigliola Staffilani
+ PDF Chat Low Regularity Local Well-Posedness of the Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Periodic Initial Data 2008 Axel GrĂŒnrock
Sebastian Herr
+ PDF Chat Broken Replica Symmetry Bounds in the Mean Field Spin Glass Model 2003 Francesco Guerra
+ Aging of spherical spin glasses 2001 GĂ©rard Ben Arous
Amir Dembo
Alice Guionnet
+ PDF Chat Transport of Gaussian measures by the flow of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2019 Fabrice Planchon
Nikolay Tzvetkov
Nicola Visciglia
+ PDF Chat Invariant measure construction at a fixed mass 2019 Justin T. Brereton
+ PDF Chat Mean-field message-passing equations in the Hopfield model and its generalizations 2017 Marc MĂ©zard
+ On Transforming a Certain Class of Stochastic Processes by Absolutely Continuous Substitution of Measures 1960 Igor Vladimirovich Girsanov
+ On the transport of Gaussian measures under the one-dimensional fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2019 Justin Forlano
William J. Trenberth
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2010 Michel Talagrand
+ Quasi-invariance of Gaussian measures transported by the cubic NLS with third-order dispersion on T 2021 Arnaud Debussche
Yoshio Tsutsumi
+ PDF Chat The Thermodynamic Limit in Mean Field Spin Glass Models 2002 Francesco Guerra
Fabio Lucio Toninelli
+ The free energy in a multi-species Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model 2015 Dmitry Panchenko
+ PDF Chat Free Energy and Complexity of Spherical Bipartite Models 2014 Antonio Auffinger
Wei-Kuo Chen
+ Transformation of Measure on Wiener Space 2000 Ali SĂŒleyman ÜstĂŒnel
Moshe Zakai
+ PDF Chat Construction of a Gibbs measure associated to the periodic Benjamin–Ono equation 2009 Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat A mechanical approach to mean field spin models 2009 Giuseppe Genovese
Adriano Barra
+ Transformations of Weiner Integrals Under Translations 1944 R. H. Cameron
W. T. Martin
+ Équations diffĂ©rentielles sur l'espace de Wiener et formules de Cameron-Martin non-linĂ©aires 1983 Ana Bela Cruzeiro
+ PDF Chat A spherical Hopfield model 2003 D. Bollé
Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
Isaac PĂ©rez Castillo
Toni Verbeiren
+ Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Systems 2006 Anton Bovier
+ PDF Chat A remark on global well-posedness of the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the circle 2015 Răzvan MoƟincat
Tadahiro Oh
+ PDF Chat Global existence for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation with arbitrary spectral singularities 2020 R. M. Jenkins
Jiaqi Liu
Peter Perry
Catherine Sulem
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the two-dimensional defocusing cubic nonlinear wave equation 2020 Tadahiro Oh
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ Commutator estimates and the euler and navier‐stokes equations 1988 Tosio Kato
Gustavo Ponce
+ PDF Chat Stochastic symmetry-breaking in a gaussian Hopfield model 1999 Anton Bovier
Aernout C. D. van Enter
Beat M. Niederhauser
+ PDF Chat On the Stability of the Quenched State in Mean Field Spin Glass Models 1998 Michael Aizenman
Pierluigi Contucci
+ PDF Chat Invariance of the Gibbs measure for the Benjamin–Ono equation 2015 Yu Deng
+ PDF Chat Invariant measures for the periodic derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2018 Giuseppe Genovese
Renato LucĂ 
Daniele Valeri
+ PDF Chat The Mean Field Ising Model trough Interpolating Techniques 2008 Adriano Barra
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariant Gaussian measures for the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with third-order dispersion 2019 Tadahiro Oh
Yoshio Tsutsumi
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in restricted Boltzmann machines with generic priors 2017 Adriano Barra
Giuseppe Genovese
Peter Sollich
Daniele Tantari
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices 2012 Roman Vershynin
+ Équations diffĂ©rentielles ordinaires: Non explosion et mesures quasi-invariantes 1983 Ana Bela Cruzeiro