Romain Bourneuf


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Hardness of Approximation of Euclidean k-means 2015 Pranjal Awasthi
Moses Charikar
Ravishankar Krishnaswamy
Ali Kemal Sinop
+ PDF Chat The strong perfect graph theorem 2006 Maria Chudnovsky
Neil Robertson
Paul Seymour
Robin Thomas
+ A unified framework for approximating and clustering data 2011 Dan Feldman
Michael Langberg
+ On a pursuit game played on graphs for which a minor is excluded 1986 Thomas Andreae
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on set theory. IX. Combinatorial problems in measure theory and set theory. 1964 P. Erdős
A. Hajnal
+ Structural Parameters, Tight Bounds, and Approximation for (k,r)-Center 2017 Ioannis Katsikarelis
Michael Lampis
Vangélis Th. Paschos
+ PDF Chat Deciding First-Order Properties of Nowhere Dense Graphs 2017 Martin Grohe
Stephan Kreutzer
Sebastian Siebertz
+ On the generalised colouring numbers of graphs that exclude a fixed minor 2017 Jan van den Heuvel
Patrice Ossona de Mendez
Daniel A. Quiroz
Roman Rabinovich
Sebastian Siebertz
+ Coloring and Covering Nowhere Dense Graphs 2018 Martin Grohe
Stephan Kreutzer
Roman Rabinovich
Sebastian Siebertz
Konstantinos Stavropoulos
+ A Composable Coreset for k-Center in Doubling Metrics 2019 Sepideh Aghamolaei
Mohammad Ghodsi
+ PDF Chat Empirical Evaluation of Approximation Algorithms for Generalized Graph Coloring and Uniform Quasi-wideness 2019 Wojciech Nadara
Marcin Pilipczuk
Roman Rabinovich
Felix Reidl
Sebastian Siebertz
+ Coresets for Clustering in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth 2019 D. N. Baker
Vladimir Braverman
Lingxiao Huang
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang
Robert Krauthgamer
Xuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Coresets for Clustering in Excluded-minor Graphs and Beyond 2021 Vladimir Braverman
Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang
Robert Krauthgamer
Xuan Wu
+ PDF Chat Twin-width I: tractable FO model checking 2020 Édouard Bonnet
Eun Jung Kim
Stéphan Thomassé
RĂ©mi Watrigant
+ PDF Chat Polynomial bounds for chromatic number. I. Excluding a biclique and an induced tree 2022 Alex Scott
Paul Seymour
Sophie Spirkl
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Bounds for Chromatic Number. IV: A Near-polynomial Bound for Excluding the Five-vertex Path 2023 Alex Scott
Paul Seymour
Sophie Spirkl
+ PDF Chat Graph Theory and Probability 1959 Paul Erdős
+ Excluded permutation matrices and the Stanley?Wilf conjecture 2004 Adam W. Marcus
+ PDF Chat Towards optimal lower bounds for k-median and k-means coresets 2022 Vincent Cohen-Addad
Kasper Green Larsen
David Saulpic
Chris Schwiegelshohn
+ Progressive Algorithms for Domination and Independence 2018 Grzegorz Fabiański
Michał Pilipczuk
Sebastian Siebertz
Szymon Toruńczyk
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to a conjecture about triangle-free induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number 2022 Alvaro Carbonero
Patrick Hompe
Benjamin Moore
Sophie Spirkl
+ PDF Chat The Power of Uniform Sampling for Coresets 2022 Vladimir Braverman
Vincent Cohen-Addad
H.-C. Shaofeng Jiang
Robert Krauthgamer
Chris Schwiegelshohn
Mads Bech Toftrup
Xuan Wu
+ A tamed family of triangle-free graphs with unbounded chromatic number 2023 Édouard Bonnet
Romain Bourneuf
J. Duron
Colin Geniet
Stéphan Thomassé
Nicolas Trotignon
+ Approximate Max-Flow Min-Multicut Theorem for Graphs of Bounded Treewidth 2023 Tobias Friedrich
Davis Issac
Nikhil Kumar
Nadym Mallek
Ziena Zeif
+ Shortcut Partitions in Minor-Free Graphs: Steiner Point Removal, Distance Oracles, Tree Covers, and More 2023 Hsien-Chih Chang
Jonathan Conroy
Hung T. Le
Lazar Milenković
Shay Solomon
Cuong Than
+ PDF Chat Induced Subgraphs of Induced Subgraphs of Large Chromatic Number 2023 AntĂłnio GirĂŁo
Freddie Illingworth
Emil Powierski
Michael Savery
Alex Scott
Youri Tamitegama
Jane Tan
+ PDF Chat Parameterized Approximation Schemes for Clustering with General Norm Objectives 2023 Fateme Abbasi
Sandip Banerjee
Jarosław Byrka
Parinya Chalermsook
Ameet Gadekar
Kamyar Khodamoradi
Dániel Marx
Roohani Sharma
Joachim Spoerhase
+ On Sparse Covers of Minor Free Graphs, Low Dimensional Metric Embeddings, and other applications 2024 Arnold Filtser
+ PDF Chat Twin-Width III: Max Independent Set, Min Dominating Set, and Coloring 2024 Édouard Bonnet
Colin Geniet
Eun Jung Kim
Stéphan Thomassé
RĂ©mi Watrigant
+ PDF Chat Optimal Padded Decomposition For Bounded Treewidth Graphs 2024 Arnold Filtser
Tobias Friedrich
Davis Issac
Nikhil Kumar
Hung Le
Nadym Mallek
Ziena Zeif