Hiraku Atobe


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Local newforms for generic representations of unramified even unitary groups I: Even conductor case 2025 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat Local Intertwining Relations and Co-tempered $A$-packets of Classical Groups 2024 Hiraku Atobe
Wee Teck Gan
Atsushi Ichino
Tasho Kaletha
Alberto MĂ­nguez
Sug Woo Shin
+ Local newforms for generic representations of unramified odd unitary groups and the Fundamental Lemma 2024 Hiraku Atobe
Masao Oi
Seidai Yasuda
+ Construction of <i>p</i>-adic Adams–Barbasch–Vogan Packets 2024 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat An Analogue of Ladder Representations for Classical Groups 2024 Hiraku Atobe
+ The set of local 𝐮-packets containing a given representation 2023 Hiraku Atobe
+ Harder's conjecture I 2023 Hiraku Atobe
Masataka Chida
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
Hidenori Katsurada
Takuya Yamauchi
+ PDF Chat The explicit Zelevinsky–Aubert duality 2023 Hiraku Atobe
Alberto MĂ­nguez
+ Harder's conjecture II 2023 Hiraku Atobe
Masataka Chida
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
Hidenori Katsurada
Takuya Yamauchi
+ Local newforms for generic representations of unramified even unitary groups I: Even conductor case 2023 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat Construction of local <i>A</i>-packets 2022 Hiraku Atobe
+ On the socles of certain parabolically induced representations of 𝑝-adic classical groups 2022 Hiraku Atobe
+ The set of local A-packets containing a given representation 2022 Hiraku Atobe
+ Local newforms for generic representations of unramified odd unitary groups and Fundamental Lemma 2022 Hiraku Atobe
Masao Oi
Seidai Yasuda
+ An analogue of ladder representations for classical groups 2022 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat Local newforms for the general linear groups over a non-archimedean local field 2022 Hiraku Atobe
Satoshi Kondo
Seidai Yasuda
+ Harder's conjecture I 2021 Hiraku Atobe
Masataka Chida
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
Hidenori Katsurada
Takuya Yamauchi
+ PDF Chat On an algorithm to compute derivatives 2021 Hiraku Atobe
+ Local newforms for the general linear groups over a non-archimedean local field 2021 Hiraku Atobe
Satoshi Kondo
Seidai Yasuda
+ On the socles of certain parabolically induced representations of $p$-adic classical groups 2021 Hiraku Atobe
+ Harder's conjecture I 2021 Hiraku Atobe
Masataka Chida
Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama
Hidenori Katsurada
Takuya Yamauchi
+ Local A-packets and derivatives 2020 Hiraku Atobe
+ On the non-vanishing of theta liftings of tempered representations of U(p,q) 2020 Hiraku Atobe
+ On an algorithm to compute derivatives 2020 Hiraku Atobe
+ The explicit Zelevinsky-Aubert duality 2020 Hiraku Atobe
Alberto MĂ­nguez
+ Construction of local A-packets 2020 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat A theory of Miyawaki liftings: the Hilbert–Siegel case 2019 Hiraku Atobe
+ Liftings of vector valued Siegel modular forms (Automorphic forms, automorphic representations and related topics) 2019 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat Jacquet modules and local Langlands correspondence 2019 Hiraku Atobe
+ The local Miyawaki liftings and the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture (Representation theory and various problems in algebra, analysis, and geometry) 2019 Hiraku Atobe
+ Applications of Arthur's multiplicity formula to Siegel modular forms 2018 Hiraku Atobe
+ Jacquet modules and local Langlands correspondence 2018 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat The local theta correspondence and the local Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture for the symplectic-metaplectic case 2017 Hiraku Atobe
+ On the Miyawaki lifts of hermitian modular forms 2017 Hiraku Atobe
Hisashi Kojima
+ On the local Langlands correspondence and Arthur conjecture for even orthogonal groups 2017 Hiraku Atobe
Wee Teck Gan
+ PDF Chat Local theta correspondence of tempered representations and Langlands parameters 2017 Hiraku Atobe
Wee Teck Gan
+ A theory of Miyawaki liftings: The Hilbert-Siegel case 2017 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat On the Uniqueness of Generic Representations in an $L$-Packet 2016 Hiraku Atobe
+ On the local Langlands correspondence for quasi-split even orthogonal groups 2016 Hiraku Atobe
Wee Teck Gan
+ On the non-vanishing of theta liftings of tempered representations of U(p,q) 2016 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat Pullbacks of Hermitian Maass lifts 2015 Hiraku Atobe
+ PULLBACKS OF HERMITIAN MAASS LIFTS (Automorphic Forms and Related Zeta Functions) 2015 Hiraku Atobe
+ The local theta correspondence and the local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for the symplectic-metaplectic case 2015 Hiraku Atobe
+ On the uniqueness of generic representations in an $L$-packet 2015 Hiraku Atobe
+ Pullbacks of hermitian Maass lifts 2013 Hiraku Atobe
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Endoscopic Classification of Representations 2013 James Arthur
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. II. On irreducible representations of ${\rm GL}(n)$ 1980 Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat The Gross–Prasad conjecture and local theta correspondence 2016 Wee Teck Gan
Atsushi Ichino
+ PDF Chat On MƓglin's Parametrization of Arthur Packets for p-adic Quasisplit <i>S<sub>p</sub></i>(<i>N</i>) and <i>SO</i>(<i>N</i>) 2016 Bin Xu
+ PDF Chat On the Howe duality conjecture in classical theta correspondence 2016 Wee Teck Gan
Shuichiro Takeda
+ PDF Chat On parabolic induction on inner forms of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto MĂ­nguez
+ A proof of the Howe duality conjecture 2015 Wee Teck Gan
Shuichiro Takeda
+ PDF Chat Representations of metaplectic groups I: epsilon dichotomy and local Langlands correspondence 2012 Wee Teck Gan
Gordan Savin
+ PDF Chat Endoscopic Classification of representations of Quasi-Split Unitary Groups 2014 Chung Pang Mok
+ Symplectic local root numbers, central critical L-values, and restriction problems in the representation theory of classical groups 2009 Wee Teck Gan
Benedict H. Gross
Dipendra Prasad
+ Structure Arising from Induction and Jacquet Modules of Representations of Classical p-Adic Groups 1995 Marko Tadić
+ PDF Chat Genericity and contragredience in the local Langlands correspondence 2013 Tasho Kaletha
+ PDF Chat Une formule intĂ©grale reliĂ©e Ă  la conjecture locale de Gross–Prasad 2010 J. L. Waldspurger
+ La conjecture locale de Gross-Prasad pour les représentations tempérées des groupes spéciaux orthogonaux 2009 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat Local theta correspondence of tempered representations and Langlands parameters 2017 Hiraku Atobe
Wee Teck Gan
+ Endoscopic Classification of Representations: Inner Forms of Unitary Groups 2014 Tasho Kaletha
Alberto MĂ­nguez
Sug Woo Shin
Paul-James White
+ Tempered representations for classical p-adic groups 2014 Chris Jantzen
+ Sur certains paquets d’Arthur et involution d’Aubert-Schneider-Stuhler gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e 2006 Colette MƓglin
+ A Proof of Langlands' Conjecture on Plancherel Measures; Complementary Series of -adic groups 1990 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Formal degrees and local theta correspondence 2013 Wee Teck Gan
Atsushi Ichino
+ PDF Chat Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Expression d'un facteur epsilon de paire par une formule intégrale 2013 Raphaël Beuzart-Plessis
+ On the cuspidal support of discrete series for $p$-adic quasisplit $Sp(N)$ and $SO(N)$ 2015 Bin Xu
+ On Certain L-Functions 1981 Freydoon Shahidi
+ PDF Chat Correspondances de Howe sur un corps p-adique 1987 Colette MƓglin
Marie-France Vignéras
Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ Splitting metaplectic covers of dual reductive pairs 1994 Stephen S. Kudla
+ PDF Chat Endoscopie et conjecture locale raffinĂ©e de Gan–Gross–Prasad pour les groupes unitaires 2015 RaphaĂ«l Beuzart-Plessis
+ PDF Chat On the Decomposition of a Representation of SO<sub>n</sub> When Restricted to SO<sub>n-1</sub> 1992 Benedict H. Gross
Dipendra Prasad
+ PDF Chat A note on standard modules and Vogan L-packets 2016 Volker Heiermann
+ On the cuspidal support of discrete series for p-adic quasisplit $$\textit{Sp}(N)$$ and $$\textit{SO}(N)$$ 2017 Bin Xu
+ PDF Chat Rigid inner forms of real and p-adic groups 2016 Tasho Kaletha
+ Pullback of the lifting of elliptic cusp forms and Miyawaki's conjecture 2006 Tamotsu Ikeda
+ Comparaison des paramĂštres de Langlands et des exposants Ă  l'intĂ©rieur d'un paquet d'Arthur 2008 Colette MƓglin
+ PDF Chat Some results on reducibility of parabolic induction for classical groups 2020 Erez Lapid
Marko Tadić
+ PDF Chat Jacquet modules and local Langlands correspondence 2019 Hiraku Atobe
+ On the local theta-correspondence 1986 Stephen S. Kudla
+ The local theta correspondence and the local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for the symplectic-metaplectic case 2015 Hiraku Atobe
+ PDF Chat Jacquet modules of ladder representations 2012 Arno Kret
Erez Lapid
+ Stabilisation de la formule des traces tordue VIII: l'application epsilon_tilde{M} sur un corps de base local non-archimédien 2014 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ Stabilisation de la formule des traces tordue III: intégrales orbitales et endoscopie sur un corps local non-archimédien; réductions et preuves 2014 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ Irreducibility criterion for representations induced by essentially unitary ones (case of non-archimedean GL(n,𝒜)) 2014 Marko Tadić
+ Stabilisation de la formule des traces tordue I: endoscopie tordue sur un corps local 2014 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat Conductors and newforms for U(1,1) 2004 Joshua M. Lansky
A. Raghuram
+ Stabilisation de la formule des traces tordue IX : propriĂ©tĂ©s des intĂ©grales orbitales pondĂ©rĂ©es $ω$ equivariantessurlecorpsrĂ©el 2014 J. L. Waldspurger
+ Une formule intégrale reliée à la conjecture locale de Gross-Prasad, 2Úme partie: extension aux représentations tempérées 2009 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ Stabilisation de la formule des traces tordue IV: transfert spectral archimédien 2014 Jean-Loup Waldspurger
+ On some results of Atkin and Lehner 1973 W. Casselman
+ PDF Chat On the tempered $L$-functions conjecture 2013 Volker Heiermann
Eric Opdam
+ On the Lifting of Elliptic Cusp Forms to Siegel Cusp Forms of Degree 2n 2001 Tamotsu Ikeda