Susan C. Levine


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Less is not always more: Rich and meaningful counting books lead to greater gains in number understanding than sparse counting books. 2024 Cristina Carrazza
Susan C. Levine
+ Children’s confidence on mathematical equivalence and fraction problems 2024 Amanda Grenell
Jacob R Butts
Susan C. Levine
Emily R. Fyfe
+ PDF Chat Young children interpret number gestures differently than nonsymbolic sets 2022 Dominic J. Gibson
Talia Berkowitz
Jacob Butts
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Susan C. Levine
+ Enhancing parent and child shape talk during puzzle play 2022 Sarah H. Eason
Michelle Hurst
Kassie Kerr
Amy Claessens
Susan C. Levine
+ Widening the lens of family math engagement: A conceptual framework and systematic review 2022 Sarah H. Eason
Nicole R. Scalise
Talia Berkowitz
Geetha B. Ramani
Susan C. Levine
+ Children’s understanding of relational language for quantity comparisons 2022 Michelle Hurst
Abrea Greene
Sarah H. Eason
Amy Claessens
Susan C. Levine
+ Children's understanding of most is dependent on context 2022 Michelle Hurst
Susan C. Levine
+ Connecting symbolic fractions to their underlying proportions using iterative partitioning. 2022 Michelle Hurst
Jacob R Butts
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Socioeconomic Variations in the Frequency of Parent Number Talk: A Meta-Analysis 2022 Eric Dearing
Beth M. Casey
Pamela Davis‐Kean
Sarah H. Eason
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Susan C. Levine
Elida V. Laski
Melissa E. Libertus
Linxi Lu
Caitlin McPherran Lombardi
+ Assessing Efficacy and Benefit of a Behavioral Math Talk Intervention for Caregivers of Young Children 2022 Sherry He
Eileen Graf
Robert J. Webber
Kristin R. Leffel
Elizabeth Suskind
Susan C. Levine
Dana Suskind
+ Spatial and mathematics skills: Similarities and differences related to age, SES, and gender 2021 Tessa L. Johnson
Alexander P. Burgoyne
Kelly S. Mix
Christopher J. Young
Susan C. Levine
+ Parent Math Anxiety Predicts Early Number Talk 2021 Talia Berkowitz
Dominic J. Gibson
Susan C. Levine
+ Facilitating young children’s numeracy talk in play: The role of parent prompts 2021 Sarah H. Eason
Ariadne E. Nelson
Eric Dearing
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Longitudinally adaptive assessment and instruction increase numerical skills of preschool children 2020 Stephen W. Raudenbush
Marc W. Hernandez
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Cristina Carrazza
Alana E. Foley
Debbie Leslie
Janet Eisenband Sorkin
Susan C. Levine
+ Children’s Math Anxiety Predicts Their Math Achievement Over and Above a Key Foundational Math Skill 2020 Nancy Pantoja
Marjorie W. Schaeffer
Christopher S. Rozek
Sian L. Beilock
Susan C. Levine
+ Causal Effects of Parent Number Talk on Preschoolers’ Number Knowledge 2020 Dominic J. Gibson
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Susan C. Levine
+ Reading Development in Typically Developing Children and Children With Prenatal or Perinatal Brain Lesions: Differential School Year and Summer Growth 2019 Özlem Ece Demir‐Lira
Susan C. Levine
+ Print and Digital Picture Books in the Service of Young Children’s Mathematics Learning 2019 Herbert P. Ginsburg
Colleen Uscianowski
Cristina Carrazza
Susan C. Levine
+ The Role of Parents’ and Teachers’ Math Anxiety in Children’s Math Learning and Attitudes 2019 Julianne B. Herts
Sian L. Beilock
Susan C. Levine
+ Mathematical Development in the Early Home Environment 2019 Susan C. Levine
Dominic J. Gibson
Talia Berkowitz
+ PDF Chat Number gestures predict learning of number words 2018 Dominic J. Gibson
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Elizabet Spaepen
Susan C. Levine
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
+ PDF Chat Parents’ early book reading to children: Relation to children's later language and literacy outcomes controlling for other parent language input 2018 Ö. Ece Demir‐Lira
Lauren Applebaum
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Susan C. Levine
+ Mathematical Language and Early Math Learning 2018 Janet Eisenband Sorkin
Jennifer McCray
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Learning to measure through action and gesture: Children’s prior knowledge matters 2018 Eliza Congdon
Mee‐Kyoung Kwon
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Meaning before order: Cardinal principle knowledge predicts improvement in understanding the successor principle and exact ordering 2018 Elizabet Spaepen
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Dominic J. Gibson
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat The Connection Between Spatial and Mathematical Ability Across Development 2018 Christopher J. Young
Susan C. Levine
Kelly S. Mix
+ From Intuitive Spatial Measurement to Understanding of Units 2018 Eliza Congdon
Marina Vasilyeva
Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
+ Resilience in mathematics after early brain injury: The roles of parental input and early plasticity 2017 Dana E. Glenn
Özlem Ece Demir‐Lira
Dominic J. Gibson
Eliza Congdon
Susan C. Levine
+ The Latent Structure of Spatial Skills and Mathematics: A Replication of the Two-Factor Model 2017 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Yi-Ling Cheng
Christopher J. Young
David Z. Hambrick
Spyros Konstantopoulos
+ Math Learning Begins at Home. 2017 Sarah H. Eason
Susan C. Levine
+ Commentary on Leibovich et al.: What next? 2017 Kelly S. Mix
Nora S. Newcombe
Susan C. Levine
+ Separate but Correlated: The Latent Structure of Space and Mathematics across Development. 2016 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Yi-Ling Cheng
Chris Young
David Z. Hambrick
Raedy M. Ping
+ Separate but correlated: The latent structure of space and mathematics across development. 2016 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Yi-Ling Cheng
Chris Young
David Z. Hambrick
Raedy M. Ping
Spyros Konstantopoulos
+ Different Faces of Language in Numerical Development 2016 Susan C. Levine
Renée Baillargeon
+ Young children’s motivational frameworks and math achievement: Relation to teacher-reported instructional practices, but not teacher theory of intelligence. 2016 Daeun Park
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Eli Tsukayama
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ PDF Chat Response to Comment on “Math at home adds up to achievement in school” 2016 Talia Berkowitz
Marjorie W. Schaeffer
Christopher S. Rozek
Erin A. Maloney
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ Development of Quantitative Thinking Across Correlated Dimensions 2016 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Nora S. Newcombe
+ Revised Child Math Anxiety Questionnaire 2016 Gerardo Ramirez
Hyesang Chang
Erin A. Maloney
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ Thinking about quantity: the intertwined development of spatial and numerical cognition 2015 Nora S. Newcombe
Susan C. Levine
Kelly S. Mix
+ Minding the gap: Children’s difficulty conceptualizing spatial intervals as linear measurement units. 2015 Tracy Solomon
Marina Vasilyeva
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat On the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in early elementary school: The role of problem solving strategies 2015 Gerardo Ramirez
Hyesang Chang
Erin A. Maloney
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ Gesture as a window onto children’s number knowledge 2015 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Elizabet Spaepen
Dominic J. Gibson
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Spatial Proportional Reasoning Is Associated With Formal Knowledge About Fractions 2015 Wenke Möhring
Nora S. Newcombe
Susan C. Levine
Andrea Frick
+ Prompting children to reason proportionally: Processing discrete units as continuous amounts. 2015 Ty W. Boyer
Susan C. Levine
+ Approximate number word knowledge before the cardinal principle 2014 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Elizabet Spaepen
Susan C. Levine
+ The Effects of Word‐Learning Biases on Children's Concept of Angle 2014 Dominic J. Gibson
Eliza Congdon
Susan C. Levine
+ Mechanisms of Spatial Learning: Teaching Children Geometric Categories 2014 Linsey A. Smith
Raedy M. Ping
Bryan J. Matlen
Micah B. Goldwater
Dedre Gentner
Susan C. Levine
+ Propensity-Matching Analysis Is Not Straightforward 2014 Philippe Meersseman
Sathy Sj
Jason Chia
Stelfox Ht
Tsuyuki Rt
Susan C. Levine
T. Bao Nguyen
Budak Mt
P Rothenberg
Rajesh Sachdeva
+ Linear Estimation and Mental Rotation Predict Children's Early Math Abilities 2014 C. Young
Susan C. Levine
Kelly S. Mix
+ Child Math Anxiety Questionnaire 2013 Gerardo Ramirez
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ Comparison and Contrast in young children's shape categorization 2013 Linsey A. Smith
Micah B. Goldwater
Bryan J. Matlen
Raedy M. Ping
Susan C. Levine
Dedre Gentner
+ The relation between spatial skill and early number knowledge: The role of the linear number line. 2012 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Gerardo Ramirez
Sian L. Beilock
Susan C. Levine
+ "The relation between spatial skill and early number knowledge: The role of the linear number line": Correction to Gunderson et al. (2012). 2012 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Gerardo Ramirez
Sian L. Beilock
Susan C. Levine
+ Child proportional scaling: Is 1/3=2/6=3/9=4/12? 2011 Ty W. Boyer
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Early puzzle play: A predictor of preschoolers' spatial transformation skill. 2011 Susan C. Levine
Kristin R. Ratliff
Janellen Huttenlocher
Joanna Cannon
+ PDF Chat Some types of parent number talk count more than others: relations between parents’ input and children’s cardinal-number knowledge 2011 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Susan C. Levine
+ The Story Behind Parent-child Book-reading Interactions: Specific Relations to Later Language and Reading Outcomes. 2011 Özlem Ece Demir
Lauren Applebaum
Susan C. Levine
Katherine Petty
Susan Goldin‐Meadow
+ "What counts in the development of young children's number knowledge?": Correction to Levine et al. (2010). 2011 Susan C. Levine
Linda Whealton Suriyakham
Meredith L. Rowe
Janellen Huttenlocher
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
+ The importance of alignable differences in teaching linear measurement 2011 Mee‐Kyoung Kwon
Susan C. Levine
Kristin R. Ratliff
Camille Snyder
+ Female teachers' math anxiety impacts girls' math achievement 2011 Sian L. Beilock
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Gerardo Ramirez
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat What counts in the development of young children's number knowledge? 2010 Susan C. Levine
Linda Whealton Suriyakham
Meredith L. Rowe
Janellen Huttenlocher
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
+ The role of conventional number knowledge in young children’s nonverbal number matching: Is “two” special? 2010 Mee‐Kyoung Kwon
Yoonkyung Jeong
Susan C. Levine
+ The Influence of Math Anxiety on Young Children's Math Achievement 2010 Gerardo Ramirez
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Susan C. Levine
Sian L. Beilock
+ Socioeconomic variation, number competence, and mathematics learning difficulties in young children 2009 Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
+ Children's Understanding of Ruler Measurement and Units of Measure: A Training Study 2009 Kevin C. Deitz
Janellen Huttenlocher
Mee‐Kyoung Kwon
Susan C. Levine
Kristine Ratliff
+ Early numerical representations and the natural numbers: Is there really a complete disconnect? 2008 Stella F. Lourenco
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Development of proportional reasoning: Where young children go wrong. 2008 Ty W. Boyer
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ The Development of Proportional Reasoning: Effect of Continuous Versus Discrete Quantities 2007 Yoonkyung Jeong
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Preschool children's mathematical knowledge: The effect of teacher "math talk." 2006 Raquel S. Klibanoff
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
Marina Vasilyeva
Larry V. Hedges
+ A Naturalistic Study of Input Effects on the Development of Number Concepts 2006 Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
Linda Whealton Suriyakham
+ How Infants Encode Spatial Extent 2005 Sean Duffy
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
Renee Duffy
+ It Is All Relative: How Young Children Encode Extent 2005 Sean Duffy
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Infants and Toddlers Discriminate Amount: Are They Measuring? 2002 Janellen Huttenlocher
Sean Duffy
Susan C. Levine
+ Quantitative Development in Infancy and Early Childhood 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Acquiring Conventional Skills 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Quantification of Discrete Sets: A Synthesis 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Historical Trends and Current Issues 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ The Whole Child 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Multiple cues for quantification in infancy: Is number one of them? 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ The Role of Relational Information in Young Children's Ability to Code the Extent of Continuous Quantities 2001 Sean E. Duffy
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ The Role of Relational Information in Young Children's Ability to Code the Extent of Continuous Quantities 2001 Sean E. Duffy
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ What Do Infants Know about Continuous Quantity? 2000 Fan Gao
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Early fraction calculation ability. 1999 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Early fraction calculation ability. 1999 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Numerical abstraction in infants: Another look. 1997 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Numerical abstraction in infants: Another look. 1997 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Do Preschool Children Recognize Auditory-Visual Numerical Correspondences? 1996 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Calculation Abilities in Young Children with Different Patterns of Cognitive Functioning 1995 Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Development of calculation abilities in middle- and low-income children after formal instruction in school 1994 Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Assessing early arithmetic abilities: Effects of verbal and nonverbal response types on the calculation performance of middle-and low-income children 1994 Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ A mental model for early arithmetic. 1994 Janellen Huttenlocher
Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
+ A mental model for early arithmetic. 1994 Janellen Huttenlocher
Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
+ Differential calculation abilities in young children from middle- and low-income families. 1992 Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Development of calculation abilities in young children 1992 Susan C. Levine
Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Differential calculation abilities in young children from middle- and low-income families. 1992 Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Child's Understanding of Number 1979 U. A. Easley
Rochel Gelman
C. H. Galistell
+ Children's understanding of counting 1990 Karen Wynn
+ PDF Chat What counts in the development of young children's number knowledge? 2010 Susan C. Levine
Linda Whealton Suriyakham
Meredith L. Rowe
Janellen Huttenlocher
Elizabeth A. Gunderson
+ PDF Chat Some types of parent number talk count more than others: relations between parents’ input and children’s cardinal-number knowledge 2011 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Susan C. Levine
+ A mental model for early arithmetic. 1994 Janellen Huttenlocher
Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
+ The Child's Understanding of Number 1979 Karen C. Fuson
Rochel Gelman
C. R. Gallistel
+ Social Processes in Early Number Development 1987 Geoffrey B. Saxe
Steven R. Guberman
Maryl Gearhart
Rochel Gelman
Christine Massey
Barbara Rogoff
+ Development of calculation abilities in young children 1992 Susan C. Levine
Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ PDF Chat One, two, three, four, nothing more: An investigation of the conceptual sources of the verbal counting principles 2007 Mathieu Le Corre
Susan Carey
+ Children's acquisition of the number words and the counting system 1992 Karen Wynn
+ Core systems of number 2004 Lisa Feigenson
Stanislas Dehaene
Elizabeth S. Spelke
+ Preschool children's mathematical knowledge: The effect of teacher "math talk." 2006 Raquel S. Klibanoff
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
Marina Vasilyeva
Larry V. Hedges
+ Social Class and Racial Influences on Early Mathematical Thinking 1981 Herbert P. Ginsburg
Robert Russell
+ Number Use at Home by Children and Their Parents and Its Relationship to Early Mathematical Performance 1996 Belinda Blevins‐Knabe
Linda Musun-Miller
+ The Development of Numerical Estimation 2003 Robert S. Siegler
John E. Opfer
+ The relation between spatial skill and early number knowledge: The role of the linear number line. 2012 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Gerardo Ramirez
Sian L. Beilock
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat How counting represents number: What children must learn and when they learn it 2008 Barbara W. Sarnecka
Susan Carey
+ Perception of Numbers by Human Infants 1980 Prentice Starkey
Robert G. Cooper
+ Quantitative Development in Infancy and Early Childhood 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Children’s Counting and Concepts of Number 1988 Karen C. Fuson
+ Socioeconomic variation, number competence, and mathematics learning difficulties in young children 2009 Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
+ What Do Infants Know about Continuous Quantity? 2000 Fan Gao
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Do Preschool Children Recognize Auditory-Visual Numerical Correspondences? 1996 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Infants and Toddlers Discriminate Amount: Are They Measuring? 2002 Janellen Huttenlocher
Sean Duffy
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Levels of number knowledge during early childhood 2009 Barbara W. Sarnecka
Michael Lee
+ Infant Perception of Numerosity 1981 Mark Strauss
L. Curtis
+ Surface similarity and label knowledge impact early numerical comparisons 2007 Kelly S. Mix
+ Acquisition of the cardinal word principle: The role of input 2011 Kelly S. Mix
Catherine M. Sandhofer
Julie Moore
Christina Russell
+ Differential calculation abilities in young children from middle- and low-income families. 1992 Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Enhancing young children’s mathematical knowledge through a pre-kindergarten mathematics intervention 2004 Prentice Starkey
Alice Klein
Ann Wakeley
+ Developmental and individual differences in pure numerical estimation. 2006 Julie L. Booth
Robert S. Siegler
+ Re-visiting the competence/performance debate in the acquisition of the counting principles 2005 M LECORRE
Gilles Vandewalle
Elizabeth M. Brannon
Susan Carey
+ Children's Proportional Judgments: The Importance of "Half" 1991 Alina GalvĂŁo Spinillo
Peter Bryant
+ Multiple cues for quantification in infancy: Is number one of them? 2002 Kelly S. Mix
Janellen Huttenlocher
Susan C. Levine
+ Maternal Math Talk in the Home and Math Skills in Preschool Children 2016 María Inés Susperreguy
Pamela Davis‐Kean
+ Separate but correlated: The latent structure of space and mathematics across development. 2016 Kelly S. Mix
Susan C. Levine
Yi-Ling Cheng
Chris Young
David Z. Hambrick
Raedy M. Ping
Spyros Konstantopoulos
+ Does half a pizza equal half a box of chocolates? 2001 Karen Singer‐Freeman
Usha Goswami
+ PDF Chat Development of proportional reasoning: Where young children go wrong. 2008 Ty W. Boyer
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Perception of Numerical Invariance in Neonates 1983 Sue E. Antell
Daniel P. Keating
+ Preverbal and verbal counting and computation 1992 C. R. Gallistel
Rochel Gelman
+ Number Versus Contour Length in Infants' Discrimination of Small Visual Sets 1999 Melissa W. Clearfield
Kelly S. Mix
+ Addition and subtraction by human infants 1992 Karen Wynn
+ The Development of Proportional Reasoning: Effect of Continuous Versus Discrete Quantities 2007 Yoonkyung Jeong
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ PDF Chat Early puzzle play: A predictor of preschoolers' spatial transformation skill. 2011 Susan C. Levine
Kristin R. Ratliff
Janellen Huttenlocher
Joanna Cannon
+ An integrated theory of whole number and fractions development 2011 Robert S. Siegler
Clarissa A. Thompson
Michael Schneider
+ U.S. and Korean Children's Comprehension of Fraction Names: A Reexamination of Cross–National Differences 2003 Jae H. Paik
Kelly S. Mix
+ PDF Chat Exact and Approximate Arithmetic in an Amazonian Indigene Group 2004 Pierre Pica
Cathy Lemer
VĂ©ronique Izard
Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Achievement Deficits in Children With Mathematical Learning Disability 2007 David C. Geary
Mary K. Hoard
Jennifer Byrd‐Craven
Lara Nugent
Chattavee Numtee
+ Numerical abstraction by human infants 1990 Prentice Starkey
Elizabeth S. Spelke
Rochel Gelman
+ Child proportional scaling: Is 1/3=2/6=3/9=4/12? 2011 Ty W. Boyer
Susan C. Levine