Denis Roegel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Kissing Circles: A French Romance in METAPOST 2022 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Rheticus' Canon doctrinæ triangulorum (1551) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Pitiscus' Thesaurus Mathematicus (1613) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Viète's <i>Canon Mathematicus</i> (1579) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peuerbach's table for his ``Quadratum geometricum'' (1516) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Apian's table of sines (1533) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Fincke's trigonometric tables (1583) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Lansberge's trigonometric tables (1591) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Reinhold's trigonometric tables (1554) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Maurolico's tables of sines, tangents and secants (1558) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Viète's <i>Canon Mathematicus</i> (1579) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Lambert’s proof of the irrationality of Pi: Context and translation 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of circular segments (K45,1879) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Edward Sang's computation of sines 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of sines in degrees (K44,1879) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A guide to Edward Sang's tables and to their reconstructions 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Edward Sang’s computation of the logarithms of integers 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of logarithms of the second myriad of integers (K6) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of logarithms of the first 10000 primes (K4) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's auxiliary table for logarithms of almost unitary values (K39,1884) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of logarithmic sines and tangents (K43,1888) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Edward Sang’s table of logarithms to 15 places 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Edward Sang's steps for the construction of the logarithms of the primes (K1-K3) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of logarithms of the first myriad of integers (K5) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of logarithms of the first 10000 primes (K4) 2020 Denis Roegel
+ What did Napier invent 2017 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the Mathematical Tables Project’s table of natural logarithms (4 volumes, 1941) 2017 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the Mathematical Tables Project’s tables of the exponential function exp(x) (1939) 2017 Denis Roegel
+ Briggs, Henry 2017 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's multiplication and interpolation tables (1930) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's table of involutes (1937). 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's eight-place table of trigonometric functions (1939) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's six-place table of trigonometric functions for the new division (1930). 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's table of 7-place logarithms (volume 2, 1940) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat The genealogy of Johann Theodor Peters's great mathematical tables 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's table of products (1909) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Bauschinger and Peters's eight-place table of logarithms (volume 1, 1910) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's seven-place table of logarithms of trigonometric functions (1911) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's table of 7-place trigonometrical values for the new division(1941) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters’s ten-place table of logarithms (volume 1, 1922) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's table of logarithms to 7 places (1921) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's 3-place tables (1913) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's table of logarithms to 6 places (1921) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's seven-place table of trigonometric functions (1918) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's six-place table of trigonometric functions (1929) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's five-place table of logarithms of trigonometric functions (1912) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Peters's ten-place table of logarithms (volume 2, 1919) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A preliminary note on Bürgi's computation of the sine of the first minute 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Bürgi’s sine table at 1' intervals (ca. 1587) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ Some remarks on Bürgi’s interpolations 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A tentative reconstruction of Bürgi’s sine table at 2'' intervals (ca. 1600) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ A Mechanical Calculator for Arithmetic Sequences (1844-1852): Part 2,Working Details 2016 Denis Roegel
+ A new early adding machine by Schwilgué (c. 1840?) 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A note on the complexity of Bürgi's algorithm for the computation of sines 2016 Denis Roegel
+ Before Torchi and Schwilgué, There Was White 2016 Denis Roegel
David Walden
+ A Mechanical Calculator for Arithmetic Sequences (1844–1852): Part 2, Working Details 2016 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Jost Bürgi's skillful computation of sines 2015 Denis Roegel
+ A Mechanical Calculator for Arithmetic Sequences (1844-1852): Part 1, Historical Context and Structure 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Editing ancient technical and mathematical figures: Tools and traps 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Napier's bones and Genaille-Lucas's rods 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev's continuous adding machine 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev's continuous adding machine 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev's continuous adding machine 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A concise yet complete description of Schwilgué's series calculator 2015 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Arnaudeau’s table of triangular numbers (ca. 1896) 2014 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat The (re)discovery of an early specialized mechanical calculating machine (ca. 1850) 2014 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat The "Villarceau circles" in Uhlberger's staircase (ca. 1580) 2014 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Easter-based walks on a sphere 2014 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Laundy's table of quarter-squares (1856) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Centnerschwer's table of quarter-squares (1825) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Magini's Tabula tetragonica (1592) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Lifchitz's table of primes (1971) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Merpaut's table of quarter-squares (1832) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Herwart's table of multiplication (1610) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Blater's table of quarter-squares (1887) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Kulik's table of multiplication (1851) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Ulbrich's table of factors (1791-1800) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Voisin's table of quarter-squares (1817) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Schiereck's table of squares (1827) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Joncourt's table of triangular numbers (1762) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Bürger's table of quarter-squares (1817) 2013 Denis Roegel
+ The LOCOMAT Project: Recomputing Mathematical and Astronomical Tables 2012 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Crelle’s table of primes 2012 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Crelle’s table of primes 2012 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Vlacq's tables in Chinese - Introduction to Chinese and Japanese tables of logarithms, with a review of secondary sources (second edition) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Brancker's <i>Table of incomposits</i> (1668) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the tables of Thompson's <i>Logarithmetica Britannica</i> (1952) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Beeger's table of primes (1951) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Merritt's table of "useful numbers" (1947) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Smogulecki and Xue's table of trigonometrical logarithms (ca. 1653) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Tissot's table of logarithms (ca. 1880) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Mouton's table of logarithms and its extensions (ca. 1670) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Smogulecki and Xue's table of logarithms of numbers (ca. 1653) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Lehmer's table of primes (1914) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Vega's table of primes and factors (1782) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Gifford's table of primes and factors (1931) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Jones' table of factors (1896) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Hinkley's tables of primes and factors (1853) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the tables of the Shuli Jingyun (1713-1723) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Krause's table of factors (1804) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Kulik's table of squares and cubes (1848) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Kulik's "Magnus Canon Divisorum" (ca. 1825-1863) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Crelle's <i>Erleichterungstafel</i> (1836) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Kulik's table of factors (1825) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Chernac's <i>Cribrum arithmeticum</i> (1811) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the table of factors of Peters, Lodge, Ternouth, and Gifford (1935) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Lambert and Felkel's table of factors (1798) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Neville's Farey series of order 1025 (1950) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Viète's <i>Canonion triangvlorvm</i> (1579) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Felkel's tables of primes and factors (1776) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the tables of factors of Burckhardt, Dase, and Glaisher (1814-1883), and their extension to the tenth million 2011 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Thompson's <i>Logarithmetica Britannica</i> (1952) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Brancker's <i>Table of incomposits</i> (1668) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of Schenmark's table of factors (ca. 1780) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Briggs and Gellibrand's Trigonometria Britannica (1633) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Briggs' Logarithmorum chilias prima (1617) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Briggs' Arithmetica logarithmica (1624) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Henri Andoyer's table of logarithms (1911) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of De Decker-Vlacq's tables in the Arithmetica logarithmica (1628) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Adriaan Vlacq's tables in the Trigonometria artificialis (1633) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Spheres, great circles and parallels 2010 Denis Roegel
Pavel Stříž
+ The great logarithmic and trigonometric tables of the French Cadastre: a preliminary investigation 2010 Denis Roegel
+ Introduction to Chinese and Japanese tables of logarithms, with a review of secondary sources 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A construction of Edward Sang's projected table of nine-place logarithms to one million (1872) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ Bürgi's Progress Tabulen (1620): logarithmic tables without logarithms 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Charles Babbage's table of logarithms (1827) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Henri Andoyer's trigonometric tables (1915-1918) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Edward Sang's table of logarithms (1871) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Gunter's Canon triangulorum (1620) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of Henri Andoyer's table of logarithms (1922) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ Napier's ideal construction of the logarithms 2010 Denis Roegel
+ Spheres, great circles and parallels 2009 Denis Roegel
+ An Extension of Al-Khalīlī's Qibla Table to the Entire World 2008 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat An Early (1844) Key-Driven Adding Machine 2008 Denis Roegel
+ A complex drawing in descriptive geometry 2007 Denis Roegel
+ Three dials, and a few more: a practical introduction to accurate gnomonics 2007 Denis Roegel
+ Review of ``Mathematical Illustrations: A Manual of Geometry and PostScript'' 2007 Denis Roegel
+ Sphères, grands cercles et parallèles 2006 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Airy's On the Disturbances of Pendulums and Balances, and on the Theory of Escapements (1830) 2006 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Petit panorama des notations logiques du 20e siècle 2002 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat La géométrie dans l’espace avec METAPOST 2001 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Intersection de deux cercles dans le plan. 2001 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Intersection de deux cercles dans le plan. 2001 Denis Roegel
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Pavel Stříž 1
David Walden 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Vorlesungen über geschichte der mathematik 1898 Moritz Benedikt Cantor
+ Napier's ideal construction of the logarithms 2010 Denis Roegel
+ Vorlesungen über Geschichte der Trigonometrie 1968 A. v. Braunmühl
+ The mathematics of the heavens and the Earth: the early history of trigonometry 2009 Glen Van Brummelen
+ Logarithmetica britannica : being a standard table of logarithms to twenty decimal places of the numbers 10,000 to 100,000 1952 A. J. Thompson
Henry Briggs
+ The Mathematicians' Apprenticeship: Science, Universities and Society in England, 1560-1640 1985 Randall J. Olson
Mordechai Feingold
+ A History of Numerical Analysis from the 16th through the 19th Century 1977 Herman H. Goldstine
+ The great logarithmic and trigonometric tables of the French Cadastre: a preliminary investigation 2010 Denis Roegel
+ The making of logarithm tables 2003 Graham Jagger
+ A reconstruction of Henri Andoyer's trigonometric tables (1915-1918) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat Modern Instruments and Methods of Calculation: A Handbook of the Napier Tercentenary Exhibition. 1915 W. F. S.
E. M. Horsburgh
+ Patterns of mathematical thought in the later seventeenth century 1961 D. T. Whiteside
+ A description of the admirable table of logarithmes 1969 John Napier
+ Henry Briggs. The Binomial Theorem Anticipated 1961 D. T. Whiteside
+ PDF Chat Natural-Value Trigonometric Tables 1938 Jr. Herrick Samuel
+ A reconstruction of De Decker-Vlacq's tables in the Arithmetica logarithmica (1628) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ The Applications of Logarithms to Trigonometry in Richard Norwood 1989 Nobuo Miura
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Briggs' Arithmetica logarithmica (1624) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ The construction of the wonderful canon of logarithms 2010 John Napier
William Rae Macdonald
+ Adrianus Romanus and the Trigonometric Tables of Georg Joachim Rheticus 1992 Paul Bockstaele
+ PDF Chat Factor tables 1657-1817, with notes on the birth of Number Theory 2018 Maarten Bullynck
+ Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation. 1946 Kenneth J. Arnold
National Research Council
Raymond Clare Achibald
D. H. Lehmer
L. J. Comrie
Solomon Achillovich Joffe
+ The Grave of Henry Briggs 2000 Thomas Sonar
+ The will of Henry Briggs 2006 Graham Jagger
+ Histoire des mathématiques 1968 J. F. Montucla
Ch. Naux
+ The agony and the ecstasy – the development of logarithms by Henry Briggs 2002 Ian Bruce
+ Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences 2002 I. Grattan‐Guinness
+ Edouard Lucas (1842-1891) : le parcours original d'un scientifique français dans la deuxième moitié du XIXè siècle 1999 Anne Marie Décaillot
+ Bemerkungen über ältere und neuere mathematische Tafeln 1863 August Gernerth
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Briggs and Gellibrand's Trigonometria Britannica (1633) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ Newton’s Discovery of the General Binomial Theorem 1961 D. T. Whiteside
+ A History of Probability and Statistics and Their Applications before 1750 1992 Eric R. Ziegel
A. Hald
+ PDF Chat A reconstruction of the tables of the Shuli Jingyun (1713-1723) 2011 Denis Roegel
+ PDF Chat L'arithméticien Édouard Lucas (1842–1891) : théorie et instrumentation 2018 Anne-Marie Décaillot
+ Bürgi's Progress Tabulen (1620): logarithmic tables without logarithms 2010 Denis Roegel
+ A reconstruction of the tables of Rheticus' Canon doctrinæ triangulorum (1551) 2021 Denis Roegel
+ A history of mathematical notations 1928 Florian Cajori
+ The logarithmic tables of Edward Sang and his daughters 2003 A. D. D. Craik
+ A construction of Edward Sang's projected table of nine-place logarithms to one million (1872) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ An Eleventh Lesson in the History of Mathematics 1947 G. A. Miller
+ PDF Chat 1. On Last-Place Errors in Vlacq's Table of Logarithms 1875 Edward Sang
+ Henry Briggs and his Work on Logarithms 1925 A. J. Thompson
Karl Pearson
+ A history of elementary mathematics, with hints on methods of teaching 2008 Florian Cajori
+ History of the Exponential and Logarithmic Concepts 1913 Florian Cajori
+ A reconstruction of Adriaan Vlacq's tables in the Trigonometria artificialis (1633) 2010 Denis Roegel
+ V. On the potential radix as a means of calculating logarithms to any required number of decimal places, with a summary of all preceding methods chronologically arranged 1881 Alexander John Ellis
+ Alphonse Antonio de Sarasa and Logarithms 2001 R. P. Burn
+ The introduction of logarithms into Spain 2008 Juan Navarro-Loidi
José Antonio Llombart
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Tables des Logarithmes a huit décimales des nombres de 1 à 125000, et des fonctions goniométriques sinus, tangente, cosinus et cotangente de centimiligone en centimiligone et de microgone en microgone pour les 25000 premiers microgones, et avec sept décimales pour tous les autres microgones 1892 Harold Jacoby
+ PDF Chat Charles Babbage's Table of Logarithms (1827) 1988 Martin Campbell‐Kelly