Mark Jerrum


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Rapid mixing of the flip chain over non-crossing spanning trees 2024 Konrad Anand
Weiming Feng
Graham Freifeld
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jiaheng Wang
+ Perfect sampling of $q$-spin systems on $\mathbb{Z}^{2}$ via weak spatial mixing 2024 Konrad Anand
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Glauber dynamics for the hard-core model on bounded-degree $H$-free graphs 2024 Mark Jerrum
+ Fundamentals of partial rejection sampling 2024 Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat A simple polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the total variation distance between two product distributions 2023 Weiming Feng
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jiaheng Wang
+ PDF Chat A simple polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the total variation distance between two product distributions 2023 Weiming Feng
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jiaheng Wang
+ Perfect Sampling of $q$-Spin Systems on $\mathbb Z^2$ via Weak Spatial Mixing 2023 Konrad Anand
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Perfect Sampling in Infinite Spin Systems Via Strong Spatial Mixing 2022 Konrad Anand
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Counting Vertices of Integral Polytopes Defined by Facets 2022 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ A simple polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the total variation distance between two product distributions 2022 Weiming Feng
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jiaheng Wang
+ Counting vertices of integer polytopes defined by facets. 2021 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the antiferromagnetic Ising model on line graphs 2021 Martin Dyer
Marc Heinrich
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ PDF Chat Perfect simulation of the hard disks model by partial rejection sampling 2021 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat The Size of the Giant Joint Component in a Binomial Random Double Graph 2021 Mark Jerrum
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Counting Weighted Independent Sets beyond the Permanent 2021 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
Kristina Vušković
+ Perfect Sampling in Infinite Spin Systems via Strong Spatial Mixing 2021 Konrad Anand
Mark Jerrum
+ Counting vertices of integral polytopes defined by facets 2021 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ Fundamentals of Partial Rejection Sampling 2021 Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Approximately counting bases of bicircular matroids 2020 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Random Walks on Small World Networks 2020 Martin Dyer
Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Eric Vigoda
+ Polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the antiferromagnetic Ising model on line graphs 2020 Martin Dyer
Marc Heinrich
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ Polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the antiferromagnetic Ising model on line graphs 2020 Martin Dyer
Marc Heinrich
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ Counting weighted independent sets beyond the permanent 2019 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
Kristina Vušković
+ PDF Chat Approximating Pairwise Correlations in the Ising Model 2019 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Size of the Giant Joint Component in a Binomial Random Double Graph. 2019 Mark Jerrum
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Uniform Sampling Through the Lovász Local Lemma 2019 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jing‐Cheng Liu
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithm for All-Terminal Network Reliability 2019 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ The Size of the Giant Joint Component in a Binomial Random Double Graph 2019 Mark Jerrum
Tamás Makai
+ PDF Chat Random cluster dynamics for the Ising model is rapidly mixing 2018 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ Perfect Simulation of the Hard Disks Model by Partial Rejection Sampling 2018 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ A simple FPRAS for bi-directed reachability. 2017 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ Random Walks on Small World Networks 2017 Martin Dyer
Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat Uniform sampling through the Lovasz local lemma 2017 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jing‐Cheng Liu
+ Functional clones and expressibility of partition functions 2017 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
David Richerby
Stanislav Živný
+ PDF Chat On the Switch Markov Chain for Perfect Matchings 2017 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ A Complexity Trichotomy for Approximately Counting List <i>H</i> -Colorings 2017 Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Random cluster dynamics for the ising model is rapidly mixing 2017 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ Random cluster dynamics for the Ising model is rapidly mixing 2017 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ Random Walks on Small World Networks 2017 Martin Dyer
Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat The parameterised complexity of counting even and odd induced subgraphs 2016 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ The complexity of counting locally maximal satisfying assignments of Boolean CSPs 2016 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ On the switch markov chain for perfect matchings 2016 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ A complexity trichotomy for approximately counting list H-colourings 2016 Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ A Complexity Trichotomy for Approximately Counting List H-Colourings 2016 Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Uniform Sampling through the Lovász Local Lemma 2016 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Jing‐Cheng Liu
+ PDF Chat Approximately Counting $H$-Colorings is $\#\mathrm{BIS}$-Hard 2016 Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Random cluster dynamics for the Ising model is rapidly mixing 2016 Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ On the switch Markov chain for perfect matchings 2015 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ #BIS-hardness for 2-spin systems on bipartite bounded degree graphs in the tree non-uniqueness region 2015 Jin‐Yi Cai
Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Daniel Štefankovič
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat A complexity classification of spin systems with an external field 2015 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The complexity of Boolean #MaximalCSP. 2015 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Some Hard Families of Parameterized Counting Problems 2015 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ Approximately Counting H-Colourings is $$\#\mathrm {BIS}$$-Hard 2015 Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ #BIS-hardness for 2-spin systems on bipartite bounded degree graphs in the tree non-uniqueness region 2015 LA Goldberg
Andreas Galanis
J-Y Cai
Hongye Guo
Mark Jerrum
Daniel Štefankovič
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat None 2015 John Faben
Mark Jerrum
+ On the switch Markov chain for perfect matchings 2015 Martin J.S. Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Haiko Müller
+ The parameterised complexity of counting connected subgraphs and graph motifs 2014 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ The parameterised complexity of counting even and odd induced subgraphs 2014 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ Approximating the partition function of planar two-state spin systems 2014 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Colin McQuillan
+ The complexity of approximating conservative counting CSPs 2014 Xi Chen
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Pinyan Lu
Colin McQuillan
David Richerby
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Approximately Counting Tree Homomorphisms 2014 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Computing the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial 2014 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ #BIS-Hardness for 2-Spin Systems on Bipartite Bounded Degree Graphs in the Tree Non-uniqueness Region 2014 Jin‐Yi Cai
Andreas Galanis
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
Daniel Štefankovič
Eric Vigoda
+ The parameterised complexity of counting even and odd induced subgraphs 2014 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ Approximating the Partition Function of Two-Spin Systems on Bipartite Graphs. 2013 Jin‐Yi Cai
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Heng Guo
Mark Jerrum
+ Some hard families of parameterised counting problems 2013 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ Some hard classes of parameterised counting problems. 2013 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ PDF Chat The expressibility of functions on the boolean domain, with applications to counting CSPs 2013 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Colin McQuillan
+ The complexity of parity graph homomorphism: an initial investigation 2013 John Faben
Mark Jerrum
+ The Parameterised Complexity of Counting Connected Subgraphs and Graph Motifs 2013 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ The Parameterised Complexity of Counting Connected Subgraphs. 2013 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ The complexity of approximating conservative counting CSPs. 2013 Xi Chen
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Pinyan Lu
Colin McQuillan
David Richerby
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Estimating the Partition Function of the Ferromagnetic Ising Model on a Regular Matroid 2013 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Some hard families of parameterised counting problems 2013 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ The complexity of parity graph homomorphism: an initial investigation 2013 John Faben
Mark Jerrum
+ The Parameterised Complexity of Counting Connected Subgraphs and Graph Motifs 2013 Mark Jerrum
Kitty Meeks
+ PDF Chat Approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial of a planar graph 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Approximating the Tutte polynomial of a binary matroid and other related combinatorial polynomials 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Log-supermodular functions, functional clones and counting CSPs 2012 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Computing the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Computing the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial (and consequent #P-hardness of Approximation) 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to rapid mixing of the Ge-Štefankovič process 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Computing the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Computing the Sign of the Tutte Polynomial (and Consequent #P-hardness of Approximation) 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The complexity of weighted and unweighted #CSP 2011 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Markus Jalsenius
Mark Jerrum
David Richerby
+ The expressibility of Boolean functions with applications to Counting CSPs 2011 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Colin McQuillan
+ PDF Chat A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Estimating the Partition Function of the Ferromagnetic Ising Model on a Regular Matroid 2011 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat A Complexity Dichotomy For Hypergraph Partition Functions 2010 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ None 2010 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Marek Karpiński
+ The mixing time of Glauber dynamics for coloring regular trees 2010 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Marek Karpiński
+ A Complexity Dichotomy for Partition Functions with Mixed Signs 2010 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Martin Grohe
Mark Jerrum
Marc Thurley
+ PDF Chat Approximating the Partition Function of the Ferromagnetic Potts Model 2010 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat An approximation trichotomy for Boolean #CSP 2009 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ A Complexity Dichotomy for Partition Functions with Mixed Signs 2009 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Martin Grohe
Mark Jerrum
Marc Thurley
+ PDF Chat Matrix norms and rapid mixing for spin systems 2009 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Weighted Boolean #CSP 2009 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ A complexity dichotomy for hypergraph partition functions 2008 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Dobrushin Conditions and Systematic Scan 2008 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial 2008 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Mixing Time of Glauber Dynamics for Colouring Regular Trees 2008 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Marek Karpiński
+ A complexity dichotomy for partition functions with mixed signs 2008 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Martin Grohe
Mark Jerrum
Marc Thurley
+ A complexity dichotomy for hypergraph partition functions 2008 Martin J.S. Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial 2007 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ An approximation trichotomy for Boolean #CSP 2007 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Two Remarks Concerning Balanced Matroids 2006 Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Ferromagnetic Ising with Local Fields 2006 ESLIE ANN GOLDBERG
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Systematic scan for sampling colorings 2006 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Dobrushin Conditions and Systematic Scan 2006 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains for Sampling Contingency Tables with a Constant Number of Rows 2006 Mary Cryan
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Russell Martin
+ PDF Chat Markov chain comparison 2006 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Russell Martin
+ Polynomial-time approximation algorithms for the ising model 2005 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat On the approximation of one Markov chain by another 2005 Mark Jerrum
+ Dobrushin conditions and Systematic Scan 2005 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Elementary bounds on Poincare and log-Sobolev constants for decomposable Markov chains 2005 Mark Jerrum
Jung-Bae Son
Prasad Tetali
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat Elementary bounds on Poincaré and log-Sobolev constants for decomposable Markov chains 2004 Mark Jerrum
Jung-Bae Son
Prasad Tetali
Eric Vigoda
+ A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries 2004 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
Eric Vigoda
+ Rapidly mixing Markov chains for dismantleable constraint graphs 2004 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Eric Vigoda
+ Two remarks concerning balanced matroids 2004 Mark Jerrum
+ Markov chain comparison 2004 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Russell Martin
+ PDF Chat The Relative Complexity of Approximate Counting Problems 2003 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Catherine Greenhill
Mark Jerrum
+ Counting and sampling H-colourings 2003 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Spectral gap and log-Sobolev constant for balanced matroids 2003 Mark Jerrum
Jung-Bae Son
+ Rapidly mixing Markov chains for sampling contingency tables with a constant number of rows 2003 Mary Cryan
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Russell Martin
+ PDF Chat The computational complexity of two‐state spin systems 2003 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Mike Paterson
+ On counting independent sets in sparse graphs 2003 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Mark Jerrum
+ Sampling and counting 2003 Mark Jerrum
+ Canonical paths and matchings 2003 Mark Jerrum
+ Volume of a convex body 2003 Mark Jerrum
+ On the approximation of one Markov chain by another 2003 Mark Jerrum
+ Counting, Sampling and Integrating: Algorithms and Complexity 2003 Mark Jerrum
+ Simulated annealing for graph bisection 2002 Mark Jerrum
Gregory B. Sorkin
+ Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains for Dismantleable Constraint Graphs 2002 Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
Eric Vigoda
+ Counting and Sampling H-Colourings 2002 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat The ‘Burnside Process’ Converges Slowly 2002 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ On Counting Independent Sets in Sparse Graphs 2002 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Mark Jerrum
+ A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with non-negative entries 2001 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
Eric Vigoda
+ An Extension of Path Coupling and Its Application to the Glauber Dynamics for Graph Colorings 2001 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Catherine Greenhill
Mark Jerrum
Michael Mitzenmacher
+ An extension of path coupling and its application to the Glauber dynamics for graph colourings (extended abstract) 2000 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Catherine Greenhill
Mark Jerrum
Michael Mitzenmacher
+ PDF Chat Randomly Sampling Molecules 2000 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Counting Unlabelled Subtrees of a Tree is #P-complete 2000 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with non-negative entries 2000 Mark Jerrum
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat On the Relative Complexity of Approximate Counting Problems 2000 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Catherine Greenhill
Mark Jerrum
+ None 1999 Vivek Gore
Mark Jerrum
+ On Approximately Counting Colorings of Small Degree Graphs 1999 Russ Bubley
Martin Dyer
Catherine Greenhill
Mark Jerrum
+ Approximately Counting Hamilton Paths and Cycles in Dense Graphs 1998 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Mark Jerrum
+ An elementary analysis of a procedure for sampling points in a convex body 1998 Russ Bubley
Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
+ An elementary analysis of a procedure for sampling points in a convex body 1998 Russ Bubley
Martin Dyer
Mark Jerrum
+ The Metropolis algorithm for graph bisection 1998 Mark Jerrum
Gregory B. Sorkin
+ Mathematical Foundations of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method 1998 Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat The “Burnside Process” Converges Slowly 1998 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Randomly sampling molecules 1997 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Markov chain Monte Carlo method: an approach to approximate counting and integration 1996 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Generating and Counting Hamilton Cycles in Random Regular Graphs 1996 Alan Frieze
Mark Jerrum
Michael Molloy
Robert W. Robinson
Nicholas Wormald
+ A very simple algorithm for estimating the number of k‐colorings of a low‐degree graph 1995 Mark Jerrum
+ Computational Pólya theory 1995 Mark Jerrum
+ An analysis of a Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating the permanent 1995 Alan Frieze
Mark Jerrum
+ The Computational Complexity of Counting 1995 Mark Jerrum
+ Counting trees in a graph is #P-complete 1994 Mark Jerrum
+ Approximately counting Hamilton cycles in dense graphs 1994 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Mark Jerrum
+ Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for the Ising Model 1993 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ A mildly exponential approximation algorithm for the permanent 1992 Mark Jerrum
Umesh Vazirani
+ Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for Ising Model (Extended Abstract) 1990 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ Fast uniform generation of regular graphs 1990 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional monomer-dimer systems are computationally intractable 1990 Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Approximating the Permanent 1989 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Approximate counting, uniform generation and rapidly mixing Markov chains 1989 Alistair Sinclair
Mark Jerrum
+ Conductance and the Rapid Mixing Property for Markov Chains: the Approximation of the Permanent Resolved (Preliminary Version) 1988 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ Approximate counting, uniform generation and rapidly mixing markov chains extended abstract 1988 Alistair Sinclair
Mark Jerrum
+ Conductance and the rapid mixing property for Markov chains: the approximation of permanent resolved 1988 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ Approximate Counting, Uniform Generation and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains 1987 Alistair Sinclair
Mark Jerrum
+ Two-dimensional monomer-dimer systems are computationally intractable 1987 Mark Jerrum
+ Random generation of combinatorial structures from a uniform distribution 1986 Mark Jerrum
Leslie G. Valiant
Vijay V. Vazirani
+ A compact representation for permutation groups 1982 Mark Jerrum
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Random generation of combinatorial structures from a uniform distribution 1986 Mark Jerrum
Leslie G. Valiant
Vijay V. Vazirani
+ Polynomial-Time Approximation Algorithms for the Ising Model 1993 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat Approximating the Permanent 1989 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ The complexity of computing the permanent 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ PDF Chat The Relative Complexity of Approximate Counting Problems 2003 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Catherine Greenhill
Mark Jerrum
+ Improved Bounds for Mixing Rates of Markov Chains and Multicommodity Flow 1992 Alistair Sinclair
+ On the computational complexity of the Jones and Tutte polynomials 1990 François Jaeger
Dirk Vertigan
Dominic Welsh
+ The complexity of counting graph homomorphisms 2000 Martin Dyer
Catherine Greenhill
+ PDF Chat Comparison Theorems for Reversible Markov Chains 1993 Persi Diaconis
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Chat Approximate counting, uniform generation and rapidly mixing Markov chains 1989 Alistair Sinclair
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Geometric Bounds for Eigenvalues of Markov Chains 1991 Persi Diaconis
Daniel W. Stroock
+ Counting, Sampling and Integrating: Algorithms and Complexity 2003 Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Enumeration and Reliability Problems 1979 Leslie G. Valiant
+ Monte-Carlo algorithms for enumeration and reliability problems 1983 Richard M. Karp
Michael Luby
+ PDF Chat Approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Random walks on finite groups and rapidly mixing markov chains 1983 David Aldous
+ How hard is it to marry at random? (On the approximation of the permanent) 1986 Arndt Bröder
+ PDF Chat Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial 2008 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The Complexity of Ferromagnetic Ising with Local Fields 2006 ESLIE ANN GOLDBERG
Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat Path coupling: A technique for proving rapid mixing in Markov chains 2002 Russ Bubley
Martin Dyer
+ The complexity of approximate counting 1983 Larry Stockmeyer
+ PDF Chat Some Inequalities for Reversible Markov Chains 1982 David Aldous
+ The Markov chain Monte Carlo method: an approach to approximate counting and integration 1996 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ The complexity of partition functions 2005 Andreĭ A. Bulatov
Martin Grohe
+ Complexity: Knots, Colourings and Counting 1993 Dominic Welsh
+ Generalization of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn-Swendsen-Wang representation and Monte Carlo algorithm 1988 Robert G. Edwards
Alan D. Sokal
+ On Unapproximable Versions of $NP$-Complete Problems 1996 David Zuckerman
+ PDF Chat Random Walks on Combinatorial Objects 1999 Martin Dyer
Catherine Greenhill
+ Analyzing Glauber dynamics by comparison of Markov chains 2000 Dana Randall
Prasad Tetali
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and expanders 1986 Ilan Alon
+ PDF Chat Markov chain comparison 2006 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Russell Martin
+ A very simple algorithm for estimating the number of k‐colorings of a low‐degree graph 1995 Mark Jerrum
+ A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the permanent of a matrix with nonnegative entries 2004 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat The random-cluster model on the complete graph 1996 B Bollobás
Geoffrey Grimmett
Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Absence of phase transition for antiferromagnetic Potts models via the Dobrushin uniqueness theorem 1997 Jesús Salas
Alan D. Sokal
+ Counting independent sets up to the tree threshold 2006 Dror Weitz
+ PDF Chat An approximation trichotomy for Boolean #CSP 2009 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ On the Dimer Solution of Planar Ising Models 1966 Michael E. Fisher
+ Dimer Statistics and Phase Transitions 1963 Piet Kasteleyn
+ PDF Chat A random polynomial-time algorithm for approximating the volume of convex bodies 1991 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
Ravi Kannan
+ PDF Chat Generating a Random Sink-free Orientation in Quadratic Time 2002 Henry Cohn
Robin Pemantle
James Propp
+ Fast uniform generation of regular graphs 1990 Mark Jerrum
Alistair Sinclair
+ PDF Chat The Complexity of Weighted Boolean #CSP 2009 Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ Approximation Algorithms for Some Parameterized Counting Problems 2002 V. Arvind
Venkatesh Raman
+ PDF Chat Shuffling Cards and Stopping Times 1986 David Aldous
Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat The computational complexity of two‐state spin systems 2003 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Mike Paterson
+ The Parameterized Complexity of Counting Problems 2004 Jörg Flum
Martin Grohe
+ Approximating the Tutte polynomial of a binary matroid and other related combinatorial polynomials 2012 Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
+ The complexity of approximating conservative counting CSPs 2014 Xi Chen
Martin Dyer
Leslie Ann Goldberg
Mark Jerrum
Pinyan Lu
Colin McQuillan
David Richerby
+ PDF Chat The multivariate Tutte polynomial (alias Potts model) for graphs and matroids 2005 Alan D. Sokal