E.I. Jury


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the necessary and sufficient conditions for the very strict Hurwitz property of a 2-D characteristic polynomial 2003 P. Agathoklis
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ On two-dimensional filter stability test 1994 Xiheng Hu
E.I. Jury
+ Discrete-time positive-real lemma revisited: the discrete-time counterpart of the Kalman-Yakubovitch lemma 1994 Kamal Premaratne
E.I. Jury
+ On the Bistritz tabular form and its relationship with the Schur-Cohn minors and inner determinants 1993 Kamal Premaratne
E.I. Jury
+ On robust Schur property of discrete-time polynomials 1992 A. Katbab
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ A note on Kharitonov-type results in the space of Markov parameters 1992 E.I. Jury
A. Katbab
+ Robust Stability of Two-Dimensional Digital Filters 1992 A. Katbab
E.I. Jury
+ Robust Stability of Two-Dimensional Discrete System Under Coefficient Perturbation 1991 A. Katbab
E.I. Jury
+ BIBO stability of multidimensional (mD) shift-invariant discrete systems 1991 Pavol Bauer
E.I. Jury
+ Robustness of Discrete Systems: A Review 1990 E.I. Jury
+ Multivariable canonical forms for model reduction of 2-D discrete time systems 1990 Kamal Premaratne
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Robust Schur stability of a complex-coefficient polynomials set with coefficients in a diamond 1990 A. Katbab
E.I. Jury
+ On the robustness of low-order Schur polynomials 1988 F.J. Kraus
Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ On robust Hurwitz polynomials 1987 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Root exclusion from complex polydomains and some of its applications 1987 D. Hertz
E.I. Jury
E. Zeheb
+ Corrections to "On the evaluation of double square integral in the (s<sub>1</sub>,s<sub>2</sub>) complex biplane" 1987 E.I. Jury
T. Ruridant
+ On robust Hurwitz and Schur polynomials 1986 N.K. Bose
E.I. Jury
E. Zeheb
+ On model reduction of discrete time systems 1986 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ On stability test for a class of distributed parameter systems with delays 1986 E.I. Jury
E. Zeheb
+ On the evaluation of double square integral in the (s&amp;lt;inf&amp;gt;1&amp;lt;/inf&amp;gt;, s&amp;lt;inf&amp;gt;2&amp;lt;/inf&amp;gt;) complex biplane 1986 E.I. Jury
T. Ruridant
+ Model reduction of two-dimensional discrete systems 1986 E.I. Jury
Kamal Premaratne
+ A note on sufficient conditions for positivity in x ε [− 1, 1] 1985 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Stability independent and dependent of delay for delay differential systems 1984 D. Hertz
E.I. Jury
E. Zeheb
+ Criteria for the absence of limit cycles in two-dimensional discrete systems 1984 P. Agathoklis
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ An algebraic algorithm for determining the desired gain of multivariable feedback systems 1983 E.I. Jury
E. Zeheb
+ Biological optimality: Comparison of generalized feasibility and optimality conditions for linear, error-minimizing systems 1982 V. V. Krishnan
E.I. Jury
Laura Stark
+ Comments on ‘ The Routh-Horowitz method for stability determination of linear differential-difference systems ’ 1982 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Comments on the stability criterion of Lienard and Chipart 1982 E.I. Jury
+ A note on the evaluation of complex integrals using filtering interpretations 1982 J. Dugre
E.I. Jury
+ Stability conditions for a class of delay differential systems 1982 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ A set of necessary and sufficient stability conditions for low order two-dimensional polynomials 1982 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ A general theory for matrix root-clustering in subregions of the complex plane 1981 S. Gutman
E.I. Jury
+ Limit Cycle Studies in Two- and Higher Order Dimensional Discrete Systems 1981 P. Agathoklis
M. Mansour
E.I. Jury
+ A note on the reduced Schur-Cohn criterion 1981 E.I. Jury
Brian D. O. Anderson
+ Positivity and nonnegativity conditions of a quartic equation and related problems 1981 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Real polynomials: A test for non-global non-negativity and non-global positivity 1980 Theodore A. Bickart
E.I. Jury
+ A note on the 2-D partial fraction expansion 1980 P. Agathoklis
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Estimation of the margin of stability for linear continuous and discrete systems 1979 M. Mansour
E.I. Jury
L.F. Chaparro
+ Remarks on redundance in stability criteria and a counterexample to Fuller's conjecture 1979 Ari Arapostathis
E.I. Jury
+ Remark on an equivalent relation in least square approximation 1979 E.I. Jury
L.F. Chaparro
+ Inners and Schur complement 1978 Stephen M. Barnett
E.I. Jury
+ Real polynomials: Nonnegativity and positivity 1978 Theodore A. Bickart
E.I. Jury
+ Arithmetic tests forA-stability,A[α]-stability, and stiff-stability 1978 Theodore A. Bickart
E.I. Jury
+ The Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation and Polynomial Root Clustering 1 1978 Theodore A. Bickart
E.I. Jury
+ Regions of polynomial root clustering 1977 Theodore A. Bickart
E.I. Jury
+ Some new results on discrete system stability 1977 J. Szczupak
S.K. Mitra
E.I. Jury
+ Stabilization of certain two-dimensional recursive digital filters 1977 E.I. Jury
V.R. Kolavennu
Brian D. O. Anderson
+ A “Simplest Possible” Property of the Generalized Routh–Hurwitz Conditions 1977 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ Stability tests for one- two- and multidimensional linear systems 1977 E.I. Jury
+ Proof of a special case of Shanks' conjecture 1976 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ Inverse Liénard-Chipart problem 1976 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ On the Time-Weighted Quadratic Sum of Linear Discrete Systems 1975 E.I. Jury
S. Gutman
+ On the stability of the&lt;tex&gt;A&lt;/tex&gt;matrix inside the unit circle 1975 E.I. Jury
S. Gutman
+ On eigenvalues of complex matrices in a sector 1975 Brian D. O. Anderson
N.K. Bose
E.I. Jury
+ Comments on "On the Routh-Hurwitz criterion" 1975 E.I. Jury
+ Relations between real and complex polynomials for stability and aperiodicity conditions 1975 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
F. Chaparro
+ Relations between real and complex polynomials for stability and aperiodicity conditions 1974 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
F. C. Chaporra
+ A simple test for zeros of a complex polynomial in a sector 1974 Brian D. O. Anderson
N.K. Bose
E.I. Jury
+ Remarks on "The mechanics of bilinear transformation" 1973 E.I. Jury
+ Stability test for two-dimensional recursive filters 1973 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ A simplified Schur-Cohn test 1973 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ The inner formulation for the total square integral (SUM) 1973 E.I. Jury
S. Gutman
+ Symmetric and innerwise matrices for the root-clustering and root-distribution of a polynomial 1972 E.I. Jury
Seoiyoung Ahn
+ On Popov criteria for SPFM systems 1972 E. Kan
E.I. Jury
+ Interchangeability of “Inners” and “Minors” 1971 E.I. Jury
Seoiyoung Ahn
+ On the Inners Formulation of stability condition within the shifted unit circle/ Die Formulierung der Stabilitätsbedingung für den verschobenen Einheitskreis mittels der inneren Determinanten 1971 E.I. Jury
+ Adaptive algorithm for identification problem 1970 Kunjal Oza
E.I. Jury
+ A numerical method for the evaluation of complex integrals 1970 Kalle Åström
E.I. Jury
R. G. Agniel
+ Further note on the Hermite-Fujiwara theorem 1970 E.I. Jury
+ A note on Aizerman's conjecture 1965 A.G. Dewey
E.I. Jury
+ Correction to "A note on the evaluation of the total square integral" 1965 E.I. Jury
+ The number of roots of a real polynomial inside (or outside) the unit circle using the determinant method 1965 E.I. Jury
+ Remarks on the finite and infinite sums of the form ΣP(x)/K<sup>x</sup> 1965 E.I. Jury
+ A note on the evaluation of the total square integral 1965 E.I. Jury
+ A Note on the Reciprocal Zeros of a Real Polynomial with Respect to the Unit Circle 1964 E.I. Jury
+ On the roots of a real polynomial inside the unit circle and a stability criterion for linear discrete systems 1963 E.I. Jury
+ A Simplified Stability Criterion for Linear Discrete Systems 1962 E.I. Jury
+ Convolution&amp;lt;tex&amp;gt;z&amp;lt;/tex&amp;gt;-transform method applied to certain nonlinear discrete systems 1962 E.I. Jury
M.A. Pai
Jeffrey D. Blanchard
+ A Note on the Inverse z Transformation 1961 E.I. Jury
C. Galtieri
+ On the summation of and its associated integrals 1961 E.I. Jury
M.A. Pai
+ A note on the operational solution of linear difference equations 1958 E.I. Jury
F. J. Mullin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat �ber die Anzahl der Wurzeln einer algebraischen Gleichung in einem Kreise 1922 Amélia Cohn
+ A simplified Schur-Cohn test 1973 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ Sur le signe de la partie réelle des racines d'une équation algébrique 1914 Liénard
+ A Simplified Stability Criterion for Linear Discrete Systems 1962 E.I. Jury
+ �ber die algebraischen Gleichungen, deren Wurzeln in einem Kreise oder in einer Halbebene liegen 1926 Matsusabur� Fujiwara
+ On the relationship between zero criteria for two-variable polynomials and asymptotic stability of delay differential equations 1980 Edward W. Kamen
+ PDF Chat A Stability Criterion for Numerical Integration 1959 Herbert S. Wilf
+ A simple test for zeros of a complex polynomial in a sector 1974 Brian D. O. Anderson
N.K. Bose
E.I. Jury
+ A note on the evaluation of the total square integral 1965 E.I. Jury
+ A note on the eigenvalues of a real matrix 1970 E.J. Davison
Nikhilesh Tumuluru Ramesh
+ Complete root distribution with respect to parabolas and some results with respect to hyperbolas and sectors 1982 E. Zeheb
D. Hertz
+ Geometry of Polynomials 1949 Morris Marden
+ Some discrete-time counterparts to Kharitonov's stability criterion for uncertain systems 1986 C.V. Hollot
Andrew Bartlett
+ Invariance of the strict Hurwitz property for polynomials with perturbed coefficients 1984 B. Ross Barmish
+ Stability of polynomials under coefficient perturbation 1985 Stanisław Białas
Jürgen Garloff
+ New techniques and results in multidimensional problems 1976 N.K. Bose
+ On test for zero-sets of multivariate polynomials in noncompact polydomains 1981 John Guiver
N.K. Bose
+ General procedure for multivariable polynomial positivity test with control applications 1976 N.K. Bose
A.R. Modarressi
+ The Routh-Hurwitz method for stability determination of linear differential-difference systems† 1981 Arild Thowsen
+ Derivation of new and existing discrete-time Kharitonov theorems based on discrete-time reactances 1990 P. P. Vaidyanathan
+ Counterexample in the least-squares inverse stabilisation of 2D recursive filters 1975 Y. Genin
Y. Kamp
+ A stability theorem for discrete systems 1976 Hans Wilhelm Schüßler
+ On two coupled matrix algorithms for the evaluation of the rms error criterion of linear systems 1966 A.J. Mac Millan
F.H. Effertz
J.S. Pazdera
+ The Mechanics of the Bilinear Transformation 1967 H.M. Power
+ An analytic stability test for a class of time-delay systems 1981 Arild Thowsen
+ Conditions for the absence of limit cycles 1976 Peter Cook
+ A note on the reduced Schur-Cohn criterion 1981 E.I. Jury
Brian D. O. Anderson
+ Discrete multivariable system approximations by minimal Pade-type stable models 1984 Y. Bistritz
U. Shaked
+ Extrait d'une lettre de Mr. Ch. Hermite de Paris à Mr. Borchardt de Berlin sur le nombre des racines d'une équation algébrique comprises entre des limites données. 1856 Ch. Hermite
+ Kharitonov-like results in the space of Markov parameters 1989 C.V. Hollot
+ Stability of two-dimensional recursive filters 1972 Thomas S. Huang
+ Remarks on "The mechanics of bilinear transformation" 1973 E.I. Jury
+ On the stability of the&lt;tex&gt;A&lt;/tex&gt;matrix inside the unit circle 1975 E.I. Jury
S. Gutman
+ Inners and Schur complement 1978 Stephen M. Barnett
E.I. Jury
+ On the robustness of low-order Schur polynomials 1988 F.J. Kraus
Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Proof of a special case of Shanks' conjecture 1976 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
+ Positivity and nonnegativity conditions of a quartic equation and related problems 1981 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Matrices with positive principal minors 1977 P. Moylan
+ Bezoutiants, Elimination and Localization 1970 A. S. Householder
+ On robust Hurwitz polynomials 1987 Brian D. O. Anderson
E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ A general theory for matrix root-clustering in subregions of the complex plane 1981 S. Gutman
E.I. Jury
+ Interchangeability of “Inners” and “Minors” 1971 E.I. Jury
Seoiyoung Ahn
+ Symmetric and innerwise matrices for the root-clustering and root-distribution of a polynomial 1972 E.I. Jury
Seoiyoung Ahn
+ Stability independent and dependent of delay for delay differential systems 1984 D. Hertz
E.I. Jury
E. Zeheb
+ Stability conditions for a class of delay differential systems 1982 E.I. Jury
M. Mansour
+ Regions of polynomial root clustering 1977 Theodore A. Bickart
E.I. Jury
+ 2-D filter stability tests using polynomial array for F(z/sub 1/,z/sub 2/) on mod z/sub 1/ mod =1 1991 Xingyu Hu
+ Model reduction of two-dimensional discrete systems 1986 E.I. Jury
Kamal Premaratne
+ Note on the Hermite-Fujiwara theorem 1970 H.M. Power