Jacob Shapiro


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Resolvent bounds for repulsive potentials 2025 Andrés Larraín-Hubach
Yulong Li
Jacob Shapiro
Joseph Tiller
+ Semiclassical estimates for measure potentials on the real line 2024 Andrés Larraín-Hubach
Jacob Shapiro
+ Semiclassical resolvent bounds for short range L ∞ potentials with singularities at the origin 2023 Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Exponential time‐decay for a one‐dimensional wave equation with coefficients of bounded variation 2023 Kiril Datchev
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent bounds for compactly supported radial potentials 2022 Kiril Datchev
Jeffrey Galkowski
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent bounds for weakly decaying potentials 2022 Jeffrey Galkowski
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Resolvent Bounds for Long-Range Lipschitz Potentials 2021 Jeffrey Galkowski
Jacob Shapiro
+ On the interaction of metric trapping and a boundary 2021 Kiril Datchev
Jason Metcalfe
Jacob Shapiro
Mihai Tohaneanu
+ Semiclassical resolvent bounds for long range Lipschitz potentials 2020 Jeffrey Galkowski
Jacob Shapiro
+ On the interaction of metric trapping and a boundary 2020 Kiril Datchev
Jason Metcalfe
Jacob Shapiro
Mihai Tohaneanu
+ Semiclassical resolvent bound for compactly supporte $L^\infty$ potentials 2020 Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Estimates for Scattering on the Real Line 2019 Kiril Datchev
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent bounds in dimension two 2018 Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Local energy decay for Lipschitz wavespeeds 2018 Jacob Shapiro
+ Semiclassical resolvent bound for compactly supported $L^\infty$ potentials 2018 Jacob Shapiro
+ Semiclassical Resolvent Estimates and Wave Decay in Low Regularity 2018 Jacob Shapiro
+ Local energy decay for Lipschitz wavespeeds. 2017 Jacob Shapiro
+ Semiclassical resolvent bounds in dimension two 2016 Jacob Shapiro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Décroissance de l'énergie locale de l'équation des ondes pour le problÚme extérieur et absence de résonance au voisinage du réel 1998 Nicolas Burq
+ Semi‐classical resolvent estimates and regions free of resonances 2013 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Limiting Absorption Principle in the Semiclassical Limit 2014 Kiril Datchev
+ Lower bounds for shape resonances widths of long range Schrödinger operators 2002 Nicolas Burq
+ PDF Chat Uniform Estimates of the Resolvent of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator on Infinite Volume Riemannian Manifolds. II 2002 F. F. Cardoso
Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Resonances and lower resolvent bounds 2015 Kiril Datchev
Semyon Dyatlov
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent bounds in dimension two 2018 Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Iterative reconstruction of the wave speed for the wave equation with bounded frequency boundary data 2016 Kiril Datchev
Maarten V. de Hoop
+ Semiclassical resolvent estimates for short-range L∞ potentials 2019 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Estimates for Scattering on the Real Line 2019 Kiril Datchev
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Effective Limiting Absorption Principles, and Applications 2014 Igor Rodnianski
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Local energy decay for Lipschitz wavespeeds 2018 Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Low Frequency Estimates and Local Energy Decay for Asymptotically Euclidean Laplacians 2011 Jean‐Marc Bouclet
+ Semiclassical Resolvent Estimates for $$L^\infty $$ Potentials on Riemannian Manifolds 2019 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Resolvent estimates for spacetimes bounded by Killing horizons 2018 Oran Gannot
+ Semiclassical resolvent estimates for short-range L ∞ potentials. II 2019 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Exponential lower resolvent bounds far away from trapped sets 2020 Kiril Datchev
Long Jin
+ Semiclassical resolvent bound for compactly supporte $L^\infty$ potentials 2020 Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Local Energy Decay for Scalar Waves on a General Class of Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes 2016 Georgios Moschidis
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent estimates for Hölder potentials 2020 Georgi Vodev
+ Carleman estimates and distribution of resonances for the transparent obstacle and application to the stabilization 2003 Mourad Bellassoued
+ PDF Chat High Frequency Resolvent Estimates and Energy Decay of Solutions to the Wave Equation 2004 F. F. Cardoso
Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Quasimodes and a lower bound on the uniform energy decay rate for Kerr–AdS spacetimes 2014 Gustav Holzegel
Jacques Smulevici
+ PDF Chat Exponential bounds of the resolvent for a class of noncompactly supported perturbations of the Laplacian 2000 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat A sharp lower bound for a resonance-counting function in even dimensions 2017 T. J. Christiansen
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Resolvent Bounds for Long-Range Lipschitz Potentials 2021 Jeffrey Galkowski
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Strichartz estimates and local smoothing estimates for asymptotically flat Schrödinger equations 2008 Jeremy L. Marzuola
Jason Metcalfe
Daniel Tataru
+ Semi-classical resolvent estimates for short-range l $\infty$ potentials. II 2019 Georgi Vodev
+ Partial Differential Equations 2010 Lawrence Evans
+ PDF Chat Local smoothing for the Schrödinger equation with a prescribed loss 2013 Hans Christianson
Jared Wunsch
+ PDF Chat Complex scaling and the distribution of scattering poles 1991 Johannes Sjöstrand
Maciej Zworski
+ Feynman Integrals and the Schrödinger Equation 1964 Edward Nelson
+ Long-Time Existence of Quasilinear Wave Equations Exterior to Star-Shaped Obstacles via Energy Methods 2006 Jason Metcalfe
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Distribution of the resonances and local energy decay in the transmission problem 1999 Georgi Popov
Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Decay of solutions of the wave equation in the exterior of several convex bodies 1988 Mitsuru Ikawa
+ Time decay for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation 1968 Cathleen S. Morawetz
+ Exponential decay of solutions of the wave equation 1966 Cathleen S. Morawetz
+ PDF Chat Strichartz Estimates on Schwarzschild Black Hole Backgrounds 2009 Jeremy L. Marzuola
Jason Metcalfe
Daniel Tataru
Mihai Tohaneanu
+ Trapped rays in spherically symmetric media and poles of the scattering matrix 1971 James Ralston
+ Semi-classical estimates for resolvents and asymptotics for total scattering cross-sections 1987 Didier Robert
Hideo Tamura
+ PDF Chat Slowly decaying waves on spherically symmetric spacetimes and ultracompact neutron stars 2016 Joseph Keir
+ PDF Chat Strichartz estimates for long range perturbations 2007 Jean‐Marc Bouclet
Nikolay Tzvetkov
+ PDF Chat Localized energy for wave equations with degenerate trapping 2019 R Booth
Hans Christianson
Jason Metcalfe
Jacob Perry
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent bounds for weakly decaying potentials 2022 Jeffrey Galkowski
Jacob Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Local energy decay for scalar fields on time dependent non-trapping backgrounds 2020 Jason Metcalfe
Jacob Sterbenz
Daniel Tataru
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical resolvent estimates for bounded potentials 2018 Frédéric Klopp
Martin Vogel
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of the energy of Gaussian beams on Lorentzian manifolds: with applications to black hole spacetimes 2015 Jan Sbierski
+ PDF Chat Improved resolvent bounds for radial potentials 2021 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Improved resolvent bounds for radial potentials. II 2022 Georgi Vodev
+ PDF Chat Mathematical study of scattering resonances 2017 Maciej Zworski