Scott Ahlgren


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Shimura lift and congruences for modular forms with the eta multiplier 2024 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
Robert Dicks
+ PDF Chat Scarcity of congruences for the partition function 2023 Scott Ahlgren
Olivia Beckwith
Martin Raum
+ The Shimura lift and congruences for modular forms with the eta multiplier 2023 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
Robert Dicks
+ PDF Chat Congruences like Atkin’s for the partition function 2022 Scott Ahlgren
Patrick B. Allen
Shiang Tang
+ Congruences like Atkin's for the partition function 2021 Scott Ahlgren
Patrick B. Allen
Shiang Tang
+ Scarcity of congruences for the partition function 2020 Scott Ahlgren
Olivia Beckwith
Martin Raum
+ PDF Chat Dissections of Strange q-Series 2019 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ PDF Chat Dissections of Strange q-Series 2019 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ PDF Chat Maass forms and the mock theta function f(q) 2019 Scott Ahlgren
Alexander R. Dunn
+ PDF Chat A polyharmonic Maass form of depth 3/2 for<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">SL</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2018 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
Detchat Samart
+ Maass forms and the mock theta function $f(q)$ 2018 Scott Ahlgren
Alexander R. Dunn
+ Dissections of strange $q$-series 2018 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ Maass forms and the mock theta function $f(q)$ 2018 Scott Ahlgren
Alexander R. Dunn
+ Congruences for a mock modular form on <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">SL</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> and the smallest parts function 2017 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ A polyharmonic Maass form of depth 3/2 for SL_2(Z) 2017 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
Detchat Samart
+ Corrigendum to “Algebraic and transcendental formulas for the smallest parts function” [Adv. Math. 289 (2016) 411–437] 2017 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Congruences for a mock modular form on $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ and the smallest parts function 2017 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ A polyharmonic Maass form of depth 3/2 for SL_2(Z) 2017 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
Detchat Samart
+ PDF Chat Kloosterman Sums and Maass Cusp Forms of Half Integral Weight for the Modular Group 2016 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ A note on cusp forms as p-adic limits 2016 Scott Ahlgren
Detchat Samart
+ A note on cusp forms as $p$-adic limits 2016 Scott Ahlgren
Detchat Samart
+ A note on cusp forms as $p$-adic limits 2016 Scott Ahlgren
Detchat Samart
+ Algebraic and transcendental formulas for the smallest parts function 2015 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Kloosterman sums and Maass cusp forms of half integral weight for the modular group 2015 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ PDF Chat Weak harmonic Maass forms of weight 5/2 and a mock modular form for the partition function 2015 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ PDF Chat Dissections of a "strange" function 2015 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ Algebraic and transcendental formulas for the smallest parts function 2015 Scott Ahlgren
+ Kloosterman sums and Maass cusp forms of half integral weight for the modular group 2015 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ PDF Chat Mock theta functions and weakly holomorphic modular forms modulo 2 and 3 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ PDF Chat Euler-like recurrences for smallest parts functions 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Euler-like recurrences for smallest parts functions 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ PDF Chat Hecke grids and congruences for weakly holomorphic modular forms 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Dissections of a "strange" function 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ Euler-like recurrences for smallest parts functions 2014 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Weak harmonic Maass forms of weight 5/2 and a mock modular form for the partition function 2013 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Weak harmonic Maass forms of weight 5/2 and a mock modular form for the partition function 2013 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Hecke grids and congruences for weakly holomorphic modular forms 2013 Scott Ahlgren
Nickolas Andersen
+ Mock modular grids and Hecke relations for mock modular forms 2012 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ Topics in Number Theory: In Honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla 2011 Scott Ahlgren
George E. Andrews
Ken Ono
+ Hecke relations for traces of singular moduli 2011 Scott Ahlgren
+ ℓ-adic properties of smallest parts functions 2011 Scott Ahlgren
Kathrin Bringmann
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ PDF Chat Congruences for newforms and the index of the Hecke algebra 2010 Scott Ahlgren
Jeremy Rouse
+ $\ell$-adic properties of smallest parts functions 2010 Scott Ahlgren
Kathrin Bringmann
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ $\ell$-adic properties of smallest parts functions 2010 Scott Ahlgren
Kathrin Bringmann
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ Critical L-values of Level p Newforms (mod p) 2009 Scott Ahlgren
Jeremy Rouse
+ PDF Chat Congruences for level four cusp forms 2009 Scott Ahlgren
Dohoon Choi
Jeremy Rouse
+ Vanishing of modular forms at infinity 2008 Scott Ahlgren
Nadia Rose Masri
Jeremy Rouse
+ PDF Chat On the irreducibility of Hecke polynomials 2008 Scott Ahlgren
+ PDF Chat Odd coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular forms 2008 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ PDF Chat Rank generating functions as weakly holomorphic modular forms 2008 Scott Ahlgren
Stephanie Treneer
+ PDF Chat Central critical values of modular L -functions and coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms modulo ℓ 2007 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ Congruences for modular forms of weights two and four 2007 Scott Ahlgren
Mugurel Barcau
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic of singular moduli and class polynomials 2005 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ Addendum: Coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms modulo l^j: Coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms modulo l^j 2005 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ Addendum: Coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms modulo ?j 2004 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ Coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms modulo ?j 2004 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ The Arithmetic of Weierstrass Points on Modular Curves X 0 (p) 2004 Scott Ahlgren
+ Arithmetic properties of the partition function 2003 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ Weierstrass points on X 0 (p) and supersingular j-invariants 2003 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ PDF Chat The theta-operator and the divisors of modular forms on genus zero subgroups 2003 Scott Ahlgren
+ PDF Chat A congruence for the coefficients in a series for π 2003 Scott Ahlgren
+ PDF Chat Higher Weierstrass points on $X_{0}(p)$ 2002 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew A. Papanikolas
+ Zeta functions of an infinite family of K 3 surfaces 2002 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
David Penniston
+ None 2002 Scott Ahlgren
Bruce C. Berndt
Ae Ja Yee
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ The Points of a Certain Fivefold over Finite Fields and the Twelfth Power of the Eta Function 2002 Scott Ahlgren
+ The arithmetic of partitions into distinct parts 2001 Scott Ahlgren
Jeremy Lovejoy
+ Congruence properties for the partition function 2001 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ Multiplicative Relations in Powers of Euler's Product 2001 Scott Ahlgren
+ Gaussian Hypergeometric Series and Combinatorial Congruences 2001 Scott Ahlgren
+ Addition and counting: the arithmetic of partitions 2001 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ Congruences and conjectures for the partition function 2001 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ Distribution of the partition function modulo composite integers M 2000 Scott Ahlgren
+ Modularity of a Certain Calabi-Yau Threefold 2000 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ A Gaussian hypergeometric series evaluation and Apéry number congruences 2000 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ The sixth, eighth, ninth, and tenth powers of Ramanujan’s theta function 1999 Scott Ahlgren
+ Non‐vanishing of the partition function modulo odd primes <i>l</i> 1999 Scott Ahlgren
+ Distribution of parity of the partition function in arithmetic progressions 1999 Scott Ahlgren
+ Topics in Number Theory 1999 Scott Ahlgren
George E. Andrews
Ken Ono
+ PDF Chat The set of solutions of a polynomial-exponential equation 1999 Scott Ahlgren
+ PDF Chat A Binomial Coefficient Identity Associated to a Conjecture of Beukers 1998 Scott Ahlgren
Shalosh B. Ekhad
Ken Ono
Doron Zeilberger
+ A binomial coefficient identity associated to a conjecture of Beukers 1998 Scott Ahlgren
Shalosh B. Ekhad
Ken Ono
Doron Zeilberger
+ An Amusing Representation of x sinx 1997 Scott Ahlgren
L. Q. English
Ron Winters
+ Polynomial–Exponential Equations in Two Variables 1997 Scott Ahlgren
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Modular Forms of Half Integral Weight 1973 Goro Shimura
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms 1993 Neal Koblitz
+ Hecke operators on ?0(m) 1970 A. O. L. Atkin
Joseph Lehner
+ The number of smallest parts in the partitions of n 2008 George E. Andrews
+ On ℓ-adic representations and congruences for coefficients of modular forms (II) 1977 H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ PDF Chat Congruences for Andrews’ spt-function modulo powers of $5$, $7$ and $13$ 2012 Frank G. Garvan
+ PDF Chat On the explicit construction of higher deformations of partition statistics 2008 Kathrin Bringmann
+ PDF Chat Distribution of the Partition Function Modulo m 2000 Ken Ono
+ PDF Chat On the series for the partition function 1938 D. H. Lehmer
+ Congruence properties for the partition function 2001 Scott Ahlgren
Ken Ono
+ PDF Chat Unearthing the Visions of a Master: Harmonic Maass Forms and Number Theory 2008 Ken Ono
+ On the congruence of modular forms 1987 Jacob Sturm
+ On two geometric theta lifts 2004 Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Jens Funke
+ PDF Chat The <i>spt</i> -function of Andrews 2008 Amanda Folsom
Ken Ono
+ Distribution of the partition function modulo composite integers M 2000 Scott Ahlgren
+ PDF Chat The Selberg Trace Formula for PSL(2,ℝ) 1983 Dennis A. Hejhal
+ Arithmetic properties of the partition function 2003 Scott Ahlgren
Matthew Boylan
+ Modular functions in analytic number theory 1970 Marvin I. Knopp
+ Mock modular grids and Hecke relations for mock modular forms 2012 Scott Ahlgren
Byungchan Kim
+ Multiplicative Congruence Properties and Density Problems for <i>p(n)</i> 1968 A. O. L. Atkin
+ On the Partition Function <i>p</i> (<i>n</i> ) 1938 Hans Rademacher
+ The f(q) mock theta function conjecture and partition ranks 2006 Kathrin Bringmann
Ken Ono
+ Traces of singular moduli 2002 Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms 1984 Neal Koblitz
+ PDF Chat The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms 2003 Jan Hendrik Bruinier
Ken Ono
+ On the Expansion of the Partition Function in a Series 1943 Hans Rademacher
+ Formes modulaires et fonctions zĂȘta p-adiques 2009 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat A sum connected with the series for the partition function 1956 Albert Leon Whiteman
+ Functoriality for the exterior square of đș𝐿₄ and the symmetric fourth of đș𝐿₂ 2002 Henry Kim
+ The Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and 𝑞-series 2003 Ken Ono
+ Weierstrass Points at Cusps of Γ 0 (n) 1967 A. O. L. Atkin
+ Singular invariants and coefficients of weak harmonic Maass forms of weight 5/2 2014 Nickolas Andersen
+ Equidistribution of Heegner points and the partition function 2010 Amanda Folsom
Riad Masri
+ Weierstrass Points of Γ 0 (n) 1964 Joseph Lehner
M. F. Newman
+ A generalized Kohnen-Zagier formula for Maass forms 2010 Ehud Moshe Baruch
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat Real Quadratic Analogs of Traces of Singular Moduli 2010 William Duke
Özlem Imamoğlu
Árpåd Tóth
+ Sur les coefficients de Fourier des formes modulaires de poids demi-entier 1981 J. L. Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat On the Weierstrass points of $X_{0}(N)$ 1978 A. P. Ogg
+ PDF Chat Rank and crank moments for overpartitions 2009 Kathrin Bringmann
Jeremy Lovejoy
Robert Osburn
+ On the Theorems of Watson and Dragonette for Ramanujan's Mock Theta Functions 1966 George E. Andrews
+ PDF Chat Dyson’s crank of a partition 1988 George E. Andrews
Frank G. Garvan
+ Hyperbolic distribution problems and half-integral weight Maass forms 1988 William Duke
+ Congruences for the Andrews <i>spt</i> function 2010 Ken Ono
+ PDF Chat Modular forms of half integral weight and the integral of certain theta-functions 1975 Shinji Niwa
+ Nonvanishing modulo ℓ of Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight modular forms 1999 Jan Hendrik Bruinier
+ Sums of Hecke Eigenvalues over Values of Quadratic Polynomials 2008 Valentin Blomer
+ Values ofL-series of modular forms at the center of the critical strip 1981 Winfried Kohnen
Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Congruence properties of partitions 1921 S. Ramanujan