Enzo Scossa-Romano


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Alessio Zaccone 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Nonaffine Deformation of Inherent Structure as a Static Signature of Cooperativity in Supercooled Liquids 2008 Emanuela Del Gado
Patrick Ilg
Martin Kröger
Hans Christian Öttinger
+ PDF Chat Why Effective Medium Theory Fails in Granular Materials 1999 HernĂĄn A. Makse
N. Gland
David Linton Johnson
Lawrence M. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies: A finite-size study of low-frequency harmonic vibrations 2002 Anne Tanguy
J. P. Wittmer
Fabien Léonforté
Jean‐Louis Barrat
+ PDF Chat Stiff Polymers, Foams, and Fiber Networks 2006 Claus Heussinger
Erwin Frey
+ PDF Chat Energy Transport in Jammed Sphere Packings 2009 Ning Xu
Vincenzo Vitelli
Matthieu Wyart
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Nonaffine correlations in random elastic media 2005 B. A. DiDonna
T. C. Lubensky
+ PDF Chat Anharmonic and quasi-localized vibrations in jammed solids—Modes for mechanical failure 2010 Ning Xu
Vincenzo Vitelli
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Sum Rules for the Quasi-Static and Visco-Elastic Response of Disordered Solids at Zero Temperature 2006 AnaĂ«l Lemaı̂tre
Craig Maloney
+ PDF Chat Jamming at zero temperature and zero applied stress: The epitome of disorder 2003 Corey S. O’Hern
Leonardo E. Silbert
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Granular packings: Nonlinear elasticity, sound propagation, and collective relaxation dynamics 2004 HernĂĄn A. Makse
N. Gland
David Linton Johnson
L. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Randomly crosslinked macromolecular systems: Vulcanization transition to and properties of the amorphous solid state 1996 Paul M. Goldbart
Horacio E. Castillo
Alfred Zippelius
+ PDF Chat Heat transport in model jammed solids 2010 Vincenzo Vitelli
Ning Xu
Matthieu Wyart
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Critical Scaling in Linear Response of Frictionless Granular Packings near Jamming 2006 Wouter G. Ellenbroek
EllĂĄk Somfai
Martin van Hecke
Wim van Saarloos
+ PDF Chat Irreversible reorganization in a supercooled liquid originates from localized soft modes 2008 Asaph Widmer‐Cooper
Heidi Perry
Peter Harrowell
David R. Reichman
+ PDF Chat Anharmonicity and quasi-localization of the excess low-frequency vibrations in jammed solids 2009 Ning Xu
Vincenzo Vitelli
Andrea J. Liu
Sidney R. Nagel
+ PDF Chat Non-affine response: Jammed packings vs. spring networks 2009 Wouter G. Ellenbroek
Zorana Zeravcic
Wim van Saarloos
Martin van Hecke
+ PDF Chat Jamming of soft particles: geometry, mechanics, scaling and isostaticity 2009 Martin van Hecke