François Bienvenu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Mathematically tractable models of random phylogenetic networks: an overview of some recent developments 2024 François Bienvenu
+ PDF Chat The $B_2$ index of galled trees 2024 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Michael Fuchs
Tsan‐Cheng Yu
+ PDF Chat 0–1 Laws for Pattern Occurrences in Phylogenetic Trees and Networks 2024 François Bienvenu
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat 0-1 laws for pattern occurrences in phylogenetic trees and networks 2024 François Bienvenu
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat A branching process with coalescence to model random phylogenetic networks 2024 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
+ PDF Chat Cultural transmission of reproductive success impacts genomic diversity, coalescent tree topologies, and demographic inferences 2023 Jérémy Guez
Guillaume Achaz
François Bienvenu
Jean Cury
Bruno Toupance
Évelyne Heyer
Flora Jay
Frédéric Austerlitz
+ A branching process with coalescence to model random phylogenetic networks 2022 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Shao and Sokal’s B2 index of phylogenetic balance 2021 François Bienvenu
Gabriel Cardona
Céline Scornavacca
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree‐child networks 2021 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2021 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat Revisiting Shao and Sokal's B2 index of phylogenetic balance 2021 François Bienvenu
Gabriel Cardona
Céline Scornavacca
+ Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree-child networks. 2020 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree-child networks 2020 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ Positive association of the oriented percolation cluster in randomly oriented graphs 2019 François Bienvenu
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2019 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2019 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2019 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2019 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ PDF Chat The Moran forest 2019 François Bienvenu
Jean‐Jil Duchamps
Félix Foutel‐Rodier
+ The split-and-drift random graph, a null model for speciation 2018 François Bienvenu
Florence Débarre
Amaury Lambert
+ PDF Chat A New Approach to the Generation Time in Matrix Population Models 2015 François Bienvenu
Stéphane Legendre
+ PDF Chat A General Formula for the Generation Time 2013 François Bienvenu
Lloyd Demetrius
Stéphane Legendre
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Probabilistic models for the (sub)tree(s) of life 2017 Amaury Lambert
+ PDF Chat Fundamentals of Stein’s method 2011 Nathan Ross
+ PDF Chat Simply generated trees, conditioned Galton–Watson trees, random allocations and condensation 2012 Svante Janson
+ On the linegraph of a directed graph 1967 Martin Aigner
+ Bijections for ranked tree-child networks 2022 Alessandra Caraceni
Michael Fuchs
Guan-Ru Yu
+ PDF Chat Generation of Binary Tree-Child phylogenetic networks 2019 Gabriel Cardona
Joan Carles Pons
Céline Scornavacca
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial and stochastic properties of ranked tree‐child networks 2021 François Bienvenu
Amaury Lambert
Mike Steel
+ PDF Chat A branching process approach to level‐<i>k</i> phylogenetic networks 2021 Benedikt Stufler
+ PDF Chat Counting Phylogenetic Networks 2015 Colin McDiarmid
Charles Semple
Dominic Welsh
+ PDF Chat A bound for the distribution of the sum of discrete associated or negatively associated random variables 2000 Michael V. Boutsikas
Markos V. Koutras
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ Why use population entropy? It determines the rate of convergence 1982 Shripad Tuljapurkar
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic growth of the number of tree-child networks 2020 Michael Fuchs
Guan-Ru Yu
Louxin Zhang
+ Wright–Fisher Revisited: The Case of Fertility Correlation 2002 Alexandre Sibert
Frédéric Austerlitz
Évelyne Heyer
+ PDF Chat Bijections for Cayley trees, spanning trees, and their q-analogues 1986 Ömer Eğecioǧlu
Jeffrey B. Remmel
+ Growing conditioned trees 1991 Brigitte Chauvin
Alain Rouault
Anton Wakolbinger
+ PDF Chat Percolation, First-Passage Percolation and Covering Times for Richardson's Model on the $n$-Cube 1993 James Allen Fill
Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat Invariance principles for Galton–Watson trees conditioned on the number of leaves 2012 Igor Kortchemski
+ Markov branching processes with interaction 2002 А. В. Калинкин
+ PDF Chat An inequality for the weights of two families of sets, their unions and intersections 1978 Rudolf Ahlswede
D. E. Daykin
+ PDF Chat Genealogies of rapidly adapting populations 2012 Richard A. Neher
Oskar Hallatschek
+ PDF Chat Exact formulas for the variance of several balance indices under the Yule model 2012 Gabriel Cardona
Arnau Mir
Francesc Rosselló
+ The contraction method for recursive algorithms 2001 U. Rösler
Ludger Rüschendorf
Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Eric Smith
Thomas B. Kepler
+ Une théorie combinatoire des séries formelles 1981 André Joyal
+ PDF Chat Conceptual Proofs of $L$ Log $L$ Criteria for Mean Behavior of Branching Processes 1995 Russell Lyons
Robin Pemantle
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Chat Duplication Models for Biological Networks 2003 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
T. Gregory Dewey
David J. Galas
+ Proofs from THE BOOK 1998 Martin Aigner
Gnter M. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat The classification of birth and death processes 1957 Samuel Karlin
James McGregor
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of Leaves in Rooted Subtrees of Recursive Trees 1991 Hosam M. Mahmoud
R. T. Smythe
+ Level number sequences for trees 1987 Philippe Flajolet
Helmut Prodinger
+ PDF Chat Modeling of Protein Interaction Networks 2002 Alexei Vázquez
Alessandro Flammini
Amos Maritan
Alessandro Vespignani
+ The total progeny in a branching process and a related random walk 1969 Meyer Dwass
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of supercritical general (C-M-J) branching processes 1981 Olle Nerman
+ PDF Chat Duplication-divergence model of protein interaction network 2005 Yaroslav Ispolatov
P. L. Krapivsky
Anton Yuryev
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Fringe Distributions for General Families of Random Trees 1991 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat The Continuum Random Tree. I 1991 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat A Geometric Approach to Tree Shape Statistics 2006 F. A. Matsen
+ PDF Chat Recurrence of Distributional Limits of Finite Planar Graphs 2001 Itaı Benjamini
Oded Schramm
+ PDF Chat A coalescent model for the effect of advantageous mutations on the genealogy of a population 2005 Rick Durrett
Jason Schweinsberg
+ PDF Chat Inferring the Joint Demographic History of Multiple Populations from Multidimensional SNP Frequency Data 2009 Ryan N. Gutenkunst
Ryan D. Hernandez
Scott Williamson
Carlos D. Bustamante
+ PDF Chat The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences 2007 N. J. A. Sloane
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Correlation inequalities on some partially ordered sets 1971 C.M. Fortuin
Piet Kasteleyn
J. Ginibre
+ PDF Chat Chu–Vandermonde convolution and harmonic number identities 2012 Chuanan Wei
Dianxuan Gong
Qin Wang
+ PDF Chat Genome-Wide Inference of Ancestral Recombination Graphs 2014 Matthew D. Rasmussen
Melissa J. Hubisz
Ilan Gronau
Adam Siepel
+ PDF Chat Speed of coming down from infinity for birth-and-death processes 2016 Vincent Bansaye
Sylvie Méléard
Mathieu Richard
+ Line-of-descent and genealogical processes, and their applications in population genetics models 1984 Simon Tavaré
+ PDF Chat Random trees and applications 2005 Jean-François Le Gall
+ Probability: Theory and Examples. 1992 Kathryn Prewitt
Richard Durrett