Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On 3-2-1 values of finite multiple harmonic $q$-series at roots of unity 2021 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ On $3-2-1$ values of finite multiple harmonic $q$-series at roots of unity 2021 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ On $3-2-1$ values of finite multiple harmonic $q$-series at roots of unity 2021 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ PDF Chat Generating functions for multiple zeta star values 2019 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Generating functions for multiple zeta star values 2018 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Generating functions for multiple zeta star values 2018 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Multiple zeta star values on 3-2-1 indices 2018 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Multiple harmonic sums and multiple harmonic star sums are (nearly) never integers 2017 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ Multiple harmonic sums and multiple harmonic star sums are (nearly) never integers 2016 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ Multiple harmonic sums and multiple harmonic star sums are (nearly) never integers 2016 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ Jacobi polynomials and congruences involving some higher-order Catalan numbers and binomial coefficients 2015 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Jacobi polynomials and congruences involving some higher-order Catalan numbers and binomial coefficients 2015 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ On $$q$$ q -analogues of two-one formulas for multiple harmonic sums and multiple zeta star values 2014 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Some $q$-congruences for homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous multiple $q$-harmonic sums 2014 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ Some $q$-congruences for homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous multiple $q$-harmonic sums 2014 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ On $q$-analogues of two-one formulas for multiple harmonic sums and multiple zeta star values 2013 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ On $q$-Analogs of Some Families of Multiple Harmonic Sum and Multiple Zeta Star Value Identities 2013 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Jianqiang Zhao
+ On $q$-analogues of two-one formulas for multiple harmonic sums and multiple zeta star values 2013 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ New properties of multiple harmonic sums modulo $p$ and $p$-analogues of Leshchiner's series 2012 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ New properties of multiple harmonic sums modulo $p$ and $p$-analogues of Leshchiner's series 2012 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ Congruences concerning Jacobi polynomials 2011 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Bivariate identities for values of the Hurwitz zeta function and supercongruences 2011 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ PDF Chat Рациональные приближения значений дигамма-функции и гипотеза о знаменателях 2011 Татьяна Г Хессами Пилеруд
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Ходабахш Хессами Пилеруд
Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
+ Bivariate identities for values of the Hurwitz zeta function and supercongruences 2011 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Rational approximations to values of Bell polynomials at points involving Euler's constant and zeta values 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ On a continued fraction expansion for Euler's constant 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Rational approximations for the quotient of gamma values 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ PDF Chat Series acceleration formulas for beta values 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Rational approximations for values of the digamma function and a denominators conjecture 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Vacca-Type Series for Values of the Generalized Euler Constant Function and its Derivative 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ On a continued fraction expansion for Euler's constant 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Rational approximations to values of Bell polynomials at points involving Euler's constant and zeta values 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Rational approximations for the quotient of gamma values 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ A $q$-analog of the Bailey-Borwein-Bradley identity 2009 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Vacca-type series for values of the generalized-Euler-constant function and its derivative 2008 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Generating Function Identities for ζ(2n+2), ζ(2n+3) via the WZ Method. 2008 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous generation for zeta values by the Markov-WZ method 2008 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ PDF Chat Об одной гипотезе Эрдеша 2008 Татьяна Г Хессами Пилеруд
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Ходабахш Хессами Пилеруд
Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
+ Vacca-type series for values of the generalized-Euler-constant function and its derivative 2008 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Arithmetical properties of some series with logarithmic coefficients 2006 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ PDF Chat Irrationality of certain numbers that contain values of the di- and trilogarithm 2006 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Wadim Zudilin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Some new identities for ζ(k) 1981 Dmitry Leshchiner
+ New properties of multiple harmonic sums modulo 𝑝 and 𝑝-analogues of Leshchiner’s series 2013 Kh. Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Roberto Tauraso
+ PDF Chat Hypergeometric Series Acceleration Via the WZ method 1996 Tewodros Amdeberhan
Doron Zeilberger
+ The Algebra of Multiple Harmonic Series 1997 Michael E. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Infinite families of accelerated series for some classical constants by the Markov-WZ Method 2005 Mohamud Mohammed
+ PDF Chat The Markov-WZ Method 2004 Mohamud Mohammed
Doron Zeilberger
+ PDF Chat Rational approximations for values of derivatives of the Gamma function 2009 Tanguy Rivoal
+ PDF Chat Multiple q-zeta functions and multiple q-polylogarithms 2007 Jianqiang Zhao
+ Borwein and Bradley's Apérv-Like Formulae for ζ(4n + 3) 1999 Gert Almkvist
Andrew Granville
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of the multiple zeta values zeta(2,...,2,3,2,...,2) 2012 Don Zagier
+ New Vacca-Type Rational Series for Euler’s Constant γ and Its “Alternating” Analog $$\ln \frac{4}{\pi }$$ 2010 Jonathan Sondow
+ PDF Chat Euler Sums and Contour Integral Representations 1998 Philippe Flajolet
Bruno Salvy
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous Generation of Koecher and Almkvist-Granville's Apéry-Like Formulae 2004 Tanguy Rivoal
+ On $q$-Analogs of Some Families of Multiple Harmonic Sum and Multiple Zeta Star Value Identities 2013 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
Jianqiang Zhao
+ The Special Functions and Their Approximations 1972 C. W. Clenshaw
Yudell L. Luke
+ Multiple q-zeta values 2004 David M. Bradley
+ Experimental Determination of Apéry-like Identities for ς(2n + 2) 2006 David H. Bailey
Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
+ PDF Chat Multiple harmonic series 1992 Michael E. Hoffman
+ Algebraic Aspects of Multiple Zeta Values 2008 Michael E. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Cyclic sum of multiple zeta values 2006 Yasuo Ohno
Noriko Wakabayashi
+ Criteria for irrationality of Euler’s constant 2003 Jonathan Sondow
+ An alternative proof of a theorem of Zagier 2016 Kh. Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Empirically Determined Apéry-Like Formulae for ζ(4n+3) 1997 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
+ On Congruences Involving Bernoulli Numbers and the Quotients of Fermat and Wilson 1938 Emma Lehmer
+ On certain properties of prime numbers 1851 Frederick Pollock
+ Special values of multiple polylogarithms 2000 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
D.J. Broadhurst
Petr Lisoněk
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous generation for zeta values by the Markov-WZ method 2008 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ PDF Chat Multiple orthogonal polynomials for classical weights 2003 Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev
Amílcar Branquinho
Walter Van Assche
+ Congruences concerning Bernoulli numbers and Bernoulli polynomials 2000 Zhi-Hong Sun
+ Sur la constante d'Euler et la fonction de Binet 1875 Eugène Catalan
+ PDF Chat Special values of finite multiple harmonic $q$-series at roots of unity 2020 Henrik Bachmann
Yoshihiro Takeyama
Koji Tasaka
+ PDF Chat The generalized-Euler-constant function <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>z</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> and a generalization of Somos's quadratic recurrence constant 2006 Jonathan Sondow
Petros Hadjicostas
+ Rational approximations for values of the digamma function and a denominators conjecture 2010 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Sums of digits and the Hurwitz zeta function 1990 Jean‐Paul Allouche
Jeffrey Shallit
+ A new proof of the irrationality of ζ(2) and ζ(3) using Padé approximants 1996 Marc Prévost
+ PDF Chat Cyclic q-MZSV sum 2011 Yasuo Ohno
Jun-ichi Okuda
Wadim Zudilin
+ A system of recurrence relations for rational approximations of the Euler constant 2009 D. N. Tulyakov
+ Generating Function Identities for ζ(2n+2), ζ(2n+3) via the WZ Method. 2008 Khodabakhsh Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood
+ Some q-series identities related to divisor functions 1995 Karl Dilcher
+ PDF Chat Summation of series defined by counting blocks of digits 2006 Jean‐Paul Allouche
Jeffrey Shallit
Jonathan Sondow
+ A Series Representation for Euler's Constant 1967 A. W. Addison
+ Values of Zeta Functions and Their Applications 1994 Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat QUASI-SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS AND MOD &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;p &lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt;MULTIPLE HARMONIC SUMS 2015 Michael E. Hoffman
+ Approximations rationnelles des valeurs de la fonction Gamma aux rationnels 2009 Tanguy Rivoal
+ A Proof that Euler Missed … 2000 Alfred van der Poorten
+ Identity Families of Multiple Harmonic Sums and Multiple Zeta (Star) Values 2013 Jianqiang Zhao
+ PDF Chat Multi-variable Zeilberger and Almkvist–Zeilberger algorithms and the sharpening of Wilf–Zeilberger theory 2006 Moa Apagodu
Doron Zeilberger
+ PDF Chat Multiple zeta star values on 3–2–1 indices 2022 Kh. Hessami Pilehrood
Tatiana Hessami Pilehrood