David J. Broadhurst


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ 3-loop tadpoles with substructure from 12 elliptic curves 2023 David J. Broadhurst
+ Richard Feynman's talent for finding things out 2023 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Resonant resurgent asymptotics from quantum field theory 2022 Michael Borinsky
D.J. Broadhurst
+ Large Tate--Shafarevich orders from good $abc$ triples 2021 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Empirical Determinations of Feynman Integrals Using Integer Relation Algorithms 2021 Kevin Acres
D.J. Broadhurst
Wadim Zudilin
+ Eta Quotients and Rademacher Sums 2019 Kevin Acres
D.J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat L-Series and Feynman Integrals 2019 D.J. Broadhurst
David P. Roberts
+ Eta Quotients and Rademacher Sums 2019 Kevin Acres
D.J. Broadhurst
+ Quadratic relations between Feynman integrals 2018 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Perturbative quantum field theory informs algebraic geometry 2016 D.J. Broadhurst
Anton Mellit
+ Massless scalar Feynman diagrams: five loops and beyond 2016 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Feynman integrals, L-series and Kloosterman moments 2016 D.J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Feynman integrals, L-series and Kloosterman moments 2016 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Massless scalar Feynman diagrams: five loops and beyond 2016 David J. Broadhurst
+ Tests of Conjectures on Multiple Watson Values 2015 David J. Broadhurst
+ Multiple Landen values and the tribonacci numbers 2015 David J. Broadhurst
+ Multiple Deligne values: a data mine with empirically tamed denominators 2014 David J. Broadhurst
+ Algebraic geometry informs perturbative quantum field theory 2014 David J. Broadhurst
Oliver Schnetz
+ Algebraic geometry informs perturbative quantum field theory 2014 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Multiple Zeta Values and Modular Forms in Quantum Field Theory 2013 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Feynman integrals inside Dirichlet's critical strip 2012 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Exponential suppression with four legs and an infinity of loops 2010 D.J. Broadhurst
A. I. Davydychev
+ Feynman's sunshine numbers 2010 David J. Broadhurst
+ Dickman polylogarithms and their constants 2010 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Experimental mathematics and mathematical physics 2010 David H. Bailey
Jonathan M. Borwein
D.J. Broadhurst
Wadim Zudilin
+ PDF Chat The Multiple Zeta Value data mine 2009 J. BlĂĽmlein
D.J. Broadhurst
J.A.M. Vermaseren
+ Experimental Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2009 David H. Bailey
Jonathan M. Borwein
David J. Broadhurst
Wadim Zudilin
+ Elliptic integral evaluation of a Bessel moment by contour integration of a lattice Green function 2008 David J. Broadhurst
+ Solutions by radicals at singular values k_N from new class invariants for N \equiv 3 mod 8 2008 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Where do the tedious products of ζ's come from? 2003 D.J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Bjorken unpolarized and polarized sum rules: comparative analysis of large-NF expansions 2002 D.J. Broadhurst
A. L. Kataev
+ PDF Chat Exact solutions of Dyson–Schwinger equations for iterated one-loop integrals and propagator-coupling duality 2001 D.J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Central Binomial Sums, Multiple Clausen Values, and Zeta Values 2001 Jonathan M. Borwein
D.J. Broadhurst
Joel Kamnitzer
+ PDF Chat Renormalons and multi-loop estimates in scalar correlators, Higgs decay and quark-mass sum rules 2001 D.J. Broadhurst
A. L. Kataev
C.J. Maxwell
+ Special values of multiple polylogarithms 2000 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
D.J. Broadhurst
Petr Lisoněk
+ Parallel integer relation detection: Techniques and applications 2000 David H. Bailey
D.J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Combinatoric explosion of renormalization tamed by Hopf algebra: 30-loop Padé-Borel resummation 2000 D.J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Four-loop Dyson–Schwinger–Johnson anatomy 1999 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Renormalization Automated by Hopf Algebra 1999 D.J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ Parallel Integer Relation Detection: Techniques and Applications 1999 David H. Bailey
D.J. Broadhurst
+ Massive 3-loop Feynman diagrams reducible to SC 1999 D.J. Broadhurst
+ A seventeenth-order polylogarithm ladder 1999 David H. Bailey
D.J. Broadhurst
+ Parallel Integer Relation Detection: Techniques and Applications 1999 David H. Bailey
D.J. Broadhurst
+ Special Values of Multiple Polylogarithms 1999 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
David J. Broadhurst
Petr Lisoněk
+ A dilogarithmic 3-dimensional ising tetrahedron 1999 D.J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Compact analytical form for non-zeta terms in critical exponents at order 1/N3 1998 D.J. Broadhurst
A. V. Kotikov
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Aspects of Multiple Zeta Values 1998 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
D.J. Broadhurst
Petr Lisoněk
+ PDF Chat Feynman diagrams as a weight system: four-loop test of a four-term relation 1998 D.J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ Polylogarithmic ladders, hypergeometric series and the ten millionth digits of $\zeta(3)$ and $\zeta(5)$ 1998 David J. Broadhurst
+ Determinations of rational Dedekind-zeta invariants of hyperbolic manifolds and Feynman knots and links 1998 Jonathan M. Borwein
David J. Broadhurst
+ Polylogarithmic ladders, hypergeometric series and the ten millionth digits of $ζ(3)$ and $ζ(5)$ 1998 David J. Broadhurst
+ Conjectured enumeration of Vassiliev invariants 1997 David J. Broadhurst
+ Beyond the triangle and uniqueness relations: non-zeta counterterms at large $N$ from positive knots 1997 D.J. Broadhurst
J. A. Gracey
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Association of multiple zeta values with positive knots via Feynman diagrams up to 9 loops 1997 D.J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ Conjectured enumeration of Vassiliev invariants 1997 David J. Broadhurst
+ Conjectured Enumeration of irreducible Multiple Zeta Values, from Knots and Feynman Diagrams 1996 David J. Broadhurst
+ On the enumeration of irreducible k-fold Euler sums and their roles in knot theory and field theory 1996 David J. Broadhurst
+ Beyond the triangle and uniqueness relations: non-zeta counterterms at large N from positive knots 1996 D.J. Broadhurst
J. A. Gracey
Dirk Kreimer
+ Evaluations of k-fold Euler/Zagier sums: a compendium of results for arbitrary k 1996 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Matching QCD and heavy-quark effective theory heavy-light currents at two loops and beyond 1995 D.J. Broadhurst
Andrey Grozin
+ PDF Chat Knots and Numbers in Ď•<sup>4</sup> Theory to 7 Loops and Beyond 1995 David J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Two-loop gluon-condensate contributions to heavy-quark current correlators: exact results and approximations 1994 D.J. Broadhurst
P.A. Baikov
V.A. Ilyin
J. Fleischer
O.V. Tarasov
Vladimir A. Smirnov
+ PDF Chat Analytical on-shell QED results: 3-loop vacuum polarization, 4-loop β-function and the muon anomaly 1993 D.J. Broadhurst
A. L. Kataev
O.V. Tarasov
+ PDF Chat Operator product expansion in static-quark effective field theory. Large perturbative correction 1992 D.J. Broadhurst
Andrey Grozin
+ PDF Chat Two-loop renormalization of the effective field theory of a static quark 1991 D.J. Broadhurst
Andrey Grozin
+ General bounds on form factors and propagators from analyticity and unitarity: Application to the nucleon renormalization constant 1977 Varouzhan Baluni
David J. Broadhurst
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Association of multiple zeta values with positive knots via Feynman diagrams up to 9 loops 1997 D.J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Knots and Numbers in Ď•<sup>4</sup> Theory to 7 Loops and Beyond 1995 David J. Broadhurst
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Massive 3-loop Feynman diagrams reducible to SC $^*$ primitives of algebras of the sixth root of unity 1999 D. J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Evaluations of $k$-fold Euler/Zagier sums: a compendium of results for arbitrary $k$ 1996 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
D. J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Elliptic integral evaluations of Bessel moments and applications 2008 David H. Bailey
Jonathan M. Borwein
David Broadhurst
M. L. Glasser
+ PDF Chat The Multiple Zeta Value data mine 2009 J. BlĂĽmlein
D.J. Broadhurst
J.A.M. Vermaseren
+ PDF Chat Analysis of PSLQ, an integer relation finding algorithm 1999 Helaman Ferguson
David A. Bailey
Steve Arno
+ Beyond the triangle and uniqueness relations: non-zeta counterterms at large $N$ from positive knots 1997 D.J. Broadhurst
J. A. Gracey
Dirk Kreimer
+ Polylogarithms and Associated Functions 1981 L. Lewin
+ PDF Chat Evaluation of Triple Euler Sums 1996 Jonathan M. Borwein
Roland Girgensohn
+ The Algebra of Multiple Harmonic Series 1997 Michael E. Hoffman
+ Parallel integer relation detection: Techniques and applications 2000 David H. Bailey
D.J. Broadhurst
+ Values of Zeta Functions and Their Applications 1994 Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Aspects of Multiple Zeta Values 1998 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
D.J. Broadhurst
Petr Lisoněk
+ Special values of multiple polylogarithms 2000 Jonathan M. Borwein
David M. Bradley
D.J. Broadhurst
Petr Lisoněk
+ On the enumeration of irreducible k-fold Euler sums and their roles in knot theory and field theory 1996 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Two-loop two-point functions with masses: asymptotic expansions and Taylor series, in any dimension 1993 D. J. Broadhurst
J. Fleischer
O.V. Tarasov
+ PDF Chat Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients 1982 A. K. Lenstra
H. W. Lenstra
László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Unknotting the polarized vacuum of quenched QED 1996 D. J. Broadhurst
R. Delbourgo
Dirk Kreimer
+ Algebraic geometry informs perturbative quantum field theory 2014 David J. Broadhurst
Oliver Schnetz
+ PDF Chat A Feynman integral via higher normal functions 2015 Spencer Bloch
Matt Kerr
Pierre Vanhove
+ PDF Chat Feynman integrals, L-series and Kloosterman moments 2016 D.J. Broadhurst
+ Quantum Groups 1994 Christian Kassel
+ PDF Chat Explicit evaluation of Euler sums 1995 David Borwein
Jonathan M. Borwein
Roland Girgensohn
+ PDF Chat Knots and divergences 1995 Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Multiple harmonic series 1992 Michael E. Hoffman
+ PDF Chat Habilitationsschrift: Renormalization and Knot Theory 1996 Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Dimensional renormalization: Ladders and rainbows 1996 R. Delbourgo
A. C. Kalloniatis
G.E. Thompson
+ High-precision calculation of the 4-loop contribution to the electron g -2 in QED 2017 S. Laporta
+ <i>Generalized Hypergeometric Functions</i> 1967 L. J. Slater
Werner C. Rheinboldt
+ PDF Chat Matching QCD and heavy-quark effective theory heavy-light currents at two loops and beyond 1995 D.J. Broadhurst
Andrey Grozin
+ PDF Chat On the Hopf algebra structure of perturbative quantum field theories 1998 Dirk Kreimer
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ Algebraic geometry informs perturbative quantum field theory 2014 D.J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Hopf Algebras, Renormalization and Noncommutative Geometry 1998 Alain Connes
Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Wrońskian factorizations and Broadhurst–Mellit determinant formulae 2018 Yajun Zhou
+ Structural Properties of Polylogarithms 1991 L. Lewin
+ Weight Systems from Feynman Diagrams 1998 Dirk Kreimer
+ Integrals of the Ising class 2006 David H. Bailey
Jonathan M. Borwein
Richard E. Crandall
+ PDF Chat The elliptic dilogarithm for the sunset graph 2014 Spencer Bloch
Pierre Vanhove
+ PDF Chat Renormalization and Knot Theory 1997 Dirk Kreimer
+ PDF Chat Some Algebraic and Arithmetic Properties of Feynman Diagrams 2019 Yajun Zhou
+ PDF Chat A K3 in Ď•4 2012 Francis Brown
Oliver Schnetz
+ Perturbative quantum field theory informs algebraic geometry 2016 D.J. Broadhurst
Anton Mellit
+ PDF Chat Dimensional renormalization in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>φ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>theory: Ladders and rainbows 1997 R. Delbourgo
David Elliott
D. S. McAnally
+ Conjectured Enumeration of irreducible Multiple Zeta Values, from Knots and Feynman Diagrams 1996 David J. Broadhurst
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Bogoliubov-Parasiuk theorem on renormalization 1966 K. Hepp
+ Triple Sums and the Riemann Zeta Function 1994 Clemens Markett
+ A Generalization of the Duality and Sum Formulas on the Multiple Zeta Values 1999 Yasuo Ohno
+ PDF Chat The four-loop β-function in quantum chromodynamics 1997 Timo van Ritbergen
J.A.M. Vermaseren
S.A. Larin